Vocabulary Collection

This blog is mainly responsible for collecting the vocabularies from newspapers and internet




humiliate 使... 蒙羞

v. to make someone feel ashamed or stupid, especially when other people are present.


from P3,SZ daily  2011/10/21

eg. Chloride phonixtec Electronics CO. lte claimed in the ShenZhen Intermediate People's Count

on wednesday that the company was not responsible for humiliating workers by asking some to 

bark like dogs in front of the co-workers.


They felt humiliated and took the company to count in Nanshan District last year demanding compensation for mental trauma and a public apology in the city's media.




mental trauma 精神伤害

trauma:1. an unpleasant and upsetting experience that affects you for a long time; traumas such as

death or divorce.


2.a mental state of extreme shock caused by a very frightening or unpleasant experience.


The three employees argued that the company should be responsible for mental trauma because

they were punished for poor performances at a company activity.


hand down 把...传下来

The count is yet to hand down a decision.



A layer representing the company said evidence for dog barking incident was given by 22 employees

who were in dispute with the company. they might not have speaking the truth, he said.




trademark  infringement 商标侵权


Man beats trademark infringement claim

A local resident won a lawsuit claiming trademark infringement against two companies, including ShenZhen OCT East Group and Intesa Sampaolo S.P.A in Italy


Craft 工艺品


Liang registered the trademark "intela" in 2004 for service in areas such as art and crafts, housing

rentals, estate agency, financial services, insurance and trusts. 


ulterior motives 别有用心的动机


OCT East believed they were the first to register the trademark "Interlaken" as the name of a hotel and liang was suspected of registering the "Intela" trade-mark for ulterior motives .




1. very unkind and cruel, and deliberately behaving in a way that is likely to upset or hurt someone:

a spiteful and malicious girl

eg. I think I know who is responsible for these malicious rumors.



However, the office said there was not enough evidence to show that liang had registered the trademark for malicious purposes



Date: 24/Oct/2011



affluent adj.富裕的 n.支流

I grew up in ShenZhen and studied abroad. I used to live like an affluent person chasing luxury brands. But now that I am 30. I want to do something more fulfilling with my life.


affable 谦恭有礼的, 和蔼可亲的, 易于交谈的, 慈祥的, 殷勤的

Cheng's affable personality has made her popular with students. she spends time with them after class and learns about their lives while helping them practice English.


esteem  n.  尊敬 vt.  尊敬, 认为

Although the living conditions are bad, I appreciate that everybody is doing their best. I am honored to have won the esteem of my colleagues.


poultry n. 家禽

1.birds such as chickens and ducks that kept in order to produce eggs and meat.

2. meat from birds such as chickens and ducks.


Cheng buys her fruit and poultry from the bazaar, then later cooks them to eat family-style with other volunteers. Her colleagues act as a family to her.


parasite 寄生虫,寄生生物,食客

East Coast fever kills hundreds of thousands of cattle in eastern and central Africa every year. The animals become infected when they get bitten by ticks carrying the parasite that causes the disease. A parasite is an organism that feeds on other organisms.



He points out that East Coast fever is not a contagious disease, so animals cannot give it to each other.




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