

  1. 话题引起
    • As is well known,(topic)is of great significance/usefulness while ()was related,such as …
    • the awareness has risen to show the importance/usefulness of
  2. 图画描述
    • Just as this picture illustrates…(In front of the computer desk sits a college student, choosing courses, with a computer on the desk.)
  3. 图画总结
    • Below the drawing, there is a caption says"".


  1. 意义表述总结:
    • Undoubtedly, the purpose of the picture is try to draw out attention about …
    • Clearly, the picture symbolically uncovers a social phenomenon in our daily life:


  1. 举例论证:引出例子 + 例子总结
    - For one thing, XXXlead you out of the impasse to a… For instance, … For another, XXX also teach people to…But for the XXX in his life or work, he wouldn’t have done sth.

  2. 原因后果:引出原因 + 具体原因 + 引出结果

    • Given that
    • Primarily, the reason for … is that …/To begin with, …might exert great influence on it.
    • 理由:Possible reasons include,
      • Enforement of laws and regulations about XXX might be effective and efficient/ineffective and inefficient
      • A lack of/due attention/paid to leads to
      • A lack of consciousness of … results in…
      • 负面:The mass media might inappropriately pr irratonally advertise/exaggerate this issue.
      • 正面:The mass media might appropriately and widely advertise … and lead/encourage sb. to do sth.
      • As a result
  3. 对立:引出争议 + 正方观点 + 反方观点

    • 引出争议:When it comes to…, views vary from person to person
    • For one thing, what’ more;For another, furthermore


  1. The situation being so serious, it is high time that we took measures to solve the problem.
  2. In my mind, it calls for the efforts from all sides.
  3. In conclusion, Immediate actions should be taken to prevent this unwanted phenomenon from being aggravated and result in… Possible solutions include
  4. We ourselves ought to take practical actions to do…
  5. Only in this way can we…


  1. People often say"…". Ironically, it is easier said than done.
  2. 教育学习:Konwledge/good habit is power.
  3. 工作生活:Don’t glid the lily.
  4. 科技经济:Experience/education/culture is the mother of science.
  5. 理想现实:If winter comes, can spring be far behind?(P.B.Shelley, British poet)/Confidence/good habit in yourself is the first step on the road to sucess


endeavor/effore/attempt/obtain/chance/make great effort/achieve a goal/success/your effort/has paid off/thousands of times

Happines more often than not ends in sadness.

In the Internet age, it is particularly easy to see the resentment that has always been hidden within American society.

Today, widespread social pressure to immediately go to college in conjunction with increasingly high expections in a fast-moving world often causes students to completely overlook the possibility of taking a gap year.

Around the world workers, bosses, landlords and governments are trying to work out if the office is obsolete—and coming to radically different conclusions.

Office-bound workers find it harder to look after their children, a growing issue as more families have two working parents.

How much of this change will stick(使(变化)确定下来) when a vaccine arrives?

There is a risk that over time a firm’s social capital erodes, creativity flags, hierarchies ossify and team spirt fades.

Weibo already boasts more than half a billiion registered users in China. But user growth has slowed.

We almost had that first seed.

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