Qt Installer Framework发布更新

Promoting Updates


Create online installers to be able to promote updates to end users who install your product.


The following steps are needed to promote updates:


1.Copy the updated content to the package directory.


2.Increase the value of the <Version> element for the updated components in the package.xml file.


3.Use the repogen tool to recreate the online repository with the updated contents and to generate the Updates.xml file in the root directory of the repository.


4.Upload the repository to the web server.


5.Use the binarycreator tool to create the installer.


Configuring Updates


The installer downloads the Updates.xml file on startup and compares the installed version with the version in the file. If the online version number in the file is greater than the local one, the installer displays it in the list of available updates.


Increase the value of the <Version> element for the component in the package.xml file.


Recreating Repositories


The easiest way to provide an update is to recreate the repository and upload it to the web server. For more information, see Creating Repositories.


Partially Updating Repositories


A full update of the whole repository might not be optimal if:


  • The repository is very large, as uploading would take a long time.
  • 存储库非常大,因为上传需要很长时间。
  • You want to deliver only the changed components.
  • 只想交付更改后的组件。

Note: repogen recreates the 7zip archives each time it is being called. As 7zip stores the timestamps of the included files (which are moved or copied during this process), the SHA sum of each archive changes. SHA sums are used to verify the download of the archive and hence the SHA needs to match the 7zip. As the SHAs are stored in the Updates.xml file you will be forced to upload the full repository. This can be circumvented by using the --update option of repogen.


Creating Partial Updates


When recreating the online repository, use the --update parameter. It takes an existing repository as input and only changes the components that are specified as additional parameters. Only those SHA sums are changed in the global configuration as well.


Uploading Partial Updates


Upload the following items to the web server:


  • The component directory (usually something like com.vendor.product.updatedpart).
  • 组件目录(通常类似于com.vendor.product.updatedpart)。
  • The global Updates.xml stored in the root directory of the online repository.
  • 存储在联机存储库根目录中的全局Updates.xml。

Note: The order of uploading items is very important. If you update the repository on a live server, first update the component and then Updates.xml. The package names include version numbers, and therefore, end users receive old packages until the new ones are fully uploaded.


Changing Repositories


To have the current update repository point to other repositories, edit the Updates.xml file in the current repository. You can add, replace, or remove repositories.


  <Repository action="..." OPTIONS />
  <Repository action="..." OPTIONS />

Adding Repositories


To update a repository, add a <Repository> child element to the <RepositoryUpdate> element with the following options:


<Repository action="add" url="http://www.example.com/repository" name="user" password="password"
             displayname="Example Repository" />

url will be used as a base URL to resolve an Updates.xml file against. If url is itself relative, it will be resolved against the base URL of the current document.


displayname specifies how the repository should be named in the Settings page of the maintenance tool.


name and password optionally specify credentials for a protected repository.


Removing Repositories


To remove a repository, add a <Repository> child element to the <RepositoryUpdate> element with the following options:


<Repository action="remove" url="http://www.example.com/repository" />

url must match exactly the URL that is to be removed.


Replacing Repositories


To replace one repository with another, add a <Repository> child element to the <RepositoryUpdate> element with the following options:


<Repository action="replace" oldUrl="http://www.example.com/repository"
            newUrl="http://www.example.com/newrepository" name="user" password="password"
            displayname="New Example Repository" />

oldUrl must match exactly the URL that is to be replaced.


newUrl must match exactly the URL that it is replaced with.


Relocatable Repositories


Some projects contain multiple repositories. To create a relocatable set of repositories you should use relative paths.


So if the generic repository available at the address http://www.example.com/repositories/generic and Updates.xml contains <Repository> element with the following options:


<Repository action="add" url="../module" name="user" password="password"
             displayname="Module Repository" />

Then the resolved address of the added repository will be http://www.example.com/repositories/module, so that the repository does not contain information about their absolute location.


If you want to change the address, you can simply copy a set of repositories as is. It is recommended to maintain the old generic repository for some time and replace the addresses as described above. You can also provide the updated installer with the new generic address.


You can use relative paths for the arguments urloldUrl, and newUrl in the <Repository> element.


Promoting Updates for the Maintenance Tool


Without additional configuration, both online and offline installers install the maintenance tool, that can be later used to add, update, and remove components. Online installers also have an option to install the maintenance tool from an online repository. This makes it possible to promote updates for the maintenance tool to take the advantage of latest new features and fixes to the Qt Installer Framework. If maintenance tool in offline installer needs signing, you need to provide the maintenance tool as a component, see Populating the Maintenance Tool Component.


You should download the latest release of the Installer Framework distribution that includes new versions of binarycreator and installerbase tools. However, to only update vendor specific configuration like <Name><Title>, and <Publisher> to the new maintenance tool, you can use the tools that were used to create the original installer.

​应该下载最新版本的Installer Framework发行版,其中包括新版本的binarycreator和installerbase工具。但是,要仅将特定于供应商的配置(如<Name>、<Title>和<Publisher>)更新到新的维护工具,可以使用用于创建原始安装程序的工具。

Creating the Component Directory Structure for Maintenance Tool


To make the maintenance tool update installable for end users, you need to prepare an installer component for the maintenance tool and create a repository for that component.


Note: If you already have a component for the maintenance tool available in a repository, you can skip the instructions in this section.


A common convention is to create a packages directory containing the metadata and data for your installer components. Inside that directory, you need to create a subdirectory for the maintenance tool component with a name of your choice, for example org.qtproject.ifw.maintenancetool, with meta and data subdirectories. These directories will be populated later.

一个常见的约定是创建一个packages 目录,其中包含安装程序组件的metadata 和data 。在该目录中,需要为维护工具组件创建一个子目录,并使用选择的名称,例如org.qtproject.ifw.maintenancetool,其中包含meta和data子目录。稍后将填充这些目录。

Compiling the Update Resource


If you want to apply configuration changes, like updating the title, publisher, or product URL when the end user updates the maintenance tool, you need to create an update resource file. Otherwise this step is optional.


First, you need to compile the resource file that will contain the new maintenance tool configuration and related files:


binarycreator -c config/config.xml -p packages -rcc

The command outputs the result into update.rcc in the current path.


The packages directory argument refers to the previously created directory for the maintenance tool component. config.xml contains the maintenance tool configuration. This can be the same file that was used for creating the online installer that is going to consume the maintenance tool repository, or you could make modifications to change some configuration elements like the window title and product version.


For full reference of elements supported by the configuration file, see Configuration File.


Getting the Maintenance Tool


The maintenance tool for Linux and Windows is the same as the installerbase executable located in your Qt Installer Framework's installation bin folder. For macOS the maintenance tool app bundle can be created using the binarycreator tool with the command line switch --mt or --create-maintenancetool. The name of the macOS app bundle can be configured in config.xml using the <MaintenanceToolName> element. The app bundle can be later signed and notarized if needed.

Linux和Windows的维护工具与Qt Installer Framework的bin安装文件夹中的installerbase可执行文件相同。对于macOS,可以使用binarycreator工具和命令行开关--mt或--create-maintenancetool创建维护工具应用程序包。可以使用<MaintenanceToolName>元素在config.xml中配置macOS应用程序包的名称。如果需要,可以稍后对应用程序包进行签名和公证。

binarycreator -c config/config.xml --mt

Populating the Maintenance Tool Component


In Linux and in Windows the installerbase executable from Qt Installer Framework's installation folder, or in macOS the maintenance tool app bundle, should be copied to the component's data directory. For signed maintenance tool, sign the installerbase, or maintenance tool app bundle. If you generated the update.rcc in the Compiling the Update Resource step, copy that to the data directory as well. The meta directory should contain a package.xml file with the package information elements of your choice. However, it is a good idea to mark the component <Essential> so that it gets automatically installed when running the updater. You may also want to mark the component <Virtual> to hide it from the component selection.

​在Linux和Windows中,Qt Installer Framework的安装文件夹中的installerbase可执行文件,或在macOS中的维护工具应用程序包,应复制到组件的数据目录中。对于已签名的维护工具,请在installerbase或维护工具应用程序包上签名。如果在编译更新资源步骤中生成了update.rcc,请将其复制到data目录中。meta目录应包含一个package.xml文件,其中包含选择的包信息元素。但是,最好标记组件<Essential>,以便在运行更新程序时自动安装。可能还想标记组件<Virtual>,以便在组件选择中隐藏它。

For further information about the package.xml file, see Summary of Package Information File Elements.


Note: If you are providing an update for an existing maintenance tool component, copy and overwrite the existing files with the updated content to the package directory and increase the value of the <Version> element in the package.xml file.


The meta directory should also contain an installation script that tells the installer that there are replacements for the default installerbase and update resource files. A minimal installscript.qs for this purpose could look like this:


function Component()
    component.ifwVersion = installer.value("FrameworkVersion");
    installer.installationStarted.connect(this, Component.prototype.onInstallationStarted);

Component.prototype.onInstallationStarted = function()
    if (component.updateRequested() || component.installationRequested()) {
        if (installer.value("os") == "win") {
            component.installerbaseBinaryPath = "@TargetDir@/installerbase.exe";
        } else if (installer.value("os") == "x11") {
            component.installerbaseBinaryPath = "@TargetDir@/installerbase";
        } else if (installer.value("os") == "mac") {
            // In macOs maintenance tool can be either installerbase from Qt Installer
            // Framework's install folder, or app bundle created by binarycreator
            // with --create-maintenancetool switch. "MaintenanceTool.app" -name
            // may differ depending on what has been defined in config.xml while
            // creating the maintenance tool.
            // Use either of the following (not both):

            // component.installerbaseBinaryPath = "@TargetDir@/installerbase";
            if (installer.versionMatches(component.ifwVersion, "<4.8.0"))
                component.installerbaseBinaryPath = "@TargetDir@/MaintenanceTool.app";
                component.installerbaseBinaryPath = "@TargetDir@/tmpMaintenanceToolApp/MaintenanceTool.app";

        var updateResourceFilePath = installer.value("TargetDir") + "/update.rcc";
        installer.setValue("DefaultResourceReplacement", updateResourceFilePath);

Component.prototype.createOperationsForArchive = function(archive)
    // IFW versions 4.8.1 onwards supports extracting the maintenance tool to a folder.
    // It is a good practice to extract the maintenance tool to a folder, so it won't
    // interfere the current running maintenance tool. As the last step of the
    // installation, IFW will move the maintenance tool to the root of the installation.
    if (installer.versionMatches(component.ifwVersion, "<4.8.0"))
        component.addOperation("Extract", archive, "@TargetDir@/tmpMaintenanceToolApp");

You must include the installation script in the package.xml by specifying the filename in the <Script> element.


Publishing Maintenance Tool Updates


After preparation the component should be uploaded to an existing or a new online repository to make it available for end users. The instructions on how to create repositories on this page and Creating Repositories apply also for the component containing the maintenance tool update.


Creating Online InstallersCustomizing Installers

© 2021 The Qt Company Ltd. Documentation contributions included herein are the copyrights of their respective owners. The documentation provided herein is licensed under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. The Qt Company, Qt and their respective logos are trademarks of The Qt Company Ltd in Finland and/or other countries worldwide. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.

### 回答1: Qt Installer Framework 是一个用于创建跨平台安装程序的工具。它是由 Qt 公司开发的,可用于构建 Windows、macOS 和 Linux 上的安装程序。Qt Installer Framework 允许开发者创建自定义的安装界面,支持包括自动更新和卸载在内的高级功能,使得应用程序的安装和升级变得更加方便。此外,Qt Installer Framework 还提供了强大的脚本语言和插件系统,以便开发者可以轻松地添加自己的定制功能。 ### 回答2: Qt Installer Framework是一个开源的安装包框架,用于创建跨平台的安装程序。它是由Qt官方社区开发的,用于帮助开发人员轻松地制作各种类型的安装程序。 Qt Installer Framework具有很多强大的特性。首先,它支持主流操作系统,包括Windows、macOS和Linux。这使得开发人员可以使用相同的框架来创建针对不同平台的安装程序,极大地简化了开发和维护的工作。 其次,Qt Installer Framework提供了一个灵活的界面,开发人员可以轻松地定制安装程序的界面。他们可以选择添加自定义的图标、背景图像和品牌标志等来打造与自己应用程序一致的安装体验。 此外,Qt Installer Framework还支持自定义安装组件,开发人员可以将安装的内容分组到不同的组件中,根据用户需求进行选择性安装。这对于大型应用程序来说非常有用,因为用户可以根据自己的需求选择安装哪些组件,从而减少不必要的空间占用。 另一个重要的特性是Qt Installer Framework支持安装程序的自动升级。开发人员可以配置安装程序,使其能够检测并下载更新,并在用户同意的情况下自动升级程序。这可以确保用户始终使用最新版本的应用程序,提供更好的用户体验以及安全性。 综上所述,Qt Installer Framework是一个功能强大且易于使用的安装包框架,可以帮助开发人员轻松创建跨平台的安装程序。它的灵活性和可定制性使得开发人员可以根据自己的需求创建出符合用户期望的安装体验。 ### 回答3: Qt Installer Framework(简称QtIFW)是一个创建安装程序的开源工具集,用于在Windows、Mac和Linux等操作系统上安装Qt应用程序。 Qt Installer Framework提供了一个易于使用的图形界面,允许开发者自定义安装向导和界面。它支持各种高级功能,如自动更新和升级、安装前检查依赖项、注册表设置、缓存管理等。 Qt Installer Framework的核心概念是组件。开发者可以将应用程序划分为多个组件,并在安装时选择安装哪些组件。这样,用户可以自定义安装过程,只选择需要的功能和资源,减少安装空间和时间。 Qt Installer Framework还支持多语言安装,用户可以选择在安装过程中使用哪种语言,提供了灵活的国际化功能。 此外,Qt Installer Framework还支持数字签名验证和认证,确保安装程序的完整性和可信性。 对于开发者来说,Qt Installer Framework提供了灵活的定制选项,可以自定义安装界面和过程,满足特定需求。开发者可以通过简单的脚本语言,定义安装程序的行为。 总的来说,Qt Installer Framework是一个功能强大、易于使用的工具集,为开发者提供了创建跨平台安装程序的便利,提升了用户体验和应用程序的可用性。




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