Team‘s code standards in the bate sprint by FZU Flying Club_Beta Sprint

This assignment belongs to which courseEE308FZ Software Engineering
Where this assignment is required
Team nameFZU Flying Club
The goal of this assignmentHelp students understand Beta Sprint and promote course project progress
Other referencesNone

1 Naming Style

Class names should use UpperCamelCase. Method names, parameter names, member variables, and local variables should use lowerCamelCase. Constants should be named in all upper case with underscores. The middle bracket is part of the array type; define arrays as follows: String[] args. If design patterns are used in modules, interfaces, classes, or methods, reflect the pattern in the naming.

2 Constant Definitions

Avoid magic values in the code. Group constants based on their function and maintain them separately. Reuse constants at five levels: cross-application, intra-application, intra-subproject, intra-package, and intra-class. Use enumerated classes for variables with a limited range of values.

3 Code Format

Simplify the use of curly brackets. If there is empty space inside curly brackets, write {} succinctly without line breaks. Ensure a space between reserved words (if/for/while/switch/do) and parentheses. Maintain a space between the left and right sides of binary or ternary operators. Use a single space between the double slash of comments and the content. Simplify method parameter definition with a space after the comma for multiple parameters.

4 OOP Protocol

Avoid unnecessary object references for static variables or methods. Add @Override annotation for all override methods. Use Java’s variable parameters for the same parameter types and business meaning. Use equals method for comparison between objects of the same wrapper class type. Refrain from adding business logic in constructor methods; use an init method for initialization logic.

5 Collection Handling

Follow rules for hashCode and equals. Rewrite hashCode whenever equals is rewritten. Rewrite hashCode and equals for objects stored in sets. Use appropriate methods for converting sets to arrays and vice versa. Avoid explicit thread creation; use thread pools. Consider performance loss of locks in high concurrency and use lockless data structures when possible.

6 Control Statements

Include break or return in each case within a switch block. Include a default statement even if it contains no code. Always use curly braces in if/else/for/while/do statements. Avoid single-line coding and execute complex statements outside conditional judgments.

7 Annotation

Annotate classes, class attributes, and class methods using Javadoc specification. Use /**content**/ format and avoid // xxx methods. Annotate all abstract methods with Javadoc. Use Chinese annotations if necessary.

8 Other

Make efficient use of regular expression pre-compile function.

9 Exception Handling

Pre-check and avoid handling RuntimeException. Distinguish between stable and unstable code. Manually roll back transactions after catching exceptions in transaction code. Ensure caught and thrown exceptions are exact matches or the caught exception is the parent of the thrown exception.

10 Unit Testing

Follow the AIR principles for good unit tests. Tests must be fully automated, non-interactive, and repeatable. Avoid using System.out for human verification; use assert. Incremental code must pass unit tests. For database operations, prepare data using program insertion or import.

11 Security Regulations

Strictly bind SQL parameters to prevent SQL injection. Validate all user-requested parameters. Implement anti-scrubbing and anti-prohibited word filtering for user-generated content.

12 MySQL Database

12.1 Table Construction Regulations

Use is_xxx for fields expressing yes or no. Table and field names should use lowercase letters or numbers. Avoid plural nouns in table names. Name tables with “business_name_table_role”. Keep character storage length appropriate for search speed.

12.2 Index Statute

Build unique indexes for fields with unique characteristics. Use covering indexes for query operations. Highest differentiation in combined indexes should be on the far left.

12.3 SQL Statement

Use count(*) instead of count(column name) or count(constant). Avoid using ${} in ORM mapping to prevent SQL injection.

13 Engineering Structure

13.1 Application Layers

Simplify descriptions of application layers and focus on their main functionalities.

13.2 Second-party Library Dependency

Simplify the naming of version numbers and define a unified version variable when relying on a second-party library group.

13.3 Server

Recommend reducing the time_wait timeout for highly concurrent servers. Use forward for internal redirection and an URL assembly tool class for external redirection.





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