Faint past

Light once, light past, left a light memory. We always like to daydream about the past, because the past carries too many of our memories. We don't need to get along every day, we don't need endless phone calls, we don't need daily greetings, we only need a faint smile when we meet in a corner, we only need a number that we can dial whenever we are in trouble, we only need you to share with me when we are sad or happy... That's enough!

Young we, with the original dream, alone, chasing our hope in a foreign land. Different places have opened our distance, but distance produces beauty, and time has not erased the traces we left. In the strange red land, among countless strange faces, found a few faces like yours. So, and they become friends, and they chase hope together, as if to see the once you, as if back to the past, find the old familiar feeling. Maybe they really took them as you in the past, just because of excessive immersion in the light of the past.

Slowly, I like to hang on QQ all day, because I hope you can share your joys and sorrows with me, and I can know how you are doing at the first time. QQ, a smile expression told me that you had a very happy, a sad expression told me that you are sad... Whether it is happy or sad expression, I am very happy, because you are willing to share your joys and sorrows with me, which at least proves that you still remember the distant friends, which is enough... Different places we so light once concerned. In recent days, I always open the photo album of space from time to time, because there are the light smiles you leave me, and our common memories. Sometimes, a person quietly looking at those long photos, can not help but giggle, because their heart is still stuck in the past.

Light once, have our common oath. Remember that summer, we went climbing together, flying our dreams on the edge of the cliff, and telling the hope of our youth together. We vowed that we would fight for our dreams together, that we would always be together, and that we would always remember our days together... Remember, when we got our college acceptance letters, we knew that we had fulfilled our dreams and fulfilled our promises. At the dinner table, we drink nectar, we laugh, we are moved, only for our friendship without interpretation.

I like subtle feeling, because simple is a kind of beauty, so I also pursue subtle friendship. I do not ask you to do anything for me, only that we can keep the happy memories in my heart forever. Others always say that people should look forward, rather than blindly living in the past, but I want to say that living in the good of the past is also happy, some good memories may become a person's driving force forward. When the promise to you is still in my heart, because of the promise, I never give up...... What remains in my heart will always be remembered, and what should not be forgotten will never be forgotten, just because we have a light past...

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Based on the following story, continue the story by writing two paragraphs, paragraph 1 beginning with "A few weeks later, I went to the farm again. " and paragraph 2 beginning with "I was just about to leave when the hummingbird appeared."respectively with 150 words. I was invited to a cookout on an old friend's farm in western Washington. I parked my car outside the farm and walked past a milking house which had apparently not been used in many years.A noise at a window caught my attention,so I entered it. It was a hummingbird,desperately trying to escape. She was covered in spider-webs and was barely able to move her wings. She ceased her struggle the instant I picked her up. With the bird in my cupped hand, I looked around to see how she had gotten in. The broken window glass was the likely answer. I stuffed a piece of cloth into the hole and took her outside,closing the door securely behind me. When I opened my hand, the bird did not fly away; she sat looking at me with her bright eyes.I removed the sticky spider-webs that covered her head and wings. Still, she made no attempt to fly.Perhaps she had been struggling against the window too long and was too tired? Or too thirsty? As I carried her up the blackberry-lined path toward my car where I kept a water bottle, she began to move. I stopped, and she soon took wing but did not immediately fly away. Hovering,she approached within six inches of my face. For a very long moment,this tiny creature looked into my eyes, turning her head from side to side. Then she flew quickly out of sight. During the cookout, I told my hosts about the hummingbird incident. They promised to fix the window. As I was departing, my friends walked me to my car. I was standing by the car when a hummingbird flew to the center of our group and began hovering. She turned from person to person until she came to me. She again looked directly into my eyes, then let out a squeaking call and was gone. For a moment, all were speechless. Then someone said, “She must have come to say good-bye.”
目标检测(Object Detection)是计算机视觉领域的一个核心问题,其主要任务是找出图像中所有感兴趣的目标(物体),并确定它们的类别和位置。以下是对目标检测的详细阐述: 一、基本概念 目标检测的任务是解决“在哪里?是什么?”的问题,即定位出图像中目标的位置并识别出目标的类别。由于各类物体具有不同的外观、形状和姿态,加上成像时光照、遮挡等因素的干扰,目标检测一直是计算机视觉领域最具挑战性的任务之一。 二、核心问题 目标检测涉及以下几个核心问题: 分类问题:判断图像中的目标属于哪个类别。 定位问题:确定目标在图像中的具体位置。 大小问题:目标可能具有不同的大小。 形状问题:目标可能具有不同的形状。 三、算法分类 基于深度学习的目标检测算法主要分为两大类: Two-stage算法:先进行区域生成(Region Proposal),生成有可能包含待检物体的预选框(Region Proposal),再通过卷积神经网络进行样本分类。常见的Two-stage算法包括R-CNN、Fast R-CNN、Faster R-CNN等。 One-stage算法:不用生成区域提议,直接在网络中提取特征来预测物体分类和位置。常见的One-stage算法包括YOLO系列(YOLOv1、YOLOv2、YOLOv3、YOLOv4、YOLOv5等)、SSD和RetinaNet等。 四、算法原理 以YOLO系列为例,YOLO将目标检测视为回归问题,将输入图像一次性划分为多个区域,直接在输出层预测边界框和类别概率。YOLO采用卷积网络来提取特征,使用全连接层来得到预测值。其网络结构通常包含多个卷积层和全连接层,通过卷积层提取图像特征,通过全连接层输出预测结果。 五、应用领域 目标检测技术已经广泛应用于各个领域,为人们的生活带来了极大的便利。以下是一些主要的应用领域: 安全监控:在商场、银行




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