What kind of cat is that?(2019/1/11)

Opening Dialog

P:Hey Tim,Did you see that?

T:See what?Where?

P:That cat! It just tarted past your legs and is now somewhere in that  brush(灌木丛),

T:Oh,really,What kind was it?

P:How am I supposed to know?

T:It might be helpful to know ,because there is a big reward for  a siamese cat missing from the mansion(豪宅) on Dwayne Street.

P:Why didn't you say so?Let's start looking.

T:First ,what color was it?

P:Well,it was an off-white(灰白色的;黄白色的) color,with some dark patches(补丁;斑块)

T:That sounds like siamese cat!,I can already see that reward money!


Do you think it's important to know the name of cat breeds?Whether you agree or disagree,It's a great way to add fluency to our speaking ability and maybe even impress our friends from time to time! This exercise in vocabulary and reading will help familiarize us with some of the most popular beerds of cats,So that we will be describe almost any type that acrosses our paths,

Do you like cats?Do you allergic to them?

What are the advantages of owning a cat versus a dog?

Do you know the name of your favorite breed of cat?

The Siamese cat

The siamese cat is a regal,award-winning(优等的;) breed that originally came from Thailand(formerly known as Siam原名叫),They have a very intelligent and social nature,Sometimes even being compared to a dogs in terms of playfulness and energy,The distinctive(独有的) traits(特点) of siamese cat are it's cream and brown colorings ,as well as long,tapered tail and angular facial feature.

Persian Longhair

The Persian Longhair cat gets it's name from the fact that it is similar to some  breeds of  cat native to Middle East,along with its long flowing hair,These cats are quite and mild in temperament,making them great options for a family in a smaller home,or one with angry neighbors ,The most recognizable trait of the Persian cat is its compressed facial features ,the eyes ,nose,and mouth sometimes being in complete vertical aligment(队列,排面)


This common household breed is also known for its sociable and friendly nature,so if you are looking for a pet that will leave you alone for the most part,you can forget it! This breed is so friendly and easy-going that it will bond with children ,and strangers,and even dogs,Another bonus is that this breed requires minimal grooming(梳理)  because of its short ,silky(丝的;柔滑的) hair.

Calico cat

Although this name doesn't refer to a specific breed of cat ,it is commonly used to descride cats with black and orange spots on their white fur,There are serveralbreeds that carry the Calico coloring,and the common American shorthair cat is one of them.because of teh genes involved,Clico cats are almost always female.

Closing dialog

T:See,it's there ,Grab it.

P:Let me see if i can ....reach....

T:Careful,it might scratch(抓伤) you.I heard Siamese cats are fierce!

P:Aha,I got it ! Ahhhhhhhhh!

T;Oh no,What's that smell?



T:Maybe if you knew more about cat breeds,you should have known that was a skunk( 臭鼬)

P:I‘ve said sorry thousand times!Now can you hand me that nose plug.


dart(verb)--to run somewhere very quickly

brush(noun)--small trees and bushes(灌木)

regal--resembling( 像) a king or queen

in term of--in relation to a particular aspect,concerning something

distinctive--characteristic of something ,so that it makes that thing different from other.

tapered--having a shape that gets narrower toward one end

angular--having angles or sharp corners and point

temperament--a person or animal's behavior

for the most part-- most of time


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