ARS548 ARS548 RDI SDK(六)

Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:

Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]

Data Fields

Here is a list of all documented struct and union fields with links to the struct/union documentation for each field:

  • a -
    Active : Ars548FilterConfigEntry, Ars548FilterStatusEntry
    Aln_AzimuthCorrection : Ars548DetectionList
    Aln_ElevationCorrection : Ars548DetectionList
    Aln_Status : Ars548DetectionList

Raw Radar Data Structures
Data Structures
struct SomeIPHeader1stPart

struct SomeIPHeader2ndPart

struct E2eP07Header

struct Ars548Msg

struct SomeIPPackage

struct Ars548SensorStatusOlder

struct Ars548SensorStatus

struct Ars548FilterStatusEntry

struct Ars548FilterStatus

struct Ars548Detection

struct Ars548DetectionList

struct Ars548Object

struct Ars548ObjectList

struct Ars548SensorConfiguration

struct Ars548FilterConfigEntry

struct Ars548FilterConfiguration

Detailed Description
Struct definitions for ARS548 radar series communication protocol

Data Structure Documentation
◆ SomeIPHeader1stPart
struct SomeIPHeader1stPart
Data Fields
UINT16 service_id

UINT16 method_id

UINT32 length
The number of bytes after the header structure.

◆ SomeIPHeader2ndPart
struct SomeIPHeader2ndPart
Data Fields
UINT16 client_id

UINT16 session_id

BYTE protocol_version

BYTE interface_version

BYTE message_type

BYTE return_code

◆ E2eP07Header
struct E2eP07Header
Data Fields
Checksum (E2E Profile 7)

UINT32 Length
Len (E2E Profile 7)

SQC (E2E Profile 7)

Data ID (E2E Profile 7)

◆ Ars548Msg
struct Ars548Msg

◆ SomeIPPackage
struct SomeIPPackage
Data Fields
SomeIPHeader1stPart header_part1

SomeIPHeader2ndPart header_part2

E2eP07Header headerE2E

Ars548Msg * pPayload

◆ Ars548SensorStatusOlder
struct Ars548SensorStatusOlder

Data Fields
FLOAT32 Longitudinal
Longitudinal sensor position (AUTOSAR)

FLOAT32 Lateral
Lateral sensor position (AUTOSAR)

FLOAT32 Vertical
Vertical sensor position (AUTOSAR)

Sensor yaw angle (AUTOSAR)

FLOAT32 Pitch
Sensor pitch angle (AUTOSAR)

UINT8 PlugOrientation
Orientation of plug.

FLOAT32 Length
Vehicle length.

FLOAT32 Width
Vehicle width.

FLOAT32 Height
Vehicle height.

FLOAT32 Wheelbase
Vehicle wheelbase.

UINT16 MaximumDistance
Maximum detection distance.

UINT8 FrequencySlot
Center frequency.

UINT8 CycleTime
Cycle time.

UINT8 TimeSlot
Cycle offset.

Country code.

UINT8 Powersave_Standstill
Power saving in standstill.

UINT32 SensorIPAddress_0
Sensor IP address.

UINT32 SensorIPAddress_1

UINT8 Configuration_counter
Counter that counts up if new configuration has been received and accepted.

UINT8 Status_LongitudinalVelocity
Signals if current VDY is OK or timed out.

UINT8 Status_LongitudinalAcceleration
Signals if current VDY is OK or timed out.

UINT8 Status_LateralAcceleration
Signals if current VDY is OK or timed out.

UINT8 Status_YawRate
Signals if current VDY is OK or timed out.

UINT8 Status_SteeringAngle
Signals if current VDY is OK or timed out.

UINT8 Status_DrivingDirection
Signals if current VDY is OK or timed out.

UINT8 Status_CharacteristicSpeed
Signals if current VDY is OK or timed out.

UINT8 Status_Radar
Signals if Radar Status is OK.

◆ Ars548SensorStatus
struct Ars548SensorStatus

Data Fields
UINT32 Timestamp_Nanoseconds
Timestamp Nanoseconds.

UINT32 Timestamp_Seconds
Timestamp Seconds.

UINT8 Timestamp_SyncStatus
Timestamp Sync Status.

UINT8 SWVersion_Major
Software version (major)

UINT8 SWVersion_Minor
Software version (minor)

UINT8 SWVersion_Patch
Software version (patch)

FLOAT32 Longitudinal
Longitudinal sensor position (AUTOSAR)

FLOAT32 Lateral
Lateral sensor position (AUTOSAR)

FLOAT32 Vertical
Vertical sensor position (AUTOSAR)

Sensor yaw angle (AUTOSAR)

FLOAT32 Pitch
Sensor pitch angle (AUTOSAR)

UINT8 PlugOrientation
Orientation of plug.

FLOAT32 Length
Vehicle length.

FLOAT32 Width
Vehicle width.

FLOAT32 Height
Vehicle height.

FLOAT32 Wheelbase
Vehicle wheelbase.

UINT16 MaximumDistance
Maximum detection distance.

UINT8 FrequencySlot
Center frequency.

UINT8 CycleTime
Cycle time.

UINT8 TimeSlot
Cycle offset.

Country code.

UINT8 Powersave_Standstill
Power saving in standstill.

UINT32 SensorIPAddress_0
Sensor IP address.

UINT32 SensorIPAddress_1

UINT8 Configuration_counter
Counter that counts up if new configuration has been received and accepted.

UINT8 Status_LongitudinalVelocity
Signals if current VDY is OK or timed out.

UINT8 Status_LongitudinalAcceleration
Signals if current VDY is OK or timed out.

UINT8 Status_LateralAcceleration
Signals if current VDY is OK or timed out.

UINT8 Status_YawRate
Signals if current VDY is OK or timed out.

UINT8 Status_SteeringAngle
Signals if current VDY is OK or timed out.

UINT8 Status_DrivingDirection
Signals if current VDY is OK or timed out.

UINT8 Status_CharacteristicSpeed
Signals if current VDY is OK or timed out.

UINT8 Status_Radar
Signals if Radar Status is OK.

UINT8 Status_VoltageStatus
Bitfield to report under- and overvoltage errors.

UINT8 Status_TemperatureStatus
Bitfield to report under- and overtemperature errors.

UINT8 Status_BlockageStatus
Current blockage state and blockage self test state};.

◆ Ars548FilterStatusEntry
struct Ars548FilterStatusEntry
Data Fields
UINT8 Active
Flag to activate/deactivate filter.

UINT8 FilterID
Filter data index.

FLOAT32 MinimumValue
Minimum data value to pass the filter.

FLOAT32 MaximumValue
Maximum data value to pass the filter.

◆ Ars548FilterStatus
struct Ars548FilterStatus

Data Fields
UINT32 Timestamp_Nanoseconds
Timestamp Nanoseconds.

UINT32 Timestamp_Seconds
Timestamp Seconds.

UINT8 Timestamp_SyncStatus
Timestamp Sync Status.

UINT8 FilterConfigurationCounter
Counter that counts up if new filter configuration has been received and accepted.

UINT8 DetectionSortIndex
Detection list sorting index.

UINT8 ObjectSortIndex
Object list sorting index.

Ars548FilterStatusEntry DetectionFilter [7]
Detection filter entries (index 1 to 7)

Ars548FilterStatusEntry ObjectFilter [24]
Object filter entries (index 1 to 24)

◆ Ars548Detection
struct Ars548Detection
Data Fields
FLOAT32 f_AzimuthAngle
Detection Azimuth Angle.

FLOAT32 f_AzimuthAngleSTD
Azimuth Angle Std.

UINT8 u_InvalidFlags
Detection Invalid Flags.

FLOAT32 f_ElevationAngle
Detection Elevation Angle.

FLOAT32 f_ElevationAngleSTD
Elevation Angle Std.

FLOAT32 f_Range
Detection Radial Distance.

FLOAT32 f_RangeSTD
Radial Distance Std.

FLOAT32 f_RangeRate
Detection Radial Velocity.

FLOAT32 f_RangeRateSTD
Radial Velocity Std.

Detecion RCS.

UINT16 u_MeasurementID
Detection ID.

UINT8 u_PositivePredictiveValue
Existence Probability.

UINT8 u_Classification
Detection Classification.

UINT8 u_MultiTargetProbability
Multi-Target Probability.

UINT16 u_ObjectID
Associated Object.

UINT8 u_AmbiguityFlag

UINT16 u_SortIndex

◆ Ars548DetectionList
struct Ars548DetectionList

Data Fields
Checksum (E2E Profile 7)

UINT32 Length
Len (E2E Profile 7)

SQC (E2E Profile 7)

Data ID (E2E Profile 7)

UINT32 Timestamp_Nanoseconds
Timestamp Nanoseconds.

UINT32 Timestamp_Seconds
Timestamp Seconds.

UINT8 Timestamp_SyncStatus
Timestamp Sync Status.

UINT32 EventDataQualifier
Event Data Qualifier.

UINT8 ExtendedQualifier
Extended Qualifier.

UINT16 Origin_InvalidFlags
Sensor Position Invalid flags.

FLOAT32 Origin_Xpos
Sensor X Position.

FLOAT32 Origin_Xstd
Sensor X Position STD.

FLOAT32 Origin_Ypos
Sensor Y Position.

FLOAT32 Origin_Ystd
Sensor Y Position STD.

FLOAT32 Origin_Zpos
Sensor Z Position.

FLOAT32 Origin_Zstd
Sensor Z Position STD.

FLOAT32 Origin_Roll
Sensor Roll Angle.

FLOAT32 Origin_Rollstd
Sensor Roll Angle STD.

FLOAT32 Origin_Pitch
Sensor Pitch Angle.

FLOAT32 Origin_Pitchstd
Sensor Pitch Angle STD.

FLOAT32 Origin_Yaw
Sensor Yaw Angle.

FLOAT32 Origin_Yawstd
Sensor Yaw Angle STD.

UINT8 List_InvalidFlags
Invalid flags.

Ars548Detection Detections [800]

FLOAT32 List_RadVelDomain_Min
Radial Velocity Domain Min.

FLOAT32 List_RadVelDomain_Max
Radial Velocity Domain Max.

UINT32 List_NumOfDetections
Number of Detections.

FLOAT32 Aln_AzimuthCorrection
Azimuth Correction.

FLOAT32 Aln_ElevationCorrection
Elevation Correction.

UINT8 Aln_Status
Status of alignment.

◆ Ars548Object
struct Ars548Object
Data Fields
UINT16 u_StatusSensor

ID of object.

UINT16 u_Age
Age of object.

UINT8 u_StatusMeasurement
Object Status.

UINT8 u_StatusMovement
Object Movement Status.

UINT16 u_Position_InvalidFlags

UINT8 u_Position_Reference
Reference point position.

FLOAT32 f_Position_X
X Position.

FLOAT32 f_Position_X_STD
X Position Std.

FLOAT32 f_Position_Y
Y Position.

FLOAT32 f_Position_Y_STD
Y Position Std.

FLOAT32 f_Position_Z
Z Position.

FLOAT32 f_Position_Z_STD
Z Position Std.

FLOAT32 f_Position_CovarianceXY
Covariance X Y.

FLOAT32 f_Position_Orientation
Object Orientation.

FLOAT32 f_Position_Orientation_STD
Orientation Std.

UINT8 u_Existence_InvalidFlags

FLOAT32 f_Existence_Probability
Probability of Existence.


UINT8 u_Classification_Car
Car Classification.

UINT8 u_Classification_Truck
Truck Classification.

UINT8 u_Classification_Motorcycle
Motorcycle Classification.

UINT8 u_Classification_Bicycle
Bicycle Classification.

UINT8 u_Classification_Pedestrian
Pedestrian Classification.

UINT8 u_Classification_Animal
Animal Classification.

UINT8 u_Classification_Hazard
Hazard Classification.

UINT8 u_Classification_Unknown
Unknown Classification.

UINT8 u_Classification_Overdrivable
Overdrivable Classification.

UINT8 u_Classification_Underdrivable
Underdrivable Classification.

UINT8 u_Dynamics_AbsVel_InvalidFlags
Invalid Flags AbsVel.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_AbsVel_X
X Abs Vel.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_AbsVel_X_STD
X Abs Vel Std.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_AbsVel_Y
Y Abs Vel.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_AbsVel_Y_STD
Y Abs Vel Std.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_AbsVel_CovarianceXY
Covariance Abs Vel X Y.

UINT8 u_Dynamics_RelVel_InvalidFlags
Invalid Flags RelVel.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_RelVel_X
X Rel Vel.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_RelVel_X_STD
X Rel Vel Std.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_RelVel_Y
Y Rel Vel.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_RelVel_Y_STD
Y Rel Vel Std.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_RelVel_CovarianceXY
Covariance Rel Vel X Y.

UINT8 u_Dynamics_AbsAccel_InvalidFlags
Invalid Flags AbsAccel.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_AbsAccel_X
X Abs Accel.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_AbsAccel_X_STD
X Abs Accel Std.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_AbsAccel_Y
Y Abs Accel.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_AbsAccel_Y_STD
Y Abs Accel Std.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_AbsAccel_CovarianceXY
Covariance Abs Accel X Y.

UINT8 u_Dynamics_RelAccel_InvalidFlags
Invalid Flags RelAccel.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_RelAccel_X
X Rel Accel.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_RelAccel_X_STD
X Rel Accel Std.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_RelAccel_Y
Y Rel Accel.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_RelAccel_Y_STD
Y Rel Accel Std.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_RelAccel_CovarianceXY
Covariance Rel Accel X Y.

UINT8 u_Dynamics_Orientation_InvalidFlags
Invalid Flags Orientation.

FLOAT32 u_Dynamics_Orientation_Rate_Mean
Object Orientation Rate.

FLOAT32 u_Dynamics_Orientation_Rate_STD
Orientation Rate Std.

UINT32 u_Shape_Length_Status
Shape Length Status.

UINT8 u_Shape_Length_Edge_InvalidFlags
Invalid Flags Shape Length.

FLOAT32 u_Shape_Length_Edge_Mean
Mean Shape Length.

FLOAT32 u_Shape_Length_Edge_STD
Shape Length Std.

UINT32 u_Shape_Width_Status
Shape Width Status.

UINT8 u_Shape_Width_Edge_InvalidFlags
Invalid Flags Shape Width.

FLOAT32 u_Shape_Width_Edge_Mean
Mean Shape Width.

FLOAT32 u_Shape_Width_Edge_STD
Shape Width Std.

◆ Ars548ObjectList
struct Ars548ObjectList

Data Fields
Checksum (E2E Profile 7)

UINT32 Length
Len (E2E Profile 7)

SQC (E2E Profile 7)

Data ID (E2E Profile 7)

UINT32 Timestamp_Nanoseconds
Timestamp Nanoseconds.

UINT32 Timestamp_Seconds
Timestamp Seconds.

UINT8 Timestamp_SyncStatus
Timestamp Sync Status.

UINT32 EventDataQualifier
Event Data Qualifier.

UINT8 ExtendedQualifier
Extended Qualifier.

UINT8 ObjectList_NumOfObjects
Number of Objects.

Ars548Object Objects [50]

◆ Ars548SensorConfiguration
struct Ars548SensorConfiguration

Data Fields
FLOAT32 Longitudinal
Longitudinal sensor position (AUTOSAR)

FLOAT32 Lateral
Lateral sensor position (AUTOSAR)

FLOAT32 Vertical
Vertical sensor position (AUTOSAR)

Sensor yaw angle (AUTOSAR)

FLOAT32 Pitch
Sensor pitch angle (AUTOSAR)

UINT8 PlugOrientation
Orientation of plug.

FLOAT32 Length
Vehicle length.

FLOAT32 Width
Vehicle width.

FLOAT32 Height
Vehicle height.

FLOAT32 Wheelbase
Vehicle wheelbase.

UINT16 MaximumDistance
Maximum detection distance.

UINT8 FrequencySlot
Center frequency (if MaximumDistance < 190 m only Mid can be selected)

UINT8 CycleTime
Cycle time.

UINT8 TimeSlot
Cycle offset.

Country code.

UINT8 Powersave_Standstill
Power saving in standstill.

UINT32 SensorIPAddress_0
Sensor IP address.

UINT32 SensorIPAddress_1

UINT8 NewSensorMounting
Flag if new sensor mounting position shall be configured.

UINT8 NewVehicleParameters
Flag if new vehicle parameters position shall be configured.

UINT8 NewRadarParameters
Flag if new radar parameter shall be configured.

UINT8 NewNetworkConfiguration
Flag if new IP address shall be configured.

◆ Ars548FilterConfigEntry
struct Ars548FilterConfigEntry
Data Fields
UINT8 Active
Flag to activate/deactivate filter (0=Inactive; 1=Active)

UINT8 FilterID
Filter data index (1-7 for Detection filters; 1-24 for Object filters)

UINT8 FilterType
Filter type (1=Detections; 2=Objects)

FLOAT32 MinimumValue
Minimum data value to pass the filter.

FLOAT32 MaximumValue
Maximum data value to pass the filter.

◆ Ars548FilterConfiguration
struct Ars548FilterConfiguration

Data Fields
UINT8 DetectionSortIndex
Detection list sorting index (0=None; 1=Range; 2=RCS)

UINT8 ObjectSortIndex
Object list sorting index (0=None; 1=Range; 2=RCS)

UINT8 FilterReset
Reset all filters (0=Ignore; 1=Reset)

UINT8 NumberOfFilters
Number of filters to follow.

Ars548FilterConfigEntry Filter [7+24]

Here is a list of all documented struct and union fields with links to the struct/union documentation for each field:
- c -
Configuration_counter : Ars548SensorStatus, Ars548SensorStatusOlder
CRC : Ars548DetectionList, Ars548ObjectList, E2eP07Header
CycleTime : Ars548SensorConfiguration, Ars548SensorStatus, Ars548SensorStatusOlder

Raw Radar Data Structures
Data Structures
struct SomeIPHeader1stPart

struct SomeIPHeader2ndPart

struct E2eP07Header

struct Ars548Msg

struct SomeIPPackage

struct Ars548SensorStatusOlder

struct Ars548SensorStatus

struct Ars548FilterStatusEntry

struct Ars548FilterStatus

struct Ars548Detection

struct Ars548DetectionList

struct Ars548Object

struct Ars548ObjectList

struct Ars548SensorConfiguration

struct Ars548FilterConfigEntry

struct Ars548FilterConfiguration

Detailed Description
Struct definitions for ARS548 radar series communication protocol

Data Structure Documentation
◆ SomeIPHeader1stPart
struct SomeIPHeader1stPart
Data Fields
UINT16 service_id

UINT16 method_id

UINT32 length
The number of bytes after the header structure.

◆ SomeIPHeader2ndPart
struct SomeIPHeader2ndPart
Data Fields
UINT16 client_id

UINT16 session_id

BYTE protocol_version

BYTE interface_version

BYTE message_type

BYTE return_code

◆ E2eP07Header
struct E2eP07Header
Data Fields
Checksum (E2E Profile 7)

UINT32 Length
Len (E2E Profile 7)

SQC (E2E Profile 7)

Data ID (E2E Profile 7)

◆ Ars548Msg
struct Ars548Msg

◆ SomeIPPackage
struct SomeIPPackage
Data Fields
SomeIPHeader1stPart header_part1

SomeIPHeader2ndPart header_part2

E2eP07Header headerE2E

Ars548Msg * pPayload

◆ Ars548SensorStatusOlder
struct Ars548SensorStatusOlder

Data Fields
FLOAT32 Longitudinal
Longitudinal sensor position (AUTOSAR)

FLOAT32 Lateral
Lateral sensor position (AUTOSAR)

FLOAT32 Vertical
Vertical sensor position (AUTOSAR)

Sensor yaw angle (AUTOSAR)

FLOAT32 Pitch
Sensor pitch angle (AUTOSAR)

UINT8 PlugOrientation
Orientation of plug.

FLOAT32 Length
Vehicle length.

FLOAT32 Width
Vehicle width.

FLOAT32 Height
Vehicle height.

FLOAT32 Wheelbase
Vehicle wheelbase.

UINT16 MaximumDistance
Maximum detection distance.

UINT8 FrequencySlot
Center frequency.

UINT8 CycleTime
Cycle time.

UINT8 TimeSlot
Cycle offset.

Country code.

UINT8 Powersave_Standstill
Power saving in standstill.

UINT32 SensorIPAddress_0
Sensor IP address.

UINT32 SensorIPAddress_1

UINT8 Configuration_counter
Counter that counts up if new configuration has been received and accepted.

UINT8 Status_LongitudinalVelocity
Signals if current VDY is OK or timed out.

UINT8 Status_LongitudinalAcceleration
Signals if current VDY is OK or timed out.

UINT8 Status_LateralAcceleration
Signals if current VDY is OK or timed out.

UINT8 Status_YawRate
Signals if current VDY is OK or timed out.

UINT8 Status_SteeringAngle
Signals if current VDY is OK or timed out.

UINT8 Status_DrivingDirection
Signals if current VDY is OK or timed out.

UINT8 Status_CharacteristicSpeed
Signals if current VDY is OK or timed out.

UINT8 Status_Radar
Signals if Radar Status is OK.

◆ Ars548SensorStatus
struct Ars548SensorStatus

Data Fields
UINT32 Timestamp_Nanoseconds
Timestamp Nanoseconds.

UINT32 Timestamp_Seconds
Timestamp Seconds.

UINT8 Timestamp_SyncStatus
Timestamp Sync Status.

UINT8 SWVersion_Major
Software version (major)

UINT8 SWVersion_Minor
Software version (minor)

UINT8 SWVersion_Patch
Software version (patch)

FLOAT32 Longitudinal
Longitudinal sensor position (AUTOSAR)

FLOAT32 Lateral
Lateral sensor position (AUTOSAR)

FLOAT32 Vertical
Vertical sensor position (AUTOSAR)

Sensor yaw angle (AUTOSAR)

FLOAT32 Pitch
Sensor pitch angle (AUTOSAR)

UINT8 PlugOrientation
Orientation of plug.

FLOAT32 Length
Vehicle length.

FLOAT32 Width
Vehicle width.

FLOAT32 Height
Vehicle height.

FLOAT32 Wheelbase
Vehicle wheelbase.

UINT16 MaximumDistance
Maximum detection distance.

UINT8 FrequencySlot
Center frequency.

UINT8 CycleTime
Cycle time.

UINT8 TimeSlot
Cycle offset.

Country code.

UINT8 Powersave_Standstill
Power saving in standstill.

UINT32 SensorIPAddress_0
Sensor IP address.

UINT32 SensorIPAddress_1

UINT8 Configuration_counter
Counter that counts up if new configuration has been received and accepted.

UINT8 Status_LongitudinalVelocity
Signals if current VDY is OK or timed out.

UINT8 Status_LongitudinalAcceleration
Signals if current VDY is OK or timed out.

UINT8 Status_LateralAcceleration
Signals if current VDY is OK or timed out.

UINT8 Status_YawRate
Signals if current VDY is OK or timed out.

UINT8 Status_SteeringAngle
Signals if current VDY is OK or timed out.

UINT8 Status_DrivingDirection
Signals if current VDY is OK or timed out.

UINT8 Status_CharacteristicSpeed
Signals if current VDY is OK or timed out.

UINT8 Status_Radar
Signals if Radar Status is OK.

UINT8 Status_VoltageStatus
Bitfield to report under- and overvoltage errors.

UINT8 Status_TemperatureStatus
Bitfield to report under- and overtemperature errors.

UINT8 Status_BlockageStatus
Current blockage state and blockage self test state};.

◆ Ars548FilterStatusEntry
struct Ars548FilterStatusEntry
Data Fields
UINT8 Active
Flag to activate/deactivate filter.

UINT8 FilterID
Filter data index.

FLOAT32 MinimumValue
Minimum data value to pass the filter.

FLOAT32 MaximumValue
Maximum data value to pass the filter.

◆ Ars548FilterStatus
struct Ars548FilterStatus

Data Fields
UINT32 Timestamp_Nanoseconds
Timestamp Nanoseconds.

UINT32 Timestamp_Seconds
Timestamp Seconds.

UINT8 Timestamp_SyncStatus
Timestamp Sync Status.

UINT8 FilterConfigurationCounter
Counter that counts up if new filter configuration has been received and accepted.

UINT8 DetectionSortIndex
Detection list sorting index.

UINT8 ObjectSortIndex
Object list sorting index.

Ars548FilterStatusEntry DetectionFilter [7]
Detection filter entries (index 1 to 7)

Ars548FilterStatusEntry ObjectFilter [24]
Object filter entries (index 1 to 24)

◆ Ars548Detection
struct Ars548Detection
Data Fields
FLOAT32 f_AzimuthAngle
Detection Azimuth Angle.

FLOAT32 f_AzimuthAngleSTD
Azimuth Angle Std.

UINT8 u_InvalidFlags
Detection Invalid Flags.

FLOAT32 f_ElevationAngle
Detection Elevation Angle.

FLOAT32 f_ElevationAngleSTD
Elevation Angle Std.

FLOAT32 f_Range
Detection Radial Distance.

FLOAT32 f_RangeSTD
Radial Distance Std.

FLOAT32 f_RangeRate
Detection Radial Velocity.

FLOAT32 f_RangeRateSTD
Radial Velocity Std.

Detecion RCS.

UINT16 u_MeasurementID
Detection ID.

UINT8 u_PositivePredictiveValue
Existence Probability.

UINT8 u_Classification
Detection Classification.

UINT8 u_MultiTargetProbability
Multi-Target Probability.

UINT16 u_ObjectID
Associated Object.

UINT8 u_AmbiguityFlag

UINT16 u_SortIndex

◆ Ars548DetectionList
struct Ars548DetectionList

Data Fields
Checksum (E2E Profile 7)

UINT32 Length
Len (E2E Profile 7)

SQC (E2E Profile 7)

Data ID (E2E Profile 7)

UINT32 Timestamp_Nanoseconds
Timestamp Nanoseconds.

UINT32 Timestamp_Seconds
Timestamp Seconds.

UINT8 Timestamp_SyncStatus
Timestamp Sync Status.

UINT32 EventDataQualifier
Event Data Qualifier.

UINT8 ExtendedQualifier
Extended Qualifier.

UINT16 Origin_InvalidFlags
Sensor Position Invalid flags.

FLOAT32 Origin_Xpos
Sensor X Position.

FLOAT32 Origin_Xstd
Sensor X Position STD.

FLOAT32 Origin_Ypos
Sensor Y Position.

FLOAT32 Origin_Ystd
Sensor Y Position STD.

FLOAT32 Origin_Zpos
Sensor Z Position.

FLOAT32 Origin_Zstd
Sensor Z Position STD.

FLOAT32 Origin_Roll
Sensor Roll Angle.

FLOAT32 Origin_Rollstd
Sensor Roll Angle STD.

FLOAT32 Origin_Pitch
Sensor Pitch Angle.

FLOAT32 Origin_Pitchstd
Sensor Pitch Angle STD.

FLOAT32 Origin_Yaw
Sensor Yaw Angle.

FLOAT32 Origin_Yawstd
Sensor Yaw Angle STD.

UINT8 List_InvalidFlags
Invalid flags.

Ars548Detection Detections [800]

FLOAT32 List_RadVelDomain_Min
Radial Velocity Domain Min.

FLOAT32 List_RadVelDomain_Max
Radial Velocity Domain Max.

UINT32 List_NumOfDetections
Number of Detections.

FLOAT32 Aln_AzimuthCorrection
Azimuth Correction.

FLOAT32 Aln_ElevationCorrection
Elevation Correction.

UINT8 Aln_Status
Status of alignment.

◆ Ars548Object
struct Ars548Object
Data Fields
UINT16 u_StatusSensor

ID of object.

UINT16 u_Age
Age of object.

UINT8 u_StatusMeasurement
Object Status.

UINT8 u_StatusMovement
Object Movement Status.

UINT16 u_Position_InvalidFlags

UINT8 u_Position_Reference
Reference point position.

FLOAT32 f_Position_X
X Position.

FLOAT32 f_Position_X_STD
X Position Std.

FLOAT32 f_Position_Y
Y Position.

FLOAT32 f_Position_Y_STD
Y Position Std.

FLOAT32 f_Position_Z
Z Position.

FLOAT32 f_Position_Z_STD
Z Position Std.

FLOAT32 f_Position_CovarianceXY
Covariance X Y.

FLOAT32 f_Position_Orientation
Object Orientation.

FLOAT32 f_Position_Orientation_STD
Orientation Std.

UINT8 u_Existence_InvalidFlags

FLOAT32 f_Existence_Probability
Probability of Existence.


UINT8 u_Classification_Car
Car Classification.

UINT8 u_Classification_Truck
Truck Classification.

UINT8 u_Classification_Motorcycle
Motorcycle Classification.

UINT8 u_Classification_Bicycle
Bicycle Classification.

UINT8 u_Classification_Pedestrian
Pedestrian Classification.

UINT8 u_Classification_Animal
Animal Classification.

UINT8 u_Classification_Hazard
Hazard Classification.

UINT8 u_Classification_Unknown
Unknown Classification.

UINT8 u_Classification_Overdrivable
Overdrivable Classification.

UINT8 u_Classification_Underdrivable
Underdrivable Classification.

UINT8 u_Dynamics_AbsVel_InvalidFlags
Invalid Flags AbsVel.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_AbsVel_X
X Abs Vel.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_AbsVel_X_STD
X Abs Vel Std.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_AbsVel_Y
Y Abs Vel.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_AbsVel_Y_STD
Y Abs Vel Std.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_AbsVel_CovarianceXY
Covariance Abs Vel X Y.

UINT8 u_Dynamics_RelVel_InvalidFlags
Invalid Flags RelVel.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_RelVel_X
X Rel Vel.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_RelVel_X_STD
X Rel Vel Std.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_RelVel_Y
Y Rel Vel.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_RelVel_Y_STD
Y Rel Vel Std.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_RelVel_CovarianceXY
Covariance Rel Vel X Y.

UINT8 u_Dynamics_AbsAccel_InvalidFlags
Invalid Flags AbsAccel.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_AbsAccel_X
X Abs Accel.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_AbsAccel_X_STD
X Abs Accel Std.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_AbsAccel_Y
Y Abs Accel.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_AbsAccel_Y_STD
Y Abs Accel Std.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_AbsAccel_CovarianceXY
Covariance Abs Accel X Y.

UINT8 u_Dynamics_RelAccel_InvalidFlags
Invalid Flags RelAccel.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_RelAccel_X
X Rel Accel.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_RelAccel_X_STD
X Rel Accel Std.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_RelAccel_Y
Y Rel Accel.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_RelAccel_Y_STD
Y Rel Accel Std.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_RelAccel_CovarianceXY
Covariance Rel Accel X Y.

UINT8 u_Dynamics_Orientation_InvalidFlags
Invalid Flags Orientation.

FLOAT32 u_Dynamics_Orientation_Rate_Mean
Object Orientation Rate.

FLOAT32 u_Dynamics_Orientation_Rate_STD
Orientation Rate Std.

UINT32 u_Shape_Length_Status
Shape Length Status.

UINT8 u_Shape_Length_Edge_InvalidFlags
Invalid Flags Shape Length.

FLOAT32 u_Shape_Length_Edge_Mean
Mean Shape Length.

FLOAT32 u_Shape_Length_Edge_STD
Shape Length Std.

UINT32 u_Shape_Width_Status
Shape Width Status.

UINT8 u_Shape_Width_Edge_InvalidFlags
Invalid Flags Shape Width.

FLOAT32 u_Shape_Width_Edge_Mean
Mean Shape Width.

FLOAT32 u_Shape_Width_Edge_STD
Shape Width Std.

◆ Ars548ObjectList
struct Ars548ObjectList

Data Fields
Checksum (E2E Profile 7)

UINT32 Length
Len (E2E Profile 7)

SQC (E2E Profile 7)

Data ID (E2E Profile 7)

UINT32 Timestamp_Nanoseconds
Timestamp Nanoseconds.

UINT32 Timestamp_Seconds
Timestamp Seconds.

UINT8 Timestamp_SyncStatus
Timestamp Sync Status.

UINT32 EventDataQualifier
Event Data Qualifier.

UINT8 ExtendedQualifier
Extended Qualifier.

UINT8 ObjectList_NumOfObjects
Number of Objects.

Ars548Object Objects [50]

◆ Ars548SensorConfiguration
struct Ars548SensorConfiguration

Data Fields
FLOAT32 Longitudinal
Longitudinal sensor position (AUTOSAR)

FLOAT32 Lateral
Lateral sensor position (AUTOSAR)

FLOAT32 Vertical
Vertical sensor position (AUTOSAR)

Sensor yaw angle (AUTOSAR)

FLOAT32 Pitch
Sensor pitch angle (AUTOSAR)

UINT8 PlugOrientation
Orientation of plug.

FLOAT32 Length
Vehicle length.

FLOAT32 Width
Vehicle width.

FLOAT32 Height
Vehicle height.

FLOAT32 Wheelbase
Vehicle wheelbase.

UINT16 MaximumDistance
Maximum detection distance.

UINT8 FrequencySlot
Center frequency (if MaximumDistance < 190 m only Mid can be selected)

UINT8 CycleTime
Cycle time.

UINT8 TimeSlot
Cycle offset.

Country code.

UINT8 Powersave_Standstill
Power saving in standstill.

UINT32 SensorIPAddress_0
Sensor IP address.

UINT32 SensorIPAddress_1

UINT8 NewSensorMounting
Flag if new sensor mounting position shall be configured.

UINT8 NewVehicleParameters
Flag if new vehicle parameters position shall be configured.

UINT8 NewRadarParameters
Flag if new radar parameter shall be configured.

UINT8 NewNetworkConfiguration
Flag if new IP address shall be configured.

◆ Ars548FilterConfigEntry
struct Ars548FilterConfigEntry
Data Fields
UINT8 Active
Flag to activate/deactivate filter (0=Inactive; 1=Active)

UINT8 FilterID
Filter data index (1-7 for Detection filters; 1-24 for Object filters)

UINT8 FilterType
Filter type (1=Detections; 2=Objects)

FLOAT32 MinimumValue
Minimum data value to pass the filter.

FLOAT32 MaximumValue
Maximum data value to pass the filter.

◆ Ars548FilterConfiguration
struct Ars548FilterConfiguration

Data Fields
UINT8 DetectionSortIndex
Detection list sorting index (0=None; 1=Range; 2=RCS)

UINT8 ObjectSortIndex
Object list sorting index (0=None; 1=Range; 2=RCS)

UINT8 FilterReset
Reset all filters (0=Ignore; 1=Reset)

UINT8 NumberOfFilters
Number of filters to follow.

Ars548FilterConfigEntry Filter [7+24]

Here is a list of all documented struct and union fields with links to the struct/union documentation for each field:
- d -
DataID : Ars548DetectionList, Ars548ObjectList, E2eP07Header
Degrees : Target
DetectionFilter : Ars548FilterStatus
DetectionSortIndex : Ars548FilterConfiguration, Ars548FilterStatus
Distance : Target

Raw Radar Data Structures
Data Structures
struct SomeIPHeader1stPart

struct SomeIPHeader2ndPart

struct E2eP07Header

struct Ars548Msg

struct SomeIPPackage

struct Ars548SensorStatusOlder

struct Ars548SensorStatus

struct Ars548FilterStatusEntry

struct Ars548FilterStatus

struct Ars548Detection

struct Ars548DetectionList

struct Ars548Object

struct Ars548ObjectList

struct Ars548SensorConfiguration

struct Ars548FilterConfigEntry

struct Ars548FilterConfiguration

Detailed Description
Struct definitions for ARS548 radar series communication protocol

Data Structure Documentation
◆ SomeIPHeader1stPart
struct SomeIPHeader1stPart
Data Fields
UINT16 service_id

UINT16 method_id

UINT32 length
The number of bytes after the header structure.

◆ SomeIPHeader2ndPart
struct SomeIPHeader2ndPart
Data Fields
UINT16 client_id

UINT16 session_id

BYTE protocol_version

BYTE interface_version

BYTE message_type

BYTE return_code

◆ E2eP07Header
struct E2eP07Header
Data Fields
Checksum (E2E Profile 7)

UINT32 Length
Len (E2E Profile 7)

SQC (E2E Profile 7)

Data ID (E2E Profile 7)

◆ Ars548Msg
struct Ars548Msg

◆ SomeIPPackage
struct SomeIPPackage
Data Fields
SomeIPHeader1stPart header_part1

SomeIPHeader2ndPart header_part2

E2eP07Header headerE2E

Ars548Msg * pPayload

◆ Ars548SensorStatusOlder
struct Ars548SensorStatusOlder

Data Fields
FLOAT32 Longitudinal
Longitudinal sensor position (AUTOSAR)

FLOAT32 Lateral
Lateral sensor position (AUTOSAR)

FLOAT32 Vertical
Vertical sensor position (AUTOSAR)

Sensor yaw angle (AUTOSAR)

FLOAT32 Pitch
Sensor pitch angle (AUTOSAR)

UINT8 PlugOrientation
Orientation of plug.

FLOAT32 Length
Vehicle length.

FLOAT32 Width
Vehicle width.

FLOAT32 Height
Vehicle height.

FLOAT32 Wheelbase
Vehicle wheelbase.

UINT16 MaximumDistance
Maximum detection distance.

UINT8 FrequencySlot
Center frequency.

UINT8 CycleTime
Cycle time.

UINT8 TimeSlot
Cycle offset.

Country code.

UINT8 Powersave_Standstill
Power saving in standstill.

UINT32 SensorIPAddress_0
Sensor IP address.

UINT32 SensorIPAddress_1

UINT8 Configuration_counter
Counter that counts up if new configuration has been received and accepted.

UINT8 Status_LongitudinalVelocity
Signals if current VDY is OK or timed out.

UINT8 Status_LongitudinalAcceleration
Signals if current VDY is OK or timed out.

UINT8 Status_LateralAcceleration
Signals if current VDY is OK or timed out.

UINT8 Status_YawRate
Signals if current VDY is OK or timed out.

UINT8 Status_SteeringAngle
Signals if current VDY is OK or timed out.

UINT8 Status_DrivingDirection
Signals if current VDY is OK or timed out.

UINT8 Status_CharacteristicSpeed
Signals if current VDY is OK or timed out.

UINT8 Status_Radar
Signals if Radar Status is OK.

◆ Ars548SensorStatus
struct Ars548SensorStatus

Data Fields
UINT32 Timestamp_Nanoseconds
Timestamp Nanoseconds.

UINT32 Timestamp_Seconds
Timestamp Seconds.

UINT8 Timestamp_SyncStatus
Timestamp Sync Status.

UINT8 SWVersion_Major
Software version (major)

UINT8 SWVersion_Minor
Software version (minor)

UINT8 SWVersion_Patch
Software version (patch)

FLOAT32 Longitudinal
Longitudinal sensor position (AUTOSAR)

FLOAT32 Lateral
Lateral sensor position (AUTOSAR)

FLOAT32 Vertical
Vertical sensor position (AUTOSAR)

Sensor yaw angle (AUTOSAR)

FLOAT32 Pitch
Sensor pitch angle (AUTOSAR)

UINT8 PlugOrientation
Orientation of plug.

FLOAT32 Length
Vehicle length.

FLOAT32 Width
Vehicle width.

FLOAT32 Height
Vehicle height.

FLOAT32 Wheelbase
Vehicle wheelbase.

UINT16 MaximumDistance
Maximum detection distance.

UINT8 FrequencySlot
Center frequency.

UINT8 CycleTime
Cycle time.

UINT8 TimeSlot
Cycle offset.

Country code.

UINT8 Powersave_Standstill
Power saving in standstill.

UINT32 SensorIPAddress_0
Sensor IP address.

UINT32 SensorIPAddress_1

UINT8 Configuration_counter
Counter that counts up if new configuration has been received and accepted.

UINT8 Status_LongitudinalVelocity
Signals if current VDY is OK or timed out.

UINT8 Status_LongitudinalAcceleration
Signals if current VDY is OK or timed out.

UINT8 Status_LateralAcceleration
Signals if current VDY is OK or timed out.

UINT8 Status_YawRate
Signals if current VDY is OK or timed out.

UINT8 Status_SteeringAngle
Signals if current VDY is OK or timed out.

UINT8 Status_DrivingDirection
Signals if current VDY is OK or timed out.

UINT8 Status_CharacteristicSpeed
Signals if current VDY is OK or timed out.

UINT8 Status_Radar
Signals if Radar Status is OK.

UINT8 Status_VoltageStatus
Bitfield to report under- and overvoltage errors.

UINT8 Status_TemperatureStatus
Bitfield to report under- and overtemperature errors.

UINT8 Status_BlockageStatus
Current blockage state and blockage self test state};.

◆ Ars548FilterStatusEntry
struct Ars548FilterStatusEntry
Data Fields
UINT8 Active
Flag to activate/deactivate filter.

UINT8 FilterID
Filter data index.

FLOAT32 MinimumValue
Minimum data value to pass the filter.

FLOAT32 MaximumValue
Maximum data value to pass the filter.

◆ Ars548FilterStatus
struct Ars548FilterStatus

Data Fields
UINT32 Timestamp_Nanoseconds
Timestamp Nanoseconds.

UINT32 Timestamp_Seconds
Timestamp Seconds.

UINT8 Timestamp_SyncStatus
Timestamp Sync Status.

UINT8 FilterConfigurationCounter
Counter that counts up if new filter configuration has been received and accepted.

UINT8 DetectionSortIndex
Detection list sorting index.

UINT8 ObjectSortIndex
Object list sorting index.

Ars548FilterStatusEntry DetectionFilter [7]
Detection filter entries (index 1 to 7)

Ars548FilterStatusEntry ObjectFilter [24]
Object filter entries (index 1 to 24)

◆ Ars548Detection
struct Ars548Detection
Data Fields
FLOAT32 f_AzimuthAngle
Detection Azimuth Angle.

FLOAT32 f_AzimuthAngleSTD
Azimuth Angle Std.

UINT8 u_InvalidFlags
Detection Invalid Flags.

FLOAT32 f_ElevationAngle
Detection Elevation Angle.

FLOAT32 f_ElevationAngleSTD
Elevation Angle Std.

FLOAT32 f_Range
Detection Radial Distance.

FLOAT32 f_RangeSTD
Radial Distance Std.

FLOAT32 f_RangeRate
Detection Radial Velocity.

FLOAT32 f_RangeRateSTD
Radial Velocity Std.

Detecion RCS.

UINT16 u_MeasurementID
Detection ID.

UINT8 u_PositivePredictiveValue
Existence Probability.

UINT8 u_Classification
Detection Classification.

UINT8 u_MultiTargetProbability
Multi-Target Probability.

UINT16 u_ObjectID
Associated Object.

UINT8 u_AmbiguityFlag

UINT16 u_SortIndex

◆ Ars548DetectionList
struct Ars548DetectionList

Data Fields
Checksum (E2E Profile 7)

UINT32 Length
Len (E2E Profile 7)

SQC (E2E Profile 7)

Data ID (E2E Profile 7)

UINT32 Timestamp_Nanoseconds
Timestamp Nanoseconds.

UINT32 Timestamp_Seconds
Timestamp Seconds.

UINT8 Timestamp_SyncStatus
Timestamp Sync Status.

UINT32 EventDataQualifier
Event Data Qualifier.

UINT8 ExtendedQualifier
Extended Qualifier.

UINT16 Origin_InvalidFlags
Sensor Position Invalid flags.

FLOAT32 Origin_Xpos
Sensor X Position.

FLOAT32 Origin_Xstd
Sensor X Position STD.

FLOAT32 Origin_Ypos
Sensor Y Position.

FLOAT32 Origin_Ystd
Sensor Y Position STD.

FLOAT32 Origin_Zpos
Sensor Z Position.

FLOAT32 Origin_Zstd
Sensor Z Position STD.

FLOAT32 Origin_Roll
Sensor Roll Angle.

FLOAT32 Origin_Rollstd
Sensor Roll Angle STD.

FLOAT32 Origin_Pitch
Sensor Pitch Angle.

FLOAT32 Origin_Pitchstd
Sensor Pitch Angle STD.

FLOAT32 Origin_Yaw
Sensor Yaw Angle.

FLOAT32 Origin_Yawstd
Sensor Yaw Angle STD.

UINT8 List_InvalidFlags
Invalid flags.

Ars548Detection Detections [800]

FLOAT32 List_RadVelDomain_Min
Radial Velocity Domain Min.

FLOAT32 List_RadVelDomain_Max
Radial Velocity Domain Max.

UINT32 List_NumOfDetections
Number of Detections.

FLOAT32 Aln_AzimuthCorrection
Azimuth Correction.

FLOAT32 Aln_ElevationCorrection
Elevation Correction.

UINT8 Aln_Status
Status of alignment.

◆ Ars548Object
struct Ars548Object
Data Fields
UINT16 u_StatusSensor

ID of object.

UINT16 u_Age
Age of object.

UINT8 u_StatusMeasurement
Object Status.

UINT8 u_StatusMovement
Object Movement Status.

UINT16 u_Position_InvalidFlags

UINT8 u_Position_Reference
Reference point position.

FLOAT32 f_Position_X
X Position.

FLOAT32 f_Position_X_STD
X Position Std.

FLOAT32 f_Position_Y
Y Position.

FLOAT32 f_Position_Y_STD
Y Position Std.

FLOAT32 f_Position_Z
Z Position.

FLOAT32 f_Position_Z_STD
Z Position Std.

FLOAT32 f_Position_CovarianceXY
Covariance X Y.

FLOAT32 f_Position_Orientation
Object Orientation.

FLOAT32 f_Position_Orientation_STD
Orientation Std.

UINT8 u_Existence_InvalidFlags

FLOAT32 f_Existence_Probability
Probability of Existence.


UINT8 u_Classification_Car
Car Classification.

UINT8 u_Classification_Truck
Truck Classification.

UINT8 u_Classification_Motorcycle
Motorcycle Classification.

UINT8 u_Classification_Bicycle
Bicycle Classification.

UINT8 u_Classification_Pedestrian
Pedestrian Classification.

UINT8 u_Classification_Animal
Animal Classification.

UINT8 u_Classification_Hazard
Hazard Classification.

UINT8 u_Classification_Unknown
Unknown Classification.

UINT8 u_Classification_Overdrivable
Overdrivable Classification.

UINT8 u_Classification_Underdrivable
Underdrivable Classification.

UINT8 u_Dynamics_AbsVel_InvalidFlags
Invalid Flags AbsVel.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_AbsVel_X
X Abs Vel.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_AbsVel_X_STD
X Abs Vel Std.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_AbsVel_Y
Y Abs Vel.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_AbsVel_Y_STD
Y Abs Vel Std.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_AbsVel_CovarianceXY
Covariance Abs Vel X Y.

UINT8 u_Dynamics_RelVel_InvalidFlags
Invalid Flags RelVel.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_RelVel_X
X Rel Vel.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_RelVel_X_STD
X Rel Vel Std.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_RelVel_Y
Y Rel Vel.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_RelVel_Y_STD
Y Rel Vel Std.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_RelVel_CovarianceXY
Covariance Rel Vel X Y.

UINT8 u_Dynamics_AbsAccel_InvalidFlags
Invalid Flags AbsAccel.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_AbsAccel_X
X Abs Accel.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_AbsAccel_X_STD
X Abs Accel Std.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_AbsAccel_Y
Y Abs Accel.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_AbsAccel_Y_STD
Y Abs Accel Std.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_AbsAccel_CovarianceXY
Covariance Abs Accel X Y.

UINT8 u_Dynamics_RelAccel_InvalidFlags
Invalid Flags RelAccel.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_RelAccel_X
X Rel Accel.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_RelAccel_X_STD
X Rel Accel Std.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_RelAccel_Y
Y Rel Accel.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_RelAccel_Y_STD
Y Rel Accel Std.

FLOAT32 f_Dynamics_RelAccel_CovarianceXY
Covariance Rel Accel X Y.

UINT8 u_Dynamics_Orientation_InvalidFlags
Invalid Flags Orientation.

FLOAT32 u_Dynamics_Orientation_Rate_Mean
Object Orientation Rate.

FLOAT32 u_Dynamics_Orientation_Rate_STD
Orientation Rate Std.

UINT32 u_Shape_Length_Status
Shape Length Status.

UINT8 u_Shape_Length_Edge_InvalidFlags
Invalid Flags Shape Length.

FLOAT32 u_Shape_Length_Edge_Mean
Mean Shape Length.

FLOAT32 u_Shape_Length_Edge_STD
Shape Length Std.

UINT32 u_Shape_Width_Status
Shape Width Status.

UINT8 u_Shape_Width_Edge_InvalidFlags
Invalid Flags Shape Width.

FLOAT32 u_Shape_Width_Edge_Mean
Mean Shape Width.

FLOAT32 u_Shape_Width_Edge_STD
Shape Width Std.

◆ Ars548ObjectList
struct Ars548ObjectList

Data Fields
Checksum (E2E Profile 7)

UINT32 Length
Len (E2E Profile 7)

SQC (E2E Profile 7)

Data ID (E2E Profile 7)

UINT32 Timestamp_Nanoseconds
Timestamp Nanoseconds.

UINT32 Timestamp_Seconds
Timestamp Seconds.

UINT8 Timestamp_SyncStatus
Timestamp Sync Status.

UINT32 EventDataQualifier
Event Data Qualifier.

UINT8 ExtendedQualifier
Extended Qualifier.

UINT8 ObjectList_NumOfObjects
Number of Objects.

Ars548Object Objects [50]

◆ Ars548SensorConfiguration
struct Ars548SensorConfiguration

Data Fields
FLOAT32 Longitudinal
Longitudinal sensor position (AUTOSAR)

FLOAT32 Lateral
Lateral sensor position (AUTOSAR)

FLOAT32 Vertical
Vertical sensor position (AUTOSAR)

Sensor yaw angle (AUTOSAR)

FLOAT32 Pitch
Sensor pitch angle (AUTOSAR)

UINT8 PlugOrientation
Orientation of plug.

FLOAT32 Length
Vehicle length.

FLOAT32 Width
Vehicle width.

FLOAT32 Height
Vehicle height.

FLOAT32 Wheelbase
Vehicle wheelbase.

UINT16 MaximumDistance
Maximum detection distance.

UINT8 FrequencySlot
Center frequency (if MaximumDistance < 190 m only Mid can be selected)

UINT8 CycleTime
Cycle time.

UINT8 TimeSlot
Cycle offset.

Country code.

UINT8 Powersave_Standstill
Power saving in standstill.

UINT32 SensorIPAddress_0
Sensor IP address.

UINT32 SensorIPAddress_1

UINT8 NewSensorMounting
Flag if new sensor mounting position shall be configured.

UINT8 NewVehicleParameters
Flag if new vehicle parameters position shall be configured.

UINT8 NewRadarParameters
Flag if new radar parameter shall be configured.

UINT8 NewNetworkConfiguration
Flag if new IP address shall be configured.

◆ Ars548FilterConfigEntry
struct Ars548FilterConfigEntry
Data Fields
UINT8 Active
Flag to activate/deactivate filter (0=Inactive; 1=Active)

UINT8 FilterID
Filter data index (1-7 for Detection filters; 1-24 for Object filters)

UINT8 FilterType
Filter type (1=Detections; 2=Objects)

FLOAT32 MinimumValue
Minimum data value to pass the filter.

FLOAT32 MaximumValue
Maximum data value to pass the filter.

◆ Ars548FilterConfiguration
struct Ars548FilterConfiguration

Data Fields
UINT8 DetectionSortIndex
Detection list sorting index (0=None; 1=Range; 2=RCS)

UINT8 ObjectSortIndex
Object list sorting index (0=None; 1=Range; 2=RCS)

UINT8 FilterReset
Reset all filters (0=Ignore; 1=Reset)

UINT8 NumberOfFilters
Number of filters to follow.

Ars548FilterConfigEntry Filter [7+24]

Here is a list of all documented struct and union fields with links to the struct/union documentation for each field:
- e -
EventDataQualifier : Ars548DetectionList, Ars548ObjectList
ExtendedQualifier : Ars548DetectionList, Ars548ObjectList

评论 1




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