
cocos2d-x-3.13 Aug 22 2016
  [HIGHLIGHT] add VR plugin
  [HIGHLIGHT] support ETC1 alpha channel
  [HIGHLIGHT] fix AudioEngine performance for Android 4.2+
  [HIGHLIGHT] improve canvas renderer performance with dirty region
  [HIGHLIGHT] add Andorid arm-64 support
  [HIGHLIGHT] use luajit for Android arm-64
  [HIGHLIGHT] switch to use gcc 4.9
  [HIGHLIGHT] upgrade CURL to 7.50.0
  [HIGHLIGHT] upgrade Spine to 3.4
  [HIGHLIGHT] upgrade glfw to 3.2
  [HIGHLIGHT] upgrade luajit to 2.1.0-beta2
  [NEW] add `Configuration::supportsMapBuffer()`
  [NEW] support hexagonal tile maps
  [NEW] add `ListView::setScrollDuration()`
  [NEW] implement `SimpleAudioEngine::willPlayBackgroundMusic()` on Android
  [NEW] implement `AudioEngine::preload()` on Android
  [NEW] add `cc.Node['.classname']` to get class name for tolua C++ class in lua
  [NEW] support direct load in web engine to show scene without loading all resources, resources will be loaded asynchronously
  [NEW] add `cc.view.setOrientation` API to force orientation in web browser
  [REFINE] move back to use gcc 4.9 on Android to fix some crash bugs
  [REFINE] optimize Node sorting speed for 64-bit
  [REFINE] using `chrono::steady_clock()` instread of gettimeofday for FPS calculation
  [REFINE] use `fstat` instead of `fseek` and `ftell` for performance to read file content
  [REFINE] use std::string reference instead of char* for `utils::findChild()`
  [REFINE] make `MotionStreak` _maxPoints framerate independent
  [REFINE] support utf-8 bom lua script
  [REFINE] can show utf-8 characters in MessageBox and lua log on win32
  [REFINE] improve stability of new WebGL renderer provided in v3.12
  [REFINE] update js auto binding settings with new ndk version
  [REFINE] improve evalString implementation which was rely on deprecated API
  [REFINE] improve js bindings code quality by merging part of cocos2d-x-lite repo
  [REFINE] sources path in sourcemap of web engine are now relative
  [FIX] `GLProgram::link()` only check result in debug mode or WinRT
  [FIX] PageView::clone() misses cloing some member variables
  [FIX] potential crash of `AudioEngine::uncache()`
  [FIX] websocket receives package size > 1023 error
  [FIX] the color of underline is different from the text color
  [FIX] memory leak in `MenuItemToggle::create()`
  [FIX] crash after removing a physics body right after adding it
  [FIX] SpriteBatchNode crash if CC_SPRITE_DEBUG_DRAW is enabled
  [FIX] memory leak in `Data::move()`
  [FIX] crash in `EaseExpoentialOut::clone()`
  [FIX] buffer over-read in `GLProgram::updateUniformLocation()`
  [FIX] `dirty` variable incorrectly reset with a multiple camera setup causing drawing issues on Sprite
  [FIX] fix label text formatter right alignment
  [FIX] `bsd_signal` link error on Android
  [FIX] crash while decoding small MP3 file on Android
  [FIX] `AppDelegate::applicationWillEnterForeground()` is invoked at launch on Android
  [FIX] fix `relocation overflow in R_ARM_THM_CALL` on Android
  [FIX] navigation bar doesn't hide if show and dismiss keyboard on Android
  [FIX] `utils::getTimeInMilliseconds()` may return wrong value on Android
  [FiX] link error that `bsd_sinal` is not defined if building with API level 21+ and uses libwebsockets on Android
  [FIX] compiling error with Android 6.0(API 23)
  [FIX] music is not resumed when app is reactived on iOS
  [FIX] random crash in `alGenBuffers` at startup on iOS
  [FIX] can not play audio if uncache and play audio many times on iOS
  [FIX] `Text::create()` crash if it contains invalid string on iOS
  [FIX] `FileUtils::removeDirectory()` can not work on all platforms except iOS and Mac
  [FIX] can not compile cocos2d-x on Mac OS X 10.10 and lower
  [FIX] new js project link error on linux
  [FIX] AudioEngine can not play large ogg file on Windows
  [FIX] design resolution broken after minimize on desk platforms
  [FIX] can not get the `backClicked` in lua
  [FIX] `cc.convertColor` issue in lua
  [FIX] browser version detection
  [FIX] compiling error with `cocos gen-libs`
  [FIX] spine track entry can circle reference each other
  [FIX] global object can leak during restart in JSB
  [FIX] progress timer nested sprite can't change color in Canvas
  [FIX] layout refresh issue in web engine
  [FIX] dom element position synchronization issue in web engine
  [FIX] armature position shake when parent node move in web engine
  [FIX] rendering issue for Armature using sprite as display in bone in web engine
  [FIX] Scale9Sprite GRAY state isn't correct in WebGL
  [FIX] touch startPoint can be overwrote in web engine
  [FIX] syncStatus transform dirty flag isn't resetting in web engine
  cocos2d-x-3.12 Jul 06 2016
  [HIGHLIGHT] add VR support
  [HIGHLIGHT] add Tizen support
  [HIGHLIGHT] fix Android performance issue
  [HIGHLIGHT] Web engine performance improved in WebGL mode
  [HIGHLIGHT] support obb extension on Android
  [NEW] Core: add `utils::findChild()`
  [NEW] Core: add CSV format support to tile maps
  [NEW] Core: add `FileUtils::getContents()`
  [NEW] Core: cocos2d::Value supports unsigned
  [NEW] Particle: add feature to pause/resume particle emitter
  [NEW] Platform: support Windows 10 UWP x64
  [NEW] UI: add clamp and shrunk feature for system fonts, currently only support iOS, Android and Mac
  [NEW] UI: make ListView select item programmatically
  [NEW] UI: add `EditBox::InputFlag::LOWERCASE_ALL_CHARACTERS` to lowercase characters
  [NEW] UI: add `setBounce()` to WebView
  [NEW] Web: refactor TMXLayer renderers
  [NEW] Web: can force orientation in mobile browser
  [NEW] Web: support high resolution TTF Label on retina display
  [REFINE] Android: use clang instead of gcc to compile codes
  [REFINE] Android: hide virtual button by default
  [REFINE] Android: set music volume control as default
  [REFINE] Android: usage clang insteand of gcc to compile codes
  [REFINE] Audio: catch `IllegalStateException` exception to avoid crash when playing background music with SimpleAudioEngine on Android
  [REFINE] Core: fix many warnings
  [REFINE] Core: move StringUtils functions from deprecated header file to ccUTF8.h
  [REFINE] Core: FontFNT will ignore chars that exceeds 65535 and print a warning information
  [REFINE] Core: `Node::ignoreAnchorPointForPosition()` is deprecated and add `Node::setIgnoreAnchorPointForPosition()`
  [REFINE] Core: allow inherit from platform FileUitils
  [REFINE] Core: add optional alpha parameter to Color4B and Color4F
  [REFINE] Core: Follow action can accept horizontal and vertical offset
  [REFINE] Core: TMXXMLParse parse `id` element
  [REFINE] Lua: rename all member functions named `end()` to `endLua()`
  [REFINE] JSB: make selectedSprite opitional in MenuItemSprite
  [REFINE] JSB: return null if read failed in `js_cocos2dx_CCFileUtils_getDataFromFile()`
  [REFINE] Template: iOS tempalte is refined to make cocos2d-x game scene work better with other UIView
  [REFINE] Template: remove ``
  [REFINE] Template: ARC support on iOS and Mac OS
  [REFINE] UI: TTF and BMFont label wrap mode will automanytically changed to char wrap mode when label's width is less than word's boundary
  [REFINE] UI: UIWidget adds missing properties for clone
  [REFINE] UI: UIScrollBar caches the texture created with base64 encoded images
  [REFINE] UI: EditBox now prints lowercase letters by default
  [REFINE] UI: enable WebView's local storage on Android
  [REFINE] UI: improve EditBox implementation on WinRT
  [REFINE] UI: make PageView indicator more tunable
  [REFINE] UI: make PageView page turning event time tweak configurable
  [REFINE] UI: RichText is improved: add effect of outline, shadow and glow; catch the event of open url; ability to extend tags; add anchor of image tag
  [REFINE] 3D: skeleton animation is more efficient when two animations switch frequently
  [REFINE] 3rd party: update webp to 0.5.0
  [REFINE] Web: improve basic types to reduce memory usage
  [REFINE] Web: Show line number in console statements
  [REFINE] Web: Cache base64 image of PageViewIndicator and ScrollViewBar
  [REFINE] Web: Pass error in cc.AsyncPool in onEnd callback
  [REFINE] Web: Separate ccui.ListView event callback from ccui.ScrollView for its own events
  [FIX] Android: fix compiling error if using NDK r11+
  [FIX] Android: package name is `libcocos2dx` instead of application name if building with Android Studio
  [FIX] Audio: AudioEngine can not work if the file path contains not ascii code on iOS
  [FIX] Audio: SimpleAudioEngine::playEffect() doesn't work correctly on Linux
  [FIX] AssetsManager: can not work
  [FIX] AssetsManagerEx: use manifestUrl from remote version
  [FIX] Core: `FileUtils::writeValueMap()` will crash on iOS if it contains `Value::Type::None` type element
  [FIX] Core: `ClippgNode::setStencil()` may cause assert error if it is invoked before
  [FIX] Core: `TextureCache::addImageAsync()` doesn't set pixel format corretly
  [FIX] Core: `GL::SetBlending()` doesn't set dst correctly
  [FIX] Core: vertex z can not work correctly if window size changed on desktop platforms
  [FIX] Core: use `std::isnan()` instead of `isnan()` to fix compiling errors on some Linux platforms
  [FIX] Core: crash on windows when using PolygonInfo
  [FIX] Core: fix `libpng error: CgBI: unhandled critical chunk` error with Xcode 7.3
  [FIX] Core: EXC_BAD_ACCESS random crash caused by reallocation of shared indices memory
  [FIX] Core: memory leak of `utils::captureScreen()` on iOS and Mac OS
  [FIX] Core: assert error if remove an event listener twice at the same time
  [FIX] Core: FileUtils::getValueMapFromFile() returns wrong value if it is a number with scientific notation on Android
  [FIX] Core: UIGrayScale shader is not reloaded when reloading shaders
  [FIX] Core: `SpriteFrame::clone()` doesn't clone polygonInfo
  [FIX] Core: `FileUtils::createDirectory()` fails on Mac OS with sandbox
  [FIX] Core: `cocos2d::Value` operator overloading of comparison `==` returns wrong value in case Type::VECTOR
  [FIX] Core: wrong content size if minisize
  [FIX] Core: can not have a class named `Game` on Windows
  [FIX] Core: crash if load bad image on Windows
  [FIX] Core: custom shader uniforms and attributes do not have effect in DrawNode
  [FIX] Core: blend mode doesn't work with animated sprite
  [FIX] Core: `FileUtils::removeDirectory()` can not work correctly when the path is not end of `/` on iOS and Mac
  [FIX] JSB: fix some bugs related with JSB debegger
  [FIX] JSB: scheduler callback target lost
  [FIX] JSB: missing scroll widgets constants
  [FIX] JSB: if obj is undefined or null then attempt to access obj.__nativeObj leads to incorrect behavior
  [FIX] JSB: use `require()` to require the same script twice may crash
  [FIX] Lua: lua function is not invoked when error happens in websocket
  [FIX] Network: HttpClient Content-type limitation on iOS
  [FIX] Network: downloader crash when storage path contains spaces
  [FIX] Network: SocketIO crash on reconnect
  [FIX] Physics: PhysicsBody damping doesn't wrok
  [FIX] UI: EditBox may cause `java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException` exception on Android
  [FIX] UI: TextFieldTTF doesn't show password correctly
  [FIX] UI: RichText crash on Windows
  [FIX] UI: EditBox can not use custom font on Android
  [FIX] UI: can not use TTF font on Android
  [FIX] RenderTexture: `setOpacity()` has not effect
  [FIX] 3D: `Sprite3D::createNode()` may not work correctly with particular model data
  [FIX] Web: `getParentToNodeTransform` doesn't return result
  [FIX] Web: remote image without extension in url can't be loaded as image
  [FIX] Web: nested clipping nodes rendering issue in WebGL render mode
  [FIX] Web: IMEDispatcher can't work in mobile Chrome
  cocos2d-x-3.11.1 May 27 2016
  [HIGHLIGHT] Supports IPv6-only network
  [FIX] Fix `cocos gen-libs` compiling issue
  cocos2d-x-3.11 May 11 2016
  [HIGHLIGHT] Physics: upgrade chipmunk to v7.0.1
  [HIGHLIGHT] JS: new memory model, don't have to use retain/release in JS
  [HIGHLIGHT] Curl: upgrade to v7.48
  [HIGHLIGHT] OpenSSL: upgrade to 1.0.2g
  [HIGHLIGHT] JS: can use Firefox 30+ and VSCode to debug cocos2d-x JSB programs
  [NEW] JS: web console is enabled debugging JSB projects via firefox
  [NEW] UI: add a setter for touch total time threshold in ScrollView
  [NEW] UI: add ability to get font family
  [NEW] UI: add xml support in RichText
  [NEW] UI: add ability to stop auto scrolling in ScrollView
  [NEW] UI: EditBox supports multiline on Mac
  [NEW] UI: Scale9Sprite allows to set custom shaders
  [NEW] UI: ImageView allows to set custom shaders
  [NEW] UI: TextFiled supports cursor
  [NEW] FileUtils: add missing getFileSize() for winrt
  [NEW] Network: close websocket connection by dispatching a resetDirector event
  [NEW] Tool: cmake supports on Android
  [REFINE] Network: upgrated to latest libwebsockets, add more callbacks and bugs fixed
  [REFINE] Network: replace char* with std::string in HttpRequest
  [REFINE] Renderer: TriangleCommand and QuadCommand are merged
  [REFINE] 2D: SpriteFrameCache takes pixelFormat into account if specified
  [REFINE] UI: let ScrollView swallow touch events by default
  [REFINE] JSB: make selectedSprite optional
  [FIX] JS: firefox v30+ can not debug cocos2d-x JSB projects
  [FIX] UI: can not get event when PageView was turning
  [FIX] UI: bitmap font sizes are not loaded from binary .fnt files
  [FIX] UI: some fonts were rendered incorreclty
  [FIX] Action: TargetedAction::isDone() always return false
  [FIX] Action: Repeat: will run actions more than speicific times, instant action will run one frame later
  [FIX] 2D: drawing in incorrect app state on iOS
  [FIX] Platform: FileUtils::getValueVectorFromFile() returns wrong value on iOS and Mac
  [FIX] Network: downloader crashed when storage path contains spaces on iOS
  [FIX] Network: downloader may crash on Android
  [FIX] HTTPAsyncConnection: crash when custom SSL certification is set on iOS
  [FIX] AssetsManagerEX: will stuck at UPDATING forever if last task fails
  [FIX] AssetsManagerEX: may repeatly update some assets and cause file write conflict
  [FIX] Lua: fix display.wrapScene()
  cocos2d-x-3.10 Jan 11 2016
  [HIGHLIGHT] UI: Rewrite Scale9Sprite and improve the scale9sprite performance and reduce memory consumption.
  [HIGHLIGHT] UI: Change PageView to derive from ListView.
  [NEW] Core: Added Application::getVersion() to get the app version.
  [NEW] UI: Add PageView indicator.
  [NEW] UI: Label add three Overflow type to new label, see release note for more information.
  [NEW] UI: UIText::clone supports clone the text effect.
  [NEW] Label: Add methods to query label effect state.
  [NEW] UI: UIRichText support the new line element.
  [REFINE] 3rd party: WebP loading improvements WebP loaded as premultiplied alpha if it has.
  [REFINE] UI: Slider `setCapInsetProgressBarRebderer` change to `setCapInsetProgressBarRenderer`.
  [REFINE] UI: RichText support new line element.
  [REFINE] UI: Set focus to Widget when touched.
  [REFINE] 3D: Change char* to string in Terrain.
  [REFINE] Studio: Merge Studio ActionTimeLine change back into engine.
  [REFINE] Studio: Merge Studio changes for compatible withe 32bit Mac System.
  [REFINE] Studio: Merge Studio changes for lua-binding, js-binding and simulator.
  [REFINE] Mac: Make engine compatible for 32bit Mac.
  [REFINE] 3rd party: WebP loading improvements WebP loaded as premultiplied alpha if it has.
  [REFINE] Audio: AudioEngine on Linux replace the original SimpleAudioEngine with a new version of FMOD, now AudioEngine support all platforms!
  [REFINE] IOS: Add virtual keyword for some render related function.
  [REFINE] UI: Fixes boring deprecated warning in HttpRequest.
  [REFINE] Network: Fix Downloader bug on iOS & Android platform.
  [REFINE] Studio: Fix deprecation warning in SkeletonRenderer.
  [REFINE] JS: Add js test case for fix, improve template.
  [REFINE] Network: Permit http access to in test projects on iOS.
  [REFINE] Network: Crash when removing a remotely downloaded image from texture cache in js-binding.
  [REFINE] Win10: WinRT project update version to v3.10.
  [REFINE] Console: Add quiet option for Cocos Toolkit.
  [REFINE] JS: New GC model for js-binding.
  [REFINE] Doc: Fix typos in documentation and comments.
  [REFINE] UI: update controlButton size calculate with new Scale9Sprite logic.
  [REFINE] Win10: Added missing _USRJSSTATIC preprocessor define for ARM builds.
  [REFINE] JS: Added ccvector_to / ccmap_to converted to new js-binding API.
  [REFINE] UI: Slider misprint fix.
  [FIX] Network: fix possible websocket crash in its destructor.
  [FIX] Core: Fix premultiplyAlpha for mipmaps and compressed textures.
  [FIX] UI: Fix Scale9sprite rendering error when content size smaller than the sum of leftInset and rightInset.
  [FIX] Win32: Fix EditBox crash when removing an EditBox in a scheduler.
  [FIX] Android: Fix cannot add view to mFrameLayout when extends Cocos2dxActivity.
  [FIX] 2D: Fixed actionNode set at wrong position bug.
  [FIX] 3D: Fix the movement of PUParticle lags one frame.
  [FIX] UI: Fix the wront argument of setPlaceholderFontName in EditBox.
  [FIX] UI: Fix EditBox editBoxEditingDidEnd may use the original text after change the text of EditBox in user script.
  [FIX] Audio: Fix `FinishCallback` never be called in Windows.
  [FIX] UI: Fix Layout stencil clipping nested with Clipping Node rendering issue.
  [FIX] UI: Keyboard doesn't hide when click the screen outside of EditBox on iOS platform.
  [FIX] UI: Fix a fatal bug in EditBox implement on Windows platform.
  [FIX] UI: Fix edit box setPlaceholderFontName and scale font size issue.
  [FIX] Core: Fix memory leak when initWithImage() failed.
  [FIX] Network: CCDownloader on iOS is broken in v3.9 js-binding.
  [FIX] JS: Bindings fixes for Menu, Sprite and Label.
  [FIX] Studio: Remove weak reference in ActionNode.
  [FIX] UI: shouldStartLoading method should return value to js in js-binding.
  [FIX] UI: Fix scrollview render error.
  [FIX] JS: Fix win32 js project crash issue.
  [FIX] UI: Button touch doesn't work with scale9 enabled.
  [FIX] JS: Fix evalString doesn't return result issue.
  [FIX] JS: Fix ComponentJS proxy management issue in JSB.
  [FIX] Android: Fix include in cocos network module.
  [FIX] Network: Fix web socket crash.
  [FIX] UI: Fix TextField missing default password style text setting.
  [TEST] S9SpriteTest: Scale9Sprite fade actions with cascade opacity.
  [TEST] Web: Remove default focus block from UIFocusTestVertical.
  [TEST] Lua: Fix pageViewTest Horizontal scroll won't work in Lua-test.
  cocos2d-x-3.9 November.09 2015
  [NEW] Label: Added line spacing/leading feature to Label.
  [NEW] ListView: Added APIs to scroll to specific item in list.
  [NEW] ListView: Added APIs to get an item in specific position like center, leftmost, rightmost, topmost and bottommost.
  [NEW] ListView: Added a feature for magnetic scrolling.
  [NEW] Animate: Added ActionTimeline::setAnimationEndCallBack and ActionTimeline::addFrameEndCallFunc.
  [NEW] Animate: Added CSLoader::createNodeWithVisibleSize, CSLoader::createNodeWithVisibleSize and moved "ui::Helper::DoLayout" into them.
  [NEW] Studio: Added Light3D support for Cocos Studio.
  [NEW] Platform: Added the missing CURL support to the Windows 10 UWP version.
  [NEW] Platform: Added UIEditBox support on linux platform.
  [REFINE] 3D: Added non-null checks in PUScriptCompiler::visit before dereferencing.
  [REFINE] 3D: Refined SkyboxBrush by making the shader parameter take effect at once.
  [REFINE] Label: Changed label font size type to float to support high precision when font size is small.
  [REFINE] ListView: Fixed an issue that list view's Magnetic::CENTER is not working well when non-bounceable.
  [REFINE] ListView: Added feature of jumping to a specific item in list view.
  [REFINE] Sprite: Added "a unsupport image format!" log when creating a sprite in CCImage.cpp.
  [REFINE] ScrollView: Merge logics of Scroll View for scroll by inertia and auto scroll into one.
  [REFINE] Animate: Moved initialization of image to an appropriate location, because it always called twice in SpriteFrameCache::addSpriteFramesWithFile().
  [REFINE] Simulator: Changed the size of startFlag to 13.
  [REFINE] Simulator: Show Node and Skeleton in the middle of the simulator.
  [REFINE] Simulator: Removed screen direction check in simulator to avoid render error.
  [REFINE] Pysics: Refined components to improve physics performance.
  [REFINE] UI: Refined ComponentContainer to improve performance.
  [REFINE] UI: EventListenerMouse will dispatch EventMouse events.
  [REFINE] OpenGL: Added check for glfwCreateWindow.
  [REFINE] Platform: Fixed a crash on xiaomi2 if Cocos2d-x is built as a dynamic library.
  [REFINE] Platform: Updated libcococs2d name to v3.9 on WinRT platforms.
  [REFINE] Platform: Added some support for mouse on WinRT. Include: Show/Hide mouse cursor; Mouse event implemented similar Desktop version; Left button send mouse event and touch; Support other mouse button and scroll wheel.
  [REFINE] Platform: Correct the convertion between unicode and utf8 on WinRT.
  [REFINE] Platform: Improved EditBox implement on Win32 platform.
  [REFINE] JS: Add jsb.fileUtils.writeDataToFile().
  [REFINE] JS: Set js templates Mac target platform from null to 10.7.
  [REFINE] JS: Removed the static define of variable in headfile of ScriptingCore.
  [REFINE] Lua: Added AssetsManagerEx constants UPDATE_FAILED and ERROR_DECOMPRESS in Lua.
  [REFINE] Lua / JS: Refined lua/js binding tool.
  [REFINE] I/O: Refined AssetsManagerEx unzipping by using async.
  [REFINE] Web: Improved logic of jsb_boot.js to sync with the web engine behavior.
  [REFINE] Web: Sync with CCBoot for web.
  [REFINE] Build: Fixed various compiler warnings on Xcode 7.
  [REFINE] Build: Fixed Wformat-security warning on Xcode.
  [REFINE] Build: Fixed a compile error in __LayerRGBA.
  [REFINE] Tool: Added tools for generating documents automatically.
  [REFINE] Doc: Clean up the code of setRect() function.
  [REFINE] Doc: Fixed a minor typo and renamed INTIAL_CAPS_ALL_CHARACTERS to INITIAL_CAPS_ALL_CHARACTERS in UIEditBox.
  [FIX] 3D: Fixed a bug that obb did not rotate with Sprite3d.
  [FIX] 3D: Corrected spot light init value.
  [FIX] 3D: Added the missing CCMotionStreak3D files.
  [FIX] 3D: Fixed a bug in CCPhysics3DComponent.cpp that oldBool is set with a wrong value.
  [FIX] 3D: Fixed shader light parameter bug that caused for that all the mesh share light parameter.
  [FIX] Sprite: Fixed a bug that CC_SPRITE_DEBUG_DRAW did nothing in Cocos2d-x.
  [FIX] Button: Fixed an issue that when image size of variable button status texture are different, Helper::restrictCapInsetRect result may stop the pressed & disabled status picture from loading.
  [FIX] Font: Fixed a crash bug in destructor of FontFreeType.
  [FIX] Label: Removed scale factor for label shadow.
  [FIX] Label: Added missing override keyword.
  [FIX] LoadingBar: Fixed a crash bug in LoadingBar.
  [FIX] ScrollView: Removed ScrollView::_innerContainer pointer copy.
  [FIX] Particle: Fixed a bug of nomalize_point which caused particle rendering error.
  [FIX] Tilemap: Fixed a TMXLayer bug: When using float values (for example the actual position of the character) to get the current tile, the wrong tile is sometimes/usually returned.
  [FIX] Animate: Fixed a crash bug when csb file is broken.
  [FIX] Animate: Fixed a bug that a same frame index is inserted after animation speed is scaled.
  [FIX] Animate: Fixed bug in v1.6 that bone animation crashed when performing getBoneAtPoint(0,0).
  [FIX] Animate: Fixed crash when recall a cached timeline after scene exited.
  [FIX] Animate: Fixed debug-config crash if a FrameBuffer has no RenderTargetDepthStencil.
评论 1




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钱包余额 0


