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原创 Top-of-the-line collection of essays in the Beta stage by FZU Flying Club_Beta Sprint

Top-of-the-line collection of essays in the Beta stage by FZU Flying Club_Beta Sprint

2023-12-15 09:14:42 945

原创 Beta sprint summary by FZU Flying Club_Beta Sprint

Beta sprint summary by FZU Flying Club_Beta Sprint

2023-12-15 01:32:07 942

原创 User usage survey report by FZU Flying Club_Beta Sprint

User usage survey report by FZU Flying Club_Beta Sprint

2023-12-14 11:53:22 856 1

原创 Sprint Plan 3 Deployment of the case TAB navigation bar by FZU Flying Club_Beta Sprint

Sprint Plan 3 Deployment of the case TAB navigation bar by FZU Flying Club_Beta Sprint

2023-12-13 16:50:58 809 1

原创 Sprint Plan 2 Showing the number of visitors to the site by FZU Flying Club_Beta Sprint

Sprint Plan 2 Showing the number of visitors to the site by FZU Flying Club_Beta Sprint

2023-12-11 12:56:28 931 1

原创 Sprint Plan 1 Deployment of Website Sharing Content by FZU Flying Club_Beta Sprint

Sprint Plan 1 Deployment of Website Sharing Content by FZU Flying Club_Beta Sprint

2023-12-10 17:15:53 892

原创 Team‘s code standards in the bate sprint by FZU Flying Club_Beta Sprint

Team's code standards in the bate sprint by FZU Flying Club_Beta Sprint

2023-12-08 02:22:49 956

原创 Predicting everything in the beta sprint by FZU Flying Club_Beta Sprint

Predicting everything in the beta sprint by FZU Flying Club_Beta Sprint

2023-12-07 22:39:52 866 1

原创 Summarizing issues in the alpha stage by FZU Flying Club_Beta Sprint

Summarizing issues in the alpha stage by FZU Flying Club_Beta Sprint

2023-12-07 21:26:40 926 1

原创 Topical Collection of Essays by FZU Flying Club

Topical Collection of Essays by FZU Flying Club

2023-11-30 22:17:32 787

原创 Testing Essay by FZU Flying Club

Testing Essay by FZU Flying Club

2023-11-30 21:56:27 875

原创 Sprint summary essay by FZU Flying Club

Sprint summary essay by FZU Flying Club

2023-11-30 21:49:26 868

原创 Sprint Essay 5 about Implementation of Markdown online editor by FZU Flying Club

Sprint Essay 5 about Implementation of Markdown online editor by FZU Flying Club

2023-11-29 23:41:40 993 1

原创 Sprint Essay 4 about Implementation of comment section and online chat by FZU Flying Club

Sprint Essay 4 about Implementation of comment section and online chat by FZU Flying Club

2023-11-28 16:14:42 1001

原创 Sprint Essay 3 about Classification of content sections by FZU Flying Club

Sprint Essay 3 Classification of content sections

2023-11-26 17:35:32 818 1

原创 Sprint Essay 2 about Building Page Themes by FZU Flying Club

Sprint Essay 2 about Building Page Themes by FZU Flying Club

2023-11-23 16:21:22 842

原创 Sprint Essay 1 about Establishment of the website by FZU Flying Club

Sprint Essay 1 Establishment of the website

2023-11-23 12:42:20 100

原创 Code Standards, Sprint Tasks, and Plans by FZU Flying Club

Alpha Sprint preparation, including mission planning and assignment

2023-11-22 22:31:01 94

原创 Extreme programming by FZU Flying Club

Extreme programming

2023-11-19 23:37:17 79 1

原创 Assignment5_Software Engineering_Prototype Design

This assignment is a blog for the UI prototype design of the MIEC Software Engineering course project - FZU Flying Book.

2023-11-10 14:42:31 94 1

原创 Assignment4_Software Engineering_Demand Analysis

This post is a description of Assignment 4 of the software engineering course semester course project related to the project requirements analysis.

2023-10-30 14:19:25 177

原创 Software Engineering_Assignment3_in FZU Flying Book_by FZU Flying Club

Software Engineering - FZU飞跃手册(FZU Flying Book)项目启动!

2023-10-19 01:45:10 232 1

Assignment5 Resource Documents

This resource is related to the UI prototype design of the MIEC Software Engineering course project - FZU Flying Book.


Assignment 4 Demand Analysis resource document

This package resource contains both Chinese and English versions of the document, you can choose the language version of the document you want to see to view.


FZU飞跃手册 相关文件 (FZU Flying Book Relevant documents)

这是关于我们飞跃手册项目的相关文档,包括成员分组信息表格,各组成员任务概要文档,项目日记等文档。 (This is a collection of documents relating to our Leapfrog Handbook project, including member grouping information forms, task summary documents for each group member, a project diary, and other documents.)



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