study E2

20100421 Xiaojing Cao/C...hi Nancy 9:59:30 PMNancy Garg/Co...Hi 10:00:42 PMXiaojing Cao/C...this is jane for salesedge GEWare migration, I run the salesedge on QA server , fine some error log 10:00:44 PM◄2010-04-21 05:20:55,743 INFO [com.gewt.KA.idm.ProfileHelper] After connecting to COREid ... 2010-04-21 05:20:55,744 INFO [com.gewt.KA.idm.ProfileHelper] Before searching user DN ... 2010-04-21 05:22:07,179 DEBUG [org.jboss.resource.connectionmanager.IdleRemover] run: IdleRemover notifying pools, interval: 450000 2010-04-21 05:22:25,772 ERROR [com.gewt.KA.idm.ProfileHelper] Exception Ocurred while communicating with COREid... AxisFault faultCode: {}Server.userException faultSubcode: faultString: connect timed out faultActor: faultNode: faultDetail: {} connect timed out at Method) at at at at at 10:01:09 PM◄can you check what's the problems? 10:02:03 PMNancy Garg/Co...Let me see 10:02:07 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok, thanks 10:02:55 PMNancy Garg/Co...for whose sso u tried 10:03:01 PM◄can u ping me the sso? 10:03:09 PMXiaojing Cao/C...501846168 10:09:23 PMNancy Garg/Co...Hi Xiaojing, Actually QA server is down. I am talking with NT team for this. 10:10:54 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok, fine, when will it be started? 10:12:47 PMNancy Garg/Co...Actually there's an outage in Trevose.N/w team is working with GIS. No idea when it will get resolved. 10:14:44 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok, thanks 20100422 Xiaojing Cao/C...hi Nanct 3:57:50 PM◄sorry , Nancy 4:04:20 PMNancy Garg/Co...Hi Xiaojing 4:05:47 PMXiaojing Cao/C...can you check when the server will up, also have yesterday's issues , user is waiting for testing now 4:05:56 PMNancy Garg/Co...ok 4:05:59 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok, thanks 4:07:16 PMNancy Garg/Co...Nobody from N.T team is here. Once they are here will check with them and let you knw. 4:07:40 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok, thanks 7:15:26 PMNancy Garg/Co...I have talked with N.T team. There were some problem from onsite. The server has not boot up. They are working on the same and will let us know. 7:16:39 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok 7:19:06 PM◄i will send a mail for that issue, and could you replay with the information 7:19:22 PMNancy Garg/Co...ok 10:43:16 PMXiaojing Cao/C...hi Nancy , can you check if the server has up? also got the same error 10:44:25 PMNancy Garg/Co...ya its not up 10:44:29 PM◄checking on the same 10:44:53 PM◄Actually its up from there side but still its not restarted 10:45:59 PMXiaojing Cao/ it is haven't up yet? 10:54:34 PMNancy Garg/Co...There some prob, I have asked server team to restart the server. 10:54:44 PM◄Will ping u the status in some time 10:55:08 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok 11:16:50 PMNancy Garg/Co...Plz dont run anything there 11:17:04 PM◄I am restarting the server from here 11:17:11 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok 20100423 Xiaojing Cao/C...hi Nancy 9:39:38 PMNancy Garg/Co...Hi 9:40:17 PMXiaojing Cao/, Mohan using his sso to tesing in QA, can save his profile successfully 9:40:43 PM◄i checked the log 2010-04-23 05:13:37,494 INFO [com.gewt.KA.idm.ProfileHelper] Existing Profile for SSO : 312003939 2010-04-23 05:13:37,495 INFO [com.gewt.KA.idm.ProfileHelper] Required Profile for SSO : 312003939 2010-04-23 05:13:37,778 INFO [com.gewt.KA.idm.ProfileHelper] Going to retrieve User DN for SSO 312003939 2010-04-23 05:13:37,778 INFO [com.gewt.KA.idm.ProfileHelper] Before connecting to COREid ... 2010-04-23 05:13:37,802 INFO [] Connecting to ... 2010-04-23 05:13:37,803 INFO [com.gewt.KA.idm.ProfileHelper] After connecting to COREid ... 2010-04-23 05:13:37,803 INFO [com.gewt.KA.idm.ProfileHelper] Before searching user DN ... 2010-04-23 05:13:37,960 INFO [com.gewt.KA.idm.ProfileHelper] After searching user DN ... 2010-04-23 05:13:37,961 INFO [com.gewt.KA.idm.ProfileHelper] Business Unit for SSO 312003939 : null 2010-04-23 05:13:37,961 INFO [com.gewt.KA.idm.ProfileHelper] Organization Unit for SSO 312003939 : null 2010-04-23 05:13:37,961 INFO [com.gewt.KA.idm.ProfileHelper] User DN in UpdateProfile : uid=312003939,ou=null,ou=null,ou=People,dc=gewpt,dc=gei,dc=ge,dc=com 2010-04-23 05:13:38,498 ERROR [com.gewt.KA.idm.ProfileHelper] Failed Invalid parameter value: uid. for SSO ID:312003939 2010-04-23 05:13:38,498 INFO [SalesEdgeAppender.class com.gewt.salesedge.action.ChangeProfileAction] ChangeProfile result --->Error:Invalid parameter value: uid. 9:43:01 PMNancy Garg/Co...Can Jirong and other users able to save it? 9:43:04 PM◄ 9:43:04 PM◄ 9:44:23 PMXiaojing Cao/C...yes, jirong can saved it 9:45:45 PMNancy Garg/Co...I guess the problem lies in Language Attribute. WHen it is not set to any value we get get this error, not sure though.I will reset it from here and u can check with Mohan is he able to save now? 9:46:50 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok, he is not in office now, will check with him tomorrow 9:47:18 PMNancy Garg/Co...Are you doing any thing on QA? Can i check a workflow over here.U will not be able to access it for some time 9:48:14 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok, you can check now 9:48:18 PMNancy Garg/Co...ok 9:52:15 PM◄hey i will set language parameter to some value. Please test it again, then will see waht to do. 9:53:18 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok, I will send a mail to Mohan for testing tomorrow 9:53:37 PMNancy Garg/Co...ypp. 9:55:11 PMXiaojing Cao/C...Mohan said When I login to Salesedge, I keep on getting the change profile screen, even after I have updated my profile, I keep on getting the change profile screen. Looks like the preferences are not being saved in eSAM. Could you check this 9:55:37 PM◄if you said some language parameter if he will get the screen 9:55:38 PM◄? 9:55:40 PMNancy Garg/Co...It is on QA or Prod? 9:55:46 PMXiaojing Cao/C...QA 9:56:25 PM◄because at the begining if haven't profile will getting the change profile screen 9:56:44 PM◄if you set it , will it pup up the screen 9:56:44 PM◄? 9:56:54 PM◄is it a issue? 9:57:11 PMNancy Garg/Co...see this is purely salesedge part, i dont knw how your application works. 9:57:40 PM◄I just knw that u take the profiles from esam, update it an save it. 9:57:49 PMXiaojing Cao/C...yes 9:57:51 PMNancy Garg/Co...How they are being shown there , i dont have any idea 9:58:20 PMXiaojing Cao/C...for this i will check with jirong 9:58:43 PMNancy Garg/Co...ya plz once check with jirong, if still some issue from esam side, plz let me know. 9:58:56 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok 11:55:39 PM◄hi Nancy , have you set language parameter for Mohan 11:55:47 PMNancy Garg/Co...yes 11:56:11 PM◄I am not sure still it will work or not. But plz try it once 11:56:30 PMXiaojing Cao/C...tried in my local can't work 12:02:30 AMNancy Garg/Co...did u try pointing to QA 12:02:56 AMXiaojing Cao/C...yes 12:03:06 AMNancy Garg/Co...u trying with Mohan sso? 12:04:13 AMXiaojing Cao/C...yes 12:04:25 AM◄I will show you detailed log 12:05:00 AMNancy Garg/Co...ok 20100426 Xiaojing Cao/C...hi Nancy 3:30:20 PMNancy Garg/Co...Hi jane 3:30:44 PM◄I looked into the logs 3:30:59 PMXiaojing Cao/C...yes, Mohan asking about that 3:31:09 PMNancy Garg/Co...Can you tell me one thing, at that time did any one else try to update its profile? 3:31:29 PM◄Actually coreid repository was down, I jyst restarted the services. 3:31:46 PM◄that could be one reason that he was not able to update his profile 3:32:01 PM◄If he could try it once more. 3:36:15 PMXiaojing Cao/C...Mohan just tried can't save 3:38:30 PMNancy Garg/Co...Can you ask him once more 3:39:28 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok, 1 mins 3:45:16 PMNancy Garg/Co...Did he checked? 3:45:32 PMXiaojing Cao/ he just tried now, can't save 3:48:08 PMNancy Garg/Co...Its working for other users , right? 3:48:37 PMXiaojing Cao/C...using jirong's sso can work 3:48:46 PM◄can you put some profile for my sso? 3:48:54 PM◄so I can test with mine 3:48:58 PMNancy Garg/Co...ya 3:49:03 PMXiaojing Cao/C...501846168 3:49:03 PMNancy Garg/Co...I was also thinking the samwe 4:56:06 PM◄will u plz try with ur sso 5:00:28 PM◄It will still not work, I guess. Give me some time.Will get back to you. 5:02:59 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok 5:04:30 PM◄yes, can't work 8:01:59 PMNancy Garg/Co...Hi 8:02:04 PMXiaojing Cao/C...hi 8:02:08 PMNancy Garg/Co...I have created your profile inn dev. 8:02:22 PM◄For time being plz test there if u can save it? 8:03:07 PM◄Actually in Qa, there is some problem, I am figuring it out. It might take some time. 8:04:02 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok, I haven't esam.jar for DEV , can you sent to me? 8:04:19 PM◄or will I test directly on QA? 8:04:29 PMNancy Garg/Co...No On QA its not working 8:04:53 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok, after you done you can let me know, then I will test on QA 8:06:18 PMNancy Garg/Co...I have sent u jar pointing to dev. 8:06:23 PMXiaojing Cao/C...OK 8:06:25 PMNancy Garg/Co...Please tets in dev, if u can save it. 8:06:28 PMXiaojing Cao/C...OK 8:47:16 PMNancy Garg/Co...Hi , did u try in dev? 8:47:30 PMXiaojing Cao/C...yes 1 mins 8:50:04 PM◄can't save 8:50:07 PM◄2010-04-26 20:47:44,325 INFO [com.gewt.KA.idm.ProfileHelper] VM Name ... Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM 2010-04-26 20:47:44,325 INFO [com.gewt.KA.idm.ProfileHelper] Going to retrieve profile for ssoID: 501846168 2010-04-26 20:47:44,325 INFO [com.gewt.KA.idm.ProfileHelper] Class.forName(ServiceUtils.ORG_APACHE_AXIS_SOAP_MESSAGEFACTORYIMPL is used... 2010-04-26 20:47:44,341 INFO [] Connecting to ... 2010-04-26 20:47:44,341 INFO [com.gewt.KA.idm.ProfileHelper] Going to retrieve User DN for SSO 501846168 2010-04-26 20:47:44,341 INFO [com.gewt.KA.idm.ProfileHelper] Before connecting to COREid ... 2010-04-26 20:47:44,341 INFO [] Connecting to ... 2010-04-26 20:47:44,341 INFO [com.gewt.KA.idm.ProfileHelper] After connecting to COREid ... 2010-04-26 20:47:44,341 INFO [com.gewt.KA.idm.ProfileHelper] Before searching user DN ... 2010-04-26 20:47:45,106 INFO [com.gewt.KA.idm.ProfileHelper] After searching user DN ... 2010-04-26 20:47:45,122 INFO [com.gewt.KA.idm.ProfileHelper] Business Unit for SSO 501846168 : null 2010-04-26 20:47:45,122 INFO [com.gewt.KA.idm.ProfileHelper] Organization Unit for SSO 501846168 : null 2010-04-26 20:47:45,122 INFO [com.gewt.KA.idm.ProfileHelper] userDN uid=501846168,ou=null,ou=null,ou=People,dc=gewpt,dc=gei,dc=ge,dc=com 2010-04-26 20:47:45,122 INFO [com.gewt.KA.idm.ProfileHelper] Class.forName(ServiceUtils.ORG_APACHE_AXIS_SOAP_MESSAGEFACTORYIMPL is used 2010-04-26 20:47:45,903 INFO [com.gewt.KA.idm.ProfileHelper] Going to retrieve User DN for SSO 501846168 2010-04-26 20:47:45,903 INFO [com.gewt.KA.idm.ProfileHelper] Before connecting to COREid ... 2010-04-26 20:47:45,919 INFO [] Connecting to ... 2010-04-26 20:47:45,919 INFO [com.gewt.KA.idm.ProfileHelper] After connecting to COREid ... 2010-04-26 20:47:45,919 INFO [com.gewt.KA.idm.ProfileHelper] Before searching user DN ... 2010-04-26 20:47:46,700 INFO [com.gewt.KA.idm.ProfileHelper] After searching user DN ... 2010-04-26 20:47:46,700 INFO [com.gewt.KA.idm.ProfileHelper] Business Unit for SSO 501846168 : null 2010-04-26 20:47:46,700 INFO [com.gewt.KA.idm.ProfileHelper] Organization Unit for SSO 501846168 : null 2010-04-26 20:47:46,700 INFO [com.gewt.KA.idm.ProfileHelper] Profile found for ssoID 501846168 : false 2010-04-26 20:47:46,700 INFO [com.gewt.KA.idm.ProfileHelper] Profile for SSO : 501846168 SSO ID:501846168 LanguageName: Poles: [] Chemical Lines: [] EquipmentLines: [] ServicesSupport: [] IndustryName: [] ResultsPerPage: DN: uid=501846168,ou=null,ou=null,ou=People,dc=gewpt,dc=gei,dc=ge,dc=com Message: Error:NoProfileFound 2010-04-26 20:47:46,700 INFO [com.gewt.KA.idm.ProfileHelper] Existing Profile for SSO : 501846168 2010-04-26 20:47:46,700 INFO [com.gewt.KA.idm.ProfileHelper] Required Profile for SSO : 501846168 2010-04-26 20:47:46,778 INFO [com.gewt.KA.idm.ProfileHelper] Before entring the function WorkflowDn 2010-04-26 20:47:46,778 INFO [com.gewt.KA.idm.ProfileHelper] After the function WorkflowDn 2010-04-26 20:47:46,778 INFO [com.gewt.KA.idm.ProfileHelper] Going to retrieve User DN for SSO 501846168 2010-04-26 20:47:46,778 INFO [com.gewt.KA.idm.ProfileHelper] Before connecting to COREid ... 2010-04-26 20:47:46,778 INFO [] Connecting to ... 2010-04-26 20:47:46,778 INFO [com.gewt.KA.idm.ProfileHelper] After connecting to COREid ... 2010-04-26 20:47:46,778 INFO [com.gewt.KA.idm.ProfileHelper] Before searching user DN ... 2010-04-26 20:47:47,559 INFO [com.gewt.KA.idm.ProfileHelper] After searching user DN ... 2010-04-26 20:47:47,559 INFO [com.gewt.KA.idm.ProfileHelper] Business Unit for SSO 501846168 : null 2010-04-26 20:47:47,559 INFO [com.gewt.KA.idm.ProfileHelper] Organization Unit for SSO 501846168 : null 2010-04-26 20:47:47,559 INFO [com.gewt.KA.idm.ProfileHelper] User DN in UpdateProfile : uid=501846168,ou=null,ou=null,ou=People,dc=gewpt,dc=gei,dc=ge,dc=com 2010-04-26 20:47:48,653 ERROR [com.gewt.KA.idm.ProfileHelper] Failed Invalid parameter value: uid. for SSO ID:501846168 2010-04-26 20:47:48,653 INFO [SalesEdgeAppender.class com.gewt.salesedge.action.ChangeProfileAction] ChangeProfile result --->Error:Invalid parameter value: uid. 2010-04-26 20:47:48,653 INFO [SalesEdgeAppender.class com.gewt.salesedge.action.ChangeProfileAction] ChangeProfileAction end! 8:50:21 PMNancy Garg/Co...this is in dev? 8:50:45 PMXiaojing Cao/C...yes, I just copied the jar file you sent to me 8:50:54 PMNancy Garg/Co...okies 8:51:42 PMXiaojing Cao/C... 8:51:56 PMNancy Garg/Co...try now 8:51:59 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok 8:53:14 PM◄can't save 8:54:52 PMNancy Garg/Co...can you try it once more. 8:59:58 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok 9:00:02 PMNancy Garg/Co...If u have not started, I am goint to change one more thing 9:00:04 PM◄thn try 9:00:07 PM◄wait for now 9:00:16 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok 9:00:39 PMNancy Garg/Co...yes, u can proceed now 9:03:04 PMXiaojing Cao/ , I can't save 9:04:56 PMNancy Garg/Co...ok 9:14:43 PM◄can u plz try it again 9:14:47 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok 9:16:44 PM◄no can't save 9:17:55 PMNancy Garg/Co...try 1 last time 9:18:19 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok 9:20:00 PM◄also failed to save 9:21:47 PMNancy Garg/Co...could u try with jirong sso, if u are able to save it? 9:22:00 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok, 1 mins 9:31:37 PM◄no , jirong's also can't save 9:32:18 PMNancy Garg/Co...can u get the jar which is already in dev, 9:32:22 PM◄And use that one 9:32:42 PMXiaojing Cao/C...yes, i used the jar you just sent to me 9:33:05 PMNancy Garg/Co...No, the one which is already in dev, not the one i sent u. 9:33:28 PMXiaojing Cao/C...1 mins 9:37:21 PM◄I haven't the jar file for DEV because when testing QA , I copied it from my local 9:37:48 PMNancy Garg/Co...okies 9:38:02 PM◄u are testing it form ur local? 9:38:07 PMXiaojing Cao/C...yes 9:38:11 PMNancy Garg/Co...Can u test directly in dev?? 9:40:16 PMXiaojing Cao/ is the same i think , 9:40:38 PM◄ok, i will deploy the code to dev with dev ka_esam.jar 9:40:54 PM◄but it needs some time to deploy 9:41:03 PMNancy Garg/Co...No 9:41:05 PM◄Leave it 9:41:06 PM◄wait 9:41:08 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok 11:05:44 PM◄hi Nancy, how about the save profile issue? 11:06:46 PMNancy Garg/Co...I am working on it..No updates as of now 11:06:53 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok.. 11:14:18 PM◄will use the file you just sent to me to test? 11:14:34 PMNancy Garg/Co...yes on dev. 11:14:37 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok 11:35:48 PM◄Nancy , can't save using the new esam.jar 20100427 Nancy Garg/Co...Hi jane 5:07:18 PMXiaojing Cao/C...hi Nancy 5:07:41 PMNancy Garg/Co...Hey tell me one thing , in present dev, is it working. 5:08:00 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok, i am testing 5:08:00 PMNancy Garg/Co...I mean u are doing soem changes rgt? 5:08:17 PM◄But in current dev, without making any changes, test in dev, 5:09:03 PMXiaojing Cao/C...I didn't making any changes for profile saving 5:09:18 PMNancy Garg/Co...but still, all is related, one affects the other. 5:09:49 PMXiaojing Cao/C...for the profile section haven't change anything 5:09:56 PMNancy Garg/Co...Because it was working fine when we test in dev,Qa and Prod last time. 5:10:46 PMXiaojing Cao/C...yes, can use jirong's profile save successfully but Mohan and me can't work, 5:11:05 PM◄and the error log from esam 5:12:30 PMNancy Garg/Co...thats ok.. 5:43:55 PM◄I am planning to update the ESam Dev profiles 5:44:10 PM◄Can you tell me some of the users of Salesedge 5:44:59 PMXiaojing Cao/ for as I know for dev just me and jirong are testing, 5:45:09 PMNancy Garg/Co...thats ok 5:45:13 PM◄I need the core usres 5:45:18 PMXiaojing Cao/C...other person I don't know 5:45:20 PM◄ok 5:45:37 PMNancy Garg/Co...the one who have job function sales or services 5:45:50 PM◄do u have any idea if Mohan falls in this category? 5:47:22 PMXiaojing Cao/C...can you add him , may be he will test 5:47:49 PM◄the user who tested on QA can save the profile 5:48:20 PMNancy Garg/Co...but Mohan cant, rgt? 5:48:25 PMXiaojing Cao/C...that issue comes form Mohan 5:48:27 PM◄yes 5:48:58 PMNancy Garg/Co...I guess there some prob with the profile only 5:49:24 PM◄I planning to update profiles through IDM and check if that works 5:49:34 PM◄Can u give sso of some real users? 5:50:44 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok, 501846168 501435221 312003939 6:42:12 PMNancy Garg/Co...has jirong come today? 6:42:28 PMXiaojing Cao/, he will not come today 6:43:01 PMNancy Garg/Co...okies




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