Imagine that you work at a financial services company which clears many credit card transactions each day. You want to prevent malicious activity in your customer base. When a high number of transactions occurs in a narrow window of time, you want to notify the cardholder of suspicious activity.
This tutorial shows how to create an event-driven microservice that identifies suspicious activity and notifies customers. It demonstrates finding anomalies with ksqlDB and sending alert emails using a simple Kafka consumer with SendGrid.
Before you issue more commands, tell ksqlDB to start all queries from earliest point in each topic:
SET 'auto.offset.reset' = 'earliest';
We want to model a stream of credit card transactions from which we'll look for anomalous activity. To do that, create a ksqlDB stream to represent the transactions. Each transaction has a few key pieces of information, like the card number, amount, and email address that it's associated with. Because the specified topic (transactions) does not exist yet, ksqlDB creates it on your behalf.
Notice that this stream is configured with a custom timestamp to signal that event-time should be used instead of processing-time. What this means is that when ksqlDB does time-related operations over the stream, it uses the timestamp column to measure time, not the current time of the operating system. This makes it possible to handle out-of-order events.
The stream is also configured to use the Avro format for the value part of the underlying Kafka records