使用以下语句,可以打开simulink profiler,再执行仿真后,就有各个模块的各个phase的执行时间的报告了。
set_param(‘mymodel’, ‘Profile’, ‘on’);
※summary legend
Total recorded time:总记录时间
Total time for simulating the model. 跑仿真模型的总时间。
Number of Block Methods:模块(包括如scope在内的各种)的数量:
Total number of methods called by individual blocks in the model 模型中单个块调用的总数
Number of Internal Methods :内部方法的数量:
Total number of internal Simulink methods called by the model. 模型调用的内部Simulink方法的总数。
Number of Model Methods:模型方法的数量
Number of methods called by the model. 模型调用的方法数。
Number of Nonvirtual Subsystem Methods:非虚拟子系统方法的数量:
Number of methods called by any nonvirtual subsystems in the model 模型中任何非虚拟子系统调用的方法数
Clock precision:时钟精度
Precision of the profiler’s time measurement.
※Function List Legend
Time spent in this function, including all child functions called.
Number of times this function was called.调用此函数的次数。
Time/call: 每次调用花费的时间
Time spent per call.每次调用花费的时间
Self time:自我时间
Total time spent in this function, not including any calls to child functions.此函数花费的总时间,不包括对子函数的任何调用。
Link to the location of the block in your model. Use the link "Clear Highlighted Blocks"at the top of the page to unhilite all blocks. (Note: you must use the MATLAB Help browser to use these hyperlinks).链接到块在模型中的位置。使用页面顶部的链接“清除高亮显示的块”可以取消选中所有块。(注意:必须使用MATLAB帮助浏览器才能使用这些超链接)
Note: In accelerated mode, individual blocks will not show up in the profiler, unless they are executed internally in Simulink (e.g. a scope runs in Simulink instead of the generated code). Rerun in normal mode to get a more detailed analysis of the simulation.
综合以上信息,“Time/call” 大概是我需要关注的。