Faster R-CNN

Fast R-CNN achieves near real-time rates using very deep networks, when ignoring the time spent on region proposals. Now, proposals are the test-time computational bottleneck in state-of-the-art detection systems.

To this end, we introduce novel Region Proposal Networks (RPNs) that share convolutional layers with state-of-the-art object detection networks.

On top of these convolutional features, we construct an RPN by adding a few additional convolutional layers that simultaneously regress region bounds and objectness scores at each location on a regular grid.

The RPN is thus a kind of fully convolutional network (FCN) [7] and can be trained end-toend specifically for the task for generating detection proposals

Widely used object proposal methods include those based on grouping super-pixels (e.g.,Selective Search [4], CPMC [22], MCG [23]) and those based on sliding windows (e.g., objectness in windows [24], EdgeBoxes [6]).

Object proposal methods were adopted as external modules independent of the detectors (e.g., Selective Search [4] object detectors, RCNN [5], and Fast R-CNN [2])

Its accuracy depends on the performance of the region proposal module (see comparisons in [20])

In the OverFeat method [9], a fully-connected layer is trained to predict the box coordinates for the localization task that assumes a single object. The fully-connected layer is then turned into a convolutional layer for detecting multiple class-specific objects

The MultiBox methods [26], [27] generate region proposals from a network whose last fully-connected layer simultaneously predicts multiple class-agnostic boxes, generalizing the “singlebox” fashion of OverFeat

Concurrent with our work, the DeepMask method [28] is developed for learning segmentation proposals

Fast R-CNN [2] enables end-to-end detector training on shared convolutional features and shows compelling accuracy and speed

Faster R-CNN, is composed of two modules. The first module is a deep fully convolutional network that proposes regions, and the second module is the Fast R-CNN detector [2] that uses the proposed regions

A Region Proposal Network (RPN) takes an image (of any size) as input and outputs a set of rectangular object proposals, each with an objectness score

To generate region proposals, we slide a small network over the convolutional feature map output by the last shared convolutional layer. This small network takes as input an n × n spatial window of the input convolutional feature map.

This feature is fed into two sibling fullyconnected layers—a box-regression layer (reg) and a box-classification layer (cls)

At each sliding-window location, we simultaneously predict multiple region proposals, where the number of maximum possible proposals for each location is denoted as k. So the reg layer has 4k outputs encoding the coordinates of k boxes, and the cls layer outputs 2k scores that estimate probability of object or not object for each proposal(implement the cls layer as a two-class softmax layer: is there an object, the presence probability)

An important property of our approach is that it is translation invariant, both in terms of the anchors and the functions that compute proposals relative to the anchors.

As a comparison, the MultiBox method [27] uses k-means to generate 800 anchors, which are not translation invariant. So MultiBox does not guarantee that the same proposal is generated if an object is translated

Multi-Scale Anchors as Regression References Our design of anchors presents a novel scheme for addressing multiple scales (and aspect ratios). As shown in Figure 1, there have been two popular ways for multi-scale predictions. The first way is based on image/feature pyramids, e.g., in DPM [8] and CNNbased methods [9], [1], [2]. The images are resized at multiple scales, and feature maps (HOG [8] or deep convolutional features [9], [1], [2]) are computed for each scale (Figure 1(a)). This way is often useful but is time-consuming. The second way is to use sliding windows of multiple scales (and/or aspect ratios) on the feature maps. For example, in DPM [8], models of different aspect ratios are trained separately using different filter sizes (such as 5×7 and 7×5). If this way is used to address multiple scales, it can be thought of as a “pyramid of filters” (Figure 1(b)). The second way is usually adopted jointly with the first way [8]

The design of multiscale anchors is a key component for sharing features without extra cost for addressing scales

For training RPNs, we assign a binary class label (of being an object or not) to each anchor. We assign a positive label to two kinds of anchors: (i) the anchor/anchors with the highest Intersection-overUnion (IoU) overlap with a ground-truth box, or (ii) an anchor that has an IoU overlap higher than 0.7 with any ground-truth box

bounding-box regression is performed on features pooled from arbitrarily sized RoIs, and the regression weights are shared by all region sizes

Some RPN proposals highly overlap with each other. To reduce redundancy, we adopt non-maximum suppression (NMS) on the proposal regions based on their cls scores. We fix the IoU threshold for NMS at 0.7, which leaves us about 2000 proposal regions per image. As we will show, NMS does not harm the ultimate detection accuracy, but substantially reduces the number of proposals. After NMS, we use the top-N ranked proposal regions for detection. In the following, we train Fast R-CNN using 2000 RPN proposals, but evaluate different numbers of proposals at test-time




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