

September 23, 2024 by Sami Varanka | Comments


This blog post introduces Qt's newest module for visualizing data in both 2D and 3D graphs. Named QtGraphs, it will officially move out of tech preview with the release of Qt 6.8. This module integrates 2D and 3D data visualization into a single package, effectively replacing the older QtCharts and QtDataVisualization modules, which were introduced in the early Qt 5 era. By combining these modules, it becomes more intuitive and convenient for users to locate the appropriate module for all their data visualization requirements. 

这篇博客文章介绍了Qt用于在2D和3D图形中可视化数据的最新模块。命名为QtGraphs,它将随着Qt 6.8的发布正式退出技术预览版。该模块将2D和3D数据可视化集成到一个软件包中,有效地取代了Qt 5早期引入的旧QtScharts和QtDataVisualization模块。通过组合这些模块,用户可以更直观、更方便地找到满足其所有数据可视化需求的适当模块。

Improvements in rendering


When the 3D data visualization module was created, Qt didn't have the sophisticated graphics abstraction and 3D rendering engine it does today. Therefore, a custom-built OpenGL rendering engine was created solely for the QtDataVisualization. The rendering engine needed to work with devices using OpenGL ES 2 and thus lacked modern OpenGL features, such as instanced rendering. Moreover, since the rendering engine used OpenGL, Ui components were also required to use OpenGL. Forcing applications to use OpenGL led to suboptimal performance on platforms having better graphics alternatives, such as Direct3D on Windows. QtGraphs' 3D side is not restricted to just OpenGL since it uses Quick3D to visualize the graphs. QtCharts was highly coupled with the Widget framework as it used the graphics view framework. This usually meant using a software rendering solution. However, as QtGraphs works on the Quick framework, the 2D graphs use hardware-accelerated rendering.

当创建3D数据可视化模块时,Qt没有像今天这样复杂的图形抽象和3D渲染引擎。因此,专门为QtDataVisualization创建了一个定制的OpenGL渲染引擎。渲染引擎需要与使用OpenGL ES 2的设备一起工作,因此缺乏现代OpenGL功能,如实例化渲染。此外,由于渲染引擎使用OpenGL,Ui组件也需要使用OpenGL。强制应用程序使用OpenGL会导致在具有更好图形替代方案的平台上性能不佳,例如Windows上的Direct3D。QtGraphs的3D端不仅限于OpenGL,因为它使用Quick3D来可视化图形。QtCharts与Widget框架高度耦合,因为它使用图形视图框架。这通常意味着使用软件渲染解决方案。然而,由于QtGraphs在Quick框架上工作,2D图形使用硬件加速渲染。

Changes to 3D data APIs


The changes between QtDataVisualization and QtGraphs are not only under the hood since major rework has been done on data APIs. Old APIs required heap allocation of new data arrays. Now, however, all data can be allocated in the stack, and move semantics are utilized to avoid unnecessarily copying data. In addition to these API changes, the usage of proxies has now been clarified. In QtDataVisualization, the proxies contained the data supplied to the series. However, a proxy should not hold data but act as an intermediate layer for passing data. In QtGraphs, the data is still passed to proxies, but they give it to the series immediately rather than store it. 


Widget support


QtGraphs can still be used with widgets like QtDataVisualization. However, there are some differences. As Quick3D uses Quick rendering infrastructure, QQuickWidgets should be used instead of plain QWidgets. While QtGraphs was in TP, every graph inherited from QQuickWidget. However, that design was suboptimal since it created a hard dependency on the widget framework. Therefore, the design was changed to use composition rather than inheritance.




QtGraphs retains the same interaction methods for 3D graphs as QtDataVisualization, but their implementation has been greatly simplified. Previously, QtDataVisualization used QAbstract3DInputHandler, QInput3DHandler, and QTouch3DInputHandler. Now, there is a single class, QGraphsInputHandler, that consolidates all quick input handlers. While QtCharts translated events from QuickItem to graphics scene events, the 2D side in QtGraphs can now directly use events from QQuickItem.


Changes to theming


Previously, a theme had too much power over the visual aspects of the application, such as colors, visibilities, lighting, and font. For example, by setting a theme with light colors, all of the graph's colors could be changed to light colors, even if the platform uses a dark scheme. In QtGraphs, the Q3DTheme type has been replaced by QGraphsTheme and it is used by both 2D and 3D. The QGraphsTheme has been separated into two distinct logical parts: color scheme and theme.


Color scheme controls colors outside the main graph object, such as background, plot area, grid line, label background, and text. The color scheme has three values: light, dark, and automatic. An automatic color scheme follows the platform's color scheme. Our UX team has modernized color schemes and all the preset themes to follow today's standards used in Qt.


New features


With QtGraphs3D being implemented with QQuick3D which enables some new features.


We are now able to integrate other QQuick3D elements into graphs. Using the importScene property we are able to add any collection of models, lights, particle emitters, and reflection probes into the graphs scene. Similarly, we are also able to extend the scene environment for using e.g. tone mapping modes, post processing effects, or skyboxes. This can allow for some interesting scenes.



QtGraphs now also supports transparency for Bars3D and Scatter3D. Transparency for Surface3D is currently not being supported due to a known issue but will be added later.



3D Graphs Performance


With QtGraphs, there has been a concerted effort to enhance the performance of all 3D graph types. For bar and scatter graphs, we can now utilize the model instancing capabilities provided by QtQuick3D to efficiently display a large number of bars or points. QtGraphs still supports non-instanced rendering, which can be enabled using the optimizationHint:Legacy property. For surface graphs, we have shifted the task of vertex positioning to the vertex shader, harnessing the GPU's power for this operation.


To verify the improvements, we devised a performance test. The test instantiates a graph starting at 100 points and with continuously changing data. The FPS of the scene is measured for a fixed amount of time after which the measures are aggregated. The number of points in the graph is then incremented, and the graph FPS is remeasured. This procedure is run for each graph type.


Bar and Scatter graphs in QtGraphs were run both in instanced and non-instanced configurations while
while Static and Dynamic configurations were used in QtDataVizualization.


The test was run on a Linux machine with an Intel I7-8700 CPU and NVIDIA Quadro 4000 GPU.
OpenGL was used as the RHI backend for QtGraphs, and VSync was turned off for all tests.
MSAA was set to 4X, and Shadows were turned off for the tests.

该测试在配备Intel I7-8700 CPU和NVIDIA Quadro 4000 GPU的Linux机器上运行。






While the Legacy configuration of 3D Graphs performs weaker than default Data Visualization, the average FPS for each graph is notably higher for the default configuration of 3D Graphs, suggesting that the new techniques are effective in increasing performance.


Future development


QtGraphs will continue development with new requested features already being contemplated. For instance, while embedding 3D elements into graphs is possible, it is not yet possible to embed graphs into QQuick3D Scenes. Parametric spline rendering is another requested feature already in the works. For 2D, one upcoming feature is the possibility of changing whether the x-axis is displayed on the top or bottom side of the graph. In the same way, the y-axis can be changed from left to right.






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