Error : Java has discovered application components that could indicate a security concern.

Error : Java has discovered application components that could indicate a security concern.

This article applies to:
  • Platform(s): All Platforms
  • Java version(s): 6.0, 7.0, 6u19+


While attempting to run Java based applet or application, a security warning dialog box appears:
Block potentially unsafe components from being run? 

Java has discovered application components that could indicate a security concern. Contact the application vendor to ensure that it has not been tampered with.


Signed Java Web Start applications and applets that contain signed and unsigned components could potentially be unsafe unless the mixed code was intended by the application vendor. As of the Java SE 6 Update 19 release, when a program contains both signed and unsigned components, a warning dialog is raised. 


In the security dialog, if the user clicks Yes, it blocks potentially unsafe components from running, and the program may terminate. If the user clicks the No button, the application or applet continues execution.
Raising a warning is the default behavior, but there are options available for users to manage this situation.

You can manage how mixed code programs are handled through the Java Control Panel.

Find the Java Control Panel
Windows 8 
Use search to find the Control Panel
  • Press Windows logo key + W to open the Search charm to search settings
    Drag the Mouse pointer to the bottom-right corner of the screen, then click on the Searchicon.
  • In the search box enter Java Control Panel
  • Click on Java icon to open the Java Control Panel.
Windows 7, Vista
  • Click on the Start button and then click on the Control Panel option.
  • In the Control Panel Search enter Java Control Panel.
  • Click on the Java icon to open the Java Control Panel.
Windows XP
  • Click on the Start button and then click on the Control Panel option.
  • Double click on the Java icon to open the Java Control Panel.

Mac OS X 10.7.3 and above

  • Click on Apple icon on upper left of screen.
  • Go to System Preferences
  • Click on the Java icon to access the Java Control Panel.

    Java Control Panel

Mixed Code Protection Options in the Java Control Panel
  1. In the Java Control Panel, click on the Advanced tab.
  2. Expand the Mixed code (Sandboxed Vs. trusted) security verification option under theSecurity section.
Four levels of control are available.
Enable - show warning if needed
This is the default setting. When a potential security risk is encountered, a warning dialog is raised. Clicking  Yes blocks potentially unsafe components from running and may terminate the program. When the user clicks  No, the application or applet continues execution with protections (packages or resources that are later encountered with the same names but have different trust levels, i.e., signed vs unsigned, will not be loaded). 

Enable - hide warning and run with protections
This option suppresses the warning dialog. The code executes as if the user had clicked  No from the warning dialog. 

Enable - hide warning and don't run untrusted code
This option suppresses the warning dialog and behaves as if the user had clicked  Yes from the warning dialog. 

Disable verification
This option is not recommended. This option completely disables the software from checking for mixing trusted and untrusted code, leaving the user to run potentially unsafe code without protections. 


Java applications developers: please refer to the mixed code documentation.
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`android.nfc.action.NDEF_DISCOVERED` 是一种 NFC 技术规范,它指定了当系统检测到一个 NDEF 类型的标签或卡片被放置在 NFC 读写器附近时,应该启动哪个应用程序来处理这个标签或卡片。 要使用 `android.nfc.action.NDEF_DISCOVERED`,你需要在你的应用程序的清单文件中指定相应的 intent-filter。例如: ``` <activity android:name=".MyNFCActivity"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.nfc.action.NDEF_DISCOVERED" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /> <data android:mimeType="text/plain" /> </intent-filter> </activity> ``` 上面的代码片段中,`MyNFCActivity` 是你的应用程序中处理 NFC 数据的活动(Activity),`android.nfc.action.NDEF_DISCOVERED` 是指定的 intent-action,`android.intent.category.DEFAULT` 是指定的 intent-category,`text/plain` 是指定的数据类型。这个 intent-filter 的含义是,当系统检测到一个 NDEF 类型的标签或卡片被放置在 NFC 读写器附近时,并且这个标签或卡片中包含了文本数据,系统就会启动 `MyNFCActivity` 来处理这个数据。 在你的活动(Activity)中,你可以通过 `getIntent()` 方法获取传递给这个活动的 intent,然后通过 `getParcelableExtra(NfcAdapter.EXTRA_TAG)` 方法获取标签或卡片的实例,然后读取标签或卡片中的数据。 需要注意的是,`android.nfc.action.NDEF_DISCOVERED` 只是一种 NFC 数据处理方式,你还可以使用其他的 intent-action 和 intent-filter 来处理其他类型的 NFC 数据。同时,不同的 NFC 标签或卡片可能有不同的数据格式和读取方式,因此在处理 NFC 数据时需要先了解相关的技术规范和数据格式。




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