Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition

Schedule and Syllabus

(The syllabus for the (previous) Winter 2015 class offering has been moved here.)
Unless otherwise specified the course lectures and meeting times are Monday, Wednesday 3:00-4:20, Bishop Auditorium in Lathrop Building ( map)

Update: The class has ended! There are many people to thank for making this class run smoothly: Andrej Karpathy for the class notes and lectures, Justin Johnson the assignments and lectures, Fei-Fei Li for maintaining order, the entire TA team for their hard work on grading, office hours, and class logistics, and our wonderful students for their valuable feedback! The final course projects were posted here. You can find the raw lecture slides (Google Presentations) here and feel free to use material from any of the slides. Stay in touch on Twitter or Reddit r/cs231n, and we'll see you again next year!
Update2: We had to take down the links to YouTube videos. Sorry about that. We're working on bringing them back, stay tuned.
Event TypeDateDescriptionCourse Materials
LectureJan 4Intro to Computer Vision, historical context.[slides]
LectureJan 6Image classification and the data-driven approach
k-nearest neighbor
Linear classification I
[slides] [video]
[python/numpy tutorial]
[image classification notes]
[linear classification notes]
LectureJan 11Linear classification II
Higher-level representations, image features
Optimization, stochastic gradient descent
[slides] [video]
[linear classification notes]
[optimization notes]
LectureJan 13Backpropagation
Introduction to neural networks
[slides] [video]
[backprop notes]
[Efficient BackProp] (optional)
related: [1], [2], [3] (optional)
LectureJan 18Holiday; No class. 
A1 DueJan 20Assignment #1 (kNN/SVM/Softmax/2-Layer Net) Due date[Assignment #1]
LectureJan 20Training Neural Networks Part 1
activation functions, weight initialization, gradient flow, batch normalization
babysitting the learning process, hyperparameter optimization
[slides] [video]
Neural Nets notes 1
Neural Nets notes 2
Neural Nets notes 3
tips/tricks: [1], [2], [3] (optional)
Deep Learning [Nature] (optional)
LectureJan 25Training Neural Networks Part 2: parameter updates, ensembles, dropout
Convolutional Neural Networks: intro
[slides] [video]
Neural Nets notes 3
LectureJan 27Convolutional Neural Networks: architectures, convolution / pooling layers
Case study of ImageNet challenge winning ConvNets
[slides] [video]
ConvNet notes
Proposal dueJan 30Couse Project Proposal due[proposal description]
LectureFeb 1ConvNets for spatial localization
Object detection
[slides] [video]
LectureFeb 3Understanding and visualizing Convolutional Neural Networks
Backprop into image: Visualizations, deep dream, artistic style transfer
Adversarial fooling examples
[slides] [video]
A2 DueFeb 5Assignment #2 (Neural Nets) Due date[Assignment #2]
LectureFeb 8Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN), Long Short Term Memory (LSTM)
RNN language models
Image captioning
[slides] [video]
DL book RNN chapter (optional)
min-char-rnn, char-rnn, neuraltalk2
MidtermFeb 10In-class midterm 
LectureFeb 15Holiday; No class. 
MilestoneFeb 17Course Project Milestone 
LectureFeb 17Training ConvNets in practice
Data augmentation, transfer learning
Distributed training, CPU/GPU bottlenecks
Efficient convolutions
[slides] [video]
LectureFeb 22Overview of Caffe/Torch/Theano/TensorFlow[slides] [video]
A3 DueFeb 24Assignment #3 (ConvNets) Due date[Assignment #3]
LectureFeb 24Segmentation
Soft attention models
Spatial transformer networks
[slides] [video]
LectureFeb 29ConvNets for videos
Unsupervised learning
[slides] [video]
LectureMar 2Invited Talk: Jeff Dean [video] 
LectureMar 7Student spotlight talks, conclusions[slides]
Poster PresentationMar 9  
Final Project DueMar 13Final course project due date[reports]




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