代码实现了一个 Nonlinear Adaptive Controller,它对于给定的系统动力学、非线性函数和适应增益进行控制。
% Define the system dynamics
sys = @(t, x, u) [x(2); -x(1) - x(2)^3 + u];
% Define the nonlinear function for adaptation
F = @(x) x(1)^2 + x(2)^2;
% Define the adaptation gain
k = 0.1;
% Define the initial conditions
x0 = [1; 0];
% Define the reference signal
r = 1;
% Define the simulation time
tf = 10;
% Define the sample time
dt = 0.01;
% Initialize the time and state variables
t = 0:dt:tf;
x = zeros(length(t), 2);
x(1, :) = x0;
% Initialize the control signal
u = zeros(length(t), 1);
% Loop through each time step
for i = 2:length(t)
% Calculate the error
e = r - x(i-1, 1);
% Update the control signal
u(i) = u(i-1) - k * F(x(i-1, :)) * e;
% Update the state variables
x(i, :) = x(i-1, :) + sys(t(i), x(i-1, :), u(i)) * dt;
% Plot the results
plot(t, x(:, 1), 'LineWidth', 2);
hold on;
plot(t, x(:, 2), 'LineWidth', 2);
plot(t, u, 'LineWidth', 2);
legend({'x_1', 'x_2', 'u'});
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('Signal Value');
title('Nonlinear Adaptive Control');