Qt 6.2.2发布 (翻译)

We have released Qt 6.2.2 today. Along with close to 300 new bug fixes it brings security updates, an updated MinGW compiler and re-introduces two modules especially beneficial for automotive customers. 

今天我们发布了Qt 6.2.2。除了近300个新错误的修复,它还带来了安全更新,一个更新的MinGW编译器,并重新引入了两个特别有利于汽车客户的模块。

Qt 6.2.2 is the second patch release to the Qt 6.2 series containing close to 300 bug fixes to the top of Qt 6.2.1 release. More information about the most important changes and bug fixes can be found from Qt 6.2.2 release note.

Qt 6.2.2是Qt 6.2系列的第二个补丁版本,包含了接近300个bug修复,是Qt 6.2.1版本的顶部。关于最重要的更改和bug修复的更多信息可以在Qt 6.2.2发布说明中找到。

New MinGW toolchain 


With Qt 6.2.2 we have updated MinGW to version 11.2.0. Among many other benefits the new version enables the new Qt Multimedia module also for those using MinGW compiler.

在Qt 6.2.2中,我们已经将MinGW更新到11.2.0版本。除了许多其他的好处,新版本还为那些使用MinGW编译器的人提供了新的Qt多媒体模块。

Re-introducing two modules


On top of Qt 6.2.2 we are re-introducing two modules previously available for Qt 5: Qt Application Manager and Qt Interface Framework (earlier called Qt IVI). These modules will be available with certain commercial licenses as well as from open-source repositories. Binaries of these modules are only offered for the users having a valid commercial license to these modules. 

在Qt 6.2.2的基础上,我们重新引入了之前在Qt 5中可用的两个模块:Qt应用程序管理器和Qt接口框架(之前称为Qt IVI),这些模块将通过某些商业许可和开源仓库获得。这些模块的二进制文件只提供给拥有这些模块的有效商业许可证的用户。

The Qt Application Manager helps you to create embedded Linux systems that have a highly complex UI setup, which you can optionally split into a multi-process setup to increase flexibility and stability. The main functional blocks of the application manager are: Wayland Window Compositor, Application Launcher, User Input Management, Notifications and Application Installation.


The Qt Interface Framework module provides both the tools and the core APIs, for you to implement Middleware APIs, Middleware backends, and Middleware services. The Qt Interface Framework Generator provides a flexible way to define new APIs via an Interface Definition Language (IDL) and generate classes for use, from C++ and QML.


You can check more information from the documentation of Qt Application Manager and Qt Interface Framework


Over 3000 bug fixes compared to Qt 5

与Qt 5相比,超过3000个bug修复

For those still considering migration to Qt 6 it is important to note that in addition to the new features and functionality, the Qt 6.x releases provide a high number of bug fixes to Qt 5. With the now released Qt 6.2.2 the total number of issues fixed with Qt 6 is well over 3000 bugs compared to Qt 5. Granted, some of these fixes are not relevant for Qt 5 as they affect functionality or platforms not available in Qt 5. 

对于那些仍然考虑迁移到Qt 6的人来说,重要的是要注意,除了新的特性和功能之外,Qt 6.x版本相对于Qt 5,提供了大量的bug修复。现在发布的Qt 6.2.2,与Qt 5相比,Qt 6修复的问题总数超过3000个。当然,其中一些修复与Qt 5无关,因为它们会影响Qt 5中不可用的功能或平台。

For the commercial license holders we pick the most important bug fixes as well as security updates into the commercial only Qt 5.15 LTS releases. However, for the less important bugs the fixes are only provided with Qt 6. So even if your application might not need the new features provided by Qt 6 or the new platforms supported by Qt 6, getting the latest bug fixes can be a solid reason to migrate to Qt 6.

对于商业许用户,我们挑选了Qt 5.15 LTS商业版本中最重要的bug修复和安全更新。然而,对于不太重要的bug,只有Qt 6提供了修复。因此,即使您的应用程序可能不需要Qt 6提供的新特性或Qt 6支持的新平台,获得最新的bug修复可能是迁移到Qt 6的一个可靠理由。

Preview of package manager support


For Qt 6.2.2 we provide for the first time technology preview for the Conan package manager support to distribute Qt packages. All 6.2.2 modules are supported, but initially only on the desktop platforms. We'll update the preview to selected upcoming releases of Qt and plan to include mobile and embedded targets in the forthcoming releases. 


Conan is a de-centralised cross-platform package manager for C and C++. It is also a dependency manager, making it easy to get hold of the right version of components needed by an application. This does not apply only to Qt modules, but third party components as well.


To try out the Conan package manager technology preview, please check out a blog post explaining how to install Qt via Conan package manager


Migrating to Qt 6

迁移到Qt 6

Porting from Qt 5 to Qt 6 is straightforward for most applications. The Qt 6 porting guide lists the required steps in detail and has information on potential caveats you may face depending upon the functionality your application is using. 

对于大多数应用程序来说,从Qt 5移植到Qt 6是很简单的。Qt6移植指南详细列出了所需的步骤,并根据应用程序所使用的功能提供了可能面临的警告信息。

The typical steps for porting to Qt 6 are:


  • Check that you have a supported compiler and platform version in use
  • 检查您是否使用了受支持的编译器和平台版本
  • Compile first with Qt 5.15 in the Qt 6 -mode (using the QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE macro)
  • 首先使用Qt 5.15在Qt 6模式下编译(使用 QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE 宏)
  • Then compile with Qt 6.x - if needed, leverage the compatibility modules in the porting phase
  • 然后用Qt6进行编译。如果需要,在移植阶段利用兼容性模块

With these, you have the application running on Qt 6 and can start using all the new features and functionality it provides. Additionally, if your application uses QML, run the qmllint tool and fix the warnings it gives. 


Get Qt 6.2.2


Like usual you can add the Qt 6.2.2 in the existing online installation by using the maintenance tool or do a clean installation by using the Qt Online Installer. Qt for Python will be available later by the usual means.


Target is to release Qt 6.2.3 in January 2022.

计划在2022年1月发布Qt 6.2.3。





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