Perfecting All Perfect Verbs(2018/08/13)


Because of the shared word,"perfect"in the title of different "perfect"verbs,as well as the common usage of the semi-auxiliary(助动词) "to have" in each of these verb forms.perfect verbs(完成试动词) are often confused(混淆) in their construction as well as their usage.In this lession,we will review how to form ,use,and differentiate(区别) between each of the different "perfect"verb forms.


differentiate--to make(someone or something) different in some way

booming(兴旺)--growing or expanding very quickly

cutbacks--the act of reducing the number or amount of something

dose--an amount of something that a persson experiences

harsh(严厉的,粗糙的)--upleasant or difficult to accept or experience

legitimate(合法的,合理的)--allowed according to rules or laws

respectable(值得尊敬的)--considered to be good ,correct,or acceptable.

Review:Present Perfect Simple

Present perfect simple verbs are used to talk about actions that happend in the past but which have an effect on the present.Present perfect verbs are formed using "to have "in the present simple +a past participle(分词).

Example of present perfect simple verbs in use:

I have been to Canada twice in my life

He has eaten all of the cookies!There are none left.

We have gone as far as we can,Now we're stuck(被卡住)

Find the past simple "to have "verbs +the past participles that form each of the past perfect simple verbs in the above sentences.

Review: Present Perfect Simple

Present Perfect Simple are used to talk about that actions that happened in the past but which have an effect on the present.Present Perfect Simple verbs are formed using " to have "in the present simple +a past participle(过去分词)

Eample of present perfect simple verbs in use:

I have been to Canada twice in my life.

2.Ha has eaten all of the cookies,There are none left.

3.We have gone as far as we can.Now we're stuck.

Review:Present Perfect Continuous

Present perfect continuous verbs that are used to talk about actions that started in the past but  are still happening now .Present perfect continuous verbs are formed using "to have"in the present simple+been + a verb ending in "-ing".

Example of present perfect continuous verbs in use:

1.They have been taking a lot of time off lately.

2.We have been traveling for ten hours now.

3.I have been thinking about this problem a lot lately.

Review:Past Perfect Simple

Past perfect simple verbs are used to talk about actions that happend prior to another action or event in the past.

Past perfect simple are formed using "to have"in the past simple+a past participle.

Example of past perfect simple verbsin use:

1.They had seen it all,There was nothing left to see.

2.He had never considered safety until the accident happened.

3.You had taken so many pictures you weren't able to fit them all in your album


Review:Past Perfect Continuous

Past perfect continuous verbs are used to talk about actions that started in the past and continued to another time in the past .Past perfect continuous verbs are formed using "to have" in the past simple +been+a verb ending in "-ing".

Example of past perfect continuous verbs in use:

I had been woking thw whole day before you came home.

We had been traveling for three hours by the time(等到,到....什么时候) we finally found a rest stop

Example conversation

Find the "perfect" verb in this conversation

J:Our business sure has been boming lately

M:J,I hate to inform you that the numbers we have are superficial(表面的),we've actually been running a deficit(赤字;不足额) of $100,00 per month ,It's time to get off clound nine,my friends.

J:How is that possible ?we've already lowered everyone's yearly bonuses(奖金) and cut out our company trips to increase our profits!

M:It appears that.prior(优先的) to our losses,we'd also lost a considerable(相当大的,重要的) amount of talent.likely duo to the cutback that you are talking about.J,amongst other problems.

J:Cutbacks shouldn't make a difference !whatever happened to company loyalty(忠诚)? Why hadn't our employees just followed through on the projects they started?Everything would have been fine ,if only they had done that .

M:I don't think it's a question of loyalty,J,It's a question of why we hadn't been investing into our own's time to own uo to our decisions and take responsibility for our actions.

J: I have had enough of your negativity(否定性) ,M!

M:I‘m afraid it's merely(仅仅,只是) a dose of harsh reality that we must come to terms with before we can make any real progress and turn this into a legitimate(合法的),respetable business,J

Review and Consolidation(巩固1)

1.I have seen this movie twice before.

2.They had been flying for three hours when the airplane suddenly began to experience turbulence.

3.He had eaten the entire cake by the time i arrived.

4.We have been sitting for too long and should get up to stretch.







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