ME 588, Dynamics and Vibration

ME 588, Dynamics and Vibration

Homework 1

Distributed: 9/25/2024, Due: 10/11/2024

1. Consider a spring-mass system mounted on a spinning disk as shown in Fig. 1. The disk spins at constant angular velocity ω. Moreover, the disk has a diametrical slot, along which a block with mass m slides without friction. The spring connecting the mass and the disk center is a stiffening spring with a negligible free length. Therefore, the spring force Fs is given by Fs = kr(1 + αr2), where k and α are positive constants and r is the radial position of the block. The motion occurs in a horizontal plane, where gravity has no effects. Also, the disk is large enough so that the block will not fall out of the slot. Answer the following questions.

(a) Use the Newtonian approach (i.e., drawing free-body diagrams and applying Newton’s second law) to derive the equations of motion governing the radial position r.

(b) Determine all equilibrium positions.

(c) Derive the linearized equation of motion around each equilibrium position. Describe the condition so that the linearized equation of motion will give a stable and bounded response.

Figure 1: A spring-mass system in a spinning disk, version 1

Figure 2: Two point masses connected by a massless link

2. A rigid, massless rod of length r connects two particles of mass m1 and m2. Moreover, the two particles are sliding without friction on a circular arc of radius r in the gravity field; see Fig. 2. Let θ be the counterclockwise angular position from the vertical downward direction to the radial direction of particle m2. Moreover, let g be the gravitational acceleration. Use Newtonian mechanics to answer the following questions.

(a) Draw a free-body diagram of the two particles m1 and m2.

(b) Apply Newton’s second law to derive the equations of motion of the two particles m1 and m2. Eliminate constraint force(s) from your equations of motion to obtain a nonlinear, differential equation governing only the variable θ(t).

(c) Determine equilibrium positions θ0 of the system in terms of m1 and m2.

(d) Consider a special case m1 = m2 = m and focus on the equilibrium position with 0 < θ0 < 90◦. Derive linearized equations of motion around the equilibrium position.

3. Quiz Problem. Consider a two-block system moving in the gravity field shown in Fig. 3. The two blocks have the same mass m and are connected via a rigid, massless rod of length l. As a result of the gravitational acceleration g, block 1 moves horizontally and block 2 can only move vertically. There is no friction in this system. Moreover, block 1 is connected to a wall via a linear spring that has a spring constant k and a negligible free length. Therefore, the elongation of the spring is the position x of block 1 from the wall. For block 2, its horizontal distance to the wall is l and its vertical position is y as shown in Fig. 3. Use Newtonian mechanics to answer the following questions.

(a) Draw a free-body diagram of the two blocks.

(b) Apply Newton’s second law to derive the equations of motion of the two blocks. Elimi-nate constraint force(s) from your equations of motion to obtain a nonlinear, differential equation governing only the variable θ(t), where θ is the angle between the rigid rod and the vertical as shown in Fig. 3.

(c) Determine an algebraic equation governing equilibrium positions θ0 of the system. The equation should involve parameters such as mg and kl. Show that there is only one possible equilibrium for 0 < θ0 < 2/π.

(d) Derive a linearized equation of motion around the equilibrium position. If the two-block system is subjected to disturbance, will the system oscillate around the equilibrium position? Why?

Figure 3: A two-block system with a linear spring and a rigid rod

Figure 4: Linearization of the central force motion of a particle

4. The small particle of mass m and its restraining cord are spinning with an angular velocity ω on the horizontal surface of a smooth disk as shown in Fig. 4. The input force Fs(t) applied to the cord depends on time t. As a result, the angular velocity ω and the radial position r of the particle are not constant.

(a) Draw a free-body diagram of the particle and shows that the angular momentum is conserved. Therefore,

where θ is the angular position of the particle, the dot is the time derivative, and h0 is the initial angular momentum of the particle.

(b) Apply Newton’s second law in polar coordinates to derive the equation of motion. Sim plify the equation in the radial direction through use of (1) to obtain

(c) When Fs(t) = , a constant force, the particle will undergo a circular motion. Therefore, r(t)= and ω(t)= are both constant. Determine  and .

(d) When Fs(t) undergoes a small change from , e.g.,

the radial position of the particle will deviate from the circular orbit accordingly, i.e.,

Substitute (3) and (4) into (2) to linearize the equation. Show that the linearized equation takes the form. of

Also, specify the initial conditions η(0) and ˙η(0). Hint: First, you need to show that the binomial expansion of r−3 is

(e) If the force increment ∆F is constant, determine r(t) from (4) and (5). Does the response r(t) oscillate or decay? Plot r(t) with respect to time t.

### 回答1: 要下载LabVIEW Sound and Vibration Toolkit(LabVIEW声音和振动工具包),首先您需要访问National Instruments(NI)官方网站。在NI网站上,您可以找到一个产品页面,该页面提供了有关该工具包的详细信息以及下载链接。 在NI网站的搜索栏内,输入“LabVIEW Sound and Vibration Toolkit”或简单地输入“Sound and Vibration Toolkit”,然后点击搜索按钮。您将会看到与该工具包相关的搜索结果。 选择其中一个与您的LabVIEW版本和操作系统兼容的链接。在打开的页面上,您可能需要先登录您的NI帐号(如果没有帐号,可以注册一个),然后可以直接点击下载按钮。请注意,如果您没有购买该工具包的许可证,您可能需要先购买授权才能下载。 下载文件的格式可能是一个安装程序,您只需双击运行该程序并按照提示进行安装。安装完成后,您就可以开始使用LabVIEW Sound and Vibration Toolkit了。 LabVIEW Sound and Vibration Toolkit是一个功能强大的工具包,提供了许多音频和振动相关的函数和工具,方便您在LabVIEW中进行声音和振动的处理、分析和控制。您可以使用这个工具包来开发音频信号处理、声学测量、振动分析等应用。 ### 回答2: LabVIEW Sound and Vibration工具包是一个用于在LabVIEW软件中进行声音和振动分析的扩展包。它提供了一系列功能强大的工具和功能,可帮助用户通过实时数据采集和分析来解决声音和振动相关的问题。 要下载LabVIEW Sound and Vibration工具包,首先需要访问National Instruments(NI)官方网站。在网站的搜索框中输入“LabVIEW Sound and Vibration工具包”,然后点击搜索按钮。 在搜索结果中找到与LabVIEW Sound and Vibration工具包相关的选项,并点击进入。在该页面上,将看到有关该工具包的详细信息,如版本号、功能和系统要求等。 如果已经拥有NI帐户,可以直接登录并将该工具包添加到购物车中。然后,按照页面上的指示完成购买过程。 如果没有NI帐户,则需要先注册一个新的帐户,并提供所需的个人和联系信息。 在购买完成后,将会收到一封电子邮件确认购买,并提供下载链接和安装说明。 点击下载链接,然后按照说明进行下载和安装LabVIEW Sound and Vibration工具包。 完成安装后,可以在LabVIEW软件中打开工具包,并开始使用其中的各种功能了。可以使用工具包中提供的工具和函数,对声音和振动数据进行实时采集、分析和处理。 LabVIEW Sound and Vibration工具包提供了一种强大的方式来研究和解决声音和振动相关的问题。它使得声音和振动分析变得更加简单和高效,可以广泛应用于多个领域,如机械工程、环境监测和音频处理等。 总之,通过访问NI官方网站并购买LabVIEW Sound and Vibration工具包,您可以方便地获得这个强大的声音和振动分析工具,并开始解决各种与声音和振动相关的问题。




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