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3. 详细可参考:http://wangye.org/blog/archives/914/
有选择的忽略PyCharm 3的PEP8代码风格警告提示信息
最近略尝试了JetBrains的Python开发套件(IDE)PyCharm 3,感觉各方面还算强大,况且JetBrains也释出免费的版本,喜欢尝鲜的朋友不妨试试。
求助于万能的Google,找到了这一篇文章《configuring PEP8.py support in PyCharm 2.7》(国内可能无法访问),作者列出了以下步骤:
In pycharm, click the settings icon, or go to the settings via the menu bar.
In the project settings section, click ‘inspections’
In the list that appears, click ‘python’.
Under python, scroll down and click PEP8.
Now, underneath the description, you’ll se an ‘ignore errors’ section. Click the + at the bottom.
Now, go here. This is a page of the pep8.py documentation, listing all possible errors and warnings.
Find an error you want to ignore, and copy the error code at the left.
Paste this error code into the field you just added in the settings window.
Add all the errors you want to ignore and click apply.
选项,然后找到PEP 8 coding style violation
,在右边的ignore errors,点击下面的加号,添加要忽略的警告信息编码,这个编码可以参考PEP8.py的官方网站,如下图所示我添加了E221、E401、E203这几个要忽略的信息。
后来JetBrains的开发者Dmitry Jemerov与作者联系提供了一个更为简便的办法,那就是点击要忽略的错误所在,然后按Alt+Enter,在弹出下拉菜单选择ignore errors like this
参考: http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2015-12/125936.htm