Rocket-chip-Dcache Flush & Discard

本文介绍的是rocket-chip dcache flush和dachehe discard功能。

功能的说明可以参考文档《SiFive E76 Core Complex Manual 21G1.01.00》


  • Implemented as state machine in L1 data cache, for cores with data caches.
  • Only available in M-mode.
  • When rs1 = x0, CFLUSH.D.L1 writes back and invalidates all lines in the L1 data cache.
  • When rs1 != x0, CFLUSH.D.L1 writes back and invalidates the L1 data cache line containing the virtual address in integer register rs1.
  • If the effective privilege mode does not have write permissions to the address in rs1, then a store access or store page-fault exception is raised.
  • If the address in rs1 is in an uncacheable region with write permissions, the instruction has no effect but raises no exceptions.
  • Note that if the PMP scheme write-protects only part of a cache line, then using a value for rs1 in the write-protected region will cause an exception, whereas using a value for rs1 in the write-permitted region will write back the entire cache line.


  • Implemented as state machine in L1 data cache, for cores with data caches.
  • Only available in M-mode.
  • Opcode 0xFC200073: with optional rs1 field in bits [19:15].
  • When rs1 = x0, CDISCARD.D.L1 invalidates, but does not write back, all lines in the L1 data cache. Dirty data within the cache is lost.
  • When rs1 ≠ x0, CDISCARD.D.L1 invalidates, but does not write back, the L1 data cache line containing the virtual address in integer register rs1. Dirty data within the cache line is lost.
  • If the effective privilege mode does not have write permissions to the address in rs1, then a store access or store page-fault exception is raised.
  • If the address in rs1 is in an uncacheable region with write permissions, the instruction has no effect but raises no exceptions.
  • Note that if the PMP scheme write-protects only part of a cache line, then using a value for rs1 in the write-protected region will cause an exception, whereas using a value for rs1 in the write-permitted region will invalidate and discard the entire cache line.


#include <stdint.h>

#define STR1(x) #x
#ifndef STR
#define STR(x) STR1(x)

#define CFLUSH_D_L1_REG(rs1)	\
    0xFC000073	     |		    \
    (rs1 << (7+5+3)) |          \

#define CFLUSH_D_L1_ALL()	\
    0xFC000073	     |		\

#define FLUSH_D_ALL()	\
{			\
    asm volatile (".word " STR(CFLUSH_D_L1_ALL()) "\n\t" ::: "memory"); \
}			\

//Stanard macro that passes rs1 via registers
#define FLUSH_D_REG(rs1) CFLUSH_D_L1_INST(rs1,13)

//rs1 is data
//rs_1 si the register number to use
#define CFLUSH_D_L1_INST(rs1, rs1_n) \
{				     \
    register uint32_t rs1_ asm("x" # rs1_n) = (uint32_t) rs1; \
    asm volatile (".word " STR(CFLUSH_D_L1_REG(rs1_n)) "\n\t" :: [_rs1] "r" (rs1_) : "memory"); \
}                                    \

#define CDISCARD_D_L1_REG(rs1)	\
    0xFC200073	     |		    \
    (rs1 << (7+5+3)) |          \

#define CDISCARD_D_L1_ALL()	\
    0xFC200073	     |		\

#define DISCARD_D_ALL()	\
{			\
    asm volatile (".word " STR(CDISCARD_D_L1_ALL()) "\n\t" ::: "memory"); \
}			\

//Stanard macro that passes rs1 via registers
#define DISCARD_D_REG(rs1) CDISCARD_D_L1_INST(rs1,13)

//rs1 is data
//rs_1 si the register number to use
#define CDISCARD_D_L1_INST(rs1, rs1_n) \
{				     \
    register uint32_t rs1_ asm("x" # rs1_n) = (uint32_t) rs1; \
    asm volatile (".word " STR(CDISCARD_D_L1_REG(rs1_n)) "\n\t" :: [_rs1] "r" (rs1_) : "memory"); \


#include "encoding.h"
#include "L1Dcache.h"

#define U32 *(volatile unsigned int *)
#define DEBUG_SIG   0x70000000
#define DEBUG_VAL   0x70000004
#define DATA_SIZE   10

int input1_data[DATA_SIZE] =
   41, 833, 564, 187, 749, 350, 132, 949, 584, 805, 621,   6, 931, 890, 392, 694, 961, 110, 116, 296,
  426, 314, 659, 774, 319, 678, 875, 376, 474, 938, 539, 569, 203, 280, 759, 606, 511, 657, 195,  81,
  267, 229, 337, 944, 902, 241, 913, 826, 933, 985, 195, 960, 566, 350, 649, 657, 181, 111, 859,  65,
  288, 349, 141, 905, 886, 264, 576, 979, 761, 241, 478, 499, 403, 222, 444, 721, 676, 317, 224, 937,
  288, 119, 615, 606, 389, 351, 455, 278, 367, 358, 584,  62, 985, 403, 346, 517, 559, 908, 775, 255

int input2_data[DATA_SIZE] =
  454, 335,   1, 989, 365, 572,  64, 153, 216, 140, 210, 572, 339, 593, 898, 228,  12, 883, 750, 646,
  500, 436, 701, 812, 981, 150, 696, 564, 272, 258, 647, 509,  88, 703, 669, 375, 551, 936, 592, 569,
  952, 800, 584, 643, 368, 489, 328, 313, 592, 388, 543, 649, 979, 997, 814,  79, 208, 998, 629, 847,
  704, 997, 253, 715, 430, 415, 538, 700,   4, 494, 100, 864, 693, 416, 296, 285, 620,  78, 351, 540,
  646, 169, 527, 289, 796, 801, 720, 758, 745,  92, 989, 271, 853, 788, 531, 222, 461, 241, 358, 332

// handle_trap function

void handle_trap()
    asm volatile ("nop");

// dcache flush & discard function

void dcache( int n, int a[], int b[])
    int i;

    for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
        U32(0x80001000+4*i) = a[i] + b[i];

    //flush all dcache

    for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
        U32(0x80001000+4*i) = i + 10086;

    //discard all dcache

    for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
        U32(0x60001000+4*i) = U32(0x80001000+4*i);

// Main

void main()
    dcache(DATA_SIZE, input1_data, input2_data);
    U32(DEBUG_SIG) = 0xFF;


  1. 第一次读入memory 0x80001000+4*i的值,并重新赋值为a[i] + b[i]。
  2. 运行FLUSH_D_ALL()函数,flush all dcache,将dcache中数据全部刷回memory。
  3. 第二次读入memory 0x80001000+4*i的值,并重新赋值为i+10086。
  4. 运行DISCARD_D_ALL()函数,丢弃dcache中的全部数据。
  5. 将memory 0x80001000+4i的值输出到0x60001000+4i中,可以看到memory 0x80001000+4*i的值会从memory中重新读取(第三次读取),而非从dcache中获取。


  • 红色箭头:从memory中获取执行指令,指令存放的起始地址为0x8000_0000。
  • 蓝色箭头:第一次读取memory 0x80001000+4*i的值。
  • 黄色箭头:运行FLUSH_D_ALL()函数,将dcache中的数据全部写回到memory中。
  • 黄色箭头和白色箭头之间:这里有第二次读取memory 0x80001000+4*i的值,但我忘了标出来。
  • 白色箭头:运行DISCARD_D_ALL()函数,丢弃dcache中的全部数据。
  • 绿色箭头:第三次从memory中读取0x80001000+4i的值,并输出至0x60001000+4i中。


  • 第一次读取memory 0x80001000+4*i的值:memory初始值。
  • flush后,memory 0x80001000+4*i的值:a[i] + b[i]。
  • 第二次读取memory 0x80001000+4*i的值:a[i] + b[i]。
  • discard后,memory 0x80001000+4*i的值:a[i] + b[i]。
  • 第三次读取memory 0x80001000+4*i的值:a[i] + b[i]。
  • 写到0x60001000+4*i中的值:a[i] + b[i]。

这里只说明了flush all dcache 和 discard all dcache,单条dcache line的flush和discard大家可以根据L1Dcache.h的内容自行尝试。

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