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原创 julia进行复制文件与删除文件操作


2024-04-03 20:29:02 137 2

原创 [m11_2]Combine three basic equations in geodynamics with self gravitation item.

【代码】[m11_2]Combine three basic equations in geodynamics with self gravitation item.

2023-08-31 22:02:11 318

原创 [m11_1]Combining stokes-equ,continuity-equ and temperature-equ.

【代码】Combining stokes-equ,continuity-equ and temperature-equ.

2023-08-30 11:09:35 220

原创 [m10_4](Ibc) Inplicit form solution of T(no advection) with MIC.After correcting subgrid diffsion.

【代码】[m10_4](Ibc) Inplicit form solution of T(no advection) with MIC.After correcting subgrid diffsion.

2023-08-29 08:20:00 180

原创 [m10_4](Ibc) Inplicit form solution of T(advection) with method of marker-in-cell(recycle marker).

【代码】[m10_4](Ibc) Inplicit form solution of T(advection) with method of marker-in-cell(recycle marker).

2023-08-28 08:07:05 66

原创 [m10_3_2](Ibc) Inplicit form solution of T(advection).

【代码】[m10_3_2](CTbc) Inplicit form solution of T(advection).

2023-08-27 19:27:51 114

原创 [m10_3_1](CTbc) Inplicit form solution of T(advection).

【代码】[m10_3_1](CTbc) Inplicit form solution of T(advection).

2023-08-27 19:03:53 115

原创 [m10_2]Implicit form solution of 2Dtemperature-equation.(variable k,den*Cp)

【代码】[m10_2]Implicit form solution of 2Dtemperature-equation.(variable k,den*Cp)

2023-08-26 23:31:40 118

原创 [m10_1_1]Explicit form solution of T.

【代码】[m10_1_1]Explicit form solution of T.

2023-08-26 21:17:59 155

原创 [m10_1_2]Implicit form solution of T.


2023-08-26 21:14:55 206

原创 Shear and adiabatic heating in the p-nodes.

【代码】Shear and adiabatic heating in the p-nodes.

2023-08-25 22:29:55 157

原创 [m8_8]“drunken sailor“ instability in process of 2D Eulerian advection.

【代码】[m8_8]“drunken sailor“ instability in process of 2D Eulerian advection.

2023-08-25 00:13:40 119

原创 [m8_7]Two-dimensional transport process with method of (1/3)p_vv plus (2/3)basic_v scheme.

【代码】[m8_7]Two-dimensional transport process with method of (1/3)p_vv plus (2/3)basic_v scheme.

2023-08-24 18:51:20 52

原创 [m8_6]Two-dimensional transport process with fourth-order Runge_Kutta scheme.


2023-08-24 18:15:12 86

原创 [m8_5_2]Two-dimensional transport process with method-2.

【代码】[m8_5_2]Two-dimensional transport process with method-2.

2023-08-23 23:03:13 105

原创 Two-dimensional transport process after changing speed interpolation(“Striky air” above the mantle).

【代码】Two-dimensional transport process after changing speed interpolation(“Striky air” above the mantle).

2023-08-16 12:54:58 47

原创 [m8_5_1]Two-dimensional transport process with method-1.

【代码】Two-dimensional transport process.

2023-08-15 15:06:07 138

原创 [m8.4.m]Numerical solution for interpolation from markers to nodes and 2D-Stokes equation.

【代码】Numerical solution for interpolation from markers to nodes and 2D-Stokes equation.

2023-08-14 14:29:55 47

原创 Numerical solution for Eulerian advection with method of MIC after changing some parameters.

【代码】Numerical solution for Eulerian advection with method of MIC after changing some parameters.

2023-08-13 19:57:04 60

原创 Numerical solution for Eulerian advection with method of Marker in cell(MIC).

【代码】Numerical solution for Eulerian advection with method of Marker in cell(MIC).

2023-08-13 11:39:04 111

原创 Numerical solution for Eulerian advection with method of flux-corrected transport algorithm(FCT).

【代码】Numerical solution for Eulerian advection with method of flux-corrected transport algorithm(FCT).

2023-08-10 20:30:07 50

原创 Numerical solution for Eulerian advection with method of upwind,downwind and central difference.


2023-08-09 21:33:30 88

原创 Velocity field in two vertical density layers(left=3200,right=3300)(various viscosity).

【代码】Velocity field in two vertical density layers(left=3200,right=3300)(various viscosity).

2023-08-07 23:47:15 40

原创 Velocity field in two vertical density layers(left=3200,right=3300).

【代码】Velocity field in two vertical density layers(left=3200,right=3300).

2023-08-07 18:24:04 95

原创 Viscosity profile of dry and wet matle(based on strain rate invariant)(compose dis and dif to eff).

%Viscosity profile of dry and wet matle(based on strain rate invariant)%set parameters of dislocationA_dis = 3.5.*10.^22; %unit :( 1/(Pa.^n.*S) )n_dis = 3.5;Ea_dis = 540000;%unit:(J/mol)m_dis = 0;h = 0.001;%unit :(m)strain_rateII = 10.^(-14); %unit

2023-08-03 20:23:57 51

原创 [m6_2]Viscosity profile (based on stress invariant).

【代码】Viscosity profile of dry and wet matle (based on stress invariant).

2023-08-03 18:50:35 123

原创 [m6_1]Viscosity profile (based on strain rate invariant).

【代码】Tempeture and viscosity field of 100(Km) thick mantle lithosphere.

2023-08-03 15:44:10 193

原创 Plot the density distribution ,vorticity,stream function and velocity field of given mode.

【代码】Plot the density distribution ,vorticity,stream function and velocity field of given mode.

2023-08-02 20:05:00 59

原创 Deviatoric strain rate tensor components and invariants.

【代码】Deviatoric strain rate tensor components and invariants.

2023-08-01 17:24:43 233

原创 Solution of Possion2D equation with direct method.

【代码】Solution of Possion2D equation with direct method.

2023-07-31 22:56:04 262

原创 Solution of Possion2D equation with method of Jacobi iteration.

【代码】Solution of Possion2D equation with method ofJacobi iteration.

2023-07-31 19:07:53 138

原创 Solution of Possion2D equation with method of Gauss-Seidel iteration.

【代码】Solution of Possion2D equation with method of Gauss-Seidel iteration.

2023-07-31 17:24:54 109

原创 XXpoints solution of possion1D equation

【代码】XXpoints solution of possion1D equation。

2023-07-26 12:38:20 83

原创 Possion1D_4POINTS


2023-07-26 12:21:54 70

原创 Velocity field and divergence of v and modeling mantle flow etc.

【代码】Velocity field and divergence of v。

2023-07-22 22:43:05 68

原创 Visualizing the sin and cos functions in 2D.

【代码】Visualizing the sin and cos functions in 2D.

2023-07-22 11:07:00 42

原创 Matlab画多个三维界面


2023-07-10 11:21:06 365

原创 绘制等厚度图


2023-07-09 17:39:07 267

原创 Matlab画等构造图


2023-07-09 17:07:53 352

原创 MATLAB画等深度构造图


2023-07-09 16:55:39 636


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