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翻译 Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder 学习笔记 Unit 10

Unit 102019.5.22[put-]:"to think,consider,or believe" reputation reputed:据说 Believed to be a certain way by popular opinion. disrepute:丧失名誉;蒙羞 Loss or lack of good reputation; disg...

2019-05-22 12:50:45 839

原创 电子宠物(用IO流序列化保存宠物信息)

一个简单的电子宠物,在控制台养宠物,支持电子宠物通过序列化保存到本地,可以继续养上一只package com.pet;import java.io.Serializable;public class Pet implements Serializable { private static Pet pet = new Pet(); private String name; pr...

2019-04-11 12:09:05 659 1

翻译 Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder 学习笔记 Unit 9

Unit 92019.2.18[her-/hes-]:"to stick" adhesive 黏合剂;可黏着的, 黏性的 hesitate adherent        追随者;信徒 (1) Someone who follows a leader, a party, or a profession. (2) One who believes in a particula...

2019-02-18 11:58:01 481

翻译 Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder 学习笔记 Unit 24

Unit 242018.01.13 [mand-]:"entrust" or "order" command commandment:戒条 commando:突击队 mandate:命令 ;授权 (1) A formal command. (2) Permission to act, given by the people to their representati...

2019-01-13 15:36:46 589

翻译 Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder 学习笔记 Unit 21

Unit216.18[sub-]:"under" subway submarine subject:受…支配的 subplot:次要情节 subscribe:定期订购(或订阅等);定期捐助;申请,注册,报名;~ to 同意,赞成 subscription:捐助, 订阅, 签名 subconscious        :潜意识的;下意识的 Existing i...

2018-12-13 19:54:49 511

翻译 Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder 学习笔记 Unit 20

Unit 206.8 [nom-]:"name" nominee:被任命者 nominate:提名;任命;指定;推荐 binomial:二项式(的);二种名称(的) polynomial:adj. 多项式的,多词学名(指由两个以上的词构成的学名)的 n. 多项式,由2字以上组成的学名 nominal:名义上的,有名无实的;(价格或款项)微不足道的,象征性的 (1...

2018-12-13 19:53:29 746

翻译 Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder 学习笔记 Unit 8

Unit 8[port-]:"to carry" portable porter transport        trans-,转移,-port,携带 export portage:(在两条河之间运送船只或货物的)陆上运输,陆上搬运;运输 The carrying of boats or goods overland from one body of water to...

2018-12-13 19:51:16 541

翻译 Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder 学习笔记 Unit 7

Unit7[vis-]:"see" vision visual visible visitor vista:远景;展望 (1) A distant view. (2) An extensive mental view, as over a stretch of time. vis-a-vis:关于;和…面对面;同…相比 In relation to or ...

2018-12-13 19:50:05 594

翻译 Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder 学习笔记 Unit 6

Unit 6[equ-]:"equal" equalize equivalent:相等的 equilateral:等边的 equation:方程式;等式;等同看待;(多种因素的)平衡 equable:性情温和的;稳定的,变化小的,温差小的 (1) Tending to remain calm. (2) Free from harsh changes or extreme...

2018-12-13 19:48:03 1257 2

翻译 Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder 学习笔记 Unit 19

Unit 19 2018.05.27 [bio-]:"life" biology:生物学 biosphere:生物圈 biotechnology:生物技术 bionic:仿生学的 Made stronger or more capable by electronic or mechanical devices. biopsy        :活组织切片...

2018-06-09 21:18:02 797

翻译 Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder 学习笔记 Unit 18

Unit182018.05.27 [capit-/cap-]:"head" caput:头,首 captain:n. 船长;队长,首领;上尉;海军上校  vt. 指挥;率领 capitalism:资本主义 An economic system based on private ownership, private decisions, and open competit...

2018-06-09 21:16:28 694

翻译 Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder 学习笔记 Unit 5

Unit 5 [mal-]:"bad" malady:疾病;弊病 malpractice:渎职 malodorous:难闻的 malefactor:犯罪分子 malevolent:有坏心肠的;有恶意的 Having or showing intense ill will or hatred. malicious:恶毒的(小的) Desiring to ...

2018-06-09 21:14:11 1290

翻译 Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder 学习笔记 Unit 4

 Unit 42018.05.29[vor-]:"to eat" -ivorous:以什么为食 frug·ivorous:食果的 gran·ivorous:食谷类的 gramin·ivorous:食草的 feeding on grass or the seeds of grass phytosucc·ivorous:吸植物液的 carn·ivorous...

2018-06-09 21:10:57 1090

翻译 Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder 学习笔记 Unit3

Unit32018.05.29[ambi-] : “on both sides” or “around” ambidextrous : adj.左右手都灵的;搞两面派的;非常灵巧的;非常熟练的 ambiguous : adj. 模棱两可的, 含糊不清的;引起歧义的; (1) Doubtful or uncertain especially from being obsc...

2018-06-09 21:09:00 1034

翻译 Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder 学习笔记 Unit 2

词典Collins,童理民词根 Unit22018.05.28 [mania-] :“madness” mania : 躁狂症;狂热 It can means a mental illness ,or at least an excessive enthusiasm maniac :疯子;狂热的 who was wild, violent, and men...

2018-05-03 16:47:23 1055



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