1.前言:.Halcon的深度学习标注工具一直在更新,我下载的20.11版本的Deep Learning Tool已经显示过期,无奈只能下载最新版MVTec Deep Learning Tool 24.05。不过最新版的标注工具做的很人性化,分类,目标检测,分割,异常值检测,OCR全都有,有兴趣的小伙伴可以下载来试试,可以在工具UI界面实现标注,训练加测试,很好用。如果想自己用代码实现训练也可以,先用标注工具把所有的图标注完毕后,导出标注数据集,即可利用此数据集,在halcon代码中训练。
dev_update_off ()
- 选择预处理模型.
Backbone := ‘pretrained_dl_classifier_compact.hdl’
NumClasses := 6 - Image dimensions of the network. Later, these values are
- used to rescale the images during preprocessing.
ImageWidth := 512
ImageHeight := 320
ImageNumChannels := 3
Capacity := ‘medium’
- 分割数据集的百分比。
TrainingPercent := 70
ValidationPercent := 15 - In order to get a reproducible split we set a random seed.
- This means that rerunning the script results in the same split of DLDataset.
SeedRand := 42
- ** Set input and output paths ***
All example data is written to this folder.
ExampleDataDir := ‘E:/2024-4-10’ -
Path to the image directory.
HalconImageDir := ExampleDataDir + ‘/images/’ -
Write the initialized DL object detection model to train it in example part 2.
DLModelFileName := ExampleDataDir + ‘/pretrained_dl_model_detection.hdl’ -
Dataset directory for any outputs written by preprocess_dl_dataset.
DataDirectory := ExampleDataDir + ‘/dldataset_pcb_’ + ImageWidth + ‘x’ + ImageHeight -
Store preprocess parameters separately in order to use it e.g. during inference.
PreprocessParamFileName := DataDirectory + ‘/dl_preprocess_param.hdict’
DataDirectPath:=ExampleDataDir + ‘/Pcb.hdict’ -
Output path of the best evaluated model.
BestModelBaseName := ExampleDataDir + ‘/best_dl_model_detection’ -
Output path for the final trained model.
FinalModelBaseName := ExampleDataDir + ‘/final_dl_model_detection’
InitialModelFileName := ExampleDataDir + ‘/pretrained_dl_model_detection.hdl’
DLDatasetFileName := DataDirectory + ‘/dl_dataset.hdict’
- ** Read the labeled dataset and split the dataset ***
- In order to get reproducible results we set a seed here.
set_system (‘seed_rand’, SeedRand) - Create the output directory if it does not exist yet.
file_exists (ExampleDataDir, FileExists)
if (not FileExists)
make_dir (ExampleDataDir)
endif - Read in a DLDataset.
read_dict (DataDirectPath, [], [], DLDataset) - Split the dataset into train/validation and test.
split_dl_dataset (DLDataset, TrainingPercent, ValidationPercent, [])
- ** Determine model parameters from data ***
- Generate model parameters min_level, max_level, anchor_num_subscales,
- and anchor_aspect_ratios from the dataset in order to improve the
- training result. Please note that optimizing the model parameters too
- much on the training data can lead to overfitting. Hence, this should
- only be done if the actual application data are similar to the training
- data.
create_dict (GenParam)
set_dict_tuple (GenParam, ‘split’, ‘train’)
determine_dl_model_detection_param (DLDataset, ImageWidth, ImageHeight, GenParam, DLDetectionModelParam)
- Get the generated model parameters.
get_dict_tuple (DLDetectionModelParam, ‘min_level’, MinLevel)
get_dict_tuple (DLDetectionModelParam, ‘max_level’, MaxLevel)
get_dict_tuple (DLDetectionModelParam, ‘anchor_num_subscales’, AnchorNumSubscales)
get_dict_tuple (DLDetectionModelParam, ‘anchor_aspect_ratios’, AnchorAspectRatios)
- ** Create the object detection model ***
- Create dictionary for generic parameters and create the object detection model.
create_dict (DLModelDetectionParam)
set_dict_tuple (DLModelDetectionParam, ‘image_width’, ImageWidth)
set_dict_tuple (DLModelDetectionParam, ‘image_height’, ImageHeight)
set_dict_tuple (DLModelDetectionParam, ‘image_num_channels’, ImageNumChannels)
set_dict_tuple (DLModelDetectionParam, ‘min_level’, MinLevel)
set_dict_tuple (DLModelDetectionParam, ‘max_level’, MaxLevel)
set_dict_tuple (DLModelDetectionParam, ‘anchor_num_subscales’, AnchorNumSubscales)
set_dict_tuple (DLModelDetectionParam, ‘anchor_aspect_ratios’, AnchorAspectRatios)
set_dict_tuple (DLModelDetectionParam, ‘capacity’, Capacity) - Get class IDs from dataset for the model.
get_dict_tuple (DLDataset, ‘class_ids’, ClassIDs)
set_dict_tuple (DLModelDetectionParam, ‘class_ids’, ClassIDs) - Create the model.
create_dl_model_detection (Backbone, NumClasses, DLModelDetectionParam, DLModelHandle) - Write the initialized DL object detection model
- to train it later in part 2.
write_dl_model (DLModelHandle, DLModelFileName)
- ** Preprocess the dataset ***
- Get preprocessing parameters from model.
create_dl_preprocess_param_from_model (DLModelHandle, ‘none’, ‘full_domain’, [], [], [], DLPreprocessParam) - Preprocess the dataset. This might take a few minutes.
create_dict (GenParam)
set_dict_tuple (GenParam, ‘overwrite_files’, true)
preprocess_dl_dataset (DLDataset, DataDirectory, DLPreprocessParam, GenParam, DLDatasetFilename) - Write preprocessing parameters to use them in later parts.
write_dict (DLPreprocessParam, PreprocessParamFileName, [], [])
- ** Preview the preprocessed dataset ***
- Before moving on to training, it is recommended to check the preprocessed dataset.
- Display the DLSamples for 10 randomly selected train images.
get_dict_tuple (DLDataset, ‘samples’, DatasetSamples)
find_dl_samples (DatasetSamples, ‘split’, ‘train’, ‘match’, SampleIndices)
tuple_shuffle (SampleIndices, ShuffledIndices)
read_dl_samples (DLDataset, ShuffledIndices[0:5], DLSampleBatchDisplay) - Set parameters for dev_display_dl_data.
create_dict (WindowHandleDict)
create_dict (GenParam)
set_dict_tuple (GenParam, ‘scale_windows’, 1.2) - Display the samples in DLSampleBatchDisplay.
for Index := 0 to |DLSampleBatchDisplay| - 1 by 1
*- Loop over samples in DLSampleBatchDisplay.
dev_display_dl_data (DLSampleBatchDisplay[Index], [], DLDataset, ‘bbox_ground_truth’, GenParam, WindowHandleDict)
get_dict_tuple (WindowHandleDict, ‘bbox_ground_truth’, WindowHandles) - Add explanatory text.
dev_set_window (WindowHandles[0])
get_dict_object (Image, DLSampleBatchDisplay[Index], ‘image’)
get_image_size (Image, ImageWidth, ImageHeight)
dev_disp_text ('New image size after preprocessing: ’ + ImageWidth + ’ x ’ + ImageHeight, ‘window’, ‘bottom’, ‘right’, ‘black’, [], [])
dev_disp_text (‘Press Run (F5) to continue’, ‘window’, ‘bottom’, ‘right’, ‘black’, [], [])
stop ()
endfor - Loop over samples in DLSampleBatchDisplay.
dev_update_off ()
Training can be performed on a GPU or CPU.
See the respective system requirements in the Installation Guide.
If possible a GPU is used in this example.
In case you explicitely wish to run this example on the CPU,
choose the CPU device instead.
query_available_dl_devices ([‘runtime’,‘runtime’], [‘gpu’,‘cpu’], DLDeviceHandles)
if (|DLDeviceHandles| == 0)
throw (‘No supported device found to continue this example.’)
endif -
Due to the filter used in query_available_dl_devices, the first device is a GPU, if available.
DLDevice := DLDeviceHandles[0]
get_dl_device_param (DLDevice, ‘type’, DLDeviceType)
if (DLDeviceType == ‘cpu’)- The number of used threads may have an impact
- on the training duration.
NumThreadsTraining := 4
set_system (‘thread_num’, NumThreadsTraining)
- *** Set basic parameters. ***
- The following parameters need to be adapted frequently.
- Model parameters.
- Batch size.
BatchSize := 2 - Initial learning rate.
InitialLearningRate := 0.0005 - Momentum should be high if batch size is small.
Momentum := 0.99 - Parameters used by train_dl_model.
- Number of epochs to train the model.
NumEpochs := 60 - Evaluation interval (in epochs) to calculate evaluation measures on the validation split.
EvaluationIntervalEpochs := 1 - Change the learning rate in the following epochs, e.g. [15, 30].
- Set it to [] if the learning rate should not be changed.
ChangeLearningRateEpochs := 30 - Change the learning rate to the following values, e.g. InitialLearningRate * [0.1, 0.01].
- The tuple has to be of the same length as ChangeLearningRateEpochs.
ChangeLearningRateValues := InitialLearningRate * 0.1
- *** Set advanced parameters. ***
The following parameters might need to be changed in rare cases.
Model parameter.
Set the weight prior.
WeightPrior := 0.00001 -
Parameters used by train_dl_model.
Control whether training progress is displayed (true/false).
EnableDisplay := true -
Set a random seed for training.
RandomSeed := 42
set_system (‘seed_rand’, RandomSeed) -
In order to obtain nearly deterministic training results on the same GPU
(system, driver, cuda-version) you could specify “cudnn_deterministic” as
“true”. Note, that this could slow down training a bit.
set_system (‘cudnn_deterministic’, ‘true’)
Set generic parameters of create_dl_train_param.
Please see the documentation of create_dl_train_param for an overview on all available parameters.
GenParamName := []
GenParamValue := [] -
Augmentation parameter.
If samples should be augmented during training, create the dict required by augment_dl_samples.
Here, we set the augmentation percentage and method.
create_dict (AugmentationParam) -
Percentage of samples to be augmented.
set_dict_tuple (AugmentationParam, ‘augmentation_percentage’, 50) -
Mirror images along row and column.
set_dict_tuple (AugmentationParam, ‘mirror’, ‘rc’)
GenParamName := [GenParamName,‘augment’]
GenParamValue := [GenParamValue,AugmentationParam] -
Change strategies.
It is possible to change model parameters during training.
Here, we change the learning rate if specified above.
if (|ChangeLearningRateEpochs| > 0)
create_dict (ChangeStrategy)- Specify the model parameter to be changed, here the learning rate.
set_dict_tuple (ChangeStrategy, ‘model_param’, ‘learning_rate’) - Start the parameter value at ‘initial_value’.
set_dict_tuple (ChangeStrategy, ‘initial_value’, InitialLearningRate) - Reduce the learning rate in the following epochs.
set_dict_tuple (ChangeStrategy, ‘epochs’, ChangeLearningRateEpochs) - Reduce the learning rate to the following value at epoch 30.
set_dict_tuple (ChangeStrategy, ‘values’, ChangeLearningRateValues) - Collect all change strategies as input.
GenParamName := [GenParamName,‘change’]
GenParamValue := [GenParamValue,ChangeStrategy]
- Specify the model parameter to be changed, here the learning rate.
Serialization strategies.
There are several options for saving intermediate models to disk (see create_dl_train_param).
Here, the best and final model are saved to the paths set above.
create_dict (SerializationStrategy)
set_dict_tuple (SerializationStrategy, ‘type’, ‘best’)
set_dict_tuple (SerializationStrategy, ‘basename’, BestModelBaseName)
GenParamName := [GenParamName,‘serialize’]
GenParamValue := [GenParamValue,SerializationStrategy]
create_dict (SerializationStrategy)
set_dict_tuple (SerializationStrategy, ‘type’, ‘final’)
set_dict_tuple (SerializationStrategy, ‘basename’, FinalModelBaseName)
GenParamName := [GenParamName,‘serialize’]
GenParamValue := [GenParamValue,SerializationStrategy] -
Display parameters.
In this example, the evaluation measure for the training spit is not displayed during
training (default). If you want to do so, select a certain percentage of the training
samples used to evaluate the model during training. A lower percentage helps to speed
up the evaluation. If the evaluation measure for the training split shall
not be displayed, set SelectedPercentageTrainSamples to 0.
SelectedPercentageTrainSamples := 0 -
Set the x-axis argument of the training plots.
XAxisLabel := ‘epochs’
create_dict (DisplayParam)
set_dict_tuple (DisplayParam, ‘selected_percentage_train_samples’, SelectedPercentageTrainSamples)
set_dict_tuple (DisplayParam, ‘x_axis_label’, XAxisLabel)
GenParamName := [GenParamName,‘display’]
GenParamValue := [GenParamValue,DisplayParam]
- *** Read initial model and dataset. ***
- Check if all necessary files exist.
check_data_availability (ExampleDataDir, InitialModelFileName, DLDatasetFileName) - Read in the model that was initialized during preprocessing.
read_dl_model (InitialModelFileName, DLModelHandle) - Read in the preprocessed DLDataset file.
read_dict (DLDatasetFileName, [], [], DLDataset)
- *** Set model parameters. ***
- Set model hyper-parameters as specified in the settings above.
set_dl_model_param (DLModelHandle, ‘learning_rate’, InitialLearningRate)
set_dl_model_param (DLModelHandle, ‘momentum’, Momentum)
if (BatchSize == ‘maximum’ and DLDeviceType == ‘gpu’)
set_dl_model_param_max_gpu_batch_size (DLModelHandle, 100)
set_dl_model_param (DLModelHandle, ‘batch_size’, BatchSize)
if (|WeightPrior| > 0)
set_dl_model_param (DLModelHandle, ‘weight_prior’, WeightPrior)
endif - When the batch size is determined, set the device.
set_dl_model_param (DLModelHandle, ‘device’, DLDevice)
- *** Train the model. ***
- Create training parameters.
create_dl_train_param (DLModelHandle, NumEpochs, EvaluationIntervalEpochs, EnableDisplay, RandomSeed, GenParamName, GenParamValue, TrainParam) - Start the training by calling the training operator
- train_dl_model_batch () within the following procedure.
train_dl_model (DLDataset, DLModelHandle, TrainParam, 0.0, TrainResults, TrainInfos, EvaluationInfos) - Stop after the training has finished, before closing the windows.
dev_disp_text (‘Press Run (F5) to continue’, ‘window’, ‘bottom’, ‘right’, ‘black’, [], [])
stop () - Close training windows.
dev_close_window ()
dev_update_off ()
In this example, the evaluation steps are explained in graphics windows,
before they are executed. Set the following parameter to false in order to
skip this visualization.
ShowExampleScreens := true -
By default, this example uses a model pretrained by MVTec. To use the model
which was trained in part 2 of this example series, set the following
variable to false.
UsePretrainedModel := true -
The evaluation can be performed on GPU or CPU.
See the respective system requirements in the Installation Guide.
If possible a GPU is used in this example.
In case you explicitely wish to run this example on the CPU,
choose the CPU device instead.
query_available_dl_devices ([‘runtime’,‘runtime’], [‘gpu’,‘cpu’], DLDeviceHandles)
if (|DLDeviceHandles| == 0)
throw (‘No supported device found to continue this example.’)
endif -
Due to the filter used in query_available_dl_devices, the first device is a GPU, if available.
DLDevice := DLDeviceHandles[0]
- ** Set paths ***
- Example data folder containing the outputs of the previous example series.
ExampleDataDir := ‘E:/2024-4-10’ - File name of the finetuned object detection model.
RetrainedModelFileName := ExampleDataDir + ‘/best_dl_model_detection.hdl’ - Path to DL dataset.
- Note: Adapt DataDirectory after preprocessing with another image size.
DataDirectory := ExampleDataDir + ‘/dldataset_pcb_512x320’
DLDatasetFileName := DataDirectory + ‘/dl_dataset.hdict’
- ** Set evaluation parameters ***
- Specify measures of interest
EvaluationMeasures := ‘all’ - Specify considered IoU thresholds.
IoUThresholds := [] - Display detailed results for the following IoU threshold.
DisplayIoUThreshold := 0.7 - Batch size used during evaluation.
BatchSize := 1 - Specify evaluation subsets for objects of a certain size.
AreaNames := []
AreaMin := []
AreaMax := [] - Specify the maximum number of detections considered for each measure.
MaxNumDetections := []
- ** Read the model and data ***
- Check if all necessary files exist.
check_data_availability_COPY_1 (ExampleDataDir, DLDatasetFileName, RetrainedModelFileName, UsePretrainedModel) - Read the trained model.
read_dl_model (RetrainedModelFileName, DLModelHandle) - Set batch size of the model to 1 temporarily.
set_dl_model_param (DLModelHandle, ‘batch_size’, 1)
set_dl_model_param (DLModelHandle, ‘device’, DLDevice)
- Read the evaluation data.
read_dict (DLDatasetFileName, [], [], DLDataset)
- ** Set optimized parameters for inference ***
- To reduce the number of false positives, set lower values for
- ‘max_overlap’ (default = 0.5) and ‘max_overlap_class_agnostic’
- (default = 1.0) and a higher confidence threshold (default = 0.5).
set_dl_model_param (DLModelHandle, ‘max_overlap_class_agnostic’, 0.7)
set_dl_model_param (DLModelHandle, ‘max_overlap’, 0.2)
set_dl_model_param (DLModelHandle, ‘min_confidence’, 0.6)
- ** First impression via visual inspection of results ***
- Create parameter dictionaries for visualization.
create_dict (WindowHandleDict)
create_dict (GenParam)
set_dict_tuple (GenParam, ‘bbox_display_confidence’, false) - Select test images randomly.
get_dict_tuple (DLDataset, ‘samples’, DatasetSamples)
find_dl_samples (DatasetSamples, ‘split’, ‘test’, ‘or’, DLSampleIndices)
tuple_shuffle (DLSampleIndices, DLSampleIndicesShuffled) - Apply the model and display results.
for Index := 0 to 5 by 1
read_dl_samples (DLDataset, DLSampleIndicesShuffled[Index], DLSampleBatch)
apply_dl_model (DLModelHandle, DLSampleBatch, [], DLResultBatch)
dev_display_dl_data (DLSampleBatch, DLResultBatch, DLDataset, ‘bbox_both’, GenParam, WindowHandleDict)
dev_disp_text (‘Press Run (F5) to continue’, ‘window’, ‘bottom’, ‘right’, ‘black’, [], [])
stop ()
dev_close_window_dict (WindowHandleDict)
set_dl_model_param (DLModelHandle, ‘batch_size’, BatchSize)
- ** Evaluate object detection model on evaluation data ***
- Set generic evaluation parameters.
create_dict (GenParamEval) - Set the measures of interest.
set_dict_tuple (GenParamEval, ‘measures’, EvaluationMeasures) - Set maximum number of detections considered for each measure.
if (|MaxNumDetections|)
set_dict_tuple (GenParamEval, ‘max_num_detections’, MaxNumDetections)
endif - Set the evaluation area subsets.
if (|AreaNames|)
if ((|AreaNames| != |AreaMin|) or (|AreaNames| != |AreaMax|))
throw (‘AreaNames, AreaMin, and AreaMax must have the same size.’)
create_dict (AreaRanges)
set_dict_tuple (AreaRanges, ‘name’, AreaNames)
set_dict_tuple (AreaRanges, ‘min’, AreaMin)
set_dict_tuple (AreaRanges, ‘max’, AreaMax)
set_dict_tuple (GenParamEval, ‘area_ranges’, AreaRanges)
endif - Set IoU thresholds.
if (|IoUThresholds|)
set_dict_tuple (GenParamEval, ‘iou_threshold’, IoUThresholds)
endif - Enable detailed evaluation.
set_dict_tuple (GenParamEval, ‘detailed_evaluation’, true) - Show progress of evaluation.
set_dict_tuple (GenParamEval, ‘show_progress’, true) - Evaluate the finetuned model on the ‘test’ split of the dataset.
evaluate_dl_model (DLDataset, DLModelHandle, ‘split’, ‘test’, GenParamEval, EvaluationResultDetection, EvalParams) - Display results of the detailed evaluation.
create_dict (DisplayParam) - Set the IoU of interest. The default is the first ‘iou_threshold’ of EvalParams.
if (|DisplayIoUThreshold| == 1)
get_dict_tuple (EvalParams, ‘iou_threshold’, EvalIoUThresholds)
if (find(EvalIoUThresholds,DisplayIoUThreshold) != -1)
set_dict_tuple (DisplayParam, ‘iou_threshold’, DisplayIoUThreshold)
throw (‘No evaluation result for specified IoU threshold.’)
endif - Display detailed precision and recall
set_dict_tuple (DisplayParam, ‘display_mode’, [‘pie_charts_precision’,‘pie_charts_recall’])
create_dict (WindowHandleDict)
dev_display_detection_detailed_evaluation (EvaluationResultDetection, EvalParams, DisplayParam, WindowHandleDict)
dev_disp_text (‘Press Run (F5) to continue’, ‘window’, ‘top’, ‘right’, ‘black’, [], [])
stop ()
dev_close_window_dict (WindowHandleDict) - Display confusion matrix.
set_dict_tuple (DisplayParam, ‘display_mode’, ‘absolute_confusion_matrix’)
dev_display_detection_detailed_evaluation (EvaluationResultDetection, EvalParams, DisplayParam, WindowHandleDict)
dev_disp_text (‘Press Run (F5) to continue’, ‘window’, ‘bottom’, ‘right’, ‘black’, [], [])
stop ()
dev_close_window_dict (WindowHandleDict) - Optimize the memory consumption.
set_dl_model_param (DLModelHandle, ‘batch_size’, 1)
set_dl_model_param (DLModelHandle, ‘optimize_for_inference’, ‘true’)
write_dl_model (DLModelHandle, RetrainedModelFileName) - Close the windows.
dev_close_window_dict (WindowHandleDict)
dev_update_off ()
- In this example, the inference steps are explained in graphics windows,
- before they are executed. Set the following parameter to false in order to
- skip this visualization.
ShowExampleScreens := true - By default, this example uses a model pretrained by MVTec. To use the model
- which was trained in part 2 of this example series, set the following
- variable to false.
UsePretrainedModel := true - Inference can be done on a GPU or CPU.
- See the respective system requirements in the Installation Guide.
- If possible a GPU is used in this example.
- In case you explicitely wish to run this example on the CPU,
- choose the CPU device instead.
query_available_dl_devices ([‘runtime’,‘runtime’], [‘gpu’,‘cpu’], DLDeviceHandles)
if (|DLDeviceHandles| == 0)
throw (‘No supported device found to continue this example.’)
endif - Due to the filter used in query_available_dl_devices, the first device is a GPU, if available.
DLDevice := DLDeviceHandles[0]
- ** Set paths and parameters for inference ***
We will demonstrate the inference on the example images.
In a real application newly incoming images (not used for training or evaluation)
would be used here.
In this example, we read the images from file.
Directory name with the images of the pill bag dataset.
ImageDir := ExampleDir + ‘/PcbImgs’ -
File name of the dict containing parameters used for preprocessing.
Note: Adapt DataDirectory after preprocessing with another image size.
DataDirectory := ExampleDir + ‘/dldataset_pcb_512x320’
PreprocessParamFileName := DataDirectory + ‘/dl_preprocess_param.hdict’ -
File name of the finetuned object detection model.
RetrainedModelFileName := ExampleDir + ‘/best_dl_model_detection.hdl’ -
Provide the class names and IDs.
Class names.
ClassNames := [‘SR’,‘MR’,‘BR’,‘C’,‘D’,‘U’] -
Respective class ids.
ClassIDs := [0,1,2,3,4,5] -
Batch Size used during inference.
BatchSizeInference := 1 -
Postprocessing parameters for the detection model.
MinConfidence := 0.6
MaxOverlap := 0.2
MaxOverlapClassAgnostic := 0.7
- ** Inference ***
Check if all necessary files exist.
check_data_availability_COPY_2 (ExampleDir, PreprocessParamFileName, RetrainedModelFileName, UsePretrainedModel) -
Read in the retrained model.
read_dl_model (RetrainedModelFileName, DLModelHandle) -
Set the batch size.
set_dl_model_param (DLModelHandle, ‘batch_size’, BatchSizeInference) -
Initialize the model for inference.
set_dl_model_param (DLModelHandle, ‘device’, DLDevice) -
Set postprocessing parameters for model.
set_dl_model_param (DLModelHandle, ‘min_confidence’, MinConfidence)
set_dl_model_param (DLModelHandle, ‘max_overlap’, MaxOverlap)
set_dl_model_param (DLModelHandle, ‘max_overlap_class_agnostic’, MaxOverlapClassAgnostic) -
Get the parameters used for preprocessing.
read_dict (PreprocessParamFileName, [], [], DLPreprocessParam) -
Create window dictionary for displaying results.
create_dict (WindowHandleDict) -
Create dictionary with dataset parameters necessary for displaying.
create_dict (DLDataInfo)
set_dict_tuple (DLDataInfo, ‘class_names’, ClassNames)
set_dict_tuple (DLDataInfo, ‘class_ids’, ClassIDs) -
Set generic parameters for visualization.
create_dict (GenParam)
set_dict_tuple (GenParam, ‘scale_windows’, 1.2) -
Image Acquisition 01: Code generated by Image Acquisition 01
list_files (‘E:/2024-4-10/PcbImgs’, [‘files’,‘follow_links’], ImageFiles)
tuple_regexp_select (ImageFiles, [‘\.(tif|tiff|gif|bmp|jpg|jpeg|jp2|png|pcx|pgm|ppm|pbm|xwd|ima|hobj)$’,‘ignore_case’], ImageFiles)
for Index := 0 to |ImageFiles| - 1 by 1
read_image (ImageBatch, ImageFiles[Index])- Generate the DLSampleBatch.
gen_dl_samples_from_images (ImageBatch, DLSampleBatch) - Preprocess the DLSampleBatch.
preprocess_dl_samples (DLSampleBatch, DLPreprocessParam) - Apply the DL model on the DLSampleBatch.
apply_dl_model (DLModelHandle, DLSampleBatch, [], DLResultBatch) - Postprocessing and visualization.
- Loop over each sample in the batch.
for SampleIndex := 0 to BatchSizeInference - 1 by 1
*- Get sample and according results.
DLSample := DLSampleBatch[SampleIndex]
DLResult := DLResultBatch[SampleIndex] - Count detected pills for each class.
get_dict_tuple (DLResult, ‘bbox_class_id’, DetectedClassIDs)
tuple_gen_const (|ClassIDs|, 0, NumberDetectionsPerClass)
for Index := 0 to |ClassIDs| - 1 by 1
NumberDetectionsPerClass[Index] := sum(DetectedClassIDs [==] ClassIDs[Index])
endfor - Create output text based on counted pills.
create_counting_result_text (NumberDetectionsPerClass, ClassNames, Text, TextColor, TextBoxColor) - Display results and text.
dev_display_dl_data (DLSample, DLResult, DLDataInfo, ‘bbox_result’, GenParam, WindowHandleDict)
get_dict_tuple (WindowHandleDict, ‘bbox_result’, WindowHandles)
dev_set_window (WindowHandles[0])
set_display_font (WindowHandles[0], 16, ‘mono’, ‘true’, ‘false’)
dev_disp_text (Text, ‘window’, ‘top’, ‘left’, TextColor, [‘box_color’,‘shadow’], [TextBoxColor,‘false’])
dev_disp_text (‘Press Run (F5) to continue’, ‘window’, ‘bottom’, ‘right’, ‘black’, [], [])
stop ()
- Get sample and according results.
- Generate the DLSampleBatch.
Close windows used for visualization.
dev_close_window_dict (WindowHandleDict)