CyclopsRing: Enabling Whole-Hand and Context-Aware Interactions Through a Fisheye Ring



  • 传感器:装在指环上的鱼眼摄像头(185°广角)



1. hand-based interactions through body wearables

I. camera

a. head
  • Colac¸o, A., Kirmani, A., Yang, H. S., Gong, N.-W., Schmandt, C., and Goyal, V. K. Mime: Compact, low power 3D gesture sensing for interaction with head mounted displays. In Proc. ACM UIST ’13 (2013), 227–236.
  • Tamaki, E., Miyaki, T., and Rekimoto, J. Brainy hand: An ear-worn hand gesture interaction device. In Proc. ACM CHI EA ’09 (2009), 4255–4260.
  • Mistry, P., Maes, P., and Chang, L. WUW - wear ur world: A wearable gestural interface. In Proc. ACM CHI EA ’09 (2009), 4111–4116. (戴在帽子上)
b. chest
  • Chan, L., Hsieh, C.-H., Chen, Y.-L., Yang, S., Huang, D.-Y., Liang, R.-H., and Chen, B.-Y. Cyclops: Wearable and single-piece full-body gesture input devices. In Proc. ACM CHI ’15 (2015), 3001–3009.
  • Loclair, Christian, G. S., and Baudisch, P. Pinchwatch: A wearable device for one-handed microinteractions.
  • Gustafson, S., Bierwirth, D., and Baudisch, P. Imaginary interfaces: Spatial interaction with empty hands and without visual feedback. In Proc. ACM UIST ’10 (2010), 3–12.
  • Mistry, P., and Maes, P. SixthSense: A wearable gestural interface. In Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH Asia ’09 Sketches (2009), 11:1–11:1.
c. shoulder
  • Harrison, C., Benko, H., and Wilson, A. D. OmniTouch: Wearable multitouch interaction everywhere. In Proc.ACM UIST ’11 (2011), 441–450.
d. foot
  • Bailly, G., Muller ¨ , J., Rohs, M., Wigdor, D., and Kratz, S. ShoeSense: A new perspective on gestural interaction and wearable applications. In Proc. ACM CHI ’12 (2012), 1239–1248.
e. wrist
  • Kim, D., Hilliges, O., Izadi, S., Butler, A. D., Chen, J., Oikonomidis, I., and Olivier, P. Digits: Freehand 3D interactions anywhere using a wrist-worn gloveless sensor. In Proc. ACM UIST ’12 (2012), 167–176.

II. acoustic sensors

  • Harrison, C., Tan, D., and Morris, D. Skinput: Appropriating the body as an input surface. In Proc.ACM CHI ’10 (2010), 453–462.
  • . Mujibiya, A., Cao, X., Tan, D. S., Morris, D., Patel, S. N., and Rekimoto, J. The sound of touch: On-body touch and gesture sensing based on transdermal ultrasound propagation. In Proc. ACM ITS ’13 (2013), 189–198.

III. capacitive sensing

  • Sato, M., Poupyrev, I., and Harrison, C. Touche;: ´Enhancing touch interaction on humans, screens, liquids, and everyday objects. In Proc. ACM CHI ’12(2012), 483–492.


  • Saponas, T. S., Tan, D. S., Morris, D., Balakrishnan, R., Turner, J., and Landay, J. A. Enabling always-available input with muscle-computer interfaces. In Proc. ACM UIST ’09 (2009), 167–176.

VI. measure wrist contour

  • Fukui, R., Watanabe, M., Gyota, T., Shimosaka, M., and Sato, T. Hand shape classification with a wrist contour sensor: Development of a prototype device. In Proc.UbiComp ’11 (2011), 311–314.

VII. pressure made to the wrist

  • Dementyev, A., and Paradiso, J. A. WristFlex:Low-power gesture input with wrist-worn pressuresensors. In Proc. ACM UIST ’14 (2014), 161–166.

2. hand-based interaction through finger wearables

a. infrared sensor

  • Ogata, M., Sugiura, Y., Osawa, H., and Imai, M. iRing: Intelligent ring using infrared reflection. In Proc. ACM UIST ’12 (2012), 131–136.

b. magnetic sensor

  • Harrison, C., and Hudson, S. E. Abracadabra: Wireless, high-precision, and unpowered finger input for very small mobile devices. In Proc. ACM UIST ’09 (2009), 121–124.
  • Chen, K.-Y., Lyons, K., White, S., and Patel, S. uTrack: 3D input using two magnetic sensors. In Proc. ACM UIST ’13 (2013), 237–244.

c. magnetic sensor + hall sensor

  • Chan, L., Liang, R.-H., Tsai, M.-C., Cheng, K.-Y., Su, C.-H., Chen, M. Y., Cheng, W.-H., and Chen, B.-Y. FingerPad: Private and subtle interaction using fingertips. In Proc. ACM UIST ’13 (2013), 255–260.

d. infrared proximity sensor + gyroscope

  • Kienzle, W., and Hinckley, K. Lightring: Always-available 2D input on any surface. In Proc.ACM UIST ’14 (2014), 157–160.

e. IMU

  • Jing, L., Cheng, Z., Zhou, Y., Wang, J., and Huang, T. Magic ring: A self-contained gesture input device on finger. In Proc. ACM MUM ’13 (2013), 39:1–39:4.
  • Nanayakkara, S., Shilkrot, R., Yeo, K. P., and Maes, P. Eyering: A finger-worn input device for seamless interactions with our surroundings. In Proc. ACM AH’13 (2013), 13–20.

f. camera

  • Nanayakkara, S., Shilkrot, R., Yeo, K. P., and Maes, P. Eyering: A finger-worn input device for seamless interactions with our surroundings. In Proc. ACM AH’13 (2013), 13–20.
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