English马力-Lesson2(Stuart Little)


You'll have to tell me your favorite foods that I can fix 'em for you,Stuie.

What for,you can't cook.

But I can learn.We're family now,and there're a lot of adjustments we're all going to have to make.Right,Raggie?


Well,here are we are,Stuie,the family home.

The family home.

Mind you,this is our summer place.Winter time,we live in a crawlspace above a delicatessen.You like corned beef,Stuart?

How's it prepared?

Prepared?It drops out a fat guy's mouth,we grab it and run.

Sounds like an acquired taste.

Acquired taste?I love this kid.

Your new bedroom,Stuart.

We hope you like it.Well,good night,sleep tight,don't let the bedbugs bite.I'm serious those bedbugs,keep an eye open.

It's very kind of you coming to check on us like this.

Actually,I had something to tell you.Buf first,how are things going?

Oh,it's been difficult.


No,very difficult.

Very difficult?


Worse than very difficult?

It's been almost...


Just the word I was looking for.

Oh,maybe this isn't a good time then.You see,I came over to give you some news.

What type of news?

They had an accident.


Stuart's parents.

Oh,my goodness.Well,are they all right?

No,they didn't make it.


What happened?

Well,apparently,they were grocery shopping,canned-food-aisle,there was an unsteady pyramid of cans and it collapsed.Took three bag boy to dig them out.They had to identify them by their dental records.

Oh,how horrible.

Cream of mushroom soup,two-for-one sale.That's a very heavy soup.

How is Stuart taking it?

He doesn't know?

You mean no one's told him?

Does he have to know?

Well,six month after they don't come back from shopping,won't he wonder where they went?

But they've been gone for years.

Years?How's that possible?

Because they died years ago.Which part's confusin you?

Stuart's parents came 'n took him away three days ago.

Three days age?Stuart's parents died in a tragic cream-mushroom-soup incident years ago,I just told you.

Oh,dear,we have to take this up with the police.




I'm Detective Sherman.This is my partner,Detective Allen.We understand your son is missing.

Thank you for coming.

They know about the Stouts,They know about the Stouts,the jig is up,what are we gonna do?

Hey,get ahold yourself.What are you talking about.

I'm in big-I'm in deep poppy-do.

Calm down.Calm down.Don't get your fur in a bunch.All we need is a new plan.

We do what we should've done in the first place.We scratch him out.

Scratch him out?

But Smokey!

The police are involved,I don't wanna get kicked out of my house.I'm not a street cat,I'm a house cat.I don't wanna lose my furry basket or my tinkel ball that I push across the floor for the five dollars.

No,buddy,pull yourself together.

It's settled,Stuart Little gets scratched tonight.

Okay,very good,Mr. and Mrs. Little you'll have to come downtown.

Detective Sherman ,what are we chance of seeing Stuart again?

You want it straight?


Absolutely not.

Well,in that case Stuart probably home right now waiting for you.

Huh.Maybe we should hear it a little straighter than that.

Okay,in a case like this,if the kidnappers have not called by now,then they're not interested in money.

What are they interest in?


Exactly,it's my guess these two sickos are on some kind of across-country mouse-killing spree.


Well,thank you.

Yes,you can kiss this boy goodbye.


Thank you,Dectective.

It's over,the things I've seen.Phil,where is that book on the grisly photos.Believe me,you don't wanna see this.


It'll only take a second.Oh,right off the bat,look at this one,this on kept me awake for weeks.


What did they want?

Where's the boy?


Stuart,wake up,get dressed.


Oh,we're taking you for a ride.

Where are we going?

Some friends of ours have gathered just to meet you.

A gathering?What should I wear.

It doesn't matter,Wear anything.

Is it formal?

Just put something on!

Why is Mom crying?Mon?I'm not angry at you putting me up for adoption.And now that I'm Stout again,I'll always be here to take care of you.


Because that's what families do.Mom,They take care of each other.


Tell 'im the truth!

You made a deal with a cat?

Yes.He had us cornered at the bottom of the cup on the fifth hall.

It was curtains.

So you agreed to pose as my parents.


You lied and cheated?


You took me away form the Littles just when we were all so happy?


That's wonderful.

I think you missed something.Let me go over it again.

That's why I've been feeling sad.That's why I've keep thinking of them!I'm not Stouts,I'm Stuart,I'm Stuart Little.I'm Stuart Little!

Stuart,please,you have to listen to us:The cats have decided you're to risky to keep around anymore.They ordered us to hand you over to them.As your fake father,I order you to run.

I'll go home.

Home?No,no.That's miles from here.And every cats in the city is looking for you.

Besides,you could get lost.

No,no.I can't.Every Little in the world can find the Little house.Bye,fake father.Goodbye,fake mother.

Goodbye,fake son.


I'm gonna miss that boy.

I'm gonna miss that car.


Well,we have to tell 'em the truth.

I put 'em back right here.

627 fifth avenue.I need three caps.That's right.

Who has the glue?

I'm the gule man.

Here's 500 more.

What's going on?

We're making posters.

We're gonna put them up all over the city.

Yes,that's right.They describe Stuart and offer a reward,if anyone finds him.

Isn't it wonderful?It was all George's idea.


Never stop trying,right,Dad?

Listen,I'm afraid this isn't gonna work.

Why not?

Frederick .

Cause there's no picture,we need a picture of Stuart.

The family photo.


Keep it down.

It's me,Lucky,I heard from the Brooklyn cats,bad news:The Stouts squealed.

I knew those mice were rats.

The kid's on his way home.What will we do.

No problem,he's got to go through the part,right?Let's meet him and have ourselves a little picnic.

Oh,great,I'll bring herring.

Hey,hey,hey,moron!The mouse is the picnic.


1.       summer palace[      ]:颐和园
2.       crawlspace/narrow/restricted[        ]:狭窄的空间/狭窄部分/受限制的
3.       delicate/ delicatessen:精巧(致)的/熟食店
4.       corned beef/beef/ steak[      ]/mutton[     ]/pork[     ]/ chop:咸牛肉/小牛排/牛排/羊肉/猪肉/排骨
5.       grab//arrest/ seize[      ]/capture/:抓住/逮捕/抓住、逮住/抓取、战利品
6.       sounds like sth…:听起来像
7.       talent/talented:天才、才能/才华横溢的
8.       achieve/obtain:完成、达到/获得、达到
9.       bedroom/living room/bathroom/washroom:卧室/客厅/卫生间/卫生间
10.   be serious about sth. = take sth. seriously:认真对待某事
11.   It’s very kind of you to do sth.:你做某事对我真是太好了
12.   check on sb./check in/check out:关心某人/登记进入/付帐离开
13.   It’s difficult to do sth.:做某事很困难
14.   bearable/unbearable/tolerable[         ]/intolerable[        ]/incredible:可忍受的/不可忍受的/可忍受的/不可忍受的/不可思议的
15.   look for/look up/look over/look after/look at/have a look:寻找/查阅/俯视、监视/照顾/看/看一看
16.   come over to do sth.:过来做某事
17.   accident/incident/car accident=car crash:事故/事件/车祸
18.   happen to do sth.:碰巧做某事
19.   apparently=obviously/clearly/obscure:明显的、显然的/清楚地/模糊的、昏暗的
20.   horror=terror=fear=funk:恐怖
21.   horrible=terrible=fearful/awful:可怕的、恐怖的
22.   grisly=hellish= horrific[      ]=hair-raising[     ]:可怕的,毛骨悚然的
23.   wonder/no wonder+从句:想知道/难怪…
24.   confuse/puzzle=bewilder[      ]/clarity[     ]:使糊涂/使迷惑/清楚、明晰
25.   partner/partition[      ]/segregation[       ]:搭档/分割、隔离物/种族隔离
26.   awe[      ]/awesome[     ]/aweless/might/mighty:敬畏/可怕的/不知畏惧的/力量、权威/强大的、有力的
27.   a bunch of stores/a bunch of flowers:一堆商店/一束花
28.   scratch him out/scratch/rub[    ]:将某人做了/刮、擦/磨擦
29.   be involved in sth.:介入/卷入
30.   pull over/pull up:靠边停车/往前开点
31.   right now/right away:就现在/立刻
32.   kidnap=abduct[      ]/snatch[     ]:绑架/抢夺
33.   be interested in sth.:对…感兴趣
34.   sicko/abnormal[         ]:变态狂/变态的、反常的
35.   take sb. a second to do sth.:花某人很少的时间做某事
36.   take sb. for a ride:带你出去
37.   gather to do sth.:聚集起来做某事
38.   gathering/accumulate/scatter:集会/积聚/分(消)散
39.   be angry at sb. for sth.:因为某事对某人发火
40.   now that+从句:既然…
41.   care about/care for:在乎,对…感兴趣/喜欢
42.   made a deal with sb.:与某人做个交易
43.   had us cornered:逼迫某人走投无路
44.   agree with sb./agree on:同意某人意见/达到共识
45.   wonderful=amazing:精彩的,绝妙的
46.   hand over:移交
47.   order sb. to do sth.:命令某人做某事
48.   miles from here/miles away from here:离这儿很远
49.   besides=except for:除此之外
50.   reward sb. for sth./award a prize to sb.:用某物报答某人/颁布一个奖给某人
51.   be afraid of sth./be afraid to do sth.:害怕某事/害怕做某事
52.   keep it down/calm down/get ahold yourself/pull yourself together:冷静




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