Thermal Mitigation

Thermal mitigation is needed when a device starts to overheat. As algorithm complexity, system core frequencies, and levels of integration continually increase, with packaging and form-factor sizes decreasing, thermal mitigation has become increasingly important.

Android 10 introduced a thermal system in the Android framework and a new version of the HAL that abstracts the interface to the thermal subsystem hardware devices. The hardware interface includes temperature sensors and thermistors for the skin, battery, GPU, CPU, and USB port. The device skin temperature is the most important one to track to keep the device surface temperature within specified thermal limits.

With the Android framework, device manufacturers and app developers can use thermal data to ensure a consistent UX if a device begins to overheat. For example, when a system undergoes thermal stress, jobscheduler jobs get throttled, and if necessary, a framework thermal shutdown is initiated. Apps that receive thermal-stress notifications through a registered callback (in the PowerManager class) can gracefully adjust their UX.

Thermal HAL

Android 9 and lower utilized a polling interface defined in Thermal HAL 1.0 to obtain temperature readings. The legacy Thermal HAL allowed the Android framework and other trusted clients (such as a device manufacturer's HAL) to read the current temperature and product-policy specific throttling and shutdown thresholds for each sensor through the same API.

Thermal HAL 2.0, introduced in Android 10, provides multiple clients with thermal sensor readings and associated severity levels to indicate thermal stress. Figure 1 shows two warning messages from the Android System UI, created based on IThermalEventListener for the USB_PORT and SKIN sensors, respectively, when they reach the EMERGENCY severity level.

Figure 1. Overheat warnings

The current temperatures are retrieved for the different  types of thermal sensors through  IThermal HAL. Each function call returns a status value of either SUCCESS or FAILURE. If SUCCESS is returned, the process continues. If FAILURE is returned, an error message (which must be human-readable) goes to status.debugMessage.

Besides being a polling interface that returns the current temperatures, the HIDL callback  IThermalChangedCallback can be used with the callback interface from thermal HAL clients, such as the framework’s thermal service. For example, RegisterIThermalChangedCallback and UnregisterIThermalChangedCallback register/unregister severity-changed events. If the thermal severity of a given sensor has changed, notifyThrottling sends a thermal throttling event callback to thermal-event listeners.

In addition to thermal sensor information, a list of the cooling devices that have undergone mitigation is exposed in getCurrentCoolingDevices. The list order is persistent, even if a cooling device has gone offline. Device manufacturers can use it to collect statsd metrics.

For more information, see the  Reference implementation. While you may add your own extensions, you must never disable the thermal mitigation function.

Thermal service

In Android 10, the thermal service in the framework provides constant monitoring using the various mitigation signals from Thermal HAL 2.0, and gives throttling severity feedback to its clients. These include internal components and Android apps. The service utilizes two binder callback interfaces, IThermalEventListener and IThermalStatusListener, exposed as callbacks. The former is for internal platform and device manufacturer use, and the latter is for Android apps.

Through the callback interfaces, a device’s current thermal status is retrievable as an integer value ranging from 0x00000000 (no throttling) to 0x00000006 (device shutdown). Only a trusted system service, such as an Android API or device manufacturer API, can access the detailed thermal sensor and thermal event information. Figure 2 provides a model of the thermal mitigation process flow in Android 10.

Figure 2. Thermal mitigation process flow in Android 10

Device manufacturer guidelines

Device manufacturers must implement the HIDL aspect of Thermal HAL 2.0 (as provided in IThermal.hal) to report device temperature sensor and throttling status. If you’re a developer, use this to enhance app UX under thermal stress.

Anything that throttles device performance, including battery power constraints, must be reported through the thermal HAL. To ensure this happens, put all sensors that may indicate a need for mitigation (based on status changes) into the thermal HAL, and report the severity of any mitigation actions taken. The temperature value returned from a sensor reading doesn’t have to be the actual temperature, so long as it accurately reflects the corresponding severity threshold. For example, you may pass different numerical values instead of your actual temperature threshold values, or you may build guardbanding into threshold specifications to provide hysteresis. However, the severity corresponding to that value must match what’s needed at that threshold. (For example, you may decide to return 72°C as your critical temperature threshold, when in reality the actual temperature is 65°C, and it corresponds to the critical severity you specified.) The severity level must always be accurate for best thermal framework functionality.

To read more about the threshold levels in the framework and how they correspond to mitigation actions, see the usage suggestions for each thermal status code.

Thermal API

Apps can add and remove listeners, and access thermal status information through the  PowerManager class. The IThermal interface provides all the functionality needed, including returning the thermal status values. The  IThermal binder interface is wrapped as the OnThermalStatusChangedListener interface, which apps can use when registering or removing thermal status listeners.

The Android thermal APIs have both callback and polling methods for apps to be notified of the thermal severity levels through status codes, which are defined in the PowerManager class. The methods are

The status codes translate to specific throttling levels, which can be used for gathering data, and for designing an optimal UX. For example, apps may receive a status of 0x0 (NONE), which may later change to 0x1 (LIGHT). Marking the 0x0 state as t0, then measuring the time lapsed from status NONE to status LIGHT (t1) enables device manufacturers to design and test mitigation strategies for specific use cases. You may want to use the thermal status codes in the ways suggested below.

Thermal status code Description and suggested use
NONE (0x0)No throttling.
Use this status to implement protective actions, such as detecting the start of the time period (t0 to t1) from NONE (0x0) to LIGHT (0x1).
LIGHT (0x1)Light throttling. UX isn't impacted.
Use gentle device mitigation for this stage. For example, skip boosting or using inefficient frequencies, but only on big cores.
MODERATE (0x2)Moderate throttling. UX isn't greatly impacted.
Thermal mitigation impacts foreground activities, so apps should reduce power immediately.
SEVERE (0x3)Severe throttling. UX is largely impacted.
In this stage, device thermal mitigation should limit the system capacity. This may cause side effects, such as display jank and audio jitter.
CRITICAL (0x4)Platform has done everything to reduce power.
The device thermal mitigation software has placed all components to run at their lowest capacity.
EMERGENCY (0x5)Key components in the platform are shutting down due to thermal conditions.
Device functionalities are limited. This is the last warning before device shutdown. At this stage some functions, such as the modem, cellular data are turned off completely.
SHUTDOWN (0x6)Shutdown immediately.
Due to the severity of this stage, apps may not be able to receive this notification.

API Testing

Device manufacturers must pass the VTS test for thermal HAL, and may use emul_temp from the kernel sysfs interface to simulate temperature changes.

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STAP (Space-Time Adaptive Processing) is a signal processing technique used in radar systems to distinguish between clutter and targets. It involves the use of multiple radar measurements taken at different times and locations to create a clutter map, which is then used to remove the clutter from subsequent measurements. In the context of radar systems, clutter refers to unwanted signals that can be caused by various factors such as ground reflections, atmospheric conditions, and electronic interference. Clutter can make it difficult for radar systems to detect and track targets accurately. Jamming, on the other hand, refers to intentional interference with radar signals. Jamming can be caused by various sources such as electronic warfare systems and other radar systems operating in the same frequency band. Jamming can also make it difficult for radar systems to detect and track targets accurately. STAP is used to mitigate clutter and jamming by using adaptive filtering techniques. The clutter map is created by analyzing the radar measurements using statistical methods, and the clutter is then removed from subsequent measurements using adaptive filters. The adaptive filters adjust their coefficients based on the incoming radar signals, allowing them to adapt to changing clutter and jamming environments. MATLAB is a popular software tool used for signal processing and radar system design, and it has built-in functions for implementing STAP algorithms. These functions can be used to simulate and analyze the performance of STAP algorithms under different conditions, and to optimize their performance for specific radar systems and environments.




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