study E3

20100422 Xiaojing Cao/C...hi Sachin 3:54:45 PMSachin Shrivas...Hi man 3:54:56 PMXiaojing Cao/C...could you please tell me what’s the’ Invoice Number’ and’ Bill To Number’ for the role ‘Hercules user’,’ CMS distributor’, ‘ES Distributor’ 3:55:35 PM◄I want to create some dummy users from customer portal so that can access to salesedge application 3:55:44 PMSachin Shrivas...Ok, just a sec 3:55:47 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok, thanks 4:08:59 PM◄hi Sachin, can you tell me the Number? user is waiting for the testing result 4:10:29 PMSachin Shrivas...just doing that 4:10:42 PM◄1 more min 4:10:43 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok, thanks so much 4:14:44 PMSachin Shrivas... 4:14:49 PM◄here we go 4:14:58 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok, thanks 4:24:48 PM◄Sachin, can't create the user with the invoice 4:24:52 PM◄ 4:25:15 PMSachin Shrivas...this is in QA?? 4:25:17 PM◄or prod? 4:25:37 PMXiaojing Cao/ QA 4:25:43 PM◄ 4:25:53 PMSachin Shrivas...ok, let me check 4:26:00 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok, thanks 4:30:42 PMSachin Shrivas...u can register hercules user 4:30:52 PM◄three users 4:31:02 PM◄i will change from backend 4:31:14 PMXiaojing Cao/C...the three users can't create 4:32:42 PM◄you mean only use 112233 ? 4:34:19 PMSachin Shrivas...yes u register three hercules users that ie with the invoice 00112233 4:34:32 PM◄then i will change from back end 4:35:18 PMXiaojing Cao/C...bill to will be null 4:35:20 PM◄? 4:35:27 PMSachin Shrivas...~ 4:35:35 PM◄not null bu ~ 4:35:39 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok 4:40:56 PM◄haven't the role hercules in roles list 4:42:01 PM◄ 4:43:02 PMSachin Shrivas...chose role as purchasing 4:43:11 PM◄u wil not see hercules 4:43:15 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok 4:49:54 PM◄can't create. 4:50:14 PM◄ 5:26:00 PMSachin Shrivas...u r in china 5:26:01 PM◄? 5:26:40 PMXiaojing Cao/C...yes 5:26:53 PMSachin you know huxixu 5:27:47 PMXiaojing Cao/C...yes, but he said didn't know the number 5:28:09 PMSachin Shrivas...$SM$kDTrEjyLfRzJ31i7gzmtf5SZcEWMmnYNkxI%2fk2E2wV1Iho%2fpoBCQIyiiouv%2bIpgQPocdyG0%2fKR2VHfOSGZU6GroQgSCy%2b6vQ0vO9YjnVKH38bCpDytIOROSgY3UH0C40LtXTiY09ZK745NyoJuB0%2fQQL1gFDMdl2zCHcKfgiOt4gSrtlLsW5zwUKTCbEtzQCfc3xrWrcfAeUHx9OUZJBJ1HJurVuMvaefqECRZmPlg6l2Le8pQ2JuVRjGevSdjXvkENHy9SPcpYzLp5Q4E6BG7DoHwwzL6UMYl25uxeS%2b1UOQW0uP8OlWfOtFTawzsnRgeqTOB9f76E%2bq%2bkq6GzPb8yii6FmGRVx48%2bfSmeHfzKJmkBKbGI%2bOKZAnNScCI6WYd%2bQztgbAVkDWZMpXwYXLj5ltnRm7MKT0GHEwScFTrL4U50q0t98IiuEWdHVqc2Cx2%2f5Nqe57x7v7dfH8gLtEpd7iJNMMRIDHRnx6nBfBZdSaNB34QMfBcq7By0nI%2fDr%2fIx4asrLQyFYcRlPir%2bBsMjLC5L2pLBhB%2bDjVJGc7SRjE4bTo3TcdO2lrP3ch%2f1dPOnQJ7u1kHHWpMZOBOOjkyk4fZAl8MkVTi%2bnkgVQtVZIqYt9CaArGA5CfdK1Eb5m8IBkT%2bueRx%2ftb2bsLVXN89sRFw%2fcEueXVNAIxixoNVydWFLtUsy%2b9OKe39X0jAUVNRdXqyGcMDMlcSHDfGPdQAd9ty6GreX21sQ05slyXL8DQiSEK3SD84NRspyCoXEdCH5AYKkzhUFtJRJcUAa%2bM7ts74JkFChLyzeYnXeeygwB2GyQFoCYJhEwsvJMTC4G9tis7Zw9%2fxHOy%2bLQbwlviH61yQJ8TVdc%2bUr6rqK6wYgKh%2fGFUGI2CC4HjtLhZfTJDFqCf0qGBqCGCV%2f6Se9aUIbwlswSkRo9r4x%2fiYedZ5IwYSiFa%2fOH7vdotljUMh0nV1I6en5xRLxMyVkbvQLcKvSASPqPSNDzxmPSzwU7adYT4i0DF8nX%2b9TRT3LhFSDU%2fcydTPJAEabzvUj1eb2MbIBLi4FjPik%2bgoA%2bAMgvpok%3d 5:28:15 PM◄use this link and try 5:28:20 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok 5:28:48 PMSachin Shrivas...i can see it is done 5:29:13 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok, so that user has done? 5:29:24 PM◄just need one user to create , it is ok 5:29:43 PM◄just make sure have the privileges to access to salesedge 5:31:39 PM◄i can use the new user to login to customer portal ? 5:49:36 PM◄hi Sachin, 5:49:44 PM◄the user can't login in 7:10:58 PMSachin Shrivas... 7:13:04 PM◄Hi 7:13:10 PMXiaojing Cao/C...hi 7:13:11 PMSachin Shrivas...So, you want to access sales egde? 7:13:14 PM◄edge? 7:13:14 PMXiaojing Cao/C...yes 7:13:26 PMSachin Shrivas...then why u wanted three uses 7:13:28 PM◄users? 7:13:37 PM◄1 would have been enough 7:13:39 PM◄? 7:13:45 PMXiaojing Cao/C...just one, just can access to salesedge 7:14:05 PM◄you have the user for testing 7:14:09 PM◄? 7:14:16 PMSachin Shrivas...did you created any user? 7:14:29 PMXiaojing Cao/C...create one, but faild 7:14:31 PM◄can't log 7:14:43 PMSachin Shrivas...tell me the user id 7:14:53 PMXiaojing Cao/C...test_se1 7:15:15 PMSachin Shrivas...pswd? 7:15:25 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ge123456ge 7:19:54 PMSachin Shrivas...i will give u the test user 7:20:19 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok, thanks and also can you change the link to GEWare link? 7:20:26 PM◄on QA 7:20:45 PMSachin Shrivas...The application is not migrated to GE WARE 7:21:00 PM◄use this user 7:21:03 PM◄username: test_dev_909 7:21:10 PM◄paswd: test1test 7:21:31 PM◄ 7:21:36 PM◄and login here 7:21:43 PMXiaojing Cao/C...OK 7:43:19 PM◄hi Sachin 7:43:25 PMSachin Shrivas...yes 7:44:03 PMXiaojing Cao/C...the salesedge has moved to GEWare, can you change the link to salesedge geware? 7:44:35 PM◄because customer need to test it via customer portal 8:09:52 PM◄Sacin, can you do that, or just waiting for the customer portal application migrated to GE WARE? 8:10:27 PMSachin Shrivas...I will do that, give me some time, 8:10:30 PMXiaojing Cao/C...OK 8:10:33 PM◄thanks 10:04:18 PM◄hi Sachin, when this change will be done?need some process? so i will update to user 10:06:28 PMSachin Shrivas...Can you check if huixu 10:06:29 PM◄? 10:06:40 PM◄else, please raise a case in clarify 10:11:49 PMXiaojing Cao/C...he said tomorrow will change are all very busy 10:12:24 PMSachin Shrivas...yes man, i can do it tomorrow, or after 1 hour 10:12:28 PM◄are you ok? 10:12:31 PM◄i cant promise 10:13:37 PM◄hi 10:13:39 PM◄tell me one thing 10:13:41 PM◄custLogin.jsp 10:13:43 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok, hope you can do it ASAP...if have time 10:13:54 PMSachin Shrivas...this file is in sales edge right? 10:14:02 PM◄Sachin Shrivastava/Energy/GeneralElectric: custLogin.jsp 10:14:04 PMXiaojing Cao/C...yes 10:14:06 PMSachin Shrivas... 10:14:11 PM◄what is the location? 10:14:33 PM◄ok can you give me the URL, of sales edge? 10:14:39 PM◄in geware 10:14:40 PM◄? 10:15:44 PMXiaojing Cao/C...the path for geware is 10:16:04 PM◄add ge before water 10:16:11 PMSachin Shrivas...ok 10:16:15 PMXiaojing Cao/C...other is the same 10:17:36 PMSachin Shrivas...ok 10:18:14 PM◄I will migrate it in next 1 hr 10:18:23 PM◄i am doing some other changes as well 10:18:29 PM◄that i have to move to qa 10:18:40 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok, thanks so much 20100426 Sachin Shrivas...hi Xiaojing 9:14:00 PMXiaojing Cao/C...hi 9:14:16 PMSachin Shrivas...Are you able to check the salesegde from customer portal 9:14:23 PM◄I have deployed the changed link to QA 9:14:36 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok, I will use the testing user to test 9:18:13 PM◄Sachin , i also got this 9:18:52 PMSachin Shrivas...k checking 9:20:17 PM◄ok, let me correct that 9:20:21 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok 9:36:40 PM◄I haven't the jar file for DEV because when testing QA , I copied it from my local 9:37:12 PM◄sorry, wrong person 11:33:45 PMSachin Shrivas...hi 11:33:55 PMXiaojing Cao/C...hi 11:34:06 PMSachin Shrivas...Please test no 11:34:10 PM◄noW* 11:34:11 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok 11:34:24 PMSachin Shrivas...username: test_dev_909 paswd: test1test 11:34:37 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok 11:47:09 PM◄I can't using test user test_dev_909 login into the salesedge system 11:48:51 PMSachin Shrivas...can i tell u 2mrw? 11:49:00 PM◄in meeting 11:49:06 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok, NP 20100427 Xiaojing Cao/C...hi Sachin 3:55:48 PMSachin Shrivas...yes 3:56:04 PM◄Test user right? 3:56:10 PMXiaojing Cao/C...yes 3:56:28 PM◄when I using the test user ,also can't login to the salesedge link 3:56:42 PMSachin Shrivas...does that link appears? 3:56:51 PM◄or even the link is not cuming? 3:56:51 PMXiaojing Cao/C...yes, this link appears now 3:57:00 PMSachin Shrivas...ok 3:57:02 PM◄checking 3:57:07 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok 4:34:52 PMSachin Shrivas...hi 4:35:02 PMXiaojing Cao/C...hi 4:38:23 PMSachin Shrivas...Well, I can see that when we click the link 4:38:31 PM◄I ask for username and password 4:38:33 PM◄right? 4:39:04 PM◄ 4:39:14 PM◄If you go to this link with the same user 4:39:20 PM◄and click sales edge 4:39:21 PMXiaojing Cao/C...i using test_dev_909 user to login but just see the link , can't enter that link 4:39:27 PMSachin will see the homepage 4:39:45 PM◄but that is a different URL 4:39:48 PM◄it will use 4:39:59 PMXiaojing Cao/C...let me try again 4:41:04 PMSachin Shrivas... 4:41:10 PM◄this is what u see right 4:41:13 PMXiaojing Cao/C...yes 4:42:13 PM◄when I clicks that link will have a new page that needs to login again 4:42:18 PM◄ 4:42:24 PMSachin Shrivas...yes 4:42:37 PM◄I think u need to check with mohan 4:43:01 PMXiaojing Cao/ also have this page to login? 4:43:53 PM◄how can I get into the salesedge home page? 4:44:14 PMSachin Shrivas...earlier it was Click here to access
Click here to access
4:45:00 PM◄For accessing salesedge directly check with china team 4:45:05 PM◄i think jirong 4:45:53 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok, you mean using the test user can't enter into the home page , right? 4:46:19 PM◄jirong asked me to get some testing user to test it 4:49:25 PMSachin Shrivas...we can 4:49:30 PM◄using test user 4:49:43 PM◄but currently i see that it is not able to go to hme page 4:50:47 PMXiaojing Cao/C...yes 7:26:03 PM◄hi Sachin 7:26:44 PMSachin Shrivas...yes 7:27:03 PMXiaojing Cao/C...else if(helper.UserTypeFromSoldTo(sso_id).equals("CMS Distributor") || helper.UserTypeFromSoldTo(sso_id).equals("ES Distributor")) { String finalURL= null; request.getSession().setAttribute("isDistributor","Y"); String strPath=request.getContextPath(); finalURL = response.encodeRedirectURL(strPath +"/"); response.sendRedirect(finalURL); this is the code from custLogin.jsp , if the the test user test_dev_909 is CMS Distributor or ES Distributor 9:28:05 PM◄hi Sachin 9:28:09 PMSachin Shrivas...yes 9:28:18 PMXiaojing Cao/C...i just checked with Mohan he said 9:28:34 PM◄it should be 9:22:19 PM: MohanKrishna Erra/Consumer and Industrial/GeneralElectric: Did you get it? 9:23:13 PM: MohanKrishna Erra/Consumer and Industrial/GeneralElectric:   9:23:16 PM: MohanKrishna Erra/Consumer and Industrial/GeneralElectric:   9:23:16 PM: MohanKrishna Erra/Consumer and Industrial/GeneralElectric:   9:23:16 PM: MohanKrishna Erra/Consumer and Industrial/GeneralElectric:   9:23:18 PM: MohanKrishna Erra/Consumer and Industrial/GeneralElectric: Again to clarify... 9:23:37 PM: MohanKrishna Erra/Consumer and Industrial/GeneralElectric: Stage customer Portal link is : 9:23:57 PM: MohanKrishna Erra/Consumer and Industrial/GeneralElectric: The salesedge link on stage customer portal should be: 9:24:19 PM: MohanKrishna Erra/Consumer and Industrial/GeneralElectric: This is the URL for Salesedge for customers in GEWare QA 9:24:28 PM: MohanKrishna Erra/Consumer and Industrial/GeneralElectric: got it? 9:24:51 PM: Xiaojing Cao/Consumer and Industrial/GeneralElectric: ok, you mean changing the salesedge link jto 9:25:22 PM: MohanKrishna Erra/Consumer and Industrial/GeneralElectric: yes 9:27:41 PM: Xiaojing Cao/Consumer and Industrial/GeneralElectric: ok.. 9:28:53 PM◄the salesedge link should be 9:29:33 PMSachin Shrivas...Ok 9:29:37 PM◄I will correct that 9:29:42 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok, thanks 10:19:51 PM◄Sachin, when will you correct that, so I can update to customer 10:20:07 PMSachin Shrivas...Today evening 10:20:17 PM◄may be next 1 hour 10:20:21 PM◄will be be here? 10:21:03 PMXiaojing Cao/C...yes 11:35:15 PM◄Sachin, I will test that tomorrow, thanks for your time 11:35:34 PMSachin Shrivas...well it will take only another 10 mins 11:35:39 PM◄servers are rebootinh 11:35:43 PM◄rebooting 11:35:47 PM◄i have deployed the changes 11:36:10 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok, then I will wait some time 11:36:17 PMSachin Shrivas...eys 11:36:18 PM◄yes* 11:55:17 PMXiaojing Cao/C...Sachin i have tested but will display 11:55:36 PM◄when clicks salesedge link 11:55:43 PMSachin Shrivas...user? 11:55:52 PMXiaojing Cao/C...test_dev_909 11:56:06 PMSachin Shrivas...ok, can we check this tomorrow? 11:56:12 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok, NP 11:56:30 PMSachin Shrivas...when are you moving salesegde to GEWARE? 11:57:16 PMXiaojing Cao/ mean move to pro ?must get the sign off, but have some issue on QA now, not sure 11:57:27 PMSachin Shrivas...ok 3:35:49 PMXiaojing Cao/C...hi Sachin 3:35:55 PMSachin Shrivas...Yes 3:36:01 PM◄can we have a call? 3:36:37 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok , what's your number 3:36:53 PMSachin Shrivas...+91-22-67795851 3:41:00 PM◄test_dev_909 3:41:49 PMXiaojing Cao/C... 3:44:49 PMSachin Shrivas... 3:46:23 PM◄ ods_rw jdbc:oracle:thin:@(description=(address_list=(load_balance=on)(failover=on)(address=(protocol=tcp) ( oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver ods_user ods_user org.jboss.resource.adapter.jdbc.vendor.OracleExceptionSorter org.jboss.resource.adapter.jdbc.vendor.OracleValidConnectionChecker Oracle9i 0 10 3:46:31 PM◄in your xml 3:46:39 PM◄ods_user 3:46:46 PM◄This entry is there? 3:47:09 PM◄the ds xml file 3:47:19 PM◄which u use to connect to database 3:47:45 PM◄which u r using in QA 3:47:47 PM◄ 3:49:51 PM◄Check if # ods_user 4:05:53 PM◄Hi 4:05:59 PM◄test_dev_28apr /test1test 4:06:10 PM◄try this after deploying the new xml 4:06:15 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok.. 20100428 Xiaojing Cao/C... 6:33:50 PM◄is that correct , the home page? 6:35:36 PM◄Sachin, I didn't change the JNDI name, said already exist that JNDI so can't have that name again when deploy, I asked OIC team to check that, but they said haven't that JNDI, it is strange 6:35:56 PM◄now I can use the user you just give me to enter into the homepage 6:36:37 PM◄too strange 6:38:02 PMSachin Shrivas...This is not the right page 6:38:24 PM◄is the files like campaing.html and all missing in the location? 6:38:41 PM◄have you not moved those files to team site? 6:39:42 PMXiaojing Cao/C...for team site I didn't do nothing, just as Mohan said change the link 6:47:43 PM◄should move some files to teamsite? 6:47:50 PM◄I will check with Mohan 6:48:06 PMSachin Shrivas...k, i m in a call 6:48:12 PM◄lets have a call after i finsh 6:48:18 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok 6:59:28 PMSachin Shrivas...Hi 6:59:32 PM◄can you call me 7:00:08 PMXiaojing Cao/C...can you wait a few mins, because the phone is using by team now 7:00:15 PMSachin Shrivas...k 7:28:25 PM◄? 7:28:39 PMXiaojing Cao/C...they are also talking now 7:39:29 PM◄can you have the call now? I will calling 7:39:43 PMSachin Shrivas...2 mins plz 7:39:46 PM◄in call 7:39:48 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok 9:05:51 PMSachin Shrivas...Hi 9:05:56 PM◄Can you please call 9:06:01 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok 9:07:07 PMSachin Shrivas...hi 9:07:18 PM◄plz call 9:07:19 PMXiaojing Cao/C...hi 20100504 Xiaojing Cao/C...hi Sachin 6:00:52 PMSachin Shrivas...yes 6:01:55 PMXiaojing Cao/C...test_dev_909 user is for Hercules user , test_dev_28apr user is for ES Distributor, could you please give me the user for CMS Distributor? 6:02:09 PM◄so that I can test all the users via customer portal 6:02:29 PMSachin Shrivas...ok, i will register 6:02:33 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok, thanks 6:29:29 PMSachin Shrivas...I sent u a mail 6:42:50 PMXiaojing Cao/C...ok, thanks 6:42:57 PMSachin Shrivas...wlc




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