Stakeholder Management Plan

7.1.1 Stakeholder Identification
Section of PMBOK® 6 th ed 6 presented a structured approach to identify, analyse, and engage stakeholders
that directly or indirectly impact the direction, progress, and outcome of the project based on their needs, concerns,
interests, influence, and authority. To this end, being able to recognise the right stakeholders for a particular project
is critical as their involvement primarily determines the fate of the project. For the MM Cell Project, the Team used
iteratively the tools and techniques specified in Section (Expert Judgment) and (Data Gathering) of
PMBOK® 6th ed 7 to produce the list of relevant stakeholders by the end of the Planning Phase. This list, is shown in
Appendix C: Table 5 and Table 6 which contain the identification information and contact details of each stakeholder,
including the nature of their expected involvement in this Project whether Primary (through Project Execution) or
Secondary (through the UNSW Strategy) and their current association with UNSW (Internal or External).
7.1.2 Stakeholder Analysis and Engagement
Some of the data analysis tools mentioned in Section of PMBOK® 6 th ed 8 were employed to further classify
the stakeholdersidentified in the previous section. Each of the stakeholders was evaluated based on the level of Power
(impact of stakeholder to the project) and level of Interest (impact of project to the stakeholder), in relation to the
Project. The outcomes were numerically represented from 1 to 5 where 1 is the lowest rating (Very Low) and 5 is the
highest rating (Very High). A detailed definition of the different ratingsspecific for each metric is presented in Appendix
C: Table 8 .
The two metrics were then considered as the decision criteria in a Decision Matrix shown in Appendix C: Table 9 , to
identify the stakeholders’ engagement levels which were then refined and translated to the four organisational
capabilities (see Appendix C: Table 10 ) for the efficient management of stakeholders. Through this multicriteria
analysis, the Project Manager will be able to engage each stakeholder effectively during project execution and in
decision making to maximise their individual contributions and meet their specific needs. The analysis and proposed
engagement plan for each identified stakeholder is shown in Appendix C: Table 7 .
7.1.3 Stakeholder Engagement Monitoring
One of the concepts presented in Chapter 13 of PMBOK® 6 th ed 9 about developing the Stakeholder Plan is the iterative
nature of the activities involved. A routine checking of the Plan is necessary to capture changes to the stakeholder
information which could occur at any point in the Project lifecycle, even during the execution and control phase. Such
changes could have significant implications to their project goals or contributions, and thus must be re-examined to
adjust, if necessary, the management approach of the concerned stakeholders. For the MM Cell Project, the
Stakeholder Management Plan will be checked regularly and updated as often as necessary to maintain the accuracy
of the Stakeholder Register and Stakeholder Analysis and Engagement . Where applicable, other sections of the PMP
will be revised accordingly to ensure the change is integrated across the PMP. Some of the areas that could be affected
are the Stakeholders and Benefits , Communication Plan , Risks Assessment , Project Schedule and Project Cost .
The stakeholder monitoring will be scheduled fortnightly and at every milestone completion which are both in line
with the frequency of Risks Audit as part of Risk Response Control . The identification of new risks that relates to
stakeholders will be captured in this review process and also through the use of other tools described in Risk Identification . Through this constant monitoring and integration, it can promptly address new risks to manage its
overall impact to the Project. Similarly, the opportunities arising from the movements in stakeholder power and
influence will be aptly exploited to maximise the value-adding capacity of each stakeholder. Any change to the Plan
will be subject to the change management process where a change request is required.
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