



# The teqcplot.py web site is http://www.westernexplorers.us/teqcplot/
# This file is online at      http://www.westernexplorers.us/teqcplot/teqcplot.py
# See also the document at    http://www.westernexplorers.us/teqcplot/Teqcplot_Documentation.txt.

# Version: 11 Sep. 2015

# Copyright (c) 2015 Stuart K. Wier

#         ============  to save plots automatically as PNG files ===============
# As supplied teqcplot is an interactive program, that makes one plot image in a window on your screen.
#     You can save that image with a click on the disc icon in the window lower margin.
# To automatically make and save the plot image as a PNG file, do these code changes in this teqcplot.py file:
# 1. Uncomment the line  #mptl.use('Agg')   below, i.e. remove the #, and preserving the indentation level
# 2. Comment out the line  plt.show() ;           i.e. start the line with #,  preserving the indentation level
# 3. Uncomment the line # plt.savefig(filename) ; i.e. remove the # , preserving the indentation level

# To see debug statements, set the value noprint=0 in the noprint= line below.

import os
import sys
import string
import datetime
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mptl
import matplotlib.cm as cm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# new 10 Sep 2015
# the next line is used ONLY to save figures as PNG files (see also lines around 'savefig' below):
# mptl.use('Agg') # uncomment when needed to save figures as PNG files.

from numpy import *
from datetime import timedelta
from datetime import datetime
from matplotlib.pyplot import grid, figure, plot, savefig
from time import gmtime, strftime

azifile = ""
elefile = ""
parmfile = ""
parmtype = ""
debug = False
dogps = True
doglonass = True
dogalileo = True
dosbas = True
dobeidou = True
doqzss = True
trackCountLimit = 6
colorMax = 1.234567
colorMin = 1.234567
maxHour = -999.0
minHour = -999.0
global lineSize
colorname = ""
showLegend = False
showLabel = True
doParmPlot = False
svs = []
svslist = []
parmsvslist = []
options = []
files = []
SVpositionList = []
SVparmList = []
SVidList = []
SVparmidList = []
doShowSVslist = []
doNotShowSVslist = []
global asciiStartTime
global maxT
global minT
global noprint
widthDistance = 7.3  # for width of plot;  inches is units of distance in matplotlib;
pixeldensity = 100

Copyright_and_License_Notice = """
 * Copyright 2014, 2015 Stuart K. Wier
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License (GNU GPL v3),
 * or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this library; if not, write to the 
 * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 
 * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

helptext = """

How to Use teqcplot


To install and run teqcplot, first verify your system requirements, and download the teqcplot.py file, as described 
in teqcplot's Wiki Installation page, http://code.google.com/p/teqcplot/wiki/Installation.
You need Python, and the Python libraries numpy version 1.5 and matplotlib version 1.3.

Teqcplot plots data from the UNAVCO "teqc" program for analysing GNSS observations.
About teqc, see http://www.unavco.org/software/data-processing/teqc/teqc.html.
Teqcplot uses teqc's "plot files" in teqc's COMPACT3 format, made with teqc released versions after December 1, 2013.

To adapt teqcplot.py to read data from files in formats other than teqc's COMPACT3, 
you will need to change the method read_input_files() below. 
Note the Python data objects used in plotting, and fill those from your data.

For automatic scripting of teqcplot image file generation:
As supplied teqcplot is an interactive program, that makes one plot image in a window on your screen. 
To automatically make and save the plot image as a PNG file, do these code changes in this teqcplot.py file:
 1. Uncomment the line  # mptl.use('Agg') ;      i.e. remove the # , preserving the indentation level
 2. Comment out the line  plt.show() ;           i.e. start the line with #,  preserving the indentation level
 3. Uncomment the line # plt.savefig(filename) ; i.e. remove the # , preserving the indentation level


Teqcplot uses command line commands, with data filenames and options. Each run of teqcplot.py makes one plot on your screen. 
To stop the program click on the 'x' in the upper right corner of the window which pops up. 
Spaces " " are not allowed in options. Option order should not matter. 

Examples of teqcplot commands:

To run teqcplot.py, you use the command teqcplot.py in the working directory where that file is, 
or use ./teqcplot.py if that directory is not in your Linux PATH.  These examples use teqcplot.py.

Entering the command teqcplot.py shows this help message.

To make skyplots (polar plots):

   teqcplot.py +skyplot jplv1200.azi jplv1200.ele

This creates a skyplot of tracks of SVs, with data from teqc COMPACT3 plot files "jplv1200.azi" and "jplv1200.ele"

To make azimuth-elevation plots (azimuth on x axis; elevation on y axis):

   teqcplot.py +azelplot jplv1200.azi jplv1200.ele

This shows an azimuth-elevation plot of tracks of SVs, with data from teqc COMPACT3 plot files "jplv1200.azi" and "jplv1200.ele"

To make plots with time of day on the x axis and elevation on the y axis 

   teqcplot.py +timeelplot jplv1200.azi jplv1200.ele

Options may added to the command, for example using the option -R means do not plot any GLONASS SVs. 

   teqcplot.py +skyplot jplv1200.azi jplv1200.ele -R

This makes a skyplot of tracks of SVs, but with no GLONASS SVs shown. 

Likewise use -G for no GPS SVs, -E for no Galileo, -J for no QZSS, -C for no Beidou, and -S for no SBAS.

To save an image file of the display, click on the "Save the figure" button on the bottom of the window which pops up.
To change the plot image file size (pixels) use the options +pw and +pd described next.

SVs are selected to plot from the data files, in the order the SVs appear in the data file.  If you choose to plot
10 tracks and the first 5 are GPS and the next five are GLONASS in the file, those are the ones plotted, unless 
options change SV selection. 

Other options:

n, an integer, is the maximum number of how many tracks to show (lines in plot). Default is 6.

f.f is a float number denoting point marker size, for line width or thickness.  Default is 2.5.

to show a legend of colors identifying each SV next to the figure. Default is no legend. This is for plots
where each SV data has one color.

do not show the SV id (like G12) on each track (line on plot). Default is to show the SV labels.

f.f, a float number, sets the width of plot in centimeters. Default value is 20.0 cm. 

nn, an integer, is the pixel density, how many pixels per centimeter (* 2.54 is "dots per inch"). Default is 50. 
For printing illustrations, you can adjust the quality of the figure image file by changing pw and/or pd.  For example:

    teqcplot.py  +skyplot  +tcl=8  jplv0970.azi jplv0970.ele +pw=25.0 +pd=80 

+GNN, +GNN-MM, +RNN, +RNN-MM, +J01, etc.  Select SVs to plot by constellation and a single number or number range.

    +G12 to plot only data from GPS G12; likewise +R20 for GLONASS; +J01 for QZSS 

    +G12-20 to plot only data from GPS SVs included in the list from G12 through G20; likewise +R20-24 for GLONASS from R20 through R24

    +G12,23,24,25 to plot only data from G12, G23, G24 and G25; likewise +R15,20,22 to plot these three GLONASS SVs 

     With the +G, +R, etc. options you may to also include a +tcl=N option.


    teqcplot.py +skyplot mal20970.azi mal20970.ele +R15,20,22,23,25 +G12,23,24,25  +tcl=9

sets this one color for all tracks (lines in plot). Use standard HTML color names. 
Has no effect on plot lines colored by parameter values as described below.

+minHour=8.0, +maxHour=16.5
  You can limit the time range shown in time plots with options +minHour, +maxHour:

    teqcplot.py +timeparmplot p2301220.azi p2301220.ele p2301220.m12 +G22 +minHour=8 +maxHour=16

To Color Tracks by Parameter Value

To make plots like the above, and also color the SV tracks by data values, including signal to noise ratios, multipath values, or by ionosphere values, from the corresponding teqc plot files, use an additional teqc QC plot file name in the command, such as jplv1200.sn1

    teqcplot.py  +skyplot  jplv0970.azi jplv0970.ele  jplv1200.sn1

    teqcplot.py  +timeelplot  jplv0970.azi jplv0970.ele  jplv1200.m12  

    teqcplot.py  +axelplot  jplv0970.azi jplv0970.ele  jplv1200.i12

Color ranges used depend on the parameter type, each of which has a preset range of values, 
to enable equal comparion of several plots, and to not stretch the color scale to cover a 
few extreme high and low values.    

The default limits for colors of values are:

signal to noise:              20.0 to 60.0
multipath:                    -1.5 to  1.5
ionspheric delay:            -30.0 to 40.0
ionspheric delay derivative:  -0.5 to  0.5

You can change these with either or both of the options +colorMax and +colorMin, for example

    teqcplot.py +bandplot IRID1380.azi IRID1380.ele IRID1380.sn1  +colorMax=50  +colorMin=10

The default color map is the Python matplotlib's "hsv." By experience this is the most distinct color map for many uses. 
You can change the Python code to change the color map used to any other matplotlib color map name.  
You can, if you wish, change the color map name in the line cmap=mptl.cm.hsv.

Another colored plot is the Band Plot.  To make GNSS band plots, with a horizontal line for each SV, versus time, 
  use the plot type option +bandplot:

    teqcplot.py  +bandplot  jplv0970.azi jplv0970.ele  jplv1200.sn1

Time-Parameter Plots. To make plots with time of day on the x axis and the parameter on the y axis.  Not colored.

    teqcplot.py +timeparmplot jplv1200.azi jplv1200.ele   jplv1200.m12  +G23

  Usually this is done with data from one SV, with an option like +G23.

  You can limit the time range shown with options +minHour, +maxHour:

    teqcplot.py +timeparmplot p2301220.azi p2301220.ele p2301220.m12 +G22 +minHour=8 +maxHour=16

Visibility Plot 

  Bandplots without a 3rd (parameter values) file make a "Visibility" plot:

    teqcplot.py  +bandplot  jplv0970.azi jplv0970.ele 

Spaces " " are not allowed in options. Option order should not matter.

                                               Copyright (C) 2014, 2015 Stuart K. Wier

  Teqcplot.py is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
  You must retain the original and complete Copyright and License Notice in all cases.


def read_input_files():
    global noprint
    global asciiStartTime
    # open the azi file
    datapath1 = os.path.dirname(azifile)
    filename1 = os.path.basename(azifile)
    fileext = filename1.split( ".")
    file1 = open(azifile)
    # open the elevation file
    datapath2 = os.path.dirname(elefile)
    filename2 = os.path.basename(elefile)
    fileext = filename2.split(".")
    file2 = open(elefile)
    # handle the parm file, if any
    if len(parmfile) > 5:
        datapathp = os.path.dirname(parmfile)
        pfilename = os.path.basename(parmfile)  # debug if plottype != "Time-parameter plot": #   if noprint!=1 : print "  Color by value the "+parmtype+" data from "+pfilename
        pfile = open(parmfile)
    # count lines in input files
    allLines = file1.readlines()
    file1linecount = len(allLines)
    # check ele file
    allLines = file2.readlines()
    if len(allLines) != file1linecount:
        print("  Problem: the input '.azi' and '.ele' files have differing count of lines; should be the same. \n  Exit. \n")
    if len(parmfile) > 5:
        allLines = pfile.readlines()
        if len(allLines) != file1linecount:
            print("  Problem: the input .azi and parm files have differing count of lines; should be the same. \n  Exit. \n")
    epoch = None
    gotepoch = False
    # step through each line in 2 files; or in 3 files if doParmPlot
    for ln in range(file1linecount):
        # read equivalent lines from 2 or 3 files, at index ln (line number); 0 base
        line = file1.readline()
        file2line = file2.readline()
        if doParmPlot:
            pfileline = pfile.readline()

        # this code assumes that the azi and ele file structures are identical in structure,
        # except for the values in the the value lines after the epoch-sv lines.
        # the epoch-sv lines must be identical in azi and ele files.

        # if first line is not COMPACT3, break

        if ln == 0:
            if line[0:8] != "COMPACT3":
                print ("  Problem: input file " + file1 + " is not COMPACT3 format. Exit.\n")
            if file2line[0:8] != "COMPACT3":
                print("  Problem: input file " + file2 + " is not COMPACT3 format. Exit.\n")
            if doParmPlot and pfileline[0:8] != "COMPACT3":
                print("  Problem: input file " + pfile + " is not COMPACT3 format. Exit.\n")
        # make sure start time, in line index 1, is same for all files; get the start time as a datetime
        if ln == 1:
            if line[0:-1] != file2line[0:-1]:
                print("  Problem: azi file, line 2 (start time) does not match ele line 2.\n Exit \n")
            if doParmPlot and line[0:-1] != pfileline[0:-1]:
                print("  Problem: azi file start time does not match parm file start time.\n  Exit \n")
            # get start epoch time from azi file, line index 1
            st1 = line[15:-1]
            st1 = st1[0:19]
            # make python DateTime object:
            starttimeDT = datetime.strptime(st1, '%Y %m %d %H %M %S')
            # make time strings:
            asciiStartTime = starttimeDT.strftime('%Y %m %d %H:%M:%S')
            gotepoch = False

            # read the next values line (in 2 or 3 files) which correspond to a just-read epoch-sv line (next code block)
        if gotepoch:
            gotepoch = False
            azis = line[:-1]
            azis = azis.replace("    ", " ")
            azis = azis.replace("   ", " ")
            azis = azis.replace("  ", " ")
            azis = azis[1:-1]
            azislist = azis.split(" ")
            # if debug: print "  there are "+`len(azislist)`+" azis"
            # the List azislist for this line must correspond to the List of SVS svslist
            if len(azislist) != len(svslist):
                print("  Problem:  number of SVs does not match number of azimuths at line " + repr(ln) + " \n  Exit")
            # for this epoch, make a List 'eles' of the elevation values at each SV in the List svslist
            # if debug: print " elevations line is _"+file2line[0:-1]
            eles = file2line[:-1]
            eles = eles.replace("    ", " ")
            eles = eles.replace("   ", " ")
            eles = eles.replace("  ", " ")
            eles = eles[1:-1]
            eleslist = eles.split(" ")  # split on whitespace; makes a List
            # the List eleslist for this line should correspond to the List of SVS svslist
            if len(eleslist) != len(svslist):
                print("  Problem:  number of SVs does not match number of elevations in file2 at line " + repr(ln) + " \n Exit")
            if not doParmPlot:
                # compose the tuples for the Lists of values to use in making plots
                for ist in range(len(svslist)):
                    posituple = (svslist[ist], epoch, azislist[ist], eleslist[ist])
            elif doParmPlot:
                if debug: print("  parm line " + repr(ln) + " is at epoch or seconds offset =" + repr(dt) + "_")
                if debug: print("       line " + repr(ln) + " parm data line is _" + pfileline[0:-1])
                parms = pfileline[:-1]
                parms = parms.replace("    ", " ")
                parms = parms.replace("   ", " ")
                parms = parms.replace("  ", " ")
                parms = parms[1:-1]
                parmslist = string.split(parms, " ")  # split on whitespace; makes a List
                # the List parmslist for this line should correspond to the List of SVS parmsvslist  nnn
                # print '      the lines parm List is  ' + ', '.join(parmslist)
                if len(parmslist) != len(parmsvslist):
                    print("  Problem:  number of parm SVs does not match number of parm values in parm file at line " + repr(ln) + " \n")
                for ist in range(len(parmsvslist)):
                    psv = parmsvslist[ist]
                    if psv in svslist:
                        for i, obj in enumerate(svslist):
                            if obj == psv:
                                svindex = i
                        # got the index of that SV in the azi and ele files; ist != svindex usually
                        # make one of these tuples with ONE value of SV, time, azi, ele, parm-value.
                        posituple = (psv, epoch, azislist[svindex], eleslist[svindex], parmslist[ist])
                        # if debug: print "     parm SV "+psv+"  epoch="+`dt`+"   azi , ele="+`azislist[svindex]`+"  "+`eleslist[svindex]`
        # read the next epoch-sv line; 1. get time of line; 2. get lists of SVS on line; one for az-ele data; one for the parms
        if ln > 1 and ln % 2 == 0:
            # print " epoch line "+`ln`+" is ="+line+"_"
            # print " epoch line key is ="+line[12:14]+"_"
            if line[0:-1] != file2line[0:-1]:
                print("  Problem: ele file epoch does not match azi file epoch line.\n")
            # if debug: print "\n  next epoch-SV line is _"+line[0:-1]
            offset = line[0:11]
            dt = float(offset)
            if doParmPlot:
                poffset = pfileline[0:11]
                pdt = float(offset)
                if pdt != dt:
                    # to use dt time offset from start of file, in seconds, in epoch varible:
            epoch = dt
            # LOOK convert epoch in seconds since start to hours since start time
            epoch = epoch / 3600.0
            # get lists of SVs
            # if epoch-sv line has -1 in line[12:13], use previous svslist
            if line[12:14] == "-1":
                pass  # use previous svslist
                svs = line[15:-1]
                svslist = svs.split(" ")
            if doParmPlot:
                if pfileline[12:14] == "-1":
                    pass  # use previous parmsvslist
                    parmsvs = pfileline[15:-1]
                    if debug: print("  parm svs =" + parmsvs + "_")
                    parmsvslist = parmsvs.split( " ")  # split on whitespace; makes a List

            gotepoch = True
    # end function read_input_files()

def makePlot():
    global noprint
    global asciiStartTime
    global maxT
    global minT
    global lineSize
    maxPV = -999.0
    minPV = 9999.0
    svid = ""
    allToPlot = {}
    maxT = -100000.0  # float hours
    minT = 100000.0  # float hours
    numberplotted = 0
    for svid in SVidList:
        times = []
        azis = []
        eles = []
        parms = []
        slipcount = 0
        for aRow in SVpositionList:
            if svid == aRow[0]:
                if plottype == "Skyplot":
                    azv = float(aRow[2])
                    azis.append(azv * (np.pi / 180))
                    anele = float(aRow[3])
                    eles.append(90.00 - anele)
                    t = float(aRow[1])
                    if t > maxT: maxT = t
                    if t < minT: minT = t
                    azv = float(aRow[2])
                    anele = float(aRow[3])
                if doParmPlot:
                    pv = aRow[4]
                    if pv[-1:] == "S":
                        pv = pv[:-1]
                    pv = float(pv)
                    if pv > maxPV: maxPV = pv
                    if pv < minPV: minPV = pv
        if doParmPlot:
            plotDataArrays = (times, azis, eles, parms)
            plotDataArrays = (times, azis, eles)
        allToPlot[svid] = plotDataArrays

    if noprint != 1: print("  " + parmtype + " data values span " + repr(minPV) + " to " + repr(maxPV))
    if noprint != 1: print("  Done reading data to plot.  The figure is being created.")

    starttime_t1 = datetime.now()
    bgcolor = "#FFFFff"
    if plottype == "Skyplot":
        fig = figure(figsize=(widthDistance, widthDistance), dpi=pixeldensity, facecolor=bgcolor, edgecolor='k')
        ax = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8], projection='polar')
        fig = figure(figsize=(1.6 * widthDistance, 1.2 * widthDistance / 1.62), dpi=pixeldensity, facecolor=bgcolor,
        #ax = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.13, 0.8, 0.8])
    if showLegend:
        box = ax.get_position()
        ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.8, box.height])
    numberColors = 30
    size = 0.3
    svPRNIndex = 0
    plotlist = []
    svlist = []
    trackcount = 1
    bandindex = 0
    mplot = None
    pvtop = -9999
    pvbot = 9999
    numberplotted = 0
    for svid in sorted(allToPlot.keys()):
        bandindex += 1
        # do not plot unwanted SVs:
        if svid[0:1] == "R" and doglonass != True: continue
        if svid[0:1] == "G" and dogps != True: continue
        if svid[0:1] == "E" and dogalileo != True: continue
        if svid[0:1] == "S" and dosbas != True: continue
        if svid[0:1] == "J" and doqzss != True: continue
        if svid[0:1] == "C" and dobeidou != True: continue
        if len(doShowSVslist) > 0:
            if svid not in doShowSVslist:
        if trackcount > trackCountLimit: continue
        trackcount += 1
        svPRNIndex = int(svid[1:])
        if svid[0:1] == "R": svPRNIndex += 32
        plotDataArrays = allToPlot[svid]
        times = plotDataArrays[0]
        azis = plotDataArrays[1]
        eles = plotDataArrays[2]
        if parmtype == "Multipath combination":
            minPV = -1.5
            maxPV = 1.5
        elif parmtype == "Signal to Noise":
            minPV = 20.0
            maxPV = 60.0
        elif parmtype == "Ionspheric Delay (m)":
            minPV = -30.0
            maxPV = 40.0
        elif parmtype == "Ionspheric Delay Derivative (m/min)":
            minPV = -0.5
            maxPV = 0.5
        if colorMax != 1.234567:
            maxPV = colorMax
        if colorMin != 1.234567:
            minPV = colorMin
        # else use minPV maxPV values already found from the data

        if plottype == "Skyplot" or plottype == "Azimuth-elevation plot":
            if True == doParmPlot:
                parms = plotDataArrays[3]
                colmap = mptl.cm.hsv
                prange = maxPV - minPV
                pvtop = -999993.0
                pvbot = 999993.0
                for pi in range(0, len(parms)):
                    pnew = parms[pi]
                    if pnew > maxPV: pnew = maxPV;
                    if pnew < minPV: pnew = minPV;
                    pnew = (pnew - minPV) / prange
                    parms[pi] = pnew
                    if parms[pi] > pvtop: pvtop = parms[pi]
                    if parms[pi] < pvbot: pvbot = parms[pi]
                # if debug: print "        pvbot, pvtop= "+`pvbot`+" to "+`pvtop`+"     min max PV="+`minPV`+" to "+`maxPV` +"\n"
                norm = mptl.colors.Normalize(vmin=0.0, vmax=1.0)
                mplot = plt.scatter(azis, eles, c=parms, norm=norm, s=lineSize, cmap=mptl.cm.hsv, lw=0)
                numberplotted += 1
                if colorname == "":
                    mplot = plt.scatter(azis, eles, s=size, color=cm.gist_ncar(1.0 * svPRNIndex / numberColors))
                    numberplotted += 1
                    mplot = plt.scatter(azis, eles, s=size, color=colorname)
                    numberplotted += 1
        elif plottype == "Time-elevation plot":
            if True == doParmPlot:
                parms = plotDataArrays[3]
                colmap = mptl.cm.hsv
                # print "  parameter allowed range ="+`maxPV`+" to "+`minPV`
                prange = maxPV - minPV
                pvtop = -999993.0
                pvbot = 999993.0
                for pi in range(0, len(parms)):
                    pnew = parms[pi]
                    if pnew > maxPV: pnew = maxPV;
                    if pnew < minPV: pnew = minPV;
                    pnew = (pnew - minPV) / prange
                    parms[pi] = pnew
                    if parms[pi] > pvtop: pvtop = parms[pi]
                    if parms[pi] < pvbot: pvbot = parms[pi]
                norm = mptl.colors.Normalize(vmin=0.0, vmax=1.0)
                mplot = plt.scatter(times, eles, c=parms, norm=norm, s=lineSize, cmap=mptl.cm.hsv, lw=0)
                numberplotted += 1
                if colorname == "":
                    mplot = plt.scatter(times, eles, s=lineSize, color=cm.gist_ncar(1.0 * svPRNIndex / numberColors))
                    numberplotted += 1
                    mplot = plt.scatter(times, eles, s=lineSize, color=colorname)
                    numberplotted += 1
        elif plottype == "Time-parameter plot":  # ppp
            if True == doParmPlot:
                parms = plotDataArrays[3]
                yvals = []
                for pi in range(0, len(parms)):
                colmap = mptl.cm.hsv
                prange = maxPV - minPV
                # to set color legend and color of points correctly, need this:
                pvtop = -999993.0
                pvbot = 999993.0
                for pi in range(0, len(parms)):
                    pnew = parms[pi]
                    if pnew > maxPV: pnew = maxPV;
                    if pnew < minPV: pnew = minPV;
                    pnew = (pnew - minPV) / prange  # shoves parm values into 0 to 1 range
                    parms[pi] = pnew
                    if parms[pi] > pvtop: pvtop = parms[pi]
                    if parms[pi] < pvbot: pvbot = parms[pi]
                norm = mptl.colors.Normalize(vmin=0.0, vmax=1.0)
                # plt.plot line style: in plt.plot function: k- means a connected black line;
                # see matplotlib.org/api/pyplot_api.html
                # ko black circle point markers.  g green, b blue , etc.
                mplot = plt.plot(times, yvals, 'ko', markersize=1.5)
                numberplotted += 1
                print("\n   Your teqcplot command needs a parameter input filename, to make a time-parameter plot.\n")
        elif "GNSS_Band_Plot" == plottype:
            for yi in range(0, len(eles)):
                eles[yi] = bandindex * 1.0
            if True == doParmPlot:
                parms = plotDataArrays[3]
                colmap = mptl.cm.hsv
                prange = maxPV - minPV
                pvtop = -999993.0
                pvbot = 999993.0
                for pi in range(0, len(parms)):
                    pnew = parms[pi]
                    if pnew > maxPV: pnew = maxPV;
                    if pnew < minPV: pnew = minPV;
                    pnew = (pnew - minPV) / prange
                    parms[pi] = pnew
                    if parms[pi] > pvtop: pvtop = parms[pi]
                    if parms[pi] < pvbot: pvbot = parms[pi]
                norm = mptl.colors.Normalize(vmin=0.0, vmax=1.0)
                mplot = plt.scatter(times, eles, c=parms, norm=norm, s=lineSize, marker='s', cmap=mptl.cm.hsv, lw=0)
                numberplotted += 1
                mplot = plt.scatter(times, eles, s=lineSize, color=cm.gist_ncar(1.0 * svPRNIndex / numberColors))
                numberplotted += 1
            print("  NOTE: plot type=_" + plottype + "_ is not recognized.  Exit. \n")
        if showLabel:
            if plottype == "Skyplot" or plottype == "Azimuth-elevation plot":
                lenaz = len(azis)
                #ax.annotate(svid, (azis[(lenaz / 3)], eles[(lenaz / 3)]))
            elif plottype == "Time-elevation plot" or "GNSS_Band_Plot" == plottype:
                lenaz = len(times)
                ax.annotate(svid, (times[(lenaz / 3)], eles[(lenaz / 3)]))
            elif plottype == "Time-parameter plot":  # ppp lll
                svnumb = 5 * (int(svid[1:]))  # for an offset from start point
                ax.annotate(svid, (times[svnumb], parms[svnumb]))
                # print "      put svid label at time=" + `times[0]` + "    y="+ `eles[0]`
    if True == doParmPlot and mplot != None and plottype != "Time-parameter plot":
        pvtop = 1.0000
        pvbot = 0.0
        dran = (pvtop - pvbot) / 4
        m1 = pvbot
        m2 = m1 + dran
        m3 = m1 + 2 * dran
        m4 = m1 + 3 * dran
        m5 = pvtop
        lran = (maxPV - minPV) / 4
        l1 = minPV
        l2 = l1 + lran
        l3 = l1 + 2 * lran
        l4 = l1 + 3 * lran
        l5 = maxPV
        colorbar = plt.colorbar(mplot, shrink=0.85, pad=0.075)
        colorbar.set_ticks([m1, m2, m3, m4, m5])
        colorbar.set_ticklabels([l1, l2, l3, l4, l5])
        # print "  Colors limited to values "+`minPV`+" to "+`maxPV`
    if plottype == "Skyplot":
        ax.set_yticks(range(0, 90, 10))  # (min int, max int, increment)
        ax.set_yticklabels(map(str, range(90, 0, -10)))
    if plottype == "Azimuth-elevation plot":
        ax.set_xticks(range(-360, 405, 45))
        ax.set_xticklabels(map(str, range(-360, 405, 45)))
        ax.set_yticks(range(0, 100, 10))
        ax.set_yticklabels(map(str, range(0, 100, 10)))
    if plottype == "Time-elevation plot":
        ax.set_xticks(range(0, 25, 3))
        ax.set_yticks(range(0, 100, 10))
        ax.set_yticklabels(map(str, range(0, 100, 10)))
    if plottype == "Time-parameter plot":  # ppp
        ax.set_xticks(range(0, 25, 3))
        spacing = int((maxPV - minPV) / 5.0)
        if 1 > spacing: spacing = 1
        ax.set_yticks(range(int(minPV), int(maxPV + 1.0), spacing))
        ax.set_yticklabels(map(str, range(int(minPV), int(maxPV + 1.0), spacing)))
    if plottype == "GNSS_Band_Plot":
        ax.set_xticks(range(0, 25, 3))
        plt.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), visible=False)
    if showLegend:
        plots = tuple(plotlist)
        svs = tuple(svlist)
        plt.legend(plots, svs, scatterpoints=1, ncol=1, fontsize=10, markerscale=5.0, loc=2, bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1))
    title1 = plottype + " for station " + azifile[-12:-8]
    if "" != parmtype:
        title1 = title1 + ".   " + parmtype + " from " + parmfile
    elif "" == parmtype and plottype == "GNSS_Band_Plot":
        title1 = "   Visibility for station " + azifile[-12:-8]
    if plottype == "Skyplot":
        plt.suptitle(title1, y=0.90, fontsize=11)
        plt.suptitle(title1, fontsize=11)
    doyear = azifile[-8:-5]
    if len(doyear) < 3: doyear = ""
    if plottype == "Azimuth-elevation plot":
        title2 = " \n Azimuth, degrees \n Data starts " + asciiStartTime + ".  Day of year " + doyear
    elif plottype == "Time-elevation plot" or plottype == "Time-parameter plot" or "GNSS_Band_Plot" == plottype:
        title2 = " \n Time, hours of day \n Data starts " + asciiStartTime + ".  Day of year " + doyear
        title2 = "Data starts " + asciiStartTime + ".  Day of year " + doyear
    if plottype == "Skyplot":
        if True == doParmPlot:
            plt.title(title2, y=-0.15, fontsize=11)
            plt.title(title2, y=-0.11, fontsize=11)
        plt.title(title2, y=-0.15, fontsize=11)
    if plottype == "Azimuth-elevation plot" or plottype == "Time-elevation plot":
        plt.ylim(-2.0, 92.0)
        plt.ylabel('Elevation, degrees', fontsize=10)
    if plottype == "Azimuth-elevation plot":
        plt.xlim(-370.0, 370.0)
    if plottype == "Time-elevation plot" or plottype == "Time-parameter plot":
        # sett
        if minHour > -998.0:
            minT = minHour
        if maxHour > -998.0:
            maxT = maxHour
        plt.xlim(minT - 1, maxT + 1)
    if plottype == "Time-parameter plot":  # ppp
        plt.ylim((minPV), (maxPV))
    if "GNSS_Band_Plot" == plottype:
        plt.ylim(-1.0, trackCountLimit + 1.0)
        plt.xlim(minT - 1, maxT + 1)
        plt.ylabel('SVs', fontsize=10)
    elapsedtime = (datetime.now() - starttime_t1)
    if noprint != 1: print("  Plotted " + repr(numberplotted) + " tracks in " + repr((elapsedtime.total_seconds())) + " seconds.")
    filestarttime = strftime('%Y%m%d_%H:%M:%S', gmtime())
    filename = svid + "_" + plottype[:10] + "_" + filestarttime + ".png"

    # ============       To show the new plot in a pop-up window in the screen:
    plt.show()  # Note: process pauses here until user clicks on something.
    # ============   end To show the new plot in a pop-up window in the screen.

    # OR do this:

    # ============      To automatically make and save plot in a PNG file ===============
    # Comment out the line plt.show() four lines above, i.e. #plt.show(), and uncomment this next line (remove the #):
    # plt.savefig(filename)
    #   For more arguments to savefig(), see the section "matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(*args, **kwargs)"
    #                                    in http://matplotlib.org/api/pyplot_api.html
    # ============      end to automatically save plot in a PNG file ===============

    # end function makePlot

# def Main program:
global maxT
global minT
global asciiStartTime
global lineSize
global noprint

lineSize = 2.5
noprint = 0  # 1 means do not print debug statements to the screen.
print(" teqcplot.py 10Sep2015")
args = ['+skyplot','AGGO0010.ele', 'AGGO0010.azi']#sys.argv
lenargs = len(args)
if lenargs == 1:
if lenargs == 2:
    print("\n   Your teqcplot command is missing either a teqcplot command option or an input filename.  ")
    print("   Please read the help:")
plottype = " "
for arg in args:
    if arg == "+skyplot":
        plottype = "Skyplot"
    if arg == "+azelplot":
        plottype = "Azimuth-elevation plot"
    if arg == "+timeelplot":
        plottype = "Time-elevation plot"
    if arg == "+timeparmplot":
        plottype = "Time-parameter plot"
    if arg == "+bandplot":
        plottype = "GNSS_Band_Plot"
    if arg == "-R" and len(arg) == 2:
        doglonass = False
    if arg == "-G" and len(arg) == 2:
        dogps = False
    if arg == "-E" and len(arg) == 2:
        dogalileo = False
    if arg == "-S" and len(arg) == 2:
        dosbas = False
    if arg == "-J" and len(arg) == 2:
        doqzss = False
    if arg == "-C" and len(arg) == 2:
        dobeidou = False
    if arg[0:4] == '+pw=' and len(arg) >= 5:  # set plot width in cm; matplotlib uses inches so / 2.54
        widthDistance = float(arg[4:]) / 2.54
    if arg[0:4] == '+pd=' and len(arg) >= 5:  # set pixel density per cm (matplotlib uses dpi or dots per inch)
        pixeldensity = int(2.54 * int(arg[4:]))
    if arg[0:5] == '+tcl=' and len(arg) >= 6:
        trackCountLimit = int(arg[5:])
    if arg[0:10] == '+colorMax=' and len(arg) >= 11:
        colorMax = float(arg[10:])
    if arg[0:10] == '+colorMin=' and len(arg) >= 11:
        colorMin = float(arg[10:])
    if arg[0:9] == '+minHour=' and len(arg) >= 10:
        minHour = float(arg[9:])
    if arg[0:9] == '+maxHour=' and len(arg) >= 10:
        maxHour = float(arg[9:])
    if arg[0:7] == '+msize=' and len(arg) >= 8:
        lineSize = float(arg[7:])
    if arg[0:7] == '+color=' and len(arg) >= 9:
        colorname = arg[7:]
    if arg == "+legend":
        showLegend = True
    if arg == "-tracklabels":
        showLabel = False
    if arg[0:2] == "+G" and len(arg) > 2:
        liststr = arg[2:]
        if "," in liststr:
            svnumbers = liststr.split(",")
            for svn in svnumbers:
                doShowSVslist.append("G" + svn)
        elif "-" in liststr:
            numbers = liststr.split("-")
            i1 = int(numbers[0])
            i2 = int(numbers[1])
            for numb in range(i1, (i2 + 1)):
                svn = "" + repr(numb)
                if len(svn) == 1: svn = "0" + svn
                doShowSVslist.append("G" + svn)
            doShowSVslist.append("G" + liststr)
    if arg[0:2] == "+R" and len(arg) > 2:
        liststr = arg[2:]
        if "," in liststr:
            numbers = liststr.split(",")
            for svn in numbers:
                doShowSVslist.append("R" + svn)
        elif "-" in liststr:
            numbers = liststr.split("-")
            i1 = int(numbers[0])
            i2 = int(numbers[1])
            for svn in range(i1, (i2 + 1)):
                doShowSVslist.append("R" + repr(svn))
            doShowSVslist.append("R" + liststr)
    if arg[0:2] == "+J" and len(arg) > 2:
        liststr = arg[2:]
        if "," in liststr:
            numbers = liststr.split(",")
            for svn in numbers:
                doShowSVslist.append("J" + svn)
        elif "-" in liststr:
            numbers = liststr.split("-")
            i1 = int(numbers[0])
            i2 = int(numbers[1])
            for svn in range(i1, (i2 + 1)):
                doShowSVslist.append("J" + repr(svn))
            doShowSVslist.append("J" + liststr)
    if len(arg) > 5 and arg[-4] == ".":
        if arg[-4:] == ".azi":
            azifile = arg
        if arg[-4:] == ".ele":
            elefile = arg
        if arg[-4:-2] == ".i":
            parmfile = arg
            parmtype = "Ionspheric Delay (m)"
        if arg[-4:-2] == ".d":
            parmfile = arg
            parmtype = "Ionspheric Delay Derivative (m/min)"
        if arg[-4:-1] == ".sn":
            parmfile = arg
            parmtype = "Signal to Noise"
        if arg[-4:-2] == ".m":
            parmfile = arg
            parmtype = "Multipath combination"
        if parmtype != "":
            doParmPlot = True
if plottype == "GNSS_Band_Plot":
    lineSize *= 10.0
elif (plottype == "Skyplot" or plottype == "Azimuth-elevation plot") and doParmPlot:
    lineSize *= 2
elif (plottype == "Time-elevation plot") and doParmPlot:
    lineSize *= 3
elif (plottype == "Time-parameter plot") and doParmPlot:
    lineSize *= 3

if noprint != 1: print("  Teqcplot: do " + plottype + " with azimuth and elevation files " + azifile + " and " + elefile)


for tuples in SVpositionList:
    svid = tuples[0]
    if svid not in SVidList:

# debug print    "  There are "+`len(SVidList)`+" SVs with plottable data, and " \
#    +`len(SVpositionList)`+" sets of SV, time, azimuth, and elevation."
# debug print "  The SVs with data of this parameter are: " + ', '.join(SVidList)

noplot = ""
if doglonass != True: noplot += " GLONASS"
if dogps != True: noplot += " GPS"
if dogalileo != True: noplot += " Galileo"
if dosbas != True: noplot += " SBAS"
if doqzss != True: noplot += " QZSS"
if dobeidou != True: noplot += " Beidou"
if "" != noplot: print
"  Will not plot SVs from" + noplot
if doParmPlot:
    if len(SVparmidList) > 0:
        if noprint != 1: print("  There are " + repr(len(SVparmidList)) + " SVs with parm values, and " + repr(len(SVparmList)) + " sets of SV parm values.")


# end main
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### 回答1: TEQC是一种用于GNSS数据处理的软件工具,可用于批量合并多个GNSS数据文件。GNSS数据是由全球导航卫星系统(如GPS、GLONASS、Galileo等)接收器记录的观测数据。 要使用TEQC进行批量合并文件,首先需要确保每个文件的格式和数据类型是一致的。然后,我们可以使用TEQC提供的命令行接口来实现合并操作。 在合并多个文件之前,我们可以先创建一个包含所有需要合并文件的文本文件,每行代表一个文件的路径。接着,我们可以使用TEQC提供的`+`命令来将这些文件合并为一个输出文件。 例如,假设我们有文件A.01、B.01和C.01,我们可以创建一个文本文件filelist.txt,其中包含以下内容: ``` A.01 B.01 C.01 ``` 然后,我们可以在命令行中执行以下TEQC命令: ``` teqc +filelist.txt -O.dec merged.obs ``` 上述命令中,`+filelist.txt`表示使用filelist.txt文件中列出的文件,`-O.dec`表示以十进制格式输出合并后的文件,`merged.obs`是输出文件的名称。 执行完上述命令后,TEQC将会将所有文件中的GNSS观测数据合并到一个名为`merged.obs`的文件中。 需要注意的是,使用TEQC批量合并文件时,需要保证文件的格式和数据类型一致,以确保合并后的文件能够正确解析和使用。 ### 回答2: TEQC(Translation & Editing Quality Check)是一款用于地理空间数据处理的软件。它具有批量合并文件的功能,可以将多个地理空间数据文件合并为一个文件。 TEQC的批量合并文件功能非常方便和高效。用户只需指定需要合并的文件路径和文件名,TEQC会自动将这些文件读取并进行合并处理。用户还可以选择是否需要对合并后的文件进行处理,例如进行数据格式转换、坐标系统转换、修复数据缺失等。 使用TEQC批量合并文件的好处有很多。首先,它可以大大提高工作效率,节省时间和人力成本。其次,它可以保证数据合并的准确性和一致性,避免由于手动合并导致的人为错误。另外,TEQC还提供了丰富的数据处理和修复功能,可以使合并后的文件更加规范和完整。 使用TEQC批量合并文件的具体步骤如下: 1. 打开TEQC软件,选择合并文件功能; 2. 指定需要合并的文件路径和文件名; 3. 设置合并后文件的保存路径和文件名; 4. 根据需要选择数据处理和修复选项; 5. 点击“开始合并”按钮,等待合并过程完成; 6. 合并完成后可以对合并后的文件进行验证和校验。 总之,TEQC是一款功能强大的地理空间数据处理软件,它提供了方便的批量合并文件功能。使用TEQC可以轻松合并多个地理空间数据文件,并进行必要的数据处理和修复,提高工作效率和数据质量。 ### 回答3: TEQC(Translation, Editing, and Quality Control)是一种用于地球物理学数据处理的软件工具。它可以处理和管理大量的地球物理数据文件,包括合并文件。 要使用TEQC批量合并文件,首先需要确保所有待合并的文件具有相同的数据格式和结构。然后,可以按照以下步骤进行操作: 1. 打开TEQC软件,并选择文件合并的功能选项。 2. 选择待合并的文件列表,并按照需要调整文件的顺序。 3. 设置合并后文件的输出路径和文件名。 4. 确定合并操作的参数和选项,如数据格式、坐标系等。可以根据实际需求进行选择和调整。 5. 点击开始合并按钮,等待合并过程完成。 在合并过程中,TEQC将会读取所选文件的数据,并根据设定的参数和选项进行合并操作。合并完成后,将会生成一个包含合并后数据的文件。 使用TEQC进行文件合并可以提高数据处理的效率和准确性。它可以消除文件之间的差异,使合并后的数据具有一致的格式和结构。同时,TEQC还可以进行数据校验和质量控制,确保合并后的数据的可靠性和准确性。 总之,TEQC是一种方便、高效的地球物理数据处理工具,可以帮助用户批量合并文件,并提高数据处理的质量和效率。




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