1. MediaPlayer是客户端
2. MediaPlayerService和MediaPlayerService::Client是服务器端。
2.1 MediaPlayerService实现IMediaPlayerService定义的业务逻辑,其主要功能是根据MediaPlayer::setDataSource输入的URL调用create函数创建对应的Player.
2.2 MediaPlayerService::Client实现IMediaPlayer定义的业务逻辑,其主要功能包括start, stop, pause, resume...,其实现方法是调用MediaPlayerService create的Player中的对应方法来实现具体功能。
2.3 它们的三角恋如下图所示:
3. IXX是什么东东?
class BpXXX : public IXXX, public BpRefBase
class BnXXX : public IXXX, public BBinder
3.1 看到了吧,BpXXX和BnXXX都派生于IXXX,哪IXXX又是做什么的呢? 明确地告诉你,定义业务逻辑,但在BpXXX与BnXXX中的实现方式不同:
1) 在BpXXX中,把对应的binder_transaction_data打包之后通过BpRefBase中的mRemote(BpBinder)发送出去,并等待结果
2) 在BnXXX中,实现对应的业务逻辑,通过调用BnXXX派生类中的方法来实现,如MediaPlayerService::Client
懂了吧, IXXX定义业务逻辑
3.2 哪另外一个做什么呢?
4. 不得不说的MediaPlayerService
class MediaPlayerService : public BnMediaPlayerService
class IMediaPlayerService: public IInterface
virtual sp<IMediaRecorder> createMediaRecorder(pid_t pid) = 0;
virtual sp<IMediaMetadataRetriever> createMetadataRetriever(pid_t pid) = 0;
virtual sp<IMediaPlayer> create(pid_t pid, const sp<IMediaPlayerClient>& client, const char* url, const KeyedVector<String8, String8> *headers = NULL) = 0;
virtual sp<IMediaPlayer> create(pid_t pid, const sp<IMediaPlayerClient>& client, int fd, int64_t offset, int64_t length) = 0;
virtual sp<IMediaConfig> createMediaConfig(pid_t pid ) = 0;
virtual sp<IMemory> decode(const char* url, uint32_t *pSampleRate, int* pNumChannels, int* pFormat) = 0;
virtual sp<IMemory> decode(int fd, int64_t offset, int64_t length, uint32_t *pSampleRate, int* pNumChannels, int* pFormat) = 0;
virtual sp<IOMX> getOMX() = 0;
// Take a peek at currently playing audio, for visualization purposes.
// This returns a buffer of 16 bit mono PCM data, or NULL if no visualization buffer is currently available.
virtual sp<IMemory> snoop() = 0;
从上面可以看出,还说自己是一个MediaPlayerService,而且还向大内总管ServiceManager进行了注册,就这么个create和decode,能做什么呢? 我们最熟悉的start ,stop, pause, resume...怎么不见呢?没有这些东东,MediaPlayer需要的功能如何实现呢?
sp<IMediaPlayer> MediaPlayerService::create(
pid_t pid, const sp<IMediaPlayerClient>& client, const char* url,
const KeyedVector<String8, String8> *headers)
int32_t connId = android_atomic_inc(&mNextConnId);
sp<Client> c = new Client(this, pid, connId, client);
LOGV("Create new client(%d) from pid %d, url=%s, connId=%d", connId, pid, url, connId);
if (NO_ERROR != c->setDataSource(url, headers))
return c;
wp<Client> w = c;
Mutex::Autolock lock(mLock);
return c;
class Client : public BnMediaPlayer, 它实现了IMediaPlayer定义的业务逻辑,哪就看看IMediaPlayer定义了些什么:
class IMediaPlayer: public IInterface
virtual void disconnect() = 0;
virtual status_t setVideoSurface(const sp<ISurface>& surface) = 0;
virtual status_t setSurfaceXY(int x,int y) = 0; /*add by h00186041 add interface for surface left-up position*/
virtual status_t setSurfaceWH(int w,int h) = 0; /*add by h00186041 add interface for surface size*/
virtual status_t prepareAsync() = 0;
virtual status_t start() = 0;
virtual status_t stop() = 0;
virtual status_t pause() = 0;
virtual status_t isPlaying(bool* state) = 0;
virtual status_t seekTo(int msec) = 0;
virtual status_t getCurrentPosition(int* msec) = 0;
virtual status_t getDuration(int* msec) = 0;
virtual status_t reset() = 0;
virtual status_t setAudioStreamType(int type) = 0;
virtual status_t setLooping(int loop) = 0;
virtual status_t setVolume(float leftVolume, float rightVolume) = 0;
virtual status_t suspend() = 0;
virtual status_t resume() = 0;
// Invoke a generic method on the player by using opaque parcels
// for the request and reply.
// @param request Parcel that must start with the media player
// interface token.
// @param[out] reply Parcel to hold the reply data. Cannot be null.
// @return OK if the invocation was made successfully.
virtual status_t invoke(const Parcel& request, Parcel *reply) = 0;
// Set a new metadata filter.
// @param filter A set of allow and drop rules serialized in a Parcel.
// @return OK if the invocation was made successfully.
virtual status_t setMetadataFilter(const Parcel& filter) = 0;
// Retrieve a set of metadata.
// @param update_only Include only the metadata that have changed
// since the last invocation of getMetadata.
// The set is built using the unfiltered
// notifications the native player sent to the
// MediaPlayerService during that period of
// time. If false, all the metadatas are considered.
// @param apply_filter If true, once the metadata set has been built based
// on the value update_only, the current filter is
// applied.
// @param[out] metadata On exit contains a set (possibly empty) of metadata.
// Valid only if the call returned OK.
// @return OK if the invocation was made successfully.
virtual status_t getMetadata(bool update_only,
bool apply_filter,
Parcel *metadata) = 0;
终于找到了思念已久的start, stop, pause, resume...
4. 1 MediaPlayer又是如何找到MediaPlayerService::Client的呢? 只有MediaPlayerService才向ServiceManager进行了注册,所以MediaPlayer必须先获取BpMediaPlayerService,然后通过BpMediaService的管理功能create,来创建一个MediaPlayerService::Client.
4.2 为什么不直接定义一个MediaPlayer向ServiceManager注册呢?
也许是为了系统简化吧,MediaPlayerService包含的功能不只是Client, 还有AudioOutput,AudioCache,MediaConfigClient功能。现在明白了吧,MediaPlayerService就是一个媒体服务的接口,它先把客人接回来,再根据客人的需求,安排不同的员工去做,就这么简单。