MediaPipe框架- 图



CalculatorGraphConfig proto specifies the topology and functionality of a MediaPipe graph. Each node in the graph represents a particular calculator or subgraph, and specifies necessary configurations, such as registered calculator/subgraph type, inputs, outputs and optional fields, such as node-specific options, input policy and executor, discussed in Synchronization.


CalculatorGraphConfig has several other fields to configure global graph-level settings, e.g. graph executor configs, number of threads, and maximum queue size of input streams. Several graph-level settings are useful for tuning the performance of the graph on different platforms (e.g., desktop v.s. mobile). For instance, on mobile, attaching a heavy model-inference calculator to a separate executor can improve the performance of a real-time application since this enables thread locality.


Below is a trivial CalculatorGraphConfig example where we have series of passthrough calculators :


# This graph named main_pass_throughcals_nosubgraph.pbtxt contains 4
# passthrough calculators.
input_stream: "in"
output_stream: "out"
node {
    calculator: "PassThroughCalculator"
    input_stream: "in"
    output_stream: "out1"
node {
    calculator: "PassThroughCalculator"
    input_stream: "out1"
    output_stream: "out2"
node {
    calculator: "PassThroughCalculator"
    input_stream: "out2"
    output_stream: "out3"
node {
    calculator: "PassThroughCalculator"
    input_stream: "out3"
    output_stream: "out"

MediaPipe offers an alternative C++ representation for complex graphs (e.g. ML pipelines, handling model metadata, optional nodes, etc.). The above graph may look like:


CalculatorGraphConfig BuildGraphConfig() {
  Graph graph;

  // Graph inputs
  Stream<AnyType> in = graph.In(0).SetName("in");

  auto pass_through_fn = [](Stream<AnyType> in,
                            Graph& graph) -> Stream<AnyType> {
    auto& node = graph.AddNode("PassThroughCalculator");
    return node.Out(0);

  Stream<AnyType> out1 = pass_through_fn(in, graph);
  Stream<AnyType> out2 = pass_through_fn(out1, graph);
  Stream<AnyType> out3 = pass_through_fn(out2, graph);
  Stream<AnyType> out4 = pass_through_fn(out3, graph);

  // Graph outputs

  return graph.GetConfig();

See more details in Building Graphs in C++.




To modularize a CalculatorGraphConfig into sub-modules and assist with re-use of perception solutions, a MediaPipe graph can be defined as a Subgraph. The public interface of a subgraph consists of a set of input and output streams similar to a calculator's public interface. The subgraph can then be included in a CalculatorGraphConfig as if it were a calculator. When a MediaPipe graph is loaded from a CalculatorGraphConfig, each subgraph node is replaced by the corresponding graph of calculators. As a result, the semantics and performance of the subgraph is identical to the corresponding graph of calculators.


Below is an example of how to create a subgraph named TwoPassThroughSubgraph.


1.Defining the subgraph.


# This subgraph is defined in two_pass_through_subgraph.pbtxt
# and is registered as "TwoPassThroughSubgraph"

type: "TwoPassThroughSubgraph"
input_stream: "out1"
output_stream: "out3"

node {
    calculator: "PassThroughCalculator"
    input_stream: "out1"
    output_stream: "out2"
node {
    calculator: "PassThroughCalculator"
    input_stream: "out2"
    output_stream: "out3"

The public interface to the subgraph consists of:


  • Graph input streams
  • Graph output streams
  • Graph input side packets
  • Graph output side packets

2.Register the subgraph using BUILD rule mediapipe_simple_subgraph. The parameter register_as defines the component name for the new subgraph.


# Small section of BUILD file for registering the "TwoPassThroughSubgraph"
# subgraph for use by main graph main_pass_throughcals.pbtxt

    name = "twopassthrough_subgraph",
    graph = "twopassthrough_subgraph.pbtxt",
    register_as = "TwoPassThroughSubgraph",
    deps = [

3.Use the subgraph in the main graph.


# This main graph is defined in main_pass_throughcals.pbtxt
# using subgraph called "TwoPassThroughSubgraph"

input_stream: "in"
node {
    calculator: "PassThroughCalculator"
    input_stream: "in"
    output_stream: "out1"
node {
    calculator: "TwoPassThroughSubgraph"
    input_stream: "out1"
    output_stream: "out3"
node {
    calculator: "PassThroughCalculator"
    input_stream: "out3"
    output_stream: "out4"

Graph Options


It is possible to specify a "graph options" protobuf for a MediaPipe graph similar to the Calculator Options protobuf specified for a MediaPipe calculator. These "graph options" can be specified where a graph is invoked, and used to populate calculator options and subgraph options within the graph.


In a CalculatorGraphConfig, graph options can be specified for a subgraph exactly like calculator options, as shown below:


node {
  calculator: "FlowLimiterCalculator"
  input_stream: "image"
  output_stream: "throttled_image"
  node_options: {
    [] {
      max_in_flight: 1

node {
  calculator: "FaceDetectionSubgraph"
  input_stream: "IMAGE:throttled_image"
  node_options: {
    [] {
      tensor_width: 192
      tensor_height: 192

In a CalculatorGraphConfig, graph options can be accepted and used to populate calculator options, as shown below:


graph_options: {
  [] {}

node: {
  calculator: "ImageToTensorCalculator"
  input_stream: "IMAGE:image"
  node_options: {
    [] {
        keep_aspect_ratio: true
        border_mode: BORDER_ZERO
  option_value: "output_tensor_width:options/tensor_width"
  option_value: "output_tensor_height:options/tensor_height"

node {
  calculator: "InferenceCalculator"
  node_options: {
    [] {}
  option_value: "delegate:options/delegate"
  option_value: "model_path:options/model_path"

In this example, the FaceDetectionSubgraph accepts graph option protobuf FaceDetectionOptions. The FaceDetectionOptions is used to define some field values in the calculator options ImageToTensorCalculatorOptions and some field values in the subgraph options InferenceCalculatorOptions. The field values are defined using the option_value: syntax.


In the CalculatorGraphConfig::Node protobuf, the fields node_options: and option_value: together define the option values for a calculator such as ImageToTensorCalculator. The node_options: field defines a set of literal constant values using the text protobuf syntax. Each option_value: field defines the value for one protobuf field using information from the enclosing graph, specifically from field values of the graph options of the enclosing graph. In the example above, the option_value: "output_tensor_width:options/tensor_width" defines the field ImageToTensorCalculatorOptions.output_tensor_width using the value of FaceDetectionOptions.tensor_width.

在CalculatorGraphConfig::Node protobuf中,字段Node_options:和option_value:一起定义计算器(如ImageToTensorCalculator)的选项值。node_options:字段使用text protobuf语法定义了一组文字常量值。每个option_value:字段使用封闭图中的信息,特别是封闭图的图选项的字段值,定义一个protobuf字段的值。在上面的示例中,option_value:“output_tensor_width:options/tensor_width”使用FaceDetectionOptions.tensor_width的值定义字段ImageToTensorCalculatorOptions.output_tensor_width

The syntax of option_value: is similar to the syntax of input_stream:. The syntax is option_value: "LHS:RHS". The LHS identifies a calculator option field and the RHS identifies a graph option field. More specifically, the LHS and RHS each consists of a series of protobuf field names identifying nested protobuf messages and fields separated by '/'. This is known as the "ProtoPath" syntax. Nested messages that are referenced in the LHS or RHS must already be defined in the enclosing protobuf in order to be traversed using option_value:.




By default, MediaPipe requires calculator graphs to be acyclic and treats cycles in a graph as errors. If a graph is intended to have cycles, the cycles need to be annotated in the graph config. This page describes how to do that.


NOTE: The current approach is experimental and subject to change. We welcome your feedback.


Please use the CalculatorGraphTest.Cycle unit test in mediapipe/framework/ as sample code. Shown below is the cyclic graph in the test. The sum output of the adder is the sum of the integers generated by the integer source calculator.

请在mediapipe/framework/caculator_graph_test.cc中使用 CalculatorGraphTest.Cycle单元测试作为示例代码。下面显示的是测试中的循环图。加法器的和输出是整数源计算器生成的整数的和。

This simple graph illustrates all the issues in supporting cyclic graphs.


Back Edge Annotation


We require that an edge in each cycle be annotated as a back edge. This allows MediaPipe’s topological sort to work, after removing all the back edges.


There are usually multiple ways to select the back edges. Which edges are marked as back edges affects which nodes are considered as upstream and which nodes are considered as downstream, which in turn affects the priorities MediaPipe assigns to the nodes.


For example, the CalculatorGraphTest.Cycle test marks the old_sum edge as a back edge, so the Delay node is considered as a downstream node of the adder node and is given a higher priority. Alternatively, we could mark the sum input to the delay node as the back edge, in which case the delay node would be considered as an upstream node of the adder node and is given a lower priority.


Initial Packet


For the adder calculator to be runnable when the first integer from the integer source arrives, we need an initial packet, with value 0 and with the same timestamp, on the old_sum input stream to the adder. This initial packet should be output by the delay calculator in the Open() method.


Delay in a Loop


Each loop should incur a delay to align the previous sum output with the next integer input. This is also done by the delay node. So the delay node needs to know the following about the timestamps of the integer source calculator:


  • The timestamp of the first output.

  • 第一个输出的时间戳。

  • The timestamp delta between successive outputs.

  • 连续输出之间的时间戳增量。

We plan to add an alternative scheduling policy that only cares about packet ordering and ignores packet timestamps, which will eliminate this inconvenience.


Early Termination of a Calculator When One Input Stream is Done


By default, MediaPipe calls the Close() method of a non-source calculator when all of its input streams are done. In the example graph, we want to stop the adder node as soon as the integer source is done. This is accomplished by configuring the adder node with an alternative input stream handler, EarlyCloseInputStreamHandler.


Relevant Source Code


Delay Calculator


Note the code in Open() that outputs the initial packet and the code in Process() that adds a (unit) delay to input packets. As noted above, this delay node assumes that its output stream is used alongside an input stream with packet timestamps 0, 1, 2, 3, ...


class UnitDelayCalculator : public Calculator {
  static absl::Status FillExpectations(
      const CalculatorOptions& extendable_options, PacketTypeSet* inputs,
      PacketTypeSet* outputs, PacketTypeSet* input_side_packets) {
    inputs->Index(0)->Set<int>("An integer.");
    outputs->Index(0)->Set<int>("The input delayed by one time unit.");
    return absl::OkStatus();

  absl::Status Open() final {
    Output()->Add(new int(0), Timestamp(0));
    return absl::OkStatus();

  absl::Status Process() final {
    const Packet& packet = Input()->Value();
    return absl::OkStatus();
Graph Config

Note the back_edge annotation and the alternative input_stream_handler.


node {
  calculator: 'GlobalCountSourceCalculator'
  input_side_packet: 'global_counter'
  output_stream: 'integers'
node {
  calculator: 'IntAdderCalculator'
  input_stream: 'integers'
  input_stream: 'old_sum'
  input_stream_info: {
    tag_index: ':1'  # 'old_sum'
    back_edge: true
  output_stream: 'sum'
  input_stream_handler {
    input_stream_handler: 'EarlyCloseInputStreamHandler'
node {
  calculator: 'UnitDelayCalculator'
  input_stream: 'sum'
  output_stream: 'old_sum'

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