Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder 学习笔记 Unit 20

Unit 20



  • [nom-]:"name"
    • nominee:被任命者
    • nominate:提名;任命;指定;推荐
    • binomial:二项式(的);二种名称(的)
    • polynomial:adj. 多项式的,多词学名(指由两个以上的词构成的学名)的 n. 多项式,由2字以上组成的学名
    • nominal:名义上的,有名无实的;(价格或款项)微不足道的,象征性的
      • (1) Existing in name or form only and not in reality. (2) So small as to be unimportant; insignificant.
    • nomenclature:系统命名法
      • (1) A name or designation, or the act of naming. (2) A system of terms or symbols used in biology, where New Latin names are given to kinds and groups of animals and plants.
    • ignominious:羞愧的,丢脸的,耻辱的,不光彩的,不名誉的;丢脸地,羞辱性的
      • (1) Marked with shame or disgrace; dishonorable. (2) Humiliating or degrading.
    • misnomer:误称,用词不当
      • A wrong name, or the use of a wrong name.
  • [pater-/patr-]:"father"
    • patron:赞助人
    • patrician:贵族;(古罗马的)统治阶层成员;有贵族气派的
      • A person of high birth or of good breeding and cultivation; an aristocrat.
    • patriarchy:父权制;父权社会
      • (1) A family, group, or government controlled by a man or a group of men. (2) A social system in which family members are related to each other through their fathers.
    • expatriate:侨民, 居住在国外的人(自愿,长期,非永久)
      • A person who has moved to a foreign land.
        • repatriate:遣返
    • paternalistic:家长式作风的
      • Tending to supply the needs of or regulate the activities of those under one's control.
        • paternal:父亲的
        • maternal:母亲的
        • paternalism:家长式制度
  • [lega-]:"to appoint" or "to send as a deputy"
    • legate:罗马教皇的使节
      • An official representative, such as an ambassador.
        • envoy:使节
    • legacy:遗产;遗赠;事件或历史的)遗留问题
      • (1) Something left to a person in a will. (2) Something handed down by an ancestor or predecessor or received from the past.
    • delegation:代表团
      • A group of people chosen to represent the interests or opinions of others.
        • delegate:n. 代表 v. 委托;任命
    • relegate:降级;提交
      • (1) To remove or assign to a less important place. (2) To refer or hand over for decision or for carrying out.
  • [greg-]:"herd" or "flock"
    • gregarious:合群的;群居的
    • aggregate:汇集;总计(的),集合
      • A collection or sum of units or parts.
        • in (the) aggregate:整体上;总共
    • congregation:(教堂的)会众;(从属某教堂并定期做礼拜的)教堂会众
      • (1) A gathering of people, especially for worship or religious instruction. (2) The membership of a church or temple.
    • egregious:异乎寻常的;极坏的
      • Standing out, especially in a bad way; flagrant.
    • segregate:(使)分开,分离,隔离;隔离并区别对待(不同种族、宗教或性别的人)
      • (1) To separate from others or from the general mass; isolate. (2) To separate along racial lines.
  • [flu-]:"to flow"
    • flume:引水槽
    • fluent:(说话、写作等)熟练的, 流畅的
    • influence:
    • fluid:流动的;流体
    • affluence:富裕
      • An abundance of wealth.
        • affluent:富裕的
    • effluent:废水,污水
      • Polluting waste material discharged into the environment.
    • confluence:(事物的)汇合,汇聚,汇集;(河流的)汇合处
      • (1) A coming or flowing together at one point. (2) A place of meeting, especially of two streams.
    • mellifluous:甜美流畅的;悦耳动听的
      • Flowing like honey; sweetened as if with honey.
  • [prehend-/prehens]:"to seize"
    • prehensile:能抓住东西的;缠绕性的
      • Adapted for grasping, especially by wrapping around.
    • apprehend:逮捕;理解,认识到
      • (1) Arrest, seize. (2) Understand.
        • apprehensive:担心的
        • apprehension:担心;逮捕;理解
    • comprehend:理解, 领会;包括
      • (1) To grasp the meaning of; understand. (2) To take in or include.
        • conprehensive:综合
    • reprehensible:应受斥责的;应该谴责的
      • Deserving stern criticism or blame.
        • reprehend:<正>斥责,指摘,责备
  • [temper-]:"to moderate or keep within limits" or "to mix."
    • temperate: 气候温和的,温带的;温和的;心平气和的;自我克制的
    • temperature:气温,体温,温度
    • temper:使缓和,使温和;暴脾气
      • To dilute, qualify, or soften by adding something more agreeable; to moderate.
        • temper justice with mercy:刚柔并济。
    • temperance:节制(尤指饮食);节欲;戒酒
      • (1) Moderation in satisfying appetites or passions. (2) The drinking of little or no alcohol.
    • intemperate:不温和的;无节制的,过度的
      • Not moderate or mild; excessive, extreme.
    • distemper:瘟热(一种危险的动物传染病,尤见于猫狗);不高兴
      • (1) A highly contagious viral disease, especially of dogs. (2) A highly contagious and usually fatal viral disease, especially of cats, marked by the destruction of white blood cells.
    • 【注】

temper justice with mercy 刚柔并济,用仁慈缓和司法的严正,使司法不至于不近人情

temper their natural enthusiasms with caution 年轻人对任何事情充满本能的热情,需要小心谨慎来缓和这种强烈的情感,不至于遇事一腔热情血太过于冲动

temper our honesty with sensitivity  学会察言观色,具有敏感性,不会让我们的诚实伤害到别人,要稍微委婉点,不然有什么说什么这种诚实会很难和别人相处

  • [purg-]:"to clean or cleanse"
    • purge:净化(心灵、风气等);清除,清洗(组织中的异己分子)
      • (1) To clear of guilt or sin. (2) To free of something unwanted or considered impure.
        • purgative:泻药
    • expurgate:删除(书等中的)令人反感的成分;删去(不当处)
      • To cleanse of something morally harmful or offensive; to remove objectionable parts from.
        • expurgated:删减版
        • expurgation:消去,删去,廓清,修改
        • expurgator: 削除者,修订者
    • purgative:净化的;通便的;n. 泻药
      • (1) Cleansing or purifying, especially from sin. (2) Causing a significant looseness of the bowels.
    • purgatory:炼狱, (在炼狱中的)涤罪;暂时受苦的地方, 暂时的苦难
      • (1) According to Roman Catholic doctrine, the place where the souls of those who have died in God's grace must pay for their sins through suffering before ascending to heaven. (2) A place or state of temporary suffering or misery.
  • Number Words
  • [mill-]:either "a thousand" or "a thousandth."
    • millennium:一千年,千年期;千禧年
    • million:百万
    • milligram:毫克(千分之一克)
    • milliliter:千分之一升,毫升(0.002品脱)
    • millimeter:毫米
    • millefleur:(挂毯图案的)万花斑驳的
      • Having a pattern of small flowers and plants all over.
    • millenarianism:千福年说(传说耶稣将重临人世统治的一千年),信千福年;太平盛世
      • (1) Belief in the 1,000-year era of holiness foretold in the Book of Revelation. (2) Belief in an ideal society to come, especially one brought about by revolution.
    • millipede:马陆, 千足虫
      • Any of a class of many-footed arthropods that have a cylindrical, segmented body with two pairs of legs on each segment, and, unlike centipedes, no poison fangs.
    • millisecond:毫秒
      • One thousandth of a second.
  • [hemi-/semi-]:"half"
    • hemisphere: 半球
    • semicircle:半圆形
    • demitasse:小型咖啡杯
    • semitone:半音
      • The tone at a half step.
    • semicolon:分号
      • The punctuation mark ; , used chiefly to separate major sentence elements such as independent clauses.
    • hemiplegia:偏瘫,半身麻痹,半身不遂
      • Total or partial paralysis of one side of the body that results from disease of or injury to the motor centers of the brain.
    • semiconductor:半导体
      • A solid that conducts electricity like a metal at high temperatures and insulates like a nonmetal at low temperatures.





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