

        用于表示浏览器窗口的类。 在browser进程中使用时除非在注释中另有说明,否则可以在任何线程上调用此类的方法。 在renderer进程中使用时,此类的方法只能在主线程上调用。


// Class used to represent a browser window. When used in the browser process
// the methods of this class may be called on any thread unless otherwise
// indicated in the comments. When used in the render process the methods of
// this class may only be called on the main thread.
class CefBrowser : public virtual CefBaseRefCounted {
  // Returns the browser host object. This method can only be called in the
  // browser process.
  virtual CefRefPtr<CefBrowserHost> GetHost() = 0;

  // Returns true if the browser can navigate backwards.
  virtual bool CanGoBack() = 0;

  // Navigate backwards.
  virtual void GoBack() = 0;

  // Returns true if the browser can navigate forwards.
  virtual bool CanGoForward() = 0;

  // Navigate forwards.
  virtual void GoForward() = 0;

  // Returns true if the browser is currently loading.
  virtual bool IsLoading() = 0;

  // Reload the current page.
  virtual void Reload() = 0;

  // Reload the current page ignoring any cached data.
  virtual void ReloadIgnoreCache() = 0;

  // Stop loading the page.
  virtual void StopLoad() = 0;

  // Returns the globally unique identifier for this browser. This value is also
  // used as the tabId for extension APIs.
  virtual int GetIdentifier() = 0;

  // Returns true if this object is pointing to the same handle as |that|
  // object.
  virtual bool IsSame(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> that) = 0;

  // Returns true if the window is a popup window.
  virtual bool IsPopup() = 0;

  // Returns true if a document has been loaded in the browser.
  virtual bool HasDocument() = 0;

  // Returns the main (top-level) frame for the browser window.
  virtual CefRefPtr<CefFrame> GetMainFrame() = 0;

  // Returns the focused frame for the browser window.
  virtual CefRefPtr<CefFrame> GetFocusedFrame() = 0;

  // Returns the frame with the specified identifier, or NULL if not found.
  virtual CefRefPtr<CefFrame> GetFrame(int64 identifier) = 0;

  // Returns the frame with the specified name, or NULL if not found.
  virtual CefRefPtr<CefFrame> GetFrame(const CefString& name) = 0;

  // Returns the number of frames that currently exist.
  virtual size_t GetFrameCount() = 0;

  // Returns the identifiers of all existing frames.
  virtual void GetFrameIdentifiers(std::vector<int64>& identifiers) = 0;

  // Returns the names of all existing frames.
  virtual void GetFrameNames(std::vector<CefString>& names) = 0;


         用于表示浏览器窗口的浏览器过程方面的类。 此类的方法只能在浏览器进程中调用。没有特殊说明, 可以在该进程中的任何线程上调用。


virtual CefRefPtr<CefBrowserHost> GetHost() = 0;返回CefBrowser的主CefBrowserHost对象。


// Class used to represent the browser process aspects of a browser window. The
// methods of this class can only be called in the browser process. They may be
// called on any thread in that process unless otherwise indicated in the
// comments.
class CefBrowserHost : public virtual CefBaseRefCounted {
  typedef cef_drag_operations_mask_t DragOperationsMask;
  typedef cef_file_dialog_mode_t FileDialogMode;
  typedef cef_mouse_button_type_t MouseButtonType;
  typedef cef_paint_element_type_t PaintElementType;

  // Create a new browser window using the window parameters specified by
  // |windowInfo|. All values will be copied internally and the actual window
  // will be created on the UI thread. If |request_context| is empty the
  // global request context will be used. This method can be called on any
  // browser process thread and will not block. The optional |extra_info|
  // parameter provides an opportunity to specify extra information specific
  // to the created browser that will be passed to
  // CefRenderProcessHandler::OnBrowserCreated() in the render process.
  static bool CreateBrowser(const CefWindowInfo& windowInfo,
                            CefRefPtr<CefClient> client,
                            const CefString& url,
                            const CefBrowserSettings& settings,
                            CefRefPtr<CefDictionaryValue> extra_info,
                            CefRefPtr<CefRequestContext> request_context);



// Class used to represent a frame in the browser window. When used in the
// browser process the methods of this class may be called on any thread unless
// otherwise indicated in the comments. When used in the render process the
// methods of this class may only be called on the main thread.
class CefFrame : public virtual CefBaseRefCounted {
  // True if this object is currently attached to a valid frame.
  virtual bool IsValid() = 0;

  // Execute undo in this frame.
  virtual void Undo() = 0;

  // Execute redo in this frame.
  virtual void Redo() = 0;

  // Execute cut in this frame.
  virtual void Cut() = 0;

  // Execute copy in this frame.
  virtual void Copy() = 0;

  // Execute paste in this frame.
  virtual void Paste() = 0;

  // Execute delete in this frame.
  virtual void Delete() = 0;

  // Execute select all in this frame.
  virtual void SelectAll() = 0;

  // Save this frame's HTML source to a temporary file and open it in the
  // default text viewing application. This method can only be called from the
  // browser process.
  virtual void ViewSource() = 0;

  // Retrieve this frame's HTML source as a string sent to the specified
  // visitor.
  virtual void GetSource(CefRefPtr<CefStringVisitor> visitor) = 0;

  // Retrieve this frame's display text as a string sent to the specified
  // visitor.
  virtual void GetText(CefRefPtr<CefStringVisitor> visitor) = 0;

  // Load the request represented by the |request| object.
  // WARNING: This method will fail with "bad IPC message" reason
  // INVALID_INITIATOR_ORIGIN (213) unless you first navigate to the
  // request origin using some other mechanism (LoadURL, link click, etc).
  virtual void LoadRequest(CefRefPtr<CefRequest> request) = 0;

  // Load the specified |url|.
  virtual void LoadURL(const CefString& url) = 0;

  // Execute a string of JavaScript code in this frame. The |script_url|
  // parameter is the URL where the script in question can be found, if any.
  // The renderer may request this URL to show the developer the source of the
  // error.  The |start_line| parameter is the base line number to use for error
  // reporting.
  virtual void ExecuteJavaScript(const CefString& code,
                                 const CefString& script_url,
                                 int start_line) = 0;

  // Returns true if this is the main (top-level) frame.
  virtual bool IsMain() = 0;

  // Returns true if this is the focused frame.
  virtual bool IsFocused() = 0;

  // Returns the name for this frame. If the frame has an assigned name (for
  // example, set via the iframe "name" attribute) then that value will be
  // returned. Otherwise a unique name will be constructed based on the frame
  // parent hierarchy. The main (top-level) frame will always have an empty name
  // value.
  virtual CefString GetName() = 0;

  // Returns the globally unique identifier for this frame or < 0 if the
  // underlying frame does not yet exist.
  virtual int64 GetIdentifier() = 0;

  // Returns the parent of this frame or NULL if this is the main (top-level)
  // frame.
  virtual CefRefPtr<CefFrame> GetParent() = 0;

  // Returns the URL currently loaded in this frame.
  virtual CefString GetURL() = 0;

  // Returns the browser that this frame belongs to.
  virtual CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> GetBrowser() = 0;

  // Get the V8 context associated with the frame. This method can only be
  // called from the render process.
  virtual CefRefPtr<CefV8Context> GetV8Context() = 0;

  // Visit the DOM document. This method can only be called from the render
  // process.
  virtual void VisitDOM(CefRefPtr<CefDOMVisitor> visitor) = 0;

  // Create a new URL request that will be treated as originating from this
  // frame and the associated browser. This request may be intercepted by the
  // client via CefResourceRequestHandler or CefSchemeHandlerFactory. Use
  // CefURLRequest::Create instead if you do not want the request to have this
  // association, in which case it may be handled differently (see documentation
  // on that method). Requests may originate from both the browser process and
  // the render process.
  // For requests originating from the browser process:
  //   - POST data may only contain a single element of type PDE_TYPE_FILE or
  //     PDE_TYPE_BYTES.
  // For requests originating from the render process:
  //   - POST data may only contain a single element of type PDE_TYPE_BYTES.
  //   - If the response contains Content-Disposition or Mime-Type header values
  //     that would not normally be rendered then the response may receive
  //     special handling inside the browser (for example, via the file download
  //     code path instead of the URL request code path).
  // The |request| object will be marked as read-only after calling this method.
  virtual CefRefPtr<CefURLRequest> CreateURLRequest(
      CefRefPtr<CefRequest> request,
      CefRefPtr<CefURLRequestClient> client) = 0;

  // Send a message to the specified |target_process|. Message delivery is not
  // guaranteed in all cases (for example, if the browser is closing,
  // navigating, or if the target process crashes). Send an ACK message back
  // from the target process if confirmation is required.
  virtual void SendProcessMessage(CefProcessId target_process,
                                  CefRefPtr<CefProcessMessage> message) = 0;








// CefWindowHandle is defined as HWND on Windows, NSView* on Mac OS X
// and GtkWidget* on Linux.
CefWindowHandle window_handle = browser->GetHost()->GetWindowHandle();

Browser生命周期(Browser Life Span)


         Browser生命周期从执行 CefBrowserHost::CreateBrowser() 或者 CefBrowserHost::CreateBrowserSync() 开始。可以在CefBrowserProcessHandler::OnContextInitialized() 回调或者特殊平台例如windows的WM_CREATE 中方便的执行业务逻辑。

         当Browser对象创建后OnAfterCreated() 方法立即执行。宿主程序可以用这个方法来保持对Browser对象的引用。

  // List of existing browser windows. Only accessed on the CEF UI thread.
  typedef std::list<CefRefPtr<CefBrowser>> BrowserList;
  BrowserList browser_list_;

void SimpleHandler::OnAfterCreated(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser) {

  // Add to the list of existing browsers.


// Notify the browser window that we would like to close it. This will result in a call to 
// MyHandler::DoClose() if the JavaScript 'onbeforeunload' event handler allows it.

        Browser对象的关闭事件来源于他的父窗口的关闭方法(比如,在父窗口上点击X控钮。)。父窗口需要调用 CloseBrowser(false) 并且等待操作系统的第二个关闭事件来决定是否允许关闭。如果在JavaScript 'onbeforeunload'事件处理或者 DoClose()回调中取消了关闭操作,则操作系统的第二个关闭事件可能不会发送。注意一下面示例中对IsCloseing()的判断-它在第一个关闭事件中返回false,在第二个关闭事件中返回true(当 DoCloase 被调用后)。


case WM_CLOSE:
  if (g_handler.get() && !g_handler->IsClosing()) {
    CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser = g_handler->GetBrowser();
    if (browser.get()) {
      // Notify the browser window that we would like to close it. This will result in a call to
      // MyHandler::DoClose() if the JavaScript 'onbeforeunload' event handler allows it.

      // Cancel the close.
      return 0;

  // Allow the close.

  // Quitting CEF is handled in MyHandler::OnBeforeClose().
  return 0;

DoClose方法设置is_closing_ 标志位为true,并返回false以再次发送操作系统的关闭事件。

bool SimpleHandler::DoClose(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser) {

  // Closing the main window requires special handling. See the DoClose()
  // documentation in the CEF header for a detailed destription of this
  // process.
  if (browser_list_.size() == 1) {
    // Set a flag to indicate that the window close should be allowed.
    is_closing_ = true;

  // Allow the close. For windowed browsers this will result in the OS close
  // event being sent.
  return false;


void SimpleHandler::OnBeforeClose(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser) {

  // Remove from the list of existing browsers.
  BrowserList::iterator bit = browser_list_.begin();
  for (; bit != browser_list_.end(); ++bit) {
    if ((*bit)->IsSame(browser)) {

  if (browser_list_.empty()) {
    // All browser windows have closed. Quit the application message loop.





  • OnBeforeCommandLineProcessing 提供了以编程方式设置命令行参数的机会,更多细节,请参考Command Line Arguments一节。
  • OnRegisterCustomSchemes 提供了注册自定义schemes的机会,更多细节,请参考Request Handling一节。
  • GetBrowserProcessHandler 返回定制Browser进程的Handler,该Handler包括了诸如OnContextInitialized的回调。
  • GetRenderProcessHandler 返回定制Render进程的Handler,该Handler包含了JavaScript相关的一些回调以及消息处理的回调。 更多细节,请参考JavascriptIntegration和Inter-Process Communication两节。
// Implement this interface to provide handler implementations. Methods will be
// called by the process and/or thread indicated.
class CefApp : public virtual CefBaseRefCounted {
  // Provides an opportunity to view and/or modify command-line arguments before
  // processing by CEF and Chromium. The |process_type| value will be empty for
  // the browser process. Do not keep a reference to the CefCommandLine object
  // passed to this method. The CefSettings.command_line_args_disabled value
  // can be used to start with an empty command-line object. Any values
  // specified in CefSettings that equate to command-line arguments will be set
  // before this method is called. Be cautious when using this method to modify
  // command-line arguments for non-browser processes as this may result in
  // undefined behavior including crashes.
  virtual void OnBeforeCommandLineProcessing(
      const CefString& process_type,
      CefRefPtr<CefCommandLine> command_line) {}

  // Provides an opportunity to register custom schemes. Do not keep a reference
  // to the |registrar| object. This method is called on the main thread for
  // each process and the registered schemes should be the same across all
  // processes.
  virtual void OnRegisterCustomSchemes(
      CefRawPtr<CefSchemeRegistrar> registrar) {}

  // Return the handler for resource bundle events. If
  // CefSettings.pack_loading_disabled is true a handler must be returned. If no
  // handler is returned resources will be loaded from pack files. This method
  // is called by the browser and render processes on multiple threads.
  virtual CefRefPtr<CefResourceBundleHandler> GetResourceBundleHandler() {
    return nullptr;

  // Return the handler for functionality specific to the browser process. This
  // method is called on multiple threads in the browser process.
  virtual CefRefPtr<CefBrowserProcessHandler> GetBrowserProcessHandler() {
    return nullptr;

  // Return the handler for functionality specific to the render process. This
  // method is called on the render process main thread.
  virtual CefRefPtr<CefRenderProcessHandler> GetRenderProcessHandler() {
    return nullptr;



// Implement application-level callbacks for the browser process.
class SimpleApp : public CefApp, public CefBrowserProcessHandler {

  // CefApp methods:
  virtual CefRefPtr<CefBrowserProcessHandler> GetBrowserProcessHandler()
      OVERRIDE {
    return this;

  // CefBrowserProcessHandler methods:
  virtual void OnContextInitialized() OVERRIDE;

  // Include the default reference counting implementation.





  • 比如处理Browser的生命周期,右键菜单,对话框,通知显示, 拖曳事件,焦点事件,键盘事件等等。如果没有对某个特定的处理接口进行实现会造成什么影响,请查看cef_client.h文件中相关说明。
  • OnProcessMessageReceived在Browser收到Render进程的消息时被调用。


class SimpleHandler : public CefClient,
                      public CefDisplayHandler,
                      public CefLifeSpanHandler,
                      public CefLoadHandler {
  explicit SimpleHandler(bool use_views);

  // Provide access to the single global instance of this object.
  static SimpleHandler* GetInstance();

  // CefClient methods:
  virtual CefRefPtr<CefDisplayHandler> GetDisplayHandler() OVERRIDE {
    return this;
  virtual CefRefPtr<CefLifeSpanHandler> GetLifeSpanHandler() OVERRIDE {
    return this;
  virtual CefRefPtr<CefLoadHandler> GetLoadHandler() OVERRIDE { return this; }

  // CefDisplayHandler methods:
  virtual void OnTitleChange(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,
                             const CefString& title) OVERRIDE;

  // CefLifeSpanHandler methods:
  virtual void OnAfterCreated(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser) OVERRIDE;
  virtual bool DoClose(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser) OVERRIDE;
  virtual void OnBeforeClose(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser) OVERRIDE;

  // CefLoadHandler methods:
  virtual void OnLoadError(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,
                           CefRefPtr<CefFrame> frame,
                           ErrorCode errorCode,
                           const CefString& errorText,
                           const CefString& failedUrl) OVERRIDE;

  // Request that all existing browser windows close.
  void CloseAllBrowsers(bool force_close);

  bool IsClosing() const { return is_closing_; }

  // Platform-specific implementation.
  void PlatformTitleChange(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,
                           const CefString& title);

  // True if the application is using the Views framework.
  const bool use_views_;

  // List of existing browser windows. Only accessed on the CEF UI thread.
  typedef std::list<CefRefPtr<CefBrowser>> BrowserList;
  BrowserList browser_list_;

  bool is_closing_;

  // Include the default reference counting implementation.





class MyClass : public CefBase {
  // Various class methods here...

  // Various class members here...

  IMPLEMENT_REFCOUNTING(MyClass);  // Provides atomic refcounting implementation.

// References a MyClass instance
CefRefPtr<MyClass> my_class = new MyClass();



  • single_process 设置为true时,Browser和Renderer使用一个进程。此项也可以通过命令行参数“single-process”配置。查看本文中“进程”章节获取更多的信息。
  • browser_subprocess_path 设置用于启动子进程单独执行器的路径。通过CefSettings.browser_subprocess_path配置render可执行程序路径。browser进程就会去启动这个进程去渲染网页。
  • cache_path 设置磁盘上用于存放缓存数据的位置。如果此项为空,某些功能将使用内存缓存,多数功能将使用临时的磁盘缓存。形如本地存储的HTML5数据库只能在设置了缓存路径才能跨session存储。
  • locale 此设置项将传递给Blink。如果此项为空,将使用默认值“en-US”。在Linux平台下此项被忽略,使用环境变量中的值,解析的依次顺序为:LANGUAE,LC_ALL,LC_MESSAGES和LANG。此项也可以通过命令行参数“lang”配置。
  • log_file 此项设置的文件夹和文件名将用于输出debug日志。如果此项为空,默认的日志文件名为debug.log,位于应用程序所在的目录。此项也可以通过命令参数“log-file”配置。
  • log_severity 此项设置日志级别。只有此等级、或者比此等级高的日志的才会被记录。此项可以通过命令行参数“log-severity”配置,可以设置的值为“verbose”,“info”,“warning”,“error”,“error-report”,“disable”。
  • resources_dir_path 此项设置资源文件夹的位置。如果此项为空,Windows平台下cef.pak、Linux平台下devtools_resourcs.pak、Mac OS X下的app bundle Resources目录必须位于组件目录。此项也可以通过命令行参数“resource-dir-path”配置。
  • locales_dir_path 此项设置locale文件夹位置。如果此项为空,locale文件夹必须位于组件目录,在Mac OS X平台下此项被忽略,pak文件从app bundle Resources目录。此项也可以通过命令行参数“locales-dir-path”配置。
  • remote_debugging_port 此项可以设置1024-65535之间的值,用于在指定端口开启远程调试。例如,如果设置的值为8080,远程调试的URL为http://localhost:8080。CEF或者Chrome浏览器能够调试CEF。此项也可以通过命令行参数“remote-debugging-port”配置。


应用程序结构(Application Structure)


  • 提供入口函数,用于初始化CEF、运行子进程执行逻辑或者CEF消息循环。
  • 提供CefApp实现,用于处理进程相关的回调。
  • 提供CefClient实现,用于处理Browser实例相关的回调。
  • 执行CefBrowserHost::CreateBrowser()创建一个Browser实例,使用CefLifeSpanHandler管理Browser对象生命周期。








投递任务(Posting Tasks)


void ClientHandler::SetStringResource(const std::string& page,
                                      const std::string& data) {
  if (!CefCurrentlyOn(TID_IO)) {
    CefPostTask(TID_IO, base::Bind(&ClientHandler::SetStringResource, this,
                                   page, data));

进程间通信(Inter-Process Communication (IPC))


处理启动消息(Process Startup Messages)


处理运行时消息(Process Runtime Messages)


      CefRefPtr<CefProcessMessage> message =
      message->GetArgumentList()->SetBool(0, is_editable);
      frame->SendProcessMessage(PID_BROWSER, message);


bool MyHandler::OnProcessMessageReceived(
    CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,
    CefProcessId source_process,
    CefRefPtr<CefProcessMessage> message) {
  // Check the message name.
  const std::string& message_name = message->GetName();
  if (message_name == “my_message”) {
    // Handle the message here...
    return true;
  return false;

异步JavaScript绑定(Asynchronous JavaScript Bindings)

        JavaScript被集成在Render进程,但是需要频繁和Browser进程交互。 JavaScript API应该被设计成可使用闭包异步执行。

通用消息转发(Generic Message Router)

       从1574版本开始,CEF提供了在Render进程执行的JavaScript和在Browser进程执行的C++代码之间同步通信的转发器。应用程序通过C++回调函数(OnBeforeBrowse, OnProcessMessageRecieved, OnContextCreated等)传递数据。Render进程支持通用的JavaScript回调函数注册机制,Browser进程则支持应用程序注册特定的Handler进行处理。



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