Summarizing issues in the alpha stage by FZU Flying Club_Beta Sprint

This assignment belongs to which courseEE308FZ Software Engineering
Where this assignment is required
Team nameFZU Flying Club
The goal of this assignmentHelp students understand Beta Sprint and promote course project progress
Other referencesNone

1 Abstract

During the Alpha Sprint, our group went through a process of learning by doing, including learning about programming languages, using Git, and building projects. However, in the process of “learning by doing”, we encountered some profound problems that need to be learnt and improved. In this paper, we will discuss these issues and suggest ways to improve the next phase, add new features, and improve the content shared on our Leapfrog Handbook website.

2 Introduction

In the Alpha Sprint, each group put into practice the concept of “learning by doing” through practical projects. The goal of this phase was to turn theoretical knowledge into practical skills, however, we encountered a number of challenges and problems along the way.

3 Summary of Problems

3.1 Inconsistency in the team’s understanding of the concept of “applying what we learnt”.

In the team, there were differences in the understanding of “learning to use”, which led to some confusion in the project. Some members were more focused on theoretical learning while others were more focused on practical application, which led to unnecessary friction in decision-making and implementation of the project.

3.2 Insufficient teamwork and division of labour

There were some bottlenecks in team collaboration and division of labour in Alpha Sprint. Sometimes, tasks were not clearly distributed, which led to redundancy of work and reduced efficiency. This is mainly reflected in the fact that the integrity of the recorded test video or demo video cannot be guaranteed, the efficiency of code writing is low, and the speed of debugging is slow, and so on. In the next phase, we need to strengthen the sense of teamwork and improve the process of task division.

3.3 Insufficiently smooth tool flow

The tool flow used in the project, especially the version control and testing tools, has some unsmooth areas. This led to a number of code management and testing problems. It is mainly reflected in the fact that the test reports of the automated testing website are complicated and obscure, which are not very understandable and unclear to read. The next phase will require a thorough review and improvement of the tool processes to ensure that the project is carried out efficiently.

3.4 Lack of blogging and time planning

In the Alpha sprint, we had some lapses in blog planning and time planning, there were premature or late submission of the corresponding blogs, which affected the overall progress of the project. In the next phase, we need to plan the content and release time of the blogs more systematically, and precisely control the time of the sprints to ensure that the project proceeds as planned.

4 Improvements and New Features Plan

4.1 Improvement of team division of labour

In the next phase, we will formulate a clearer team division of labour plan, and arrange as many team meetings as possible to review and plan the completion of the sprint plan and tasks. Ensure that each member’s responsibilities are clearly defined to avoid redundancy and confusion. Through more effective communication, we will unify the understanding of “learning by doing” to better promote the progress of the project.

4.2 Optimisation of tool processes

We plan to conduct a comprehensive review and improvement of the tool processes used in the project. Especially in version control and testing, we will look for smoother and more efficient solutions to improve the efficiency of the team.

4.3 Blogging and time planning optimisation

In the next phase, we will develop detailed blog planning to ensure that the content of each blog is valuable and published on schedule. At the same time, we will schedule the sprints more precisely to ensure the progress and quality of the project.

5 Conclusion

During the Alpha sprint, we experienced the process of learning and applying, but also faced some problems. Through summarising and reflecting, we have come up with a clear improvement plan, including team division of labour, tool flow, blog planning and time management. These improvements will help us to better achieve our goal of “learning by doing” and move the project forward. In the coming sprints, we will continue to optimise the team’s operations and improve the quality and efficiency of the project.

内容概要:本文介绍了MATLAB实现基于模拟温度浴优化(MTBO)和卷积神经网络(CNN)的多输入分类预测系统。文章首先回顾了项目的背景和发展现状,强调在大数据背景下,针对多输入特征的高效处理与分类需求的重要性。接着阐述了结合两种先进技术的具体方式以及所带来的优势——不仅能提升数据分类精度、增加模型稳定性,还能大幅度削减手工调整所需时间和精力。详细解析了模型构建流程包括数据加载、预处理、构建网络层结构到超参数的智能调节。此外展示了训练效果及误差分析图示,通过可视化的形式让使用者直观感受其效能。最后展望了该方案在未来的发展趋势和技术延伸的可能性,如加入遗传算法(GA)或粒子群优化(PSO),并且提出了一系列改进建议。 适合人群:具备中级以上编程技能的研究人员或者工程师,特别是那些关注于数据挖掘、深度学习、医学影像、自然语言处理等领域内的专业工作者。 使用场景及目标:此资源主要用于解决制造业、医疗保健、金融服务等行业内复杂的多模态数据分析任务。比如智能工厂里的机械故障侦测或是临床医学里疾病的筛查等工作流环节,借助这套强大的工具,企业可以在不影响业务连续性的前提下完成精准决策,助力业务转型。 其他说明:随附的代码片段可以帮助初学者逐步建立起完整的理解和实践经验,从基本的数据输入直到最终输出。同时提供的文献参考也为深入探究提供了丰富的资料依据。文中亦提及到了有关计算性能优化、预防过度拟合、多线程加速等方面的注意点,有助于读者避免常见误区。
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