




💥1 概述


📚2 运行结果


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% wavelength = speed of light / frequency
% Frequency of a wave: the number of waves that pass by each second, and is measured in Hertz (Hz). 
%    The automotive radar generally operates at W band (76GHz - 81GHz). 
%    The signal at this frequency is referred to as millimeterWave since the wavelength is in mm.
%    The frequency can also be defined as the first derivative of the phase with respect to the time.
% Bandwidth of a signal: the difference between the highest and the lowest frequency components in a continous band of frequencies.
% Amplitude: the strength of the signal. Often it corresponds to the power of the RF signal/electromagnetic field defined in dB/dBm. 
%    It is relevant while configuring the output power of the radar and sensing the received signal. 
%    Higher the amplitude of the Radar signal, more is the visibility of radar. 
%    Automotive Radar can operate at max of 55 dBm output power (316 W)
% Phase: a particular point in time on the cycle of a waveform, measured as an angle in degrees.

%% FMCW Hardware:
% Frequency Synthesizer: The frequency synthesizer is the component that generates the frequency to bring the chirp frequency all the way to 77GHz in case of automotive radar.
% Power Amp: The power amp amplifies the signal so the signal can reach long distance. Since the signal attenuates as it radiates, it needs higher power (amplitude) to reach targets at greater distances.
% Antenna: The antenna converts the electrical energy into electromagnetic waves which radiate through the air, hit the target, and get reflected back toward the radar receiver antenna. The Antenna also increases the strength of the signal by focusing the energy in the desired direction. Additionally, the antenna pattern determines the field of view for the radar.
% Mixer: In FMCW radar, the mixer multiplies the return signal with the sweeping signal generated by the frequency synthesizer. The operation works as frequency subtraction to give the frequency delta - also known as frequency shift or Intermediate frequency (IF). IF = Synthesizer Frequency - Return Signal Frequency.
% Processor: The processor is the processing unit where all the Digital Signal processing, Detection, Tracking, Clustering, and other algorithms take place. This unit could be a microcontroller or even an FPGA.

%% Resolution:
% Range Resolution: it is the capability of the radar to distinguish between two targets that are very close to each other in range. If a radar has range resolution of 4 meters then it cannot separate on range basis a pedestrian standing 1 m away from the car. The range resolution is solely dependent on the bandwidth of the chirp (Bsweep)
% Velocity Resolution: if two targets have the same range they can still be resolved if they are traveling at different velocities. The velocity resolution is dependent on the number of chirps. As discussed for our case we selected to send 128 chirps. A higher number of chirps increases the velocity resolution, but it also takes longer to process the signal.
% Angle Resolution: radar is capable of separating two targets spatially. If two targets are at similar range travelling at same velocities, then they can still be resolved based on their angle in radar coordinate system. Angle resolution depends on different parameters depending on the angle estimation technique used. We will cover this in more detail in the next lesson.


%% Radar Specs
% Frequency of operation: 77GHz (quite common in automotive applications)
% Max range: 200m
% Range resolution: 1m
% Max velocity: 100m/s

%% Target Position & Velocity
% initial position/ range
d0 = 80;
% velocity (assumed constant)
v0 = -50;

%% FMCW Waveform Design

d_res = 1;
speed_of_light = 3*10^8;  % 3e8
RMax = 200;

Bsweep = speed_of_light / (2 * d_res);  % bandwidth
Tchirp = 5.5 * 2 * RMax / speed_of_light; % chirp time

🎉3 参考文献




🌈4 Matlab代码实现





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