Qt Design Studio 4.4发布


Qt Design Studio 4.4 Released

Qt Design Studio 4.4发布

February 21, 2024 by Thomas Hartmann | Comments

​托马斯·哈特曼 2024年2月21日|评论

Qt Design Studio 4.4 is here!
Qt Design Studio 4.4就在这里!

Qt Design Studio is a tool to create user interfaces easily. For detailed information on the product and how to start a free evaluation of Qt Design Studio, please visit the Qt Design Studio page.

​Qt Design Studio是一个可以轻松创建用户界面的工具。有关产品的详细信息以及如何开始免费评估Qt Design Studio,请访问Qt Design工作室页面。

What is new in Qt Design Studio 4.4?

Qt Design Studio 4.4有什么新功能?

Create impressive Effects

Qt Design Studio had a tech preview of the Qt Effect Maker previously. This has now been renamed to Effect Composer, redesigned, and properly integrated. The templates contain common static post-processing effects like drop shadow and blur, but also dynamic effects that include movement for simulating weather animations. You will find all common effect templates like drop shadow and blur, just mentioning a few. We have more than just the static post-processing effects, some effects have movement and we bring some weather animations there as well.

​Qt Design Studio之前有一个Qt Effect Maker的技术预览。现在已将其重命名为Effect Composer,并进行了重新设计和适当集成。模板包含常见的静态后处理效果,如阴影和模糊,但也包含用于模拟天气动画的移动的动态效果。你会发现所有常见的效果模板,如阴影和模糊,只提到几个。我们不仅仅有静态的后处理效果,有些效果还有移动,我们还带来了一些天气动画。

Once created, your effect is available in the Assets View where you can drop the effect on top of the visual item on the 2D View or you can use the Navigator View as well. When you drag the effect on top of the Navigator View, Qt Design Studio will mark the items where you can apply this effect.

创建后,效果在“资源视图”中可用,可以将效果放置在二维视图的视觉项目上,也可以使用“导航器视图”。当将效果拖动到导航器视图的顶部时,Qt Design Studio将标记可以应用此效果的项目。

If you need to modify the effect afterward, you can tweak the parameters per effect from the Property View or you can update the item on the Assets View – simply by double-clicking it. 


Effect nodes can be combined to create powerful effects that then can be easily applied to the 2D View. In the Effect Composer, you can choose, edit, and reorder the effect nodes. You can see the final effect applied to a selected thumbnail. Since this is the first release of this new feature, we still label it as beta. Nevertheless, it is already fully functional but we’d love your feedback. You can submit your feedback through our issue tracker.


Testing your applications on Android

Using the Qt UI Viewer you can now share and preview your projects on Android. The Qt UI Viewer is an Android application for this purpose. Like with the Web assembly-based viewer, it is possible to share your projects online and then preview them on your Android device.

​使用Qt UI查看器,现在可以在Android上共享和预览项目。Qt UI Viewer是用于此目的的Android应用程序。与基于Web程序集的查看器一样,可以在线共享项目,然后在Android设备上预览它们。


The setup is simple. First, you need the viewer application which can be downloaded from the Google Play Store. If you cannot access the Google Play Store with your device we provide the needed APKs as part of the release, they can be downloaded from here.

​设置很简单。首先,需要可以从Google Play商店下载的查看器应用程序。如果无法使用设备访问Google Play商店,我们将提供所需的APK作为发布的一部分,可以从这里下载。

Once installed, open the app and scan the QR code.It is made visible at Qt Design Studio’s Share dialog as shown in the screenshot above. You can try the examples on the Android viewer also without Qt Design Studio, just open the app and look for ‘examples’.

安装后,打开应用程序并扫描二维码。它在Qt Design Studio的共享对话框中可见,如上面的屏幕截图所示。也可以在没有Qt Design Studio的情况下在Android查看器上尝试这些示例,只需打开应用程序并查找“示例”。

If your device and computer are connected to the same network, you can deploy your app directly from Qt Design Studio to your device. If they are not in the same network, you can use the network sharing (with the QR code like told above) to register your project with the Qt UI Viewer.

​如果您的设备和计算机连接到同一网络,可以直接从Qt Design Studio将应用程序部署到您的设备。如果他们不在同一个网络中,可以使用网络共享(使用如上所述的二维码)在Qt UI Viewer中注册项目。

To determine the network address of the Qt UI Viewer, just open the application and navigate to the network tab and this will give you the information. In Qt Design Studio you can now use 'Share Application Online', after entering the IP address the project will be deployed to Qt UI Viewer and run.

​要确定Qt UI Viewer的网络地址,只需打开应用程序并导航到网络选项卡,即可获得信息。在Qt Design Studio中,现在可以使用“在线共享应用程序”,输入IP地址后,项目将部署到Qt UI Viewer并运行。


Please note that the Qt UI Viewer is still the technology preview. Please give the Qt UI Viewer a try.

​请注意,Qt UI Viewer仍然是技术预览版。请尝试一下Qt UI查看器。

Qt 6.6 support
Qt 6.6支持

Qt Design Studio 4.4 now officially supports Qt 6.6 and uses Qt 6.6 for its runtime when running and previewing your project. This also means for example that new features like uniform cell sizes for grid layouts are supported if you choose Qt 6.6 in the project wizard.

​Qt Design Studio 4.4现在正式支持Qt 6.6,并在运行和预览项目时使用Qt 6.6作为运行时。这也意味着,例如,如果在项目向导中选择Qt 6.6,则支持网格布局的统一单元格大小等新功能。

Qt 6.6 also added startAngle and endAngle properties to the Dial Control. These properties control the start and end angle of the dial in degrees, this was a regularly requested feature that is now implemented and the properties are exposed in the property editor, if the import for Qt 6.6 is used. For a complete list of new features in Qt 6.6, please check the documentation.

​Qt 6.6还为“拨号控制”添加了startAngle和endAngle属性。这些属性控制刻度盘的起始角和结束角(以度为单位),这是一个定期请求的功能,现在已经实现,如果使用Qt 6.6的导入,则属性将显示在属性编辑器中。有关Qt 6.6中新功能的完整列表,请查看文档。

Try out new Experimental Features

With Qt Design Studio 4.4, we introduced a way to enable Experimental Features. By default such features are disabled and we do not consider them done, since they still lack documentation and have known issues. Nevertheless, if you want to get a glimpse of upcoming releases, then you can enable such features with an option.

使用Qt Design Studio 4.4,我们引入了一种启用实验功能的方法。默认情况下,这些功能被禁用,我们不认为它们已经完成,因为它们仍然缺乏文档并且存在已知问题。尽管如此,如果你想一窥即将发布的版本,那么可以选择启用这些功能。

In Qt Design Studio 4.4, it is the Model Editor which is still experimental. This editor allows users to create, manage, and assign data models. If you are interested please give it a spin. Since this feature is still experimental it still contains known issues and we expect more to be reported to our bug tracker.

​在Qt Design Studio 4.4中,模型编辑器仍处于实验阶段。此编辑器允许用户创建、管理和分配数据模型。如果你感兴趣,请转一转。由于该功能仍处于实验阶段,它仍然包含已知问题,我们希望向我们的bug跟踪器报告更多信息。


Getting Started 


Qt Design Studio is an HMI creation tool, if you are not familiar with the tool, please see our page: https://www.qt.io/product/ui-design-tools for more information. If you don't have Qt DS installed yet, you can download a free evaluation version from the landing page. 

​Qt Design Studio是一款HMI创建工具,如果不熟悉该工具,请参阅我们的页面:https://www.qt.io/product/ui-design-tools了解更多信息。如果您还没有安装Qt DS,可以从登录页下载免费评估版本。 

Are you new to Qt Design Studio? Do not worry. We have good online documentation for Qt Design Studio here. The documentation is also available within Qt Design Studio as an independent offline help resource. Here are also multiple examples and tutorials included in the installation to get you started. If you want more learning information, please head to our learning portal here.

​你是Qt设计工作室的新手吗?别担心。我们在这里有很好的Qt设计工作室的在线文档。 该文档也可在Qt Design Studio中作为独立的离线帮助资源提供。这里还有安装中包含的多个示例和教程,可以帮助您入门。如果想了解更多学习信息,请访问我们的学习门户网站。

Each Qt Design Studio contains many more bug fixes and small improvements. You can visit the change log for more details on many other bug fixes and smaller but significant improvements. 

​每个Qt设计工作室都包含更多的错误修复和小改进。 可以访问 更改日志 有关许多其他错误修复和较小但显著的改进的更多详细信息。 

Please contact us with a report in the issue tracker for any bugs or usability issues. We always look forward to improving your experience with Qt Design Studio. 

​请与我们联系,并在中提供报告 问题跟踪器 任何错误或可用性问题。我们一直期待着通过Qt Design Studio改善体验。 





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