
Qt Location Open Street Map Plugin




This geo services plugin allows applications to access Open Street Map location based services using the Qt Location API.

​此地理服务插件允许应用程序使用Qt location API访问基于Open Street Map位置的服务。

Data, imagery and map information provided by ThunderForestOpenStreetMap and contributors. The data is available under the Open Database License.


The Open Street Map geo services plugin can be loaded by using the plugin key "osm".

可以使用插件键“osm”加载Open Street Map地理服务插件。

Note: The standard map types rely on (partially) free data providers. We try to keep the selection useful for evaluation and development purposes, but it is your responsibility to select a data provider that fits your needs in production. It is highly recommended to carefully read and adhere to the terms of service of the respective providers. A list of alternative data providers is available in the OpenStreetMap wiki. The available map types offered by this plugin may change (or be removed) without notice depending on the actual availability of a viable openly accessible provider for each type. This also implies that providers serving tiles over HTTPS may be used. This becomes relevant when using the OSM plugin on platforms, such as Android, for which SSL support is not built into Qt by default. To prevent these changes, either a different geo service plugin should be used, or the plugin parameter osm.mapping.providersrepository.address should be set to a user-specified repository, in order to take full control over selecting the provider that is used for each map type. Since Qt 5.9.6, the default nominatim endpoint, used for geocoding and places, has also changed to HTTPS-only.

注意:标准地图类型依赖于(部分)免费的数据提供者。我们努力使选择对评估和开发目的有用,但您有责任选择一个适合在生产中需求的数据提供商。强烈建议仔细阅读并遵守各提供商的服务条款。OpenStreetMap维基中提供了替代数据提供者的列表。此插件提供的可用地图类型可能会更改(或删除),恕不另行通知,具体取决于每种类型的可行开放访问提供商的实际可用性。这也意味着可以使用通过HTTPS提供磁贴的提供商。在Android等平台上使用OSM插件时,这一点变得很重要,默认情况下Qt中没有内置SSL支持。为了防止这些更改,应使用不同的地理服务插件,或者应将插件参数osm.maping.providerstore.address设置为用户指定的存储库,以便完全控制选择用于每种地图类型的提供程序。自Qt 5.9.6以来,用于地理编码和地点的默认nominatim端点也更改为仅HTTPS。



Optional parameters


The following table lists optional parameters that can be passed to the Open Street Map plugin.

下表列出了可以传递给Open Street Map插件的可选参数。

Note: Since Qt 5.5 all parameters below must be prefixed with osm. Previous versions did not require a prefix.

注意:自Qt 5.5以来,以下所有参数都必须以osm作为前缀。以前的版本不需要前缀。


Url string set when making network requests to the geocoding server. This parameter should be set to a valid server url with the correct OSM API. If not specified the default url will be used.

向地理编码服务器发出网络请求时设置的Url字符串。此参数应设置为具有正确OSM API的有效服务器url。如果未指定,将使用默认网址。

Note: The API documentation is available at Project OSM Nominatim.

注:API文件可在项目OSM Nomatim处获得。


Instructs the plugin to inject the query url to nominatim into the geocode reply, for debugging purposes.



Instructs the plugin to include Nominatim-specific information (such as geometry and class) into the returned Location objects, exposed as extendedAttributes.



Absolute path to map tile cache directory used as network disk cache.


The default place for the cache is the QtLocation/osm subdirectory in the location returned by QStandardPaths::writableLocation(), called with QStandardPaths::GenericCacheLocation as a parameter. On systems that have no concept of a shared cache, the application-specific QStandardPaths::CacheLocation is used instead.



The cost strategy to use to cache map tiles on disk. Valid values are bytesize and unitary. Using bytesize, the related size parameter (osm.mapping.cache.disk.size) will be interpreted as bytes. Using unitary, they will be interpreted as number of tiles. The default value for this parameter is bytesize.



Disk cache size for map tiles. The default size of the cache is 50 MiB when bytesize is the cost strategy for this cache, or 1000 tiles, when unitary is the cost strategy.

地图图块的磁盘缓存大小。当bytesize是此缓存的成本策略时,缓存的默认大小为50 MiB,或者当unity是成本策略时为1000个图块。


The cost strategy to use to cache map tiles in memory. Valid values are bytesize and unitary. Using bytesize, the related size parameter (osm.mapping.cache.memory.size) will be interpreted as bytes. Using unitary, they will be interpreted as number of tiles. The default value for this parameter is bytesize.



Memory cache size for map tiles. The default size of the cache is 3 MiB when bytesize is the cost strategy for this cache, or 100 tiles, when unitary is the cost strategy.

地图图块的内存缓存大小。当bytesize是此缓存的成本策略时,缓存的默认大小为3 MiB,或者当unity是成本策略时为100个图块。


The cost strategy to use to cache decompressed map tiles in memory. Valid values are bytesize and unitary. Using bytesize, the related size parameter (osm.mapping.cache.texture.size) will be interpreted as bytes. Using unitary, they will be interpreted as number of tiles. The default value for this parameter is bytesize.



Texture cache size for map tiles. The default size of the cache is 6 MiB when bytesize is the cost strategy for this cache, or 30 tiles, when unitary is the cost strategy. Note that the texture cache has a hard minimum size which depends on the size of the map viewport (it must contain enough data to display the tiles currently visible on the display). This value is the amount of cache to be used in addition to the bare minimum.

贴图图块的纹理缓存大小。当bytesize是此缓存的成本策略时,缓存的默认大小为6 MiB,或者当unity是成本策略时为30个图块。请注意,纹理缓存有一个硬最小大小,这取决于地图视口的大小(它必须包含足够的数据来显示当前在显示器上可见的图块)。此值是除最小值之外要使用的缓存量。


Custom data copryright string is used when setting the Map::activeMapType to MapType.CustomMap via urlprefix parameter. This copyright will only be used when using the CustomMap from above. If empty no data copyright will be displayed for the custom map.



The url string of a custom tile server. This parameter should be set to a valid server url offering the correct OSM API. The postfix "%z/%x/%y.png" will be added to the url. Since 6.5 the postfix will not be added if the url ends with ".png". If the server requires an apikey, it has to be added to the url string. To use this server, the Map::activeMapType parameter of the Map should be set to the supported map type whose type is MapType.CustomMap. This map type is only be available if this plugin parameter is set, in which case it is always Map::supportedMapTypes[supportedMapTypes.length - 1].

自定义互动程序服务器的url字符串。此参数应设置为提供正确OSM API的有效服务器url。后缀“%z/%x/%y.png”将被添加到url中。从6.5开始,如果url以“.png”结尾,则不会添加后缀。如果服务器需要apikey,则必须将其添加到url字符串中。要使用此服务器,Map的Map::activeMapType参数应设置为支持的映射类型,其类型为MapType。自定义地图。只有设置了此插件参数,此映射类型才可用,在这种情况下,它始终是map::supportedMapTypes[supportedMapTypes.length-1]。

Note: Setting the mapping.custom.host parameter to a new server renders the map tile cache useless for the old custommap style.



Custom map copryright string is used when setting the Map::activeMapType to MapType.CustomMap via urlprefix parameter. This copyright will only be used when using the CustomMap from above. If empty no map copyright will be displayed for the custom map.



Whether or not to request high dpi tiles. Valid values are true and false. The default value is false. Please note that not all map types are available in high dpi. Setting this parameter to true might even have no effect if no map type is available in high dpi at the moment. Provider information files for high dpi tiles are named street-hiressatellite-hirescycle-hirestransit-hiresnight-transit-hiresterrain-hires and hiking-hires. These are fetched from the same location used for the low dpi counterparts.



Absolute path to a directory containing map tiles used as an offline storage. If specified, it will work together with the network disk cache, but tiles won't get automatically inserted, removed or updated. The format of the tiles is the same used by the network disk cache. There is no default value, and if this property is not set, no directory will be indexed and only the network disk cache will be used to reduce network usage or to act as an offline storage for the currently cached tiles.



This parameter allows to provide a hint how tile prefetching is to be performed by the engine. The default value, TwoNeighbourLayers, makes the engine prefetch tiles for the layer above and the one below the current tile layer, providing ready tiles when zooming in or out from the current zoom level. OneNeighbourLayer only prefetches the one layer closest to the current zoom level. Finally, NoPrefetching allows to disable the prefetching, so only tiles that are visible will be fetched. Note that, depending on the active map type, this hint might be ignored.



The OpenStreetMap plugin retrieves the provider's information from a remote repository. This is done to prevent using hardcoded servers by default, which may become unavailable. By default this information is fetched from maps-redirect.qt.io. Setting this parameter changes the provider repository address to a user-specified one, which must contain the files streetsatellitecycletransitnight-transitterrain and hiking, each of which must contain valid provider information.



By default, the OpenStreetMap plugin retrieves the provider's information from a remote repository to avoid a loss of service due to unavailability of hardcoded services. The plugin, however, still contains fallback hardcoded provider data, in case the provider repository becomes unreachable. Setting this parameter to true makes the plugin use the hardcoded urls only and therefore prevents the plugin from fetching provider data from the remote repository.



Set this parameter to true to have an extended attribute in each result named "requestUrl", and containing the url used for the query. Default is false.



Url string set when making network requests to the places server. This parameter should be set to a valid server url with the correct OSM API. If not specified the default url will be used.

向地点服务器发出网络请求时设置的Url字符串。此参数应设置为具有正确OSM API的有效服务器url。如果未指定,将使用默认网址。

Note: The API documentation is available at Project OSM Nominatim.

注:API文件可在项目OSM Nomatim处获得。


The amount of results in a page. Note that this value might be clamped server side. The typical maximum in standard nominatim instances is 50.



String defining the api version of the (custom) OSRM server. Valid values are v4 and v5. The default is v5. This parameter should be set only if osm.routing.host is set, and is an OSRM v4 server.

定义(自定义)OSRM服务器的api版本的字符串。有效值为v4和v5。默认值为v5。仅当设置了osm.routing.host并且是OSRM v4服务器时,才应设置此参数。


Url string set when making network requests to the routing server. This parameter should be set to a valid server url with the correct OSRM API. If not specified the default url will be used.

向路由服务器发出网络请求时设置的Url字符串。此参数应设置为具有正确OSRM API的有效服务器url。如果未指定,将使用默认网址。

Note: The API documentation and sources are available at Project OSRM.



User agent string set when making network requests. This parameter should be set to a value that uniquely identifies the application. Note that providers might block applications not setting this parameter, leaving it to the stock plugin user agent (e.g., Nominatim for geocoding)


Parameter Usage Example


The following example shows how to create an OSM plugin instance with parameters supplied for an useragent, and if necessary, a custom server url plus the corresponding copyright information for the tile provider. Additionally, it is possible to choose another routing server than the public osrm one.



Plugin {
    name: "osm"
    PluginParameter { name: "osm.useragent"; value: "My great Qt OSM application" }
    PluginParameter { name: "osm.mapping.host"; value: "http://osm.tile.server.address/" }
    PluginParameter { name: "osm.mapping.copyright"; value: "All mine" }
    PluginParameter { name: "osm.routing.host"; value: "http://osrm.server.address/viaroute" }
    PluginParameter { name: "osm.geocoding.host"; value: "http://geocoding.server.address" }

Other Plugin-specific Information


Tile cache


The tiles are cached in a QtLocation/osm directory in QStandardPaths::writableLocation (QStandardPaths::GenericCacheLocation). On systems that have no concept of a shared cache, the application-specific QStandardPaths::CacheLocation is used instead.


GeoServicesItems Overlay Plugin

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