C++ "multiple definition of .. first defined here" 错误的修改

        今天将Helios有关代码移植到我们的底层时,发现不少地方出现 "multiple definition of .. first defined here”  错误。这个文件的.h和.cpp文件在下面。以及修改方法:



#include <rcsc/player/soccer_action.h>

class Bhv_DangerAreaTackle
    : public rcsc::SoccerBehavior {
    const double M_min_probability;
    Bhv_DangerAreaTackle( const double & min_prob = 0.85 )
        : M_min_probability( min_prob )
      { }

    bool execute( rcsc::PlayerAgent * agent );

    bool clearGoal( rcsc::PlayerAgent * agent );         //修改为bool clearGoal( rcsc::PlayerAgent * agent )const;

    bool executeOld( rcsc::PlayerAgent * agent );      //修改为bool executeOld( rcsc::PlayerAgent * agent )const;

    bool executeV12( rcsc::PlayerAgent * agent );     //修改为 bool executeV12( rcsc::PlayerAgent * agent )const;




#include "bhv_danger_area_tackle.h"
#include <rcsc/action/neck_turn_to_ball_or_scan.h>
#include <rcsc/player/player_agent.h>
#include <rcsc/player/intercept_table.h>
#include <rcsc/player/debug_client.h>
#include <rcsc/common/logger.h>
#include <rcsc/common/server_param.h>
#include <rcsc/geom/line_2d.h>
#include <rcsc/geom/ray_2d.h>


Bhv_DangerAreaTackle::execute( rcsc::PlayerAgent * agent )
//     static rcsc::GameTime s_last_execute_time( 0, 0 );

    rcsc::dlog.addText( rcsc::Logger::TEAM,
                        __FILE__": Bhv_DangerAreaTackle" );

    const rcsc::WorldModel & wm = agent->world();

//     if ( s_last_execute_time == wm.time() )
//     {
//         rcsc::dlog.addText( rcsc::Logger::TEAM,
//                             __FILE__": called several times" );
//         return false;
//     }
//     s_last_execute_time = wm.time();

    if ( clearGoal( agent ) )
        return true;

    if ( wm.self().tackleProbability() < M_min_probability )
        rcsc::dlog.addText( rcsc::Logger::TEAM,
                            __FILE__": failed. low tackle_prob=%.2f < %.2f",
                            M_min_probability );
        return false;

    const int self_min = wm.interceptTable()->selfReachCycle();
    const int mate_min = wm.interceptTable()->teammateReachCycle();
    const int opp_min = wm.interceptTable()->opponentReachCycle();

    bool ball_shall_be_in_our_goal = false;

    // check where the ball shall be gone without tackle
#if 0
    ball_shall_be_in_our_goal = false;

    rcsc::dlog.addText( rcsc::Logger::TEAM,
                        __FILE__": ball_shall_be_in_our_goal unchecked" );
    const double goal_half_width = rcsc::ServerParam::i().goalHalfWidth();

    const rcsc::Vector2D goal_center = rcsc::ServerParam::i().ourTeamGoalPos();
    const rcsc::Vector2D goal_left_post( goal_center.x, +goal_half_width );
    const rcsc::Vector2D goal_right_post( goal_center.x, -goal_half_width );
    bool is_shoot_ball = ( ( (goal_left_post - wm.ball().pos() ).th()
                             - wm.ball().vel().th() ).degree() < 0
                           && ( ( goal_right_post - wm.ball().pos() ).th()
                                - wm.ball().vel().th() ).degree() > 0 );

    const int self_reach_cycle = wm.interceptTable()->selfReachCycle();

    if ( is_shoot_ball
         && wm.ball().inertiaPoint( self_reach_cycle ).x
            <= rcsc::ServerParam::i().ourTeamGoalLineX() )
        ball_shall_be_in_our_goal = true;

    rcsc::dlog.addText( rcsc::Logger::TEAM,
                        __FILE__": ball_shall_be_in_our_goal = %s",
                        ( ball_shall_be_in_our_goal ? "true" : "false" ) );

    if ( wm.existKickableOpponent()
         || ball_shall_be_in_our_goal
         || ( opp_min < self_min
              && opp_min < mate_min ) )

        rcsc::dlog.addText( rcsc::Logger::TEAM,
                            __FILE__": failed. not necessary." );
        return false;

    // v11 or older

    if ( agent->config().version() < 12.0 )
        return executeOld( agent );
        return executeV12( agent );

    return false;


Bhv_DangerAreaTackle::clearGoal( rcsc::PlayerAgent * agent )  //加上const
    const rcsc::WorldModel & wm = agent->world();

    if ( wm.self().tackleProbability() <= 0.0 )
        return false;

    const rcsc::ServerParam & param = rcsc::ServerParam::i();

    const int self_min = wm.interceptTable()->selfReachCycle();

    const rcsc::Vector2D self_trap_pos = wm.ball().inertiaPoint( self_min );
    if ( self_trap_pos.x > - param.pitchHalfLength() + 0.5 )
        return false;

    // cannot intercept the ball in the field

    rcsc::dlog.addText( rcsc::Logger::TEAM,
                        __FILE__": my trap pos(%.1f %.1f) < pitch.x",
                        self_trap_pos.x, self_trap_pos.y );

    const rcsc::Ray2D ball_ray( wm.ball().pos(), wm.ball().vel().th() );
    const rcsc::Line2D goal_line( rcsc::Vector2D( - param.pitchHalfLength(), 10.0 ),
                                  rcsc::Vector2D( - param.pitchHalfLength(), -10.0 ) );
    const rcsc::Vector2D intersect =  ball_ray.intersection( goal_line );
    if ( ! intersect.valid()
         || intersect.absY() > param.goalHalfWidth() + 0.5 )
        return false;

    // ball is moving to our goal

    rcsc::dlog.addText( rcsc::Logger::TEAM,
                        __FILE__": ball is moving to our goal" );

    if ( agent->config().version() < 12.0 )
        double tackle_power = ( wm.self().body().abs() > 90.0
                                ? param.maxTacklePower()
                                : - param.maxBackTacklePower() );

        rcsc::dlog.addText( rcsc::Logger::TEAM,
                            __FILE__": clear goal" );
        agent->debugClient().addMessage( "tackleClearOld%.0f", tackle_power );
        agent->doTackle( tackle_power );
        agent->setNeckAction( new rcsc::Neck_TurnToBallOrScan() );
        return true;

    // search best angle

    const rcsc::Line2D line_c( rcsc::Vector2D( -param.pitchHalfLength(), 0.0 ),
                               rcsc::Vector2D( 0.0, 0.0 ) );
    const rcsc::Line2D line_l( rcsc::Vector2D( -param.pitchHalfLength(), -param.goalHalfWidth() ),
                               rcsc::Vector2D( 0.0, -param.goalHalfWidth() ) );
    const rcsc::Line2D line_r( rcsc::Vector2D( -param.pitchHalfLength(), -param.goalHalfWidth() ),
                               rcsc::Vector2D( 0.0, -param.goalHalfWidth() ) );

    const rcsc::AngleDeg ball_rel_angle
        = wm.ball().angleFromSelf() - wm.self().body();
    const double tackle_rate
        = ( param.tacklePowerRate()
            * ( 1.0 - 0.5 * ( ball_rel_angle.abs() / 180.0 ) ) );

    rcsc::AngleDeg best_angle = 0.0;
    double max_speed = -1.0;

    for ( double a = -180.0; a < 180.0; a += 10.0 )
        rcsc::AngleDeg target_rel_angle = a - wm.self().body().degree();

        double eff_power = param.maxBackTacklePower()
            + ( ( param.maxTacklePower() - param.maxBackTacklePower() )
                * ( 1.0 - target_rel_angle.abs() / 180.0 ) );
        eff_power *= tackle_rate;

        rcsc::Vector2D vel = wm.ball().vel()
            + rcsc::Vector2D::polar2vector( eff_power, rcsc::AngleDeg( a ) );
        rcsc::AngleDeg vel_angle = vel.th();

        if ( vel_angle.abs() > 80.0 )
            rcsc::dlog.addText( rcsc::Logger::TEAM,
                                __FILE__": clearGoal() angle=%.1f. vel_angle=%.1f is dangerouns",
                                vel_angle.degree() );

        double speed = vel.r();

        int n_intersects = 0;
        if ( ball_ray.intersection( line_c ).valid() ) ++n_intersects;
        if ( ball_ray.intersection( line_l ).valid() ) ++n_intersects;
        if ( ball_ray.intersection( line_r ).valid() ) ++n_intersects;

        if ( n_intersects == 3 )
            rcsc::dlog.addText( rcsc::Logger::TEAM,
                                "__ angle=%.1f vel=(%.1f %.1f)"
                                " 3 intersects with v_lines. angle is dangerous.",
                                a, vel.x, vel.y );
            speed -= 2.0;
        else if ( n_intersects == 2
                  && wm.ball().pos().absY() > 3.0 )
            rcsc::dlog.addText( rcsc::Logger::TEAM,
                                "__ executeV12() angle=%.1f vel=(%.1f %.1f)"
                                " 2 intersects with v_lines. angle is dangerous.",
                                a, vel.x, vel.y );
            speed -= 2.0;

        if ( speed > max_speed )
            max_speed = speed;
            best_angle = target_rel_angle + wm.self().body();
            rcsc::dlog.addText( rcsc::Logger::TEAM,
                                __FILE__": clearGoal() update. angle=%.1f vel_angle=%.1f speed=%.2f",
                                speed );
            rcsc::dlog.addText( rcsc::Logger::TEAM,
                                __FILE__": clearGoal() no_update. angle=%.1f vel_angle=%.1f speed=%.2f",
                                speed );

    // never accelerate the ball

    if ( max_speed < 1.0 )
        rcsc::dlog.addText( rcsc::Logger::TEAM,
                            __FILE__": failed clearGoal. max_speed=%.3f", max_speed );
        return false;

    rcsc::dlog.addText( rcsc::Logger::TEAM,
                        __FILE__": clear goal" );
    agent->debugClient().addMessage( "tackleClear%.0f", best_angle.degree() );
    agent->doTackle( ( best_angle - wm.self().body() ).degree() );
    agent->setNeckAction( new rcsc::Neck_TurnToBallOrScan() );

    return true;


Bhv_DangerAreaTackle::executeOld( rcsc::PlayerAgent * agent )   //加上const
    const rcsc::WorldModel & wm = agent->world();

    if ( wm.self().pos().absY() > rcsc::ServerParam::i().goalHalfWidth() + 5.0 )
        // out of goal
        double tackle_power = rcsc::ServerParam::i().maxTacklePower();
        if ( wm.self().body().abs() < 10.0 )

        else if ( wm.self().body().abs() > 170.0 )
            tackle_power = - rcsc::ServerParam::i().maxBackTacklePower();
            if ( tackle_power >= -1.0 )
                return false;
        else if ( wm.self().body().degree() * wm.self().pos().y < 0.0 )
            tackle_power = - rcsc::ServerParam::i().maxBackTacklePower();
            if ( tackle_power >= -1.0 )
                return false;

        if ( std::fabs( tackle_power ) < 1.0 )
            return false;

        rcsc::dlog.addText( rcsc::Logger::TEAM,
                            __FILE__": out of goal width" );
        agent->debugClient().addMessage( "tackle(1)" );
        agent->doTackle( tackle_power );
        agent->setNeckAction( new rcsc::Neck_TurnToBallOrScan() );
        return true;
        // within goal width
        int power_sign = 0;
        double abs_body = wm.self().body().abs();

        if ( abs_body < 70.0 ) power_sign = 1;
        if ( abs_body > 110.0 ) power_sign = -1;
        if ( power_sign == 0 )
            power_sign = ( wm.self().body().degree() > 0.0
                           ? 1
                           : -1 );
            if ( wm.ball().pos().y < 0.0 )
                power_sign *= -1;

        double tackle_power = ( power_sign >= 0
                                ? rcsc::ServerParam::i().maxTacklePower()
                                : - rcsc::ServerParam::i().maxBackTacklePower() );
        if ( std::fabs( tackle_power ) < 1.0 )
            return false;

        if ( power_sign != 0 )
            rcsc::dlog.addText( rcsc::Logger::TEAM,
                                __FILE__": power_sign=%d",
                                power_sign );
            agent->debugClient().addMessage( "tackle(%d)", power_sign );
            agent->doTackle( tackle_power );
            agent->setNeckAction( new rcsc::Neck_TurnToBallOrScan() );
            return true;

    return false;


Bhv_DangerAreaTackle::executeV12( rcsc::PlayerAgent * agent )  //加上const
    const rcsc::WorldModel & wm = agent->world();
    const rcsc::ServerParam & param = rcsc::ServerParam::i();
    const rcsc::PlayerPtrCont::const_iterator o_end = wm.opponentsFromBall().end();

    const rcsc::Vector2D goal( - param.pitchHalfLength(), 0.0 );
    const rcsc::Vector2D virtual_accel = ( wm.existKickableOpponent()
                                           ? ( goal - wm.ball().pos() ).setLengthVector( 1.0 )
                                           : rcsc::Vector2D( 0.0, 0.0 ) );
    const rcsc::Line2D goal_line( rcsc::Vector2D( - param.pitchHalfLength(), 10.0 ),
                                  rcsc::Vector2D( - param.pitchHalfLength(), -10.0 ) );
    const rcsc::Line2D line_c( rcsc::Vector2D( -param.pitchHalfLength(), 0.0 ),
                               rcsc::Vector2D( 0.0, 0.0 ) );
    const rcsc::Line2D line_l( rcsc::Vector2D( -param.pitchHalfLength(), -param.goalHalfWidth() ),
                               rcsc::Vector2D( 0.0, -param.goalHalfWidth() ) );
    const rcsc::Line2D line_r( rcsc::Vector2D( -param.pitchHalfLength(), -param.goalHalfWidth() ),
                               rcsc::Vector2D( 0.0, -param.goalHalfWidth() ) );

    const rcsc::AngleDeg ball_rel_angle
        = wm.ball().angleFromSelf() - wm.self().body();
    const double tackle_rate
        = ( param.tacklePowerRate()
            * ( 1.0 - 0.5 * ( ball_rel_angle.abs() / 180.0 ) ) );

    rcsc::AngleDeg best_angle = 0.0;
    double max_speed = -1.0;

    for ( double a = -180.0; a < 180.0; a += 10.0 )
        rcsc::AngleDeg rel_angle = a - wm.self().body().degree();

        double eff_power = param.maxBackTacklePower()
            + ( ( param.maxTacklePower() - param.maxBackTacklePower() )
                * ( 1.0 - rel_angle.abs() / 180.0 ) );
        eff_power *= tackle_rate;

        rcsc::Vector2D vel = ( wm.ball().vel()
                               + rcsc::Vector2D::polar2vector( eff_power, rcsc::AngleDeg( a ) ) );
        vel += virtual_accel;

        const rcsc::Ray2D ball_ray( wm.ball().pos(), vel.th() );
        const rcsc::Vector2D intersect =  ball_ray.intersection( goal_line );
        if ( intersect.valid()
             && intersect.absY() < param.goalHalfWidth() + 5.0 )
            rcsc::dlog.addText( rcsc::Logger::TEAM,
                                __FILE__": executeV12() angle=%.1f vel=(%.1f %.1f)"
                                " intersect is dangerous.",
                                a, vel.x, vel.y );

        const rcsc::Vector2D ball_next = wm.ball().pos() + vel;

        bool maybe_opponent_get_ball = false;
        for ( rcsc::PlayerPtrCont::const_iterator o = wm.opponentsFromBall().begin();
              o != o_end;
              ++o )
            if ( (*o)->posCount() > 10 ) continue;
            if ( (*o)->isGhost() ) continue;
            if ( (*o)->isTackling() ) continue;
            if ( (*o)->distFromBall() > 6.0 ) break;;

            rcsc::Vector2D opp_pos = (*o)->pos() + (*o)->vel();
            if ( opp_pos.dist( ball_next ) < 1.0 )
                maybe_opponent_get_ball = true;

        if ( maybe_opponent_get_ball )
            rcsc::dlog.addText( rcsc::Logger::TEAM,
                                __FILE__": executeV12() angle=%.1f vel=(%.1f %.1f)"
                                " maybe opponent get ball.",
                                a, vel.x, vel.y );

        double speed = vel.r();

        int n_intersects = 0;
        if ( ball_ray.intersection( line_c ).valid() ) ++n_intersects;
        if ( ball_ray.intersection( line_l ).valid() ) ++n_intersects;
        if ( ball_ray.intersection( line_r ).valid() ) ++n_intersects;

        if ( n_intersects == 3 )
            rcsc::dlog.addText( rcsc::Logger::TEAM,
                                "__ angle=%.1f vel=(%.1f %.1f)"
                                " 3 intersects with v_lines. angle is dangerous.",
                                a, vel.x, vel.y );
            speed -=2.0;
        else if ( n_intersects == 2
                  && wm.ball().pos().absY() > 3.0 )
            rcsc::dlog.addText( rcsc::Logger::TEAM,
                                "__ angle=%.1f vel=(%.1f %.1f)"
                                " 2 intersects with v_lines. angle is dangerous.",
                                a, vel.x, vel.y );
            speed -= 2.0;

        if ( speed > max_speed )
            max_speed = speed;
            best_angle = a;
            rcsc::dlog.addText( rcsc::Logger::TEAM,
                                __FILE__": executeV12() angle=%.1f vel=(%.1f %.1f)%.2f"
                                " update.",
                                a, vel.x, vel.y, speed );
            rcsc::dlog.addText( rcsc::Logger::TEAM,
                                __FILE__": executeV12() angle=%.1f vel=(%.1f %.1f)%.2f"
                                " no update.",
                                a, vel.x, vel.y, speed );

    // never accelerate the ball

    if ( max_speed < 1.0 )
        rcsc::dlog.addText( rcsc::Logger::TEAM,
                            __FILE__": failed executeV12 max_speed=%.3f" );
        return false;

    // execute tackle

    rcsc::dlog.addText( rcsc::Logger::TEAM,
                        __FILE__": danger area tackle angle=%.0f", best_angle.degree() );
    agent->debugClient().addMessage( "DanAreaTackle%.0f", best_angle.degree() );
    agent->doTackle( ( best_angle - wm.self().body() ).degree() );
    agent->setNeckAction( new rcsc::Neck_TurnToBallOrScan() );

    return true;

<strong><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">补充:</span></strong>
<strong><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">标题</span><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">:const</span><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">放在后面有什么意思?</span></strong>
<strong><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
</span><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">一个函数</span><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">
AcGePoint3dstartPoint() const;
const</span><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">放在后面跟前面有区别么</span></strong>
<strong><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">==>
</span><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">准确的说</span><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">const</span><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">是修饰</span><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">this</span><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">指向的对象的</span><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">
</span><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">譬如,我们定义了</span><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">
</span><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">这里</span><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">f</span><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">函数其实有两个参数,第一个是</span><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">A*const this, </span><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">另一个才是</span><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">int</span><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">类型的参数</span><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">
</span><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">如果我们不想</span><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">f</span><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">函数改变参数的值,可以把函数原型改为</span><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">f(constint),</span><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">但如果我们不允许</span><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">f</span><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">改变</span><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">this</span><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">指向的对象呢?因为</span><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">this</span><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">是隐含参数,</span><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">const</span><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">没法直接修饰它,就加在函数的后面了,表示</span><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">this</span><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">的类型是</span><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">constA *constthis</span><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">。</span><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">
const</span><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">修饰</span><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">*this</span><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">是本质,至于说“表示该成员函数不会修改类的数据。否则会编译报错”之类的说法只是一个现象,根源就是因为</span><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">*this</span><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">是</span><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">const</span><span style="font-family: FangSong_GB2312; font-size: 12px; ">类型的</span></strong>

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