News Pipeline

构建了一个实时新闻抓取和推荐系统,包括数据管道、前端UI、后端Web服务器、消息队列和MongoDB数据库。使用了React前端框架、Node.js Web服务器、RESTful API、SOA架构,并实现了新闻监视器、爬虫、去重算法。通过MongoDB存储数据,CloudAMQP作为消息队列。此外,系统具备用户认证功能和点击日志处理器,采用TensorFlow进行机器学习,根据用户兴趣推荐新闻。

News Pipeline

Real Time News Scraping and Recommendation System

  • Implemented a data pipeline which monitors, scrapes and dedupes latest news (MongoDB, Redis, RabbitMQ);
  • Designed data monitors for obtaining latest news from famous websites and recommend to web server.
  • Successfully fetch useful data from original news websites by building news scrapers.
  • Build dedupers which filter same news by using NLP (TF-IDF) to analyze similarities of articles scraped from news websites.
  • Use Tensorflow for machine learning which can shows news according to users interests.
    Build a single-page web.

Building Record

POST Design

React Frontend UI

NodeJS Web Server

RestFul API features (By Routing)

Frontend and Backend Http Protocol(RESTful API)

Backend - SOA (Service Oriented Architrcture) Design

Backend - MongoDB connection

CloudAMQP: Message Queue

Pylint (Python Coding Style Check)

🔨 Refactor : Create an Operator to Receive all API Request from Backend Server

  • Refactor: Operations
  • [CloudAMQP_Client]
  • [Mongodb_Client]
  • [News_api_Client]
  • [News_recommendation_service_Client]

News Data Pineline

Monitor -> Q(scrape) -> Fetcher -> Q(dedupe)

News Monior
News Fetcher(Scrawler)
News Deduper

Authentication UI

Authentication Logic

Frontend - src/Auth
React Router - With Auth
Backend auth
🔨 Auth Refactor

Web Server Feature - Pagination

Web Server Feature - Preference Model

Web Server Feature - Click Log Processor

React FrontEnd Build Up

Decouple into Components



  • Base : Whole React App (Navbar + App)
  • App : Image(title) + NewsPanel
  • NewsPanel : Concludes many NewsCard such as News Lists (While user scorlling, backend send new NewsCard continously)
  • NewsCard : Single News adding into NewsPanel with News image, News title, News contents, News description, News Tage and Links to News.(Would record the clicked by users in future)

Create React App

Create React App

  • Deal with webpack and give a whole framework
  • Install CRA (Global) : Local Developing Tool
sudo npm install -g create-react-app
  • Create a new React App
create-react-app top-news
  • Test Connection
cd top-news
npm start

Build up APP Component

  • public : images
  • src : Each Component has its own folder
App / App.js


  • There is only one div tag in render function
  • import React , ‘./App.css’, CSS file and logo
  • Use “className” instead of “class” : Since in ES6, we use class for define a App class
import React from 'react';
import './App.css';
import logo from './logo.png';

class App extends React.Component {
  render() {
        <img className = 'logo' src = {
   logo} alt = 'logo'/>
        <div className = 'container'>
   /* TODO */}

export default App;
  • Why use “default App”?
  • If not, while you want to import App from other file, you need to type :
import {
    App } from './App.js';
  • But if you have default, you could get rid of {}
  • CSS setup
.App {
  text-align: center;

.logo {
  display: block;
  margin-left: auto;
  margin-right: auto;
  padding-top: 30px;
  width: 20%;

Materialize CSS Design

  • install in Client sie
npm install materialize-css --save
  • Import
import 'materialize-css/dist/css/materialize.min.css';

index.js in Client Side

  • Build a index.js for starting the client side
touch src/index.js
  • index.js
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import App from './App/App';

  <App />,
  • Where is root?
  • public -> index.html
<div id="root"></div>

Build up NewsPanel Component

Save all NewsCard and connect with BackEnd

  • Create NewsPanel folder and NewsPanel.js
mkdir src/NewsPanel
code src/NewsPanel/NewsPanel.js
import React from 'react';
import './NewsPanel.css';
  • Since we Need to save the News content, we need an internal variable (need constructor)
class NewsPanel extends React.Component {
  constructor() {
    this.state = {
    news: null };
  • state = {news: null} -> lists of JSON
  • Render conditions : there is a news and then create a NewsCard or show the loading message
render() {
    if ( {
      return (
    } else {
      return (
          Loading ...
  • local function, renderNews() : Render out the News and dynamactiy deal with the NewCards.
  • Clickable - Use A tag in HTML
  • Key - in React, if you would like to use a list, need to give a ‘key’ since the Virtual DOM need to know which items were changed in lists and just change that item insteads of renewing all items.
  • “list-group-item” needs to be put into “list-group” and show the {news_list} in list group
  • Get All News from state news -> Make all news in list -> Make all news become a NewsCard -> Put NewsCards into list-group
renderNews() {
    const news_list = => {
      return (
        <a className = 'list-group-item' key = {
   news.digest} href = '#'>
          <NewsCard news = {
   news} />

    return (
      <div className = 'container-fluid'>
        <div className = "list-group">

  • local function, loadMoreNews() : Get News from backend - init load. (Now we gave a mock data)
loadMoreNews() {
    news : [
  • After render() was ran, it will execute componentDidMount() -> Load News in state
  componentDidMount () {
  • Import NewsCard
import NewsCard from '../NewsCard/NewsCard';
  • Export NewPanel
export default NewsPanel;

Add NewsPanel CSS

  • By default for future using
touch src/NewsPanel/NewsPanel.css

Import NewsPanel into App.js

  • App.js
import NewsPanel from '../NewsPanel/NewsPanel';

<div className = 'container'>
    <NewsPanel />

Build up NewsCard Component

  • Create NewsCard Component Folder
mkdir src/NewsCard
touch src/NewsCard/NewsCard.js
  • class NewsCard (For HTML contents)
class NewsCard extends React.Component {
  render() {

HTML Structure

  • news-container
  • row
  • col s4 fill
  • image
  • col s8
  • news-intro-col
  • news-intro-panel
  • news-description
  • news-chip
  • onClick -> redirectToUrl()
  redirectToUrl(url, event) {
    event.preventDefault();, '_blank');
  • Get the data from from NewsPanel.js
  • NewsCard could get the data from NewsPanel since it was passed from :
  <a className = 'list-group-item' key = {
   news.digest} href = '#'>
    <NewsCard news = {
   news} />
  • Dont get chips if there is no source ( != null &&)
 { != null && <div className='chip light-blue news-chip'>{}</div>}
  • CSS file
.news-intro-col {
  display: inline-flex;
  color: black;
  height: 100%;


Refactor those Components into Web Server file

  • Create a web_server file and move top-news which was renamed “client” into it
mkdir web_server
mv top-news/ ./web_server/client

Continuous loading News (Server-Side REST API - NodeJS & Client-Side - React)

  • Deploy to AWS, there is no different likes server and client.

  • Create React App provide “Development Server” for developing, but we wont use this to serve Users

  • Development: Node Server + Development Server

  • Publishment: Node Server + build (built by React App)

Express application generator - NodeJS Server

Express Application Generator

  • Install Globally
sudo npm install express-generator -g
  • Create a Server in web_server
express server  //   Usage: express [options] [dir]
  • Install dependencies
cd server
npm install
npm start

Configure App.js

(defualtly installed lots of requirements)

  • Delete :
  • bodyParser: POST Request
  • cookieParser: Authentication
  • logger: Login
  • users: Login
  • Change views engine
  • Put the default folder to /client/build
app.set('views', path.join(__dirname, '../client/build'));
  • Express Static : Find the image **** Find Bug!!! -> missing: ‘/static’
    express.static(path.join(__dirname, '../client/build/static')));
  • Client Webpack: Build a build folder for server to use

  • static - css
  • static - js
  • Error Handler
app.use(function(req, res, next) {


  • package.json : change start
  "scripts": {
    "start": "nodemon ./bin/www"

Server Side Routing

index.js receive index.html from build

  • Since init run the ‘/’, redirect to the routes/ index.js
app.use('/', index);
  • index.js : send index.html from build to server side
  • Get home page!
var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();
var path = require('path';)

router.get('/', function(req, res, next) {
    root: path.join(__dirname, '../../client/build')});

module.exports = router;

  • bin -> www : Place for init the App.

RESTful API: Send Backend data from Server

News Routes

  • In routes/news.js
touch server/routes/news.js
  • Give a mock data here and send as a JSON file
var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();

router.get('/', function(req, res, next) {
  news = [

module.exports = router;
  • In app.js require the news Route
var news = require('./routes/news');
app.use('/news', news);

NewsPanel Requests to Backend for Loading More JSON data

  • NewsPanel.js -> loadMoreNews() with backEnd
  • Cache: False -> if true, it might show the old news from cache
  • news_url -> window.location.hostname
  • ‘http://’ + window.location.hostname + ‘:3000’ + ‘/news’
  • method: GET
const news_url = 'http://' + window.location.hostname + ':3000' + '/news';

const request = new Request(news_url, {
   method:'GET', cache:false});
  • Fetch + .then : Http Request & Promise
  • res.json -> Ansynchrons : so we need another “.then” 調用JSON
  • After we got JSON, deal with the news data
  • If there is no news on web, directly give the new one, but if not, “concat” to the old ones
    .then(res => res.json())
    .then(news => {
          news: ? : news,

Access Control Allow Origin

Both Client and Server side localhost for developing

  • Since we couldn’t cross localhost:3000 and localhost:3001 ! Run in the different PORT.

  • Temporarily access to run in different PORT

  • app.js
app.all('*', function(req, res, next) {
  res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
  res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "X-Requested-With");
Failed to load http://localhost:3000/news: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:3001' is therefore not allowed access.

Handle Scrolling

  • Keep using loadMoreNews by combining Scroll EventListener
-             |          |  -
document.     |          |  |
body.         |          | ScrollY
offestHeight  |          |  |
|             |__________|  _
|             |          |  -
|             |          | window.innerHeight
-             |__________|  _
  • window.innerHeight + scrollY >= document.body.offsetHeight - 50 means when touch the boundry of bottom -> load more News
  • Couldn’t use “this.loadMoreNews()” until you change handleScroll to arrow function
 window.addEventListener('scroll', () => this.handleScroll);
  • handleScroll()
  handleScroll() {
    const scrollY = window.scrollY 
      || window.pageYOffset
      || document.documentElement.scrollYTop;
    if((window.innerHeight) + scrollY) >= (document.body.offsetHeight - 50);

  componentDidMount() {
    window.addEventListener('scroll', () => this.handleScroll());



  • Install Lodash inclient
npm install lodash --save
  • Solve the Scroll frequent problems (Scroll Events happened too much)
  • Send several requests to backend too frequently
import _ from 'lodash';

  componentDidMount() {
    this.loadMoreNews = _.debounce(this.loadMoreNews, 1000);
    window.addEventListener('scroll', () => this.handleScroll());

SOA (Service Oriented Architrcture)

SOA Desgin Pattern

  • All service interfaces should be designed for both internal and external users
Isolation - language / technology / tools / 
        decoupleing / independency / deployment / maintenance
Ownership - minimal gray area and gap
Scalability - easy to scale up and modify
Complexity - sometimes unnecessary
Latency - network communication eats time
Test effort - all services require E2E tests
DevOp : On-call!!!

Noraml Application Design Ligic

  • Often built as a three tier architecture:
   [Desktop User]
 [Presentation Tier] : Client interatcion via a web browser
    [Logic Tier] : provide the appliction's 
        |          functionality via detailed processing
   |Storage Tier|: handle persisting and retrieving application data                

Unfortucately things get more complicated: Comflict!!!
  • Ohter types of users
  • Attachments
  • Bulk operations
  • Data pipelines
  • Notifications
  • Monitoring
  • Testing
Mobile          Destop      UI
User            User       Test
            \     |       /
Extension  -  Presentation -    Prober
File                          File
Upload      \      |     /   Download
Notifica-   -    Tier    -  Command
tions                       Line Tool
          /       |       \
CSV             Storage        CSV    
Upload            Tier        Download
          /               \
Data                           Data
Provider                      Consumer
With SOA:
  • Fort-end Service handles all external interactions
  • Back-end implements one protocol to talk to front-end
  • All clients see same business abstraction
  • Consistent business logic enforcement
  • Easy internal refactoring


RPC Backend Service

|| Client ||  || Node Server ||  || Backend Server ||  || Redis || || MongoDB ||  || ML Server ||
    |                 |                 | Check if in Redis  |            |              |
    |---------------> |                 |<------------------>|            |              |
    | fetch more news |---------------->|    (If not) get news from DB    |              |                 
    |(userID/ pageNum)| getNewsSunmmaire|<------------------------------->|              |
    |                 | sForUser        |       Get Recommended news from ML server      |
    |<----------------|(userID /pageNum)|<---------------------------------------------->|
    | Sliced News     |                 |Store combined news |            |              |                   
    |                 |<----------------|       in Redis     |            |              |
    |                 | Sliced News     |------------------->|            |              |
    |                 |                 |                    |            |              |
|| Client ||  || Node Server ||  || Backend Server ||  || Redis || || MongoDB ||  || ML Server ||

BackEnd Server

  • Open a file backend_server and a
mkdir backend_server
touch backend_server/

JSONRPClib Libraries

  • Build a Client or Server to send or receive RPC Request

  • Not have a good support to Python 3.5, so we need a jsonrpclib-pelix to help development

  • install library

pip3 install jsonrpclib
pip3 install jsonrpclib-pelix

RPC Server - Testing

  • Server Host define
  • Server Port define
  • (Reason why we define is that in the future if we want to change that we could only change in the first line)
  • Give a function - add
  • Register host and port and your fnuctions
from jsonrpclib.SimpleJSONRPCServer import SimpleJSONRPCServer

SERVER_HOST = 'localhost';

def add(a, b):
  print("Add is called with %d and %d " %(a, b))
  return a + b

RPC_SERVER.register_function(add, 'add')

print("Starting RPC server")


Testing by Postman

  • Send a REQUEST:
  • jsonpc version
  • id : to identify
  • method : add
  • params : give a & b
POST Request:
	"jsonrpc" : "2.0",
	"id" : 1,
	"method" : "add",
	"params" : [1,2]

    "result": 3,
    "id": 1,
    "jsonrpc": "2.0"

Add is called with 13 and 2 - - [13/Jan/2018 14:48:25] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 -

NodeJS Server as a RPCclient - jayson

  • Open a new folder in web_server/server/
mkdir web_server/server/rpc_client
  • Change news.js server not to hard code the data here but get News from our backend server
var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();

/* GET News List. */
router.get('/', function(req, res, next) {
  news = backend_server.getNews();

module.exports = router;

Make NodeJs as a client - Npm jayson


  • install jayson in server
npm install jayson --save
  • Open a rpc_client.js with a helper method to let news.js could “getNoews()” from our backend server
var jayson = require('jayson');
// create a client
var client = jayson.client.http({
  hostname: 'localhost',
  port: 4040
function add(a, b, callback) {
  client.request('add', [a, b], function(err, response) {
    if(err) throw err;




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