研究生英语课后练习 (自己在火车上看的)

Unit 1


When today’shigh-school seniors are asked whatthey plan to do aftergraduation,most say that theyintend to get abachelor’s degree. They have been told that their generation has only “one wayto win” ---- bygetting at least abachelor’s degree, in the hope that it willeventuallylead to a professional job.

In a recent survey of high-school seniors conducted by theNational Center for Education Statistics, 85 percent of the respondents saidthey planned to get a bachelor’s degree. And,although20 years ago only 45 percent of high-schoolgraduateswent on to college, today 68 percent actually matriculate, with the majorityenrolling in four-year or two-year programs designed to allow them totransfer to four-year institutions.

According to conventionalwisdom, the rapid rise in thenumber of studentsattendingcollege is cause for national celebration. But our research suggests that,instead, it may be cause for national concern. Why? Because for many young people, the “one way towin” paradigm is notattending, giventheir academic talents and the labor-market projections. Students rankingbelow the top third of their high-schoolgraduating class too often fail to earn a bachelor’s degree if they enroll incollege. The cost of suchfailure---- in both dollars and unmetexpectations---- is rising and beginning to erode publicconfidencein our system of highereducation.



1. Arnold Toynbeehas said that all progress, all development come from a challenge and aconsequent response. Without challenge there is no response, no development, nofreedom. So first we owe to our children the most demanding, challengingcurriculum that is within their capabilities.


2. The secondopportunity we can give our boys and girls is the right to failure. “Freedom isnot only a privilege, it is a test, ” writes De Nouy. What kind of a test isit, what kind of freedom where no one can fail? The day is past when the UnitedStates can afford to give high school diplomas to all who sit through fouryears of instruction, regardless of whether any visible results can bediscerned. We live in a narrowed world where we must be alert, awake torealism: and realism demands a standard which either must be met or result infailure. These are hard words, but they are brutally true. If we deprive ourchildren of the right to fail we deprive them of their knowledge of the worldas it is.




1. 当今的大学生,尽管他们努力地想使自己成才,但对未来还是很模糊的。(establish oneself)

Today'suniversity students are struggling to establish themselves, but they still haveambiguous feelings about their future.

2. 一个人如果不能找到自我以外的中心,就不能实现他的自我价值。所以,理想的本科教育必须使学生超越自我。(transcend)

A mancannot find himself without finding a center beyond him. So the idealism of theundergraduate experience must help the student transcend himself.

3. 我们强烈地希望在大学所学到的知识在今后的工作与学习中能起到重要的作用。(reveal oneself)

We eagerly hope that the lessons leaned in theuniversity will reveal themselves in our performance in the workplace andfurther education.

4. 四年的本科学习是走向成功生活的唯一道路,这种说法是无法接受的。(go unchallenged)

It cannot go unchallenged to say that the 4-yearundergraduate experience is the only path to success in life.

5. 在对一个关键的问题作结论时,如果只相信所谓的专家而不相信自己,不根据调查的结果,不根据实验的数据,那是在冒险。(run the risk of; blind faith in)

We run the risk of making critical decisions, not onthe basis of what we know, the findings of investigations, and the data ofexperiments, but on the basis of blind faith in professed experts.

6. 我们的事业需要一批受过良好教育又能关心他人的年轻人,他们能团结一致,相互学习,积极参加四化建设。(band together; participate in)

Our task needs a large group of well-informed, caringyoung people who can band together, learn from each other, and activelyparticipate in the four modernizations.

7. 如果这所新学校要有生命力的话,它培养的学生不仅要有扎实的基础和熟练的专业技能,还要有奉献精神。(be to endure; commit oneself)

If it is to endure, the new school should help thestudents not only acquire a sold basic education and become competent in aspecific field, but also be ready to commit themselves to others.

8. 如果大学生对考试过于投入,就有可能把能力与奉献放到次要的地位,这样说一点也过分。(push to the fringes)

It is not too much to say that if undergraduatesexcessively devote themselves to examinations, the will push competence andcommitment to the fringes.

9. 我甚至没有跟他说话,当然更不用说与他讨论有关你们学校的改建问题。(much less)

I didn't even speak to him; much less discuss thereconstruction of your school with him.

10. 有人认为考试是很重要的,但也有人认为考试有不少弊端。所以考试留下了一个未能解决的问题——考试对教育有什么影响? (openquestion)

Some people think examinations are second to none, butsome think examinations have a lot of disadvantages. Examinations leave us anopen essential question --- what influence do examinations exert on education?


Unit 2


A small family-ownedcompany, Eisai, was one of the original manufacturesof vitamin E, and it maintained a strong research commitment tonatural pharmaceuticals. Over the years, itdeveloped drugs for thetreatmentof cardiovascular, respiratory, and neurological diseases. The companyexperienced steady, modest growth, and in 1992sales reached 197 billion yen and profitsapproached13 billion yen. Although it was the sixth-largest Japanese pharmaceuticalcompany, Eisai was arelativelysmall player in an industry in whichglobalcompetition was increasing while growth in the domestic market was slowingdown.

In 1993, HaruoNaito took over as president from his father. Before that, he hadchaired Eisai’s five-year strategic planningcommittee. During that time, he had become convinced that the company’s focuson the discovery and manufacture of pharmaceuticals was notsustainable for long-term growth againstlarge, global competitions. Two years after becoming president, Naitoformulated a radical newvisionfor Eisai that he called Human Health Care. Itextendedthe company’s focus from manufacturing drug treatments for specific illness toimproving the overall quality of life. Toaccomplish that mission, Eisai developed awidearray of new products. Andthat, in turn, would require broadinvolvementand commitment. He encouraged innovativeactivityand created an environment in which employees’ efforts would be accepted andrewarded. Soon there were proposals for I 30 additional HHC projects andby the end of 1996, 73 projects were under way. Now, the company has moved fromsixth to fifth place in the Japanesedomesticpharmaceutical industry, and Eisai’s customers andcompetitors view the company as a leader inhealth care.


Owners/founders areextremely driven and dynamic. Often they excel at more than one skill. In manycases, production experts are also marketing geniuses or skilled financiers.Replacing them may require more than one person. Therefore, family businessowners should determine exactly how the business functions by creatingorganizational charts. Each key member of the succession process should createhis or her own chart. These charts should then be compared. The differenceswill point to gaps in the management structure and highlight areas ofmisunderstanding and differences in perception.



Few businesses,even family businesses, grow without the help of loyal employees. More oftenthan not, they hold key positions in management. Therefore, you must keep youremployees informed about long-range succession plans. Key management must havea clear picture of where they stand and what their responsibilities will be ina succession-management structure. Develop a compensation and benefit structurethat is sufficient to attract and retain key managers as well as to motivatethem to perform in the best interests of the business and the family.




1. 他不但是位出色的银行家和公认的贸易专家,而且还是位经验丰富的企业主管。(not to mention)

He is an experienced banker and an acknowledged tradeexpert, not to mention an excellent managing director.

2. 意大利一个和平组织的志愿者不顾危险,已开赴伊拉克首都巴格达,组成“人体盾牌”,以阻止美国轰炸该地。(regardless of)

Regardless of danger, volunteers from an Italianorganization for peace have gone to Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, to form a"body shield" for the purpose of preventing the US from bombing theplace.

3. 在这个家庭里,没有人比朱蒂更能致力于经营房地产生意。(be dedicated to)

Nobody in the family is more dedicated to operatingthe real estate business than Judy.

4. 由于经济不景气,房地产经纪人正处于或降低房价或减少销售量的两难境地。(dilemma)

Because of the economic depression, real estate agentsare in the dilemma of whether to lower prices or let sales fall off.

5. 史密斯先生往往靠慎重投资而获取巨额利润。(more often than not)

More often than not, Mr. Smith earns great profits bycareful investment of his capital.

6. 约翰在学校里各门功课的成绩都不怎么样,但在体育方面倒是身手不凡。(excel at)

John did not make much of a mark in his studies atschool, but he excelled at sports.

7. 有条不紊的职责交接是家庭企业长期繁荣的一个条件。(transition; long-range)

Orderly transition of responsibilities is a condition forthe long-range prosperity of a family business.

8. 在制定投资计划之前,你最好对投资前景有个清楚的了解。(have a clear picture of)

You had better have a clear picture of prospectsbefore formulating a plan for investment.

9. 尽管雕塑费时,但是仍有一些人以雕塑为职业。(time-consuming)

Although sculpture is a time-consuming art, there arestill some people following it as a profession.

10. 这家电脑软件公司正处于从独资经营到合资经营的转化过程中。(in the midst of)

The software company is in the midst of beingtransformed from an individualownship to a jointventure.


Unit 3


Today it can besaid that wheels run America. The four rubber tires of the automobilemove America through work and pay. Wheelsspin, and peopledrive off totheir jobs. Tires turn, and people shop for the week’s food at the bigsupermarketdown the highway. Hubcapswhirl, and the whole family spends a day at the lake. Each year morewheels crowed the highways as 10 million newcars roll out of the factories. Oneoutof every six Americans works at assembling cars, driving trucks, buildingroads, or pumping gas. Americawithoutcars? It’s unthinkable.

But even though themajority of Americans would findit hard toimagine what life wouldbe like without a car, some have begun torealizethat the automobile is a mixed blessing. Traffic accidents are increasing steadily,and large cities areplagued bytraffic congestion. Worst of all, perhaps, is the air pollution caused by theinternal-combustion engine. Every car enginburnshundreds of gallons of fuel each year and pumps hundreds of pounds of carbonmonoxide and other gases into the air. These gases are one source of the smogthat hangs over large cities. Some of thesegases are poisonous and dangeroustoone’s health, especially for someone with a weak heart or a respiratorydisease.

One answer to theproblem of air pollution is to build a car that does not pollute. That’swhat several major automobile manufacturersare trying to do.But building aclean car is easier said thandone.So far, progress has been slow. Another solution is to eliminate car fumealtogether by getting rid of theinternal-combustion engine. Inventors are now workingon turbine-powered cars, as well as on carspowered by steam andelectricity.But most of us won’t be driving cars run on batteries or boiling water for awhile yet. Many auto makers believe that it will take years to developpractical models that are powered byelectricity or steam.



Historically,Jeep’s reputation as a go-anywhere vehicle dates back to the Second World Warwhen the original Jeeps, supplied by the Willys company, carried Allied forcesthrough the Pacific and Europe.

The MacquarieDictionary of Motoringsays the name Jeep stemmed from the United States Army’s decision to call thevehicle GP, for General Purpose vehicle. The name was eventually corrupted to“jeep, “ from the pronunciation of the letters GP, and became a trademark ownedby the Willys company.

Jeep became part ofChrysler in 1988 and the company has since spent a lot of money to revitalizethe Jeep production facilities, and to increase the number and style of modelsavailable. Chrysler says the Jeep’s war-time reputation and rugged imageundoubtedly helped it to carve out a new role in peacetime as a recreationalvehicle. It says the Jeep created the original market for recreational,off-road vehicles using the powerful four-wheel drive traction (knowcommercially as 4 WD) for which the army jeep was famous.







1. 汽车诞生后发展很快,不久就替代了马。(displace)

The automobile was improved very rapidly after it wasinvented and soon displaced horses.

2. 由于汽车污染环境并严重伤害人体,甚至杀人,我们可能不得不削减私人拥有汽车的数量而更多地依赖公共交通系统。(mass transit systems)

We may have to cut down on the number of privatelyowned cars and depend more on public mass transit systems because cars polluteand maim or even kill people.

3. 汽车轮子给我们带来了更好、更为便利的交通时,它也应对诸如空气污染、交通事故、交通拥挤之类的许多问题负责。(be guilty of)

While wheels (automobiles) have brought with thembetter or more convenient transportation, they are guilty of many sins, such as air pollution, traffic accidents and traffic congestion.

4. 美国人对汽车的热爱以及他们较大的工作流动性是出了名的。(be noted for)

Americans are noted for their love for cars and great job mobility.

5. 要是燃料质量和效率的提高和技术的进步能大大减少汽车的排放量,那该多好啊。(if only)

If only advances in fuel quality and efficiency and intechnology would radically reduce the emissions from automobiles.

6. 在美国,高度发达的公路网使在各地之间来来往往成为可能。(from coast to coast)

A highly developed highway network has made possiblethe easy movement from coast to coast in the United States.

7. 一想到这条林荫大道的建设速度,参观者都感到很吃惊:这条路不久前还在开挖及铺设排水管。(the very thought of, tear up)

The very thought of the speed at which the beautifulavenue was constructed electrified every visitor; the road had only recentlybeen torn up to lay drain-pipes not long ago.

8. 环境保护主义者严厉谴责了汽车,认为汽车是产生空气污染的主要因素。(denounce)

Environmentalists have denounced automobiles, believingthey are a major factor in the production of dirty air.

9. 由于有便利的公共交通,在大都市的市郊,许多新建的住宅群拔地而起。(rise up, complex)

Many new residential complexes have risen up in thesuburbs of metropolitan cities because of the availability of convenient publictransportation.

10. 尽管非常喜欢汽车,许多人还是相信广泛地使用公共交通系统能缓解交通拥挤。(lend credence to)

Despite their love for cars, many people lend credenceto the extensive use of the public transport system, which can cut down on traffic congestion.


Unit 4


Children are nowleaving home in late adolescence ---- an earlier age than in the past.Adolescents are no longer involved in making an economic contribution tothe family. Infact, their majoreconomic impact is as consumers.Therefore,the family has little reason to keep the child home as an economiccontribution. It is becoming increasinglycommonfor young people to leave home for collegeorto live with someone else when they becomeemployed.Not only do families havefewerchildren but they have them in school and out of the home at younger ages thanin the past.

The most surprisingfindings with regard to children show a negativeimpact on marriage due to children. There has been much evidence that childrencontribute to greater conflict and uncertaintyin a marriage.Studies show thatgeneral life satisfaction is the highest forpeoplewhen they are young, married, and childless. Other studies show that Americancouples with Children at hometendto have lower marital satisfaction than those without children. For both menand women, reports of happiness and satisfactiondrop---- and don’t rise again until the children aregrownand about to leave the nest.



Some observerssuggest that perhaps what we are seeing is not a real change at all, that, likethe sexual revolution, it is not really a revolution in behavior but inexpression. “It may be,” says one Connecticut psychoanalyst, “than anidentifiable group that has exited all along is simply coming out of thecloset, like homosexuals. The spirit of the time is to do your own thing andnot hide it, and these people may reflect an increased frankness and opennessrather than any real change.



In recent decadesit has become clear that for a distinct minority of American women thetraditional mother role in the seclusion of the home is no longer acceptable.For many the family is of diminishing importance. The development of educationfor women has been a crucial factor in this change. Today, over 80 percent ofall women complete four years of high school as compared to only 35 percent in1940. This is related to the fact that marriage now occurs a year later for theaverage woman. The proportion of women aged 20 to 24 who are single increasedfrom 28 percent in 1960 to 40 percent by the mid 1970s. Childbearing is beingpostponed so that, compared to the 1960s, 10 percent fewer women bear theirfirst child in the two years immediately following marriage. Furthermore, morewomen today remain childless. Work, older age at marriage, and childlessnessare the basic changes that have taken place in women’s roles in recent years.




1. 一些职业观察家认为,现在的年轻人不再对政治和事业感兴趣;他们越来越关注与他们自身关系更为密切的问题。(preoccupied with)

Some professional observers believe that young peopletoday are no longer interested in politics and causes, but rather, have becomeincreasingly preoccupied with issues closer to themselves.

2. 一个妇女所获得的教育程度越高,就越有可能走出小家庭这个环境,到社会上去实现自我。(be likely to, realize oneself)

The higher a woman’s educational attainment, the morelikely she is to go out of the private setting of the nuclear family and torealize herself in the community.

3. 就我而言,一些已婚夫妇作出选择不要小孩的真正原因是他们非常自恋,以致于他们没有多余的爱给别人。(start a family, lie behind, have no margin of,space)

As far as I am concerned, what really lies behind thedecision of some married couples not to start a family is that they are sonarcissistic and have no margin of love to spare others.

4. 这家公司甚至在未征求发明人同意的情况下,就将其一项注册过的新发明投放市场。这一行为违反了专利法。(go against)

The company put on the market a registered inventioneven without asking the inventor’s permission, which goes against the patentlaw.

5. 在一些国家的敦促下,联合国对该国施加压力,迫使其放弃研制和使用核武器。(pressure sb to do)

Urged by some other countries, the United Nations haspressured the country to give up developing and using nuclear weapons.

6. 按照每个会员必须是无子女的这一规定,怀特先生及其太太只好退出Non-Parent协会,因为他们很快就要当父母了。(alternative, parenthood)

According to the rule that every member should remainchildless, Mr.and Ms.White have noalternative but to withdraw from the Non-Parent Association, for they willattain parenthood soon.

7. 他期望通过上演一部肥皂剧来揭示现实生活所固有的复杂性。(implicit)

He expects to reveal, by presenting a soap opera, thecomplexity implicit in real life.

8. 几乎在每个国家,嗜用麻醉品、酗酒和摧残儿童都有变为最令人深思的社会问题的趋势。(loom as)

In virtually every country, drug abuse, alcohol abuseand child abuse loon as most challenging social problems.

9. 在接受采访时,这些老年人合理地解释了为什么会对当今青年人产生矛盾心理的原因。(be ambivalent about, rationalize)

When interviewed, these elderly people rationalizedwhy they were ambivalent about today’s young people.

10. 不少大学生更关心怎样在毕业后谋得一份报酬优厚的工作,怎样在这个充满竞争的社会里迅速得到提升。(be concerned with)

Many college students are far more concerned with howto get a highly-paid job on graduation and how to receive a quick promotion inthe competitive society. 


Unit 5


In the world’s richcountries, when you retire at 65 you can expect to live, on average, foranother 15 or 20 years. A hundred years ago you would, on average, have beenalreadydead. The late 20thcentury hasbrought to many theultimate gift: the luxury of aging. Butlikeany luxury, aging is expensive.Governments are fretting about thecostalready; but they also know that farworseis to come: Over the next 30 or 40 years, the demographic changes of longerlives and fewerbirths will forcemost countries to rethink in fundamental ways their arrangements forpaying for and looking after older people.

In 1990 18% ofpeople in OECD countries were agedover 60. By 2030 thatfigure willhave risen to over 30%. Theshareof the “Oldest old” (those over 80), now around 3%, is set to double. The vastmajority of these older people will beconsumers, notproducers. Thanksto state transfers, being old in developed countries mostly no longer meansbeingpoor. The old people willexpectdecent pensions to live on;they will make heavy demands on medicalservices;and some will need expensive nursing care. Yet while their numbers areexpanding fast, numbers of people at work ----who will have to foot the bill ---- will stay much thesame, so each worker will have to carry a muchheavierburden.

Mass survival to aripe old age will not be confinedto rich countries. Most developing countries, whose populations are now muchyounger than the developed world’s, are starting to age fast.



The new combinationof age and poverty in several countries in Latin America and Asia will createmany problems that are already familiar to industrial countries, but with farfewer resources to tackle them. Ethical dilemmas over the use of scarceresources will be magnified. Financing of health care and pensions could be anightmare.

译:在不少拉丁美洲和亚洲的国家,老年化和贫困将引起许多新问题, 而这些问题对于工业化国家来说并不陌生, 但是这些国家拥有资源少得多。在使用有限资源时所遇到伦理道德问题将更为突出,为医疗保健和养老金提供资金可能成为这些国家面临的一件棘手的事。


In many countries,older people are still too small in number, and for the most part toopolitically passive, to act as an effective pressure group for long-termpolicies to further their own interests. But that is changing as their numbersincrease, and they learn to flex their political muscles. But 2030, it would bea bold politician who neglected one voter in three ---- especially as olderpeople in general turn out to vote in much bigger numbers than others.




1. 总的来说,人变得越来越有同情心;不少家庭收养了来自市孤儿院的孤儿。(take in, orphanage)

Generally,people have become more compassionate and quite a few families have taken in anorphan from the municipal orphanage.

2. 一个有工作的妇女既要照顾她的孩子和老人,又要设法保有这份工作,是一件非常困难的事情。(hold down)

It is ademanding task for a workingwoman to look after her parents and her childrenwhile holding down a job.

3. 起先,我们对他们初次在异国他乡生活感到担忧,但是结果他们在那个国家生活得相当不错。(work out)

At firstwe were worried about their first stay in a foreign country but things thereworked out much better for them.

4. 今天,中年人的孩子比他们父母的孩子要少得多;40年后人口老化问题可能成为他们孩子的沉重负担。(weigh on)

Today'smiddle-aged people have fewer children than their parents did and the agingpopulation problem may weigh on them in about 40 years.

5. 希望目前的教育改革能为学生更好地迎接社会的挑战做好准备。(set up)

It ishoped that the current reform in education will better set students up to meetthe challenges from society.

6. 政府想把一部分健康护理的负担转嫁给个人;但是家庭成员并不总是有空的,因为他们不能离开工作来照顾生病的老人。(break away from)

Thegovernment intends to transfer some of the health-care burden to the individualfamily but family members are not always available for the task because theycannot break away from their jobs to look after the sick elderly.

7. 对养老院床位的需求越来越大,我们不得不想尽一切办法腾出床位。(free up)

There isan increasing demand for beds in the nursing home, and we have to try everypossible means to free them up.

8. 随着该国老年人的日益增多,为医疗保健和养老金提供资金可能使政府感到恐惧。(scare the devil out of)

With thelarge elderly population in this country, financing of health care and pensionscould care the devil out of the government.

9. 这对年轻夫妇不得不作出牺牲,以避免使他们年迈的慈父伤心。(let down)

Theyoung couple has to make some sacrifice to avoid letting their old belovedfather down.

10. 他们在照顾年迈多病的老父时所经历的一切使他们更具有同情心并向养老院捐了款。(go through)

Whatthey had gone through in looking after their sick old father made them morecompassionate, and they made a donation to the nursing home.




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