class OriTripletLoss(nn.Module):
"""Triplet loss with hard positive/negative mining.
Hermans et al. In Defense of the Triplet Loss for Person Re-Identification. arXiv:1703.07737.
Code imported from https://github.com/Cysu/open-reid/blob/master/reid/loss/triplet.py.
- margin (float): margin for triplet.
def __init__(self, batch_size, margin=0.3):
super(OriTripletLoss, self).__init__()
self.margin = margin
self.ranking_loss = nn.MarginRankingLoss(margin=margin) # 获得一个简单的距离triplet函数
def forward(self, inputs, targets):
- inputs: feature matrix with shape (batch_size, feat_dim)
- targets: ground truth labels with shape (num_classes)
n = inputs.size(0) #n即batch_size
# Compute pairwise distance, replace by the official when merged
dist = torch.pow(inputs, 2).sum(dim=1, keepdim=True).expand(n, n) # 每个数平方后, sum(保持行数n不变),再扩展成nxn维
dist = dist + dist.t() #dis[i][j]代表的是第i个特征与第j个特征的平方的和
dist.addmm_(1, -2, inputs, inputs.t()) # 然后减去2倍的 第i个特征*第j个特征 从而通过完全平方式得到 (a-b)^2
dist = dist.clamp(min=1e-12).sqrt() # for numerical stability #开方,clamp做简单数值处理(为了数值的稳定性):小于min参数的dist元素值由min值取代。
# For each anchor, find the hardest positive and negative
mask = targets.expand(n, n).eq(targets.expand(n, n).t()) #targets:样本对应的标签(ground truth labels with shape——num_classes)
# targets有n个类别,所以将它扩展成n*n的矩阵,判断该矩阵和转置矩阵对应元素之间是否相等
# 是否属于同一类别
dist_ap, dist_an = [], []
#先过滤掉和它不同类别的样本对应的距离,剩下的就是和它同一类别的positive,然后再在剩下的positive中找到距离值最大的,就是我们需要的hard positive
for i in range(n):
dist_an.append(dist[i][mask[i] == 0].min().unsqueeze(0))
# cat使用用于将所有的hard样本距离拼接起来
dist_ap = torch.cat(dist_ap)
dist_an = torch.cat(dist_an)
# Compute ranking hinge loss
y = torch.ones_like(dist_an)
loss = self.ranking_loss(dist_an, dist_ap, y)
# compute accuracy
correct = torch.ge(dist_an, dist_ap).sum().item()
return loss, correct
# Adaptive weights
def softmax_weights(dist, mask):
max_v = torch.max(dist * mask, dim=1, keepdim=True)[0]
diff = dist - max_v
Z = torch.sum(torch.exp(diff) * mask, dim=1, keepdim=True) + 1e-6 # avoid division by zero
W = torch.exp(diff) * mask / Z
return W
def normalize(x, axis=-1):
"""Normalizing to unit length along the specified dimension.
x: pytorch Variable
x: pytorch Variable, same shape as input
x = 1. * x / (torch.norm(x, 2, axis, keepdim=True).expand_as(x) + 1e-12)
return x
class TripletLoss_WRT(nn.Module):
"""Weighted Regularized Triplet'."""
def __init__(self):
super(TripletLoss_WRT, self).__init__()
self.ranking_loss = nn.SoftMarginLoss()
def forward(self, inputs, targets, normalize_feature=False):
if normalize_feature:
inputs = normalize(inputs, axis=-1)
dist_mat = pdist_torch(inputs, inputs)
N = dist_mat.size(0)
# shape [N, N]
is_pos = targets.expand(N, N).eq(targets.expand(N, N).t()).float()
is_neg = targets.expand(N, N).ne(targets.expand(N, N).t()).float()
# `dist_ap` means distance(anchor, positive)
# both `dist_ap` and `relative_p_inds` with shape [N, 1]
dist_ap = dist_mat * is_pos
dist_an = dist_mat * is_neg
weights_ap = softmax_weights(dist_ap, is_pos)
weights_an = softmax_weights(-dist_an, is_neg)
furthest_positive = torch.sum(dist_ap * weights_ap, dim=1)
closest_negative = torch.sum(dist_an * weights_an, dim=1)
y = furthest_positive.new().resize_as_(furthest_positive).fill_(1)
loss = self.ranking_loss(closest_negative - furthest_positive, y)
# compute accuracy
correct = torch.ge(closest_negative, furthest_positive).sum().item() #ge()逐元素比较
return loss, correct
def pdist_torch(emb1, emb2):
compute the eucilidean distance matrix between embeddings1 and embeddings2
using gpu
m, n = emb1.shape[0], emb2.shape[0]
emb1_pow = torch.pow(emb1, 2).sum(dim = 1, keepdim = True).expand(m, n)
emb2_pow = torch.pow(emb2, 2).sum(dim = 1, keepdim = True).expand(n, m).t()
dist_mtx = emb1_pow + emb2_pow
dist_mtx = dist_mtx.addmm_(1, -2, emb1, emb2.t())
# dist_mtx = dist_mtx.clamp(min = 1e-12)
dist_mtx = dist_mtx.clamp(min = 1e-12).sqrt()
return dist_mtx
def pdist_np(emb1, emb2):
compute the eucilidean distance matrix between embeddings1 and embeddings2
using cpu
m, n = emb1.shape[0], emb2.shape[0]
emb1_pow = np.square(emb1).sum(axis = 1)[..., np.newaxis]
emb2_pow = np.square(emb2).sum(axis = 1)[np.newaxis, ...]
dist_mtx = -2 * np.matmul(emb1, emb2.T) + emb1_pow + emb2_pow
# dist_mtx = np.sqrt(dist_mtx.clip(min = 1e-12))
return dist_mtx