界面:VS2010 C#
视觉库:Halcon 11.0.2
光源、镜头、 相机、采集、试验架、标定板。。。(先凑合着用)
**[1] USB2.0 UVC PC Camera open_framegrabber ('DirectShow', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'default', 8, 'gray', -1, 'false', 'default', '[1] USB2.0 UVC PC Camera', 0, -1, AcqHandle) grab_image_start (AcqHandle, -1) Index:=0 for Index := 1 to 5 by 1 grab_image_async (Image, AcqHandle, -1) dev_display (Image) get_image_size (Image, Width, Height) set_display_font (3600, 20, 'mono', 'true', 'false') disp_message (3600, ['帧:'+Index, 'Width:'+Width, 'Height:'+Height], 'window', 12, 12, 'green', 'true') endfor close_framegrabber (AcqHandle)
1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 using System.ComponentModel; 4 using System.Data; 5 using System.Drawing; 6 using System.Linq; 7 using System.Text; 8 using System.Windows.Forms; 9 using HalconDotNet; 10 namespace grab_one 11 { 12 public partial class Form1 : Form 13 { 14 public Form1() 15 { 16 InitializeComponent(); 17 } 18 19 private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 20 { 21 HDevelopExport HD = new HDevelopExport(); 22 HD.InitHalcon(); 23 HD.RunHalcon(hWindowControl1.HalconWindow); 24 } 25 26 private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 27 { 28 Application.Exit(); 29 } 30 } 31 public partial class HDevelopExport 32 { 33 public HTuple hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle; 34 35 // Procedures 36 // External procedures 37 // Chapter: Graphics / Text 38 // Short Description: This procedure writes a text message. 39 public void disp_message(HTuple hv_WindowHandle, HTuple hv_String, HTuple hv_CoordSystem, 40 HTuple hv_Row, HTuple hv_Column, HTuple hv_Color, HTuple hv_Box) 41 { 42 43 44 // Local control variables 45 46 HTuple hv_Red = null, hv_Green = null, hv_Blue = null; 47 HTuple hv_Row1Part = null, hv_Column1Part = null, hv_Row2Part = null; 48 HTuple hv_Column2Part = null, hv_RowWin = null, hv_ColumnWin = null; 49 HTuple hv_WidthWin = new HTuple(), hv_HeightWin = null; 50 HTuple hv_MaxAscent = null, hv_MaxDescent = null, hv_MaxWidth = null; 51 HTuple hv_MaxHeight = null, hv_R1 = new HTuple(), hv_C1 = new HTuple(); 52 HTuple hv_FactorRow = new HTuple(), hv_FactorColumn = new HTuple(); 53 HTuple hv_Width = new HTuple(), hv_Index = new HTuple(); 54 HTuple hv_Ascent = new HTuple(), hv_Descent = new HTuple(); 55 HTuple hv_W = new HTuple(), hv_H = new HTuple(), hv_FrameHeight = new HTuple(); 56 HTuple hv_FrameWidth = new HTuple(), hv_R2 = new HTuple(); 57 HTuple hv_C2 = new HTuple(), hv_DrawMode = new HTuple(); 58 HTuple hv_Exception = new HTuple(), hv_CurrentColor = new HTuple(); 59 60 HTuple hv_Color_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_Color.Clone(); 61 HTuple hv_Column_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_Column.Clone(); 62 HTuple hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_Row.Clone(); 63 HTuple hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_String.Clone(); 64 65 // Initialize local and output iconic variables 66 67 //This procedure displays text in a graphics window. 68 // 69 //Input parameters: 70 //WindowHandle: The WindowHandle of the graphics window, where 71 // the message should be displayed 72 //String: A tuple of strings containing the text message to be displayed 73 //CoordSystem: If set to 'window', the text position is given 74 // with respect to the window coordinate system. 75 // If set to 'image', image coordinates are used. 76 // (This may be useful in zoomed images.) 77 //Row: The row coordinate of the desired text position 78 // If set to -1, a default value of 12 is used. 79 //Column: The column coordinate of the desired text position 80 // If set to -1, a default value of 12 is used. 81 //Color: defines the color of the text as string. 82 // If set to [], '' or 'auto' the currently set color is used. 83 // If a tuple of strings is passed, the colors are used cyclically 84 // for each new textline. 85 //Box: If set to 'true', the text is written within a white box. 86 // 87 //prepare window 88 HOperatorSet.GetRgb(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, out hv_Red, out hv_Green, out hv_Blue); 89 HOperatorSet.GetPart(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, out hv_Row1Part, out hv_Column1Part, 90 out hv_Row2Part, out hv_Column2Part); 91 HOperatorSet.GetWindowExtents(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, out hv_RowWin, out hv_ColumnWin, 92 out hv_WidthWin, out hv_HeightWin); 93 HOperatorSet.SetPart(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, 0, 0, hv_HeightWin - 1, hv_WidthWin - 1); 94 // 95 //default settings 96 if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual(-1))) != 0) 97 { 98 hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP = 12; 99 } 100 if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Column_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual(-1))) != 0) 101 { 102 hv_Column_COPY_INP_TMP = 12; 103 } 104 if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Color_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual(new HTuple()))) != 0) 105 { 106 hv_Color_COPY_INP_TMP = ""; 107 } 108 // 109 hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP = ((("" + hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP) + "")).TupleSplit("\n"); 110 // 111 //Estimate extentions of text depending on font size. 112 HOperatorSet.GetFontExtents(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, out hv_MaxAscent, out hv_MaxDescent, 113 out hv_MaxWidth, out hv_MaxHeight); 114 if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_CoordSystem.TupleEqual("window"))) != 0) 115 { 116 hv_R1 = hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP.Clone(); 117 hv_C1 = hv_Column_COPY_INP_TMP.Clone(); 118 } 119 else 120 { 121 //transform image to window coordinates 122 hv_FactorRow = (1.0 * hv_HeightWin) / ((hv_Row2Part - hv_Row1Part) + 1); 123 hv_FactorColumn = (1.0 * hv_WidthWin) / ((hv_Column2Part - hv_Column1Part) + 1); 124 hv_R1 = ((hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP - hv_Row1Part) + 0.5) * hv_FactorRow; 125 hv_C1 = ((hv_Column_COPY_INP_TMP - hv_Column1Part) + 0.5) * hv_FactorColumn; 126 } 127 // 128 //display text box depending on text size 129 if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Box.TupleEqual("true"))) != 0) 130 { 131 //calculate box extents 132 hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP = (" " + hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP) + " "; 133 hv_Width = new HTuple(); 134 for (hv_Index = 0; (int)hv_Index <= (int)((new HTuple(hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleLength() 135 )) - 1); hv_Index = (int)hv_Index + 1) 136 { 137 HOperatorSet.GetStringExtents(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleSelect( 138 hv_Index), out hv_Ascent, out hv_Descent, out hv_W, out hv_H); 139 hv_Width = hv_Width.TupleConcat(hv_W); 140 } 141 hv_FrameHeight = hv_MaxHeight * (new HTuple(hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleLength() 142 )); 143 hv_FrameWidth = (((new HTuple(0)).TupleConcat(hv_Width))).TupleMax(); 144 hv_R2 = hv_R1 + hv_FrameHeight; 145 hv_C2 = hv_C1 + hv_FrameWidth; 146 //display rectangles 147 HOperatorSet.GetDraw(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, out hv_DrawMode); 148 HOperatorSet.SetDraw(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, "fill"); 149 HOperatorSet.SetColor(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, "light gray"); 150 HOperatorSet.DispRectangle1(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, hv_R1 + 3, hv_C1 + 3, hv_R2 + 3, 151 hv_C2 + 3); 152 HOperatorSet.SetColor(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, "white"); 153 HOperatorSet.DispRectangle1(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, hv_R1, hv_C1, hv_R2, hv_C2); 154 HOperatorSet.SetDraw(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, hv_DrawMode); 155 } 156 else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Box.TupleNotEqual("false"))) != 0) 157 { 158 hv_Exception = "Wrong value of control parameter Box"; 159 throw new HalconException(hv_Exception); 160 } 161 //Write text. 162 for (hv_Index = 0; (int)hv_Index <= (int)((new HTuple(hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleLength() 163 )) - 1); hv_Index = (int)hv_Index + 1) 164 { 165 hv_CurrentColor = hv_Color_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleSelect(hv_Index % (new HTuple(hv_Color_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleLength() 166 ))); 167 if ((int)((new HTuple(hv_CurrentColor.TupleNotEqual(""))).TupleAnd(new HTuple(hv_CurrentColor.TupleNotEqual( 168 "auto")))) != 0) 169 { 170 HOperatorSet.SetColor(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, hv_CurrentColor); 171 } 172 else 173 { 174 HOperatorSet.SetRgb(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, hv_Red, hv_Green, hv_Blue); 175 } 176 hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_R1 + (hv_MaxHeight * hv_Index); 177 HOperatorSet.SetTposition(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP, hv_C1); 178 HOperatorSet.WriteString(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleSelect( 179 hv_Index)); 180 } 181 //reset changed window settings 182 HOperatorSet.SetRgb(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, hv_Red, hv_Green, hv_Blue); 183 HOperatorSet.SetPart(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, hv_Row1Part, hv_Column1Part, hv_Row2Part, 184 hv_Column2Part); 185 186 return; 187 } 188 189 // Chapter: Graphics / Text 190 // Short Description: Set font independent of OS 191 public void set_display_font(HTuple hv_WindowHandle, HTuple hv_Size, HTuple hv_Font, 192 HTuple hv_Bold, HTuple hv_Slant) 193 { 194 195 196 // Local control variables 197 198 HTuple hv_OS = null, hv_Exception = new HTuple(); 199 HTuple hv_BoldString = new HTuple(), hv_SlantString = new HTuple(); 200 HTuple hv_AllowedFontSizes = new HTuple(), hv_Distances = new HTuple(); 201 HTuple hv_Indices = new HTuple(), hv_Fonts = new HTuple(); 202 HTuple hv_FontSelRegexp = new HTuple(), hv_FontsCourier = new HTuple(); 203 204 HTuple hv_Bold_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_Bold.Clone(); 205 HTuple hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_Font.Clone(); 206 HTuple hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_Size.Clone(); 207 HTuple hv_Slant_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_Slant.Clone(); 208 209 // Initialize local and output iconic variables 210 211 //This procedure sets the text font of the current window with 212 //the specified attributes. 213 //It is assumed that following fonts are installed on the system: 214 //Windows: Courier New, Arial Times New Roman 215 //Mac OS X: CourierNewPS, Arial, TimesNewRomanPS 216 //Linux: courier, helvetica, times 217 //Because fonts are displayed smaller on Linux than on Windows, 218 //a scaling factor of 1.25 is used the get comparable results. 219 //For Linux, only a limited number of font sizes is supported, 220 //to get comparable results, it is recommended to use one of the 221 //following sizes: 9, 11, 14, 16, 20, 27 222 //(which will be mapped internally on Linux systems to 11, 14, 17, 20, 25, 34) 223 // 224 //Input parameters: 225 //WindowHandle: The graphics window for which the font will be set 226 //Size: The font size. If Size=-1, the default of 16 is used. 227 //Bold: If set to 'true', a bold font is used 228 //Slant: If set to 'true', a slanted font is used 229 // 230 HOperatorSet.GetSystem("operating_system", out hv_OS); 231 // dev_get_preferences(...); only in hdevelop 232 // dev_set_preferences(...); only in hdevelop 233 if ((int)((new HTuple(hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual(new HTuple()))).TupleOr( 234 new HTuple(hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual(-1)))) != 0) 235 { 236 hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP = 16; 237 } 238 if ((int)(new HTuple(((hv_OS.TupleSubstr(0, 2))).TupleEqual("Win"))) != 0) 239 { 240 //Set font on Windows systems 241 if ((int)((new HTuple((new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("mono"))).TupleOr( 242 new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("Courier"))))).TupleOr(new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual( 243 "courier")))) != 0) 244 { 245 hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP = "Courier New"; 246 } 247 else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("sans"))) != 0) 248 { 249 hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP = "Arial"; 250 } 251 else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("serif"))) != 0) 252 { 253 hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP = "Times New Roman"; 254 } 255 if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Bold_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("true"))) != 0) 256 { 257 hv_Bold_COPY_INP_TMP = 1; 258 } 259 else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Bold_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("false"))) != 0) 260 { 261 hv_Bold_COPY_INP_TMP = 0; 262 } 263 else 264 { 265 hv_Exception = "Wrong value of control parameter Bold"; 266 throw new HalconException(hv_Exception); 267 } 268 if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Slant_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("true"))) != 0) 269 { 270 hv_Slant_COPY_INP_TMP = 1; 271 } 272 else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Slant_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("false"))) != 0) 273 { 274 hv_Slant_COPY_INP_TMP = 0; 275 } 276 else 277 { 278 hv_Exception = "Wrong value of control parameter Slant"; 279 throw new HalconException(hv_Exception); 280 } 281 try 282 { 283 HOperatorSet.SetFont(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, ((((((("-" + hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP) + "-") + hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP) + "-*-") + hv_Slant_COPY_INP_TMP) + "-*-*-") + hv_Bold_COPY_INP_TMP) + "-"); 284 } 285 // catch (Exception) 286 catch (HalconException HDevExpDefaultException1) 287 { 288 HDevExpDefaultException1.ToHTuple(out hv_Exception); 289 //throw (Exception) 290 } 291 } 292 else if ((int)(new HTuple(((hv_OS.TupleSubstr(0, 2))).TupleEqual("Dar"))) != 0) 293 { 294 //Set font on Mac OS X systems 295 if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Bold_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("true"))) != 0) 296 { 297 hv_BoldString = "Bold"; 298 } 299 else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Bold_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("false"))) != 0) 300 { 301 hv_BoldString = ""; 302 } 303 else 304 { 305 hv_Exception = "Wrong value of control parameter Bold"; 306 throw new HalconException(hv_Exception); 307 } 308 if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Slant_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("true"))) != 0) 309 { 310 hv_SlantString = "Italic"; 311 } 312 else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Slant_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("false"))) != 0) 313 { 314 hv_SlantString = ""; 315 } 316 else 317 { 318 hv_Exception = "Wrong value of control parameter Slant"; 319 throw new HalconException(hv_Exception); 320 } 321 if ((int)((new HTuple((new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("mono"))).TupleOr( 322 new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("Courier"))))).TupleOr(new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual( 323 "courier")))) != 0) 324 { 325 hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP = "CourierNewPS"; 326 } 327 else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("sans"))) != 0) 328 { 329 hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP = "Arial"; 330 } 331 else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("serif"))) != 0) 332 { 333 hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP = "TimesNewRomanPS"; 334 } 335 if ((int)((new HTuple(hv_Bold_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("true"))).TupleOr(new HTuple(hv_Slant_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual( 336 "true")))) != 0) 337 { 338 hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP = ((hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP + "-") + hv_BoldString) + hv_SlantString; 339 } 340 hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP + "MT"; 341 try 342 { 343 HOperatorSet.SetFont(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, (hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP + "-") + hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP); 344 } 345 // catch (Exception) 346 catch (HalconException HDevExpDefaultException1) 347 { 348 HDevExpDefaultException1.ToHTuple(out hv_Exception); 349 //throw (Exception) 350 } 351 } 352 else 353 { 354 //Set font for UNIX systems 355 hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP * 1.25; 356 hv_AllowedFontSizes = new HTuple(); 357 hv_AllowedFontSizes[0] = 11; 358 hv_AllowedFontSizes[1] = 14; 359 hv_AllowedFontSizes[2] = 17; 360 hv_AllowedFontSizes[3] = 20; 361 hv_AllowedFontSizes[4] = 25; 362 hv_AllowedFontSizes[5] = 34; 363 if ((int)(new HTuple(((hv_AllowedFontSizes.TupleFind(hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP))).TupleEqual( 364 -1))) != 0) 365 { 366 hv_Distances = ((hv_AllowedFontSizes - hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP)).TupleAbs(); 367 HOperatorSet.TupleSortIndex(hv_Distances, out hv_Indices); 368 hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_AllowedFontSizes.TupleSelect(hv_Indices.TupleSelect( 369 0)); 370 } 371 if ((int)((new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("mono"))).TupleOr(new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual( 372 "Courier")))) != 0) 373 { 374 hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP = "courier"; 375 } 376 else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("sans"))) != 0) 377 { 378 hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP = "helvetica"; 379 } 380 else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("serif"))) != 0) 381 { 382 hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP = "times"; 383 } 384 if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Bold_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("true"))) != 0) 385 { 386 hv_Bold_COPY_INP_TMP = "bold"; 387 } 388 else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Bold_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("false"))) != 0) 389 { 390 hv_Bold_COPY_INP_TMP = "medium"; 391 } 392 else 393 { 394 hv_Exception = "Wrong value of control parameter Bold"; 395 throw new HalconException(hv_Exception); 396 } 397 if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Slant_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("true"))) != 0) 398 { 399 if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("times"))) != 0) 400 { 401 hv_Slant_COPY_INP_TMP = "i"; 402 } 403 else 404 { 405 hv_Slant_COPY_INP_TMP = "o"; 406 } 407 } 408 else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Slant_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("false"))) != 0) 409 { 410 hv_Slant_COPY_INP_TMP = "r"; 411 } 412 else 413 { 414 hv_Exception = "Wrong value of control parameter Slant"; 415 throw new HalconException(hv_Exception); 416 } 417 try 418 { 419 HOperatorSet.SetFont(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, ((((((("-adobe-" + hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP) + "-") + hv_Bold_COPY_INP_TMP) + "-") + hv_Slant_COPY_INP_TMP) + "-normal-*-") + hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP) + "-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"); 420 } 421 // catch (Exception) 422 catch (HalconException HDevExpDefaultException1) 423 { 424 HDevExpDefaultException1.ToHTuple(out hv_Exception); 425 if ((int)((new HTuple(((hv_OS.TupleSubstr(0, 4))).TupleEqual("Linux"))).TupleAnd( 426 new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("courier")))) != 0) 427 { 428 HOperatorSet.QueryFont(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, out hv_Fonts); 429 hv_FontSelRegexp = (("^-[^-]*-[^-]*[Cc]ourier[^-]*-" + hv_Bold_COPY_INP_TMP) + "-") + hv_Slant_COPY_INP_TMP; 430 hv_FontsCourier = ((hv_Fonts.TupleRegexpSelect(hv_FontSelRegexp))).TupleRegexpMatch( 431 hv_FontSelRegexp); 432 if ((int)(new HTuple((new HTuple(hv_FontsCourier.TupleLength())).TupleEqual( 433 0))) != 0) 434 { 435 hv_Exception = "Wrong font name"; 436 //throw (Exception) 437 } 438 else 439 { 440 try 441 { 442 HOperatorSet.SetFont(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, (((hv_FontsCourier.TupleSelect( 443 0)) + "-normal-*-") + hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP) + "-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"); 444 } 445 // catch (Exception) 446 catch (HalconException HDevExpDefaultException2) 447 { 448 HDevExpDefaultException2.ToHTuple(out hv_Exception); 449 //throw (Exception) 450 } 451 } 452 } 453 //throw (Exception) 454 } 455 } 456 // dev_set_preferences(...); only in hdevelop 457 458 return; 459 } 460 461 // Main procedure 462 private void action() 463 { 464 HObject ho_Image = null; 465 466 HTuple hv_AcqHandle = null, hv_Index = null; 467 HTuple hv_Width = new HTuple(), hv_Height = new HTuple(); 468 469 HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Image); 470 HOperatorSet.CloseAllFramegrabbers(); 471 HOperatorSet.OpenFramegrabber("DirectShow", 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "default", 8, 472 "rgb", -1, "false", "default", "[0] USB2.0 UVC PC Camera", 0, -1, out hv_AcqHandle); 473 HOperatorSet.GrabImageStart(hv_AcqHandle, -1); 474 hv_Index = 0; 475 for (hv_Index = 1; (int)hv_Index <= 5; hv_Index = (int)hv_Index + 1) 476 { 477 ho_Image.Dispose(); 478 HOperatorSet.GrabImageAsync(out ho_Image, hv_AcqHandle, -1); 479 HOperatorSet.DispObj(ho_Image, hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle); 480 HOperatorSet.GetImageSize(ho_Image, out hv_Width, out hv_Height); 481 set_display_font(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, 20, "mono", "true", "false"); 482 disp_message(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, (((("帧:" + hv_Index)).TupleConcat("Width:" + hv_Width))).TupleConcat( 483 "Height:" + hv_Height), "window", 12, 12, "green", "true"); 484 } 485 HOperatorSet.CloseFramegrabber(hv_AcqHandle); 486 ho_Image.Dispose(); 487 } 488 public void InitHalcon() 489 { 490 HOperatorSet.SetSystem("width", 512); 491 HOperatorSet.SetSystem("height", 512); 492 } 493 494 public void RunHalcon(HTuple Window) 495 { 496 hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle = Window; 497 action(); 498 } 499 500 } 501 }