

1 效果图


2 需求


  • 横向第一列做列头不可滚动,从第二列开始可以以第一列为起始进行滚动
  • 纵向第一行作为行头不可滚动,从第二行开始滚动
  • 滚动流程,内存消耗不大

3 分析

  • 常见的ListView加可滑动的item实现的话,横向就会把所以的内容都加载进来,不高效;如果横向数据很多,会造成内存过大;
  • 自定义控件继承ViewGroup实现
  • 借鉴ListView的实现思路,要有适配器,有缓存View的地方
  • 只显示屏幕看得见的区域
  • 将自定义的ViewGroup分成 三块局域:列头、行头、可滚动的表格区域
  • 重新onInterceptTouchEvent,onTouchEvent获取事件,滑动距离
  • 根据滑动的距离,计算当前应该显示那些View,那些View应该移除
  • 重新scrollBy、scrollTo实现滑动
  • 利用VelocityTracker实现滚动效果的流畅

4 Code


ublic class TableView extends ViewGroup {
	private int currentX;
	private int currentY;

	private TableAdapter adapter;
	private int scrollX;
	private int scrollY;
	private int firstRow;
	private int firstColumn;
	private int[] widths;
	private int[] heights;

	private View headView;
	private List<View> rowViewList;
	private List<View> columnViewList;
	private List<List<View>> bodyViewTable;

	private int rowCount;
	private int columnCount;

	private int width;
	private int height;

	private Recycler recycler;

	private TableAdapterDataSetObserver tableAdapterDataSetObserver;
	private boolean needRelayout;

	private final ImageView[] shadows;
	private final int shadowSize;

	private final int minimumVelocity;
	private final int maximumVelocity;

	private final Flinger flinger;

	private VelocityTracker velocityTracker;

	private int touchSlop;

	 * Simple constructor to use when creating a view from code.
	 * @param context
	 *            The Context the view is running in, through which it can
	 *            access the current theme, resources, etc.
	public TableView(Context context) {
		this(context, null);

	 * Constructor that is called when inflating a view from XML. This is called
	 * when a view is being constructed from an XML file, supplying attributes
	 * that were specified in the XML file. This version uses a default style of
	 * 0, so the only attribute values applied are those in the Context's Theme
	 * and the given AttributeSet.
	 * The method onFinishInflate() will be called after all children have been
	 * added.
	 * @param context
	 *            The Context the view is running in, through which it can
	 *            access the current theme, resources, etc.
	 * @param attrs
	 *            The attributes of the XML tag that is inflating the view.
	public TableView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
		super(context, attrs);

		this.headView = null;
		this.rowViewList = new ArrayList<View>();
		this.columnViewList = new ArrayList<View>();
		this.bodyViewTable = new ArrayList<List<View>>();

		this.needRelayout = true;

		this.shadows = new ImageView[4];
		this.shadows[0] = new ImageView(context);
		this.shadows[1] = new ImageView(context);
		this.shadows[2] = new ImageView(context);
		this.shadows[3] = new ImageView(context);

		this.shadowSize = getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.shadow_size);

		this.flinger = new Flinger(context);
		final ViewConfiguration configuration = ViewConfiguration.get(context);
		this.touchSlop = configuration.getScaledTouchSlop();
		this.minimumVelocity = configuration.getScaledMinimumFlingVelocity();
		this.maximumVelocity = configuration.getScaledMaximumFlingVelocity();


	 * Returns the adapter currently associated with this widget.
	 * @return The adapter used to provide this view's content.
	public TableAdapter getAdapter() {
		return adapter;

	 * Sets the data behind this TableFixHeaders.
	 * @param adapter
	 *            The TableAdapter which is responsible for maintaining the data
	 *            backing this list and for producing a view to represent an
	 *            item in that data set.
	public void setAdapter(TableAdapter adapter) {
		if (this.adapter != null) {

		this.adapter = adapter;
		tableAdapterDataSetObserver = new TableAdapterDataSetObserver();

		this.recycler = new Recycler(adapter.getViewTypeCount());

		scrollX = 0;
		scrollY = 0;
		firstColumn = 0;
		firstRow = 0;

		needRelayout = true;

	public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
		ListView list;
		boolean intercept = false;
		switch (event.getAction()) {
			case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: {
				currentX = (int) event.getRawX();
				currentY = (int) event.getRawY();
			case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: {
				int x2 = Math.abs(currentX - (int) event.getRawX());
				int y2 = Math.abs(currentY - (int) event.getRawY());
				if (x2 > touchSlop || y2 > touchSlop) {
					intercept = true;
		return intercept;

	public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
		if (velocityTracker == null) { // If we do not have velocity tracker
			velocityTracker = VelocityTracker.obtain(); // then get one
		velocityTracker.addMovement(event); // add this movement to it

		switch (event.getAction()) {
			case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: {
				if (!flinger.isFinished()) { // If scrolling, then stop now
				currentX = (int) event.getRawX();
				currentY = (int) event.getRawY();
			case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: {
				final int x2 = (int) event.getRawX();
				final int y2 = (int) event.getRawY();
				final int diffX = currentX - x2;
				final int diffY = currentY - y2;
				currentX = x2;
				currentY = y2;

				scrollBy(diffX, diffY);
			case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: {
				final VelocityTracker velocityTracker = this.velocityTracker;
				velocityTracker.computeCurrentVelocity(1000, maximumVelocity);
				int velocityX = (int) velocityTracker.getXVelocity();
				int velocityY = (int) velocityTracker.getYVelocity();

				if (Math.abs(velocityX) > minimumVelocity || Math.abs(velocityY) > minimumVelocity) {
					flinger.start(getActualScrollX(), getActualScrollY(), velocityX, velocityY, getMaxScrollX(), getMaxScrollY());
				} else {
					if (this.velocityTracker != null) { // If the velocity less than threshold
						this.velocityTracker.recycle(); // recycle the tracker
						this.velocityTracker = null;
		return true;

	public void scrollTo(int x, int y) {
		if (needRelayout) {
			scrollX = x;
			firstColumn = 0;

			scrollY = y;
			firstRow = 0;
		} else {
			scrollBy(x - sumArray(widths, 1, firstColumn) - scrollX, y - sumArray(heights, 1, firstRow) - scrollY);

	public void scrollBy(int x, int y) {
		scrollX += x;
		scrollY += y;

		if (needRelayout) {


		 * TODO Improve the algorithm. Think big diagonal movements. If we are
		 * in the top left corner and scrollBy to the opposite corner. We will
		 * have created the views from the top right corner on the X part and we
		 * will have eliminated to generate the right at the Y.
		if (scrollX == 0) {
			// no op
		} else if (scrollX > 0) {
			while (widths[firstColumn + 1] < scrollX) {
				if (!rowViewList.isEmpty()) {
				scrollX -= widths[firstColumn + 1];
			while (getFilledWidth() < width) {
		} else {
			while (!rowViewList.isEmpty() && getFilledWidth() - widths[firstColumn + rowViewList.size()] >= width) {
			if (rowViewList.isEmpty()) {
				while (scrollX < 0) {
					scrollX += widths[firstColumn + 1];
				while (getFilledWidth() < width) {
			} else {
				while (0 > scrollX) {
					scrollX += widths[firstColumn + 1];

		if (scrollY == 0) {
			// no op
		} else if (scrollY > 0) {
			while (heights[firstRow + 1] < scrollY) {
				if (!columnViewList.isEmpty()) {
				scrollY -= heights[firstRow + 1];
			while (getFilledHeight() < height) {
		} else {
			while (!columnViewList.isEmpty() && getFilledHeight() - heights[firstRow + columnViewList.size()] >= height) {
			if (columnViewList.isEmpty()) {
				while (scrollY < 0) {
					scrollY += heights[firstRow + 1];
				while (getFilledHeight() < height) {
			} else {
				while (0 > scrollY) {
					scrollY += heights[firstRow + 1];




	 * The expected value is: percentageOfViewScrolled * computeHorizontalScrollRange()
	protected int computeHorizontalScrollExtent() {
		final float tableSize = width - widths[0];
		final float contentSize = sumArray(widths) - widths[0];
		final float percentageOfVisibleView = tableSize / contentSize;

	    return Math.round(percentageOfVisibleView * tableSize);

	 * The expected value is between 0 and computeHorizontalScrollRange() - computeHorizontalScrollExtent()
	protected int computeHorizontalScrollOffset() {
		final float maxScrollX = sumArray(widths) - width;
		final float percentageOfViewScrolled = getActualScrollX() / maxScrollX;
		final int maxHorizontalScrollOffset = width - widths[0] - computeHorizontalScrollExtent();

	    return widths[0] + Math.round(percentageOfViewScrolled * maxHorizontalScrollOffset);

	 * The base measure
	protected int computeHorizontalScrollRange() {
	    return width;

	 * The expected value is: percentageOfViewScrolled * computeVerticalScrollRange()
	protected int computeVerticalScrollExtent() {
		final float tableSize = height - heights[0];
		final float contentSize = sumArray(heights) - heights[0];
		final float percentageOfVisibleView = tableSize / contentSize;

	    return Math.round(percentageOfVisibleView * tableSize);

	 * The expected value is between 0 and computeVerticalScrollRange() - computeVerticalScrollExtent()
	protected int computeVerticalScrollOffset() {
		final float maxScrollY = sumArray(heights) - height;
		final float percentageOfViewScrolled = getActualScrollY() / maxScrollY;
		final int maxHorizontalScrollOffset = height - heights[0] - computeVerticalScrollExtent();

	    return heights[0] + Math.round(percentageOfViewScrolled * maxHorizontalScrollOffset);

	 * The base measure
	protected int computeVerticalScrollRange() {
	    return height;

	public int getActualScrollX() {
		return scrollX + sumArray(widths, 1, firstColumn);

	public int getActualScrollY() {
		return scrollY + sumArray(heights, 1, firstRow);

	private int getMaxScrollX() {
		return Math.max(0, sumArray(widths) - width);

	private int getMaxScrollY() {
		return Math.max(0, sumArray(heights) - height);

	private int getFilledWidth() {
		return widths[0] + sumArray(widths, firstColumn + 1, rowViewList.size()) - scrollX;

	private int getFilledHeight() {
		return heights[0] + sumArray(heights, firstRow + 1, columnViewList.size()) - scrollY;

	private void addLeft() {
		addLeftOrRight(firstColumn - 1, 0);

	private void addTop() {
		addTopAndBottom(firstRow - 1, 0);

	private void addRight() {
		final int size = rowViewList.size();
		addLeftOrRight(firstColumn + size, size);

	private void addBottom() {
		final int size = columnViewList.size();
		addTopAndBottom(firstRow + size, size);

	private void addLeftOrRight(int column, int index) {
		View view = makeView(-1, column, widths[column + 1], heights[0]);
		rowViewList.add(index, view);

		int i = firstRow;
		for (List<View> list : bodyViewTable) {
			view = makeView(i, column, widths[column + 1], heights[i + 1]);
			list.add(index, view);

	private void addTopAndBottom(int row, int index) {
		View view = makeView(row, -1, widths[0], heights[row + 1]);
		columnViewList.add(index, view);

		List<View> list = new ArrayList<View>();
		final int size = rowViewList.size() + firstColumn;
		for (int i = firstColumn; i < size; i++) {
			view = makeView(row, i, widths[i + 1], heights[row + 1]);
		bodyViewTable.add(index, list);

	private void removeLeft() {

	private void removeTop() {

	private void removeRight() {
		removeLeftOrRight(rowViewList.size() - 1);

	private void removeBottom() {
		removeTopOrBottom(columnViewList.size() - 1);

	private void removeLeftOrRight(int position) {
		for (List<View> list : bodyViewTable) {

	private void removeTopOrBottom(int position) {
		List<View> remove = bodyViewTable.remove(position);
		for (View view : remove) {

	public void removeView(View view) {

		final int typeView = (Integer) view.getTag(;
		if (typeView != TableAdapter.IGNORE_ITEM_VIEW_TYPE) {
			recycler.addRecycledView(view, typeView);

	private void repositionViews() {
		int left, top, right, bottom, i;

		left = widths[0] - scrollX;
		i = firstColumn;
		for (View view : rowViewList) {
			right = left + widths[++i];
			view.layout(left, 0, right, heights[0]);
			left = right;

		top = heights[0] - scrollY;
		i = firstRow;
		for (View view : columnViewList) {
			bottom = top + heights[++i];
			view.layout(0, top, widths[0], bottom);
			top = bottom;

		top = heights[0] - scrollY;
		i = firstRow;
		for (List<View> list : bodyViewTable) {
			bottom = top + heights[++i];
			left = widths[0] - scrollX;
			int j = firstColumn;
			for (View view : list) {
				right = left + widths[++j];
				view.layout(left, top, right, bottom);
				left = right;
			top = bottom;

	protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
		final int widthMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(widthMeasureSpec);
		final int heightMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(heightMeasureSpec);
		final int widthSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(widthMeasureSpec);
		final int heightSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(heightMeasureSpec);

		final int w;
		final int h;

		if (adapter != null) {
			this.rowCount = adapter.getRowCount();
			this.columnCount = adapter.getColumnCount();

			widths = new int[columnCount + 1];
			for (int i = -1; i < columnCount; i++) {
				widths[i + 1] += adapter.getWidth(i);
			heights = new int[rowCount + 1];
			for (int i = -1; i < rowCount; i++) {
				heights[i + 1] += adapter.getHeight(i);

			if (widthMode == MeasureSpec.AT_MOST) {
				w = Math.min(widthSize, sumArray(widths));
			} else if (widthMode == MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED) {
				w = sumArray(widths);
			} else {
				w = widthSize;
				int sumArray = sumArray(widths);
				if (sumArray < widthSize) {
					final float factor = widthSize / (float) sumArray;
					for (int i = 1; i < widths.length; i++) {
						widths[i] = Math.round(widths[i] * factor);
					widths[0] = widthSize - sumArray(widths, 1, widths.length - 1);

			if (heightMode == MeasureSpec.AT_MOST) {
				h = Math.min(heightSize, sumArray(heights));
			} else if (heightMode == MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED) {
				h = sumArray(heights);
			} else {
				h = heightSize;
		} else {
			if (heightMode == MeasureSpec.AT_MOST || widthMode == MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED) {
				w = 0;
				h = 0;
			} else {
				w = widthSize;
				h = heightSize;

		if (firstRow >= rowCount || getMaxScrollY() - getActualScrollY() < 0) {
			firstRow = 0;
			scrollY = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
		if (firstColumn >= columnCount || getMaxScrollX() - getActualScrollX() < 0) {
			firstColumn = 0;
			scrollX = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

		setMeasuredDimension(w, h);

	private int sumArray(int array[]) {
		return sumArray(array, 0, array.length);

	private int sumArray(int array[], int firstIndex, int count) {
		int sum = 0;
		count += firstIndex;
		for (int i = firstIndex; i < count; i++) {
			sum += array[i];
		return sum;

	protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int l, int t, int r, int b) {
		if (needRelayout || changed) {
			needRelayout = false;

			if (adapter != null) {
				width = r - l;
				height = b - t;

				int left, top, right, bottom;

				right = Math.min(width, sumArray(widths));
				bottom = Math.min(height, sumArray(heights));
				addShadow(shadows[0], widths[0], 0, widths[0] + shadowSize, bottom);
				addShadow(shadows[1], 0, heights[0], right, heights[0] + shadowSize);
				addShadow(shadows[2], right - shadowSize, 0, right, bottom);
				addShadow(shadows[3], 0, bottom - shadowSize, right, bottom);

				headView = makeAndSetup(-1, -1, 0, 0, widths[0], heights[0]);


				left = widths[0] - scrollX;
				for (int i = firstColumn; i < columnCount && left < width; i++) {
					right = left + widths[i + 1];
					final View view = makeAndSetup(-1, i, left, 0, right, heights[0]);
					left = right;

				top = heights[0] - scrollY;
				for (int i = firstRow; i < rowCount && top < height; i++) {
					bottom = top + heights[i + 1];
					final View view = makeAndSetup(i, -1, 0, top, widths[0], bottom);
					top = bottom;

				top = heights[0] - scrollY;
				for (int i = firstRow; i < rowCount && top < height; i++) {
					bottom = top + heights[i + 1];
					left = widths[0] - scrollX;
					List<View> list = new ArrayList<View>();
					for (int j = firstColumn; j < columnCount && left < width; j++) {
						right = left + widths[j + 1];
						final View view = makeAndSetup(i, j, left, top, right, bottom);
						left = right;
					top = bottom;


	private void scrollBounds() {
		scrollX = scrollBounds(scrollX, firstColumn, widths, width);
		scrollY = scrollBounds(scrollY, firstRow, heights, height);

	private int scrollBounds(int desiredScroll, int firstCell, int sizes[], int viewSize) {
		if (desiredScroll == 0) {
			// no op
		} else if (desiredScroll < 0) {
			desiredScroll = Math.max(desiredScroll, -sumArray(sizes, 1, firstCell));
		} else {
			desiredScroll = Math.min(desiredScroll, Math.max(0, sumArray(sizes, firstCell + 1, sizes.length - 1 - firstCell) + sizes[0] - viewSize));
		return desiredScroll;

	private void adjustFirstCellsAndScroll() {
		int values[];

		values = adjustFirstCellsAndScroll(scrollX, firstColumn, widths);
		scrollX = values[0];
		firstColumn = values[1];

		values = adjustFirstCellsAndScroll(scrollY, firstRow, heights);
		scrollY = values[0];
		firstRow = values[1];

	private int[] adjustFirstCellsAndScroll(int scroll, int firstCell, int sizes[]) {
		if (scroll == 0) {
			// no op
		} else if (scroll > 0) {
			while (sizes[firstCell + 1] < scroll) {
				scroll -= sizes[firstCell];
		} else {
			while (scroll < 0) {
				scroll += sizes[firstCell];
		return new int[] { scroll, firstCell };

	private void shadowsVisibility() {
		final int actualScrollX = getActualScrollX();
		final int actualScrollY = getActualScrollY();
		final int[] remainPixels = {
				getMaxScrollX() - actualScrollX,
				getMaxScrollY() - actualScrollY,

		for (int i = 0; i < shadows.length; i++) {
			setAlpha(shadows[i], Math.min(remainPixels[i] / (float) shadowSize, 1));

	private void setAlpha(ImageView imageView, float alpha) {
		} else {
			imageView.setAlpha(Math.round(alpha * 255));

	private void addShadow(ImageView imageView, int l, int t, int r, int b) {
		imageView.layout(l, t, r, b);

	private void resetTable() {
		headView = null;


	private View makeAndSetup(int row, int column, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {
		final View view = makeView(row, column, right - left, bottom - top);
		view.layout(left, top, right, bottom);
		return view;

	protected boolean drawChild(Canvas canvas, View child, long drawingTime) {
		final boolean ret;

		final Integer row = (Integer) child.getTag(;
		final Integer column = (Integer) child.getTag(;
		// row == null => Shadow view
		if (row == null || (row == -1 && column == -1)) {
			ret = super.drawChild(canvas, child, drawingTime);
		} else {;
			if (row == -1) {
				canvas.clipRect(widths[0], 0, canvas.getWidth(), canvas.getHeight());
			} else if (column == -1) {
				canvas.clipRect(0, heights[0], canvas.getWidth(), canvas.getHeight());
			} else {
				canvas.clipRect(widths[0], heights[0], canvas.getWidth(), canvas.getHeight());

			ret = super.drawChild(canvas, child, drawingTime);
		return ret;

	private View makeView(int row, int column, int w, int h) {
		final int itemViewType = adapter.getItemViewType(row, column);
		final View recycledView;
		if (itemViewType == TableAdapter.IGNORE_ITEM_VIEW_TYPE) {
			recycledView = null;
		} else {
			recycledView = recycler.getRecycledView(itemViewType);
		final View view = adapter.getView(row, column, recycledView, this);
		view.setTag(, itemViewType);
		view.setTag(, row);
		view.setTag(, column);
		view.measure(MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(w, MeasureSpec.EXACTLY), MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(h, MeasureSpec.EXACTLY));
		addTableView(view, row, column);
		return view;

	private void addTableView(View view, int row, int column) {
		if (row == -1 && column == -1) {
			addView(view, getChildCount() - 4);
		} else if (row == -1 || column == -1) {
			addView(view, getChildCount() - 5);
		} else {
			addView(view, 0);

	private class TableAdapterDataSetObserver extends DataSetObserver {

		public void onChanged() {
			needRelayout = true;

		public void onInvalidated() {
			// Do nothing

	private class Flinger implements Runnable {
		private final Scroller scroller;

		private int lastX = 0;
		private int lastY = 0;

		Flinger(Context context) {
			scroller = new Scroller(context);

		void start(int initX, int initY, int initialVelocityX, int initialVelocityY, int maxX, int maxY) {
			scroller.fling(initX, initY, initialVelocityX, initialVelocityY, 0, maxX, 0, maxY);

			lastX = initX;
			lastY = initY;

		public void run() {
			if (scroller.isFinished()) {

			boolean more = scroller.computeScrollOffset();
			int x = scroller.getCurrX();
			int y = scroller.getCurrY();
			int diffX = lastX - x;
			int diffY = lastY - y;
			if (diffX != 0 || diffY != 0) {
				scrollBy(diffX, diffY);
				lastX = x;
				lastY = y;

			if (more) {

		boolean isFinished() {
			return scroller.isFinished();

		void forceFinished() {
			if (!scroller.isFinished()) {


public interface TableAdapter {

    public final static int IGNORE_ITEM_VIEW_TYPE = -1;

     * Register an observer that is called when changes happen to the data used
     * by this adapter.
     * @param observer
     *            the object that gets notified when the data set changes.
    void registerDataSetObserver(DataSetObserver observer);

     * Unregister an observer that has previously been registered with this
     * adapter via {@link #registerDataSetObserver}.
     * @param observer
     *            the object to unregister.
    void unregisterDataSetObserver(DataSetObserver observer);
    public int getRowCount();

    public int getColumnCount();

    public View getView(int row, int column, View convertView, ViewGroup parent);

    public int getWidth(int column);

    public int getHeight(int row);

    public int getItemViewType(int row, int column);

    public int getViewTypeCount();

5 Demo


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  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




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