English learnings

Many fresh graduates want to have a promising job which is good for their career development, after they got their diploma in university also he or she may got his scholarship in campus(daxuexiaoyuan), then he will be a undergraduate of course he will get his credentials(xuelizhengshu) Sometimes the style maybe indirect, bu we need to learn to be charitable(kuanrongde) in order to be a historian. All of things in campus is academic and there a lot of intellectual in campus. If you make a mistake you need to write a guarantee(baozhengshu), so we could get a conclusion that we need to be intelligent(congmingde). Can human beings live i moon, it is too early to draw a conclusion about it. We could know that each law is based on premise(diji) that people are innocent until they are proved to be guilty(youzui). Sometimes is is barley intelligible(keyilijiede,qingchude) that every one over the age of 18 is free to eligible(youzigede) to vote.

We know that Robin Hod is a well-know figure in English legend and he is ambitious but liberal in his attitude towards the candid advise that maybe unpleasant to the ear. But success is not achieved by sheer luck the same with extreme luck/ a lot of things can be impact by happenings in this world. Also in the court a witness should relate whatever things he has sen. We should always correlate theory with practice in order to avoid to be a radical(jijingfenzi). The competent secretary was assigned to take minutes for the meetings of board of directors. Also a special committee was designated to mediate the conflict in Middle East. We should do physical exercises to stimulate the flow of blood. Also examinations can motivate the person to seek more knowledge. If a company can afford a vocational training, thus it is a good company. If i am a capable man, then we can do less reluctant things, can have more alternative chance, in order to make that come true we need to be more realistic about difficulties and do full preparation to demonstrate us that we are adequate for job.



Lesson Two


When you are young, and you are in anelementary status by the recognizing status, you need to do adequate exercisesand eat proper food in order to maintain yourself health. When you grow up, andyou may propose to a beautiful girl, also man proposes, god disposes, everyonehas his own propositions, sometimes it is attractive and sometime it is not. Whenthe colors of sunset were diffused across the sky you propose to that beautifulgirl. As the fuse burning and fusion explosion(爆炸). Then she agree your propose, and youchoose a natural port that located at a where the shoreline(haianxian) isirregular and the water is deep. The private place affords you the privateliving. You will not deprive of the right to love each other. Also as the lifegoing on, the expense will bigger than before, but you can via the newspaperand internet to acquaint with the world. Then you have a genius baby has awonderful disposition(xingge). When he grows up he will go to accept highereducation of course the tuition is higher than in China. As the learningknowledge growing, he will be qualifies as the chief administrative of region. Hasadvanced ideology and select knowledge, getting knowledge annually. Go toforeign films and art galleries(yishuzhanlan) then will serve as a firmfoundation for his carrer. Then he make a strong contribution to China andbecome a universal person. Also has a wonderful virtue and become a recruit of biggestcompany. In order to preserve the status one cannot resorting to force, weshould illuminated by the sky and become a luminous(faguangde) person. Should haspracticable ideas then will not misled by other body. Great person certainlyendowed with great talent by ourself. Under no circumstance will we betray ourfriends.




Lesson Three


In the college-admissions wars, weparents are the true fighters. From kids to adults, we need to get theadmission to get some pin money. Sometimes we need to coax our parents to addthe pocket money for us. Sometimes we are pushed by our parents to get goodgrades, take SAT(Scholastic Assessment Test 学术水平测试) and build resumes so we can get intothe college of our first choise. I’ve once been to the wars, and as I surveythe battlefield something different is happening(当我回头来想象时发现了一些不同). We can’t acknowledge that ourobsession [əbsenfn偏见 is more about us than them for the college background as a prizedemonstrating how well we are raised. Sometimes we contrived 编造 various justificationsthat turns out to be half-truths, prejudices 偏见or myths神话.


We have a full-down prestige panic(我们对名声有着极度恐慌), fearful person urgetheir children to more schools than ever. All that is plausible, and mostlywrong. 看似很有道理其实都是错误的.


The latest survey shows a majority insupport of theory that demonstrating how to use microwave cooker is wrong. We mustacknowledge that it is right. Once upon a time this nororious(choumingzhaozhude)drug-pusher has been contriving an escape and the revolutionaries considered misgovernmentto be a justification for revolution. When they go to court, a judge must befree from prejudice. Also the old university of Oxford and Cambridge still havea lot of prestige. If you are poor you need to apply for a bank loan in orderto get into College. Sometimes it is the economist‘s mission to find out theunderlying factors/cause of depression衰退. Long time before when I heard thehysterical voice from John then I know that he was elected senator参议员, he was in thathysterical laughter. That is not scarce稀少的罕见的 in daily life. There is a fact thatOxford and Cambridge have educated the political and scientific elites精英人士 for the British society.So we could get a conclusion that experience is a school from which one cannever graduate. If you need to convince the judge of your innocence thenevidence are indispensable. In usual we should never easily take offence(生气) at the slightestthings. We should enhance our English capability in order to pass the EnglishTest Brand 6. To reckon with预料到 the possible happenings in usual, weshould know every advantage has its disadvantage. A good solider should hasambition to be a general. So you need to decline(谢绝,下降,减少)a lot of person’s invitation in ordernot to let yourself at stake在危险境地. Some person exaggerates 夸大夸张 commercial advertisementso we need to see the world from a rational理性的理智的 point of view. Some HK people has thatrational view upon the increase in subway fares地铁票价上涨. As astronauts 宇航员 must adjust themselvesto weightlessness. Policies that are destructive 破坏性的 to economic development should beabandoned. One can never impose征税,把强加于 his opinion on others. The boardingschool 寄宿学校only enrolls boy students, but in ityou can get intensive care.





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