

Camera Network Analysis
  • Incremental Activity Modelling in Multiple Disjoint Cameras 
    C. C. Loy, T. Xiang, and S. Gong 
    IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 34, no. 9, pp. 1799-1813, 2012 (TPAMI)
    DOI PDF Project Page | Codes
  • Comparing Visual Feature Coding for Learning Disjoint Camera Dependencies 
    X. Zhu, S. Gong, and C. C. Loy 
    in Proceedings of British Machine Vision Conference, 2012 (BMVC)
    PDF Extended Abstract Poster
  • Time-Delayed Correlation Analysis for Multi-Camera Activity Understanding 
    C. C. Loy, T. Xiang, and S. Gong 
    International Journal of Computer Vision, vol. 90, no. 1, pp. 106-129, 2010 (IJCV)
    DOI PDF Project Page | Codes
  • Modelling Activity Global Temporal Dependencies using Time Delayed Probabilistic Graphical Model 
    C. C. Loy, T. Xiang, and S. Gong 
    in Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Vision, pp. 120-127, 2009 (ICCV, Oral) 
    PDF Project Page | Codes
  • Multi-Camera Activity Correlation Analysis 
    C. C. Loy, T. Xiang, and S. Gong 
    in Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 1988-1995, 2009 (CVPR, Oral) 
    PDF Project Page | Codes

Person Re-Identification
  • Pedestrian Attribute Recognition At Far Distance 
    Y. Deng, P. Luo, C. C. Loy, X. Tang 
    ACM Multimedia, 2014 (ACM MM)
    PDF Project Page
  • On-the-fly Feature Importance Mining for Person Re-Identification 
    C. Liu, S. Gong, and C. C. Loy 
    Pattern Recognition, vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 1602-1615, 2014 (PR)
    DOI PDF Project Page
  • Person Re-Identification 
    S. Gong, M. Cristani, S. Yan, C. C. Loy (Eds.) 
    Springer, January 2014 
    DOI Preface Introduction
  • The Re-Identification Challenge [A Survey] 
    S. Gong, M. Cristani, C. C. Loy, and T. Hospedales 
    In Gong, Cristani, Yan, Loy (Eds.), Person Re-Identification, Springer, January 2014 
  • Evaluating Feature Importance for Re-Identification 
    C. Liu, S. Gong, C. C. Loy, and X. Lin 
    In Gong, Cristani, Yan, Loy (Eds.), Person Re-Identification, Springer, January 2014 
  • POP: Person Re-Identification Post-Rank Optimisation 
    C. Liu, C. C. Loy, S. Gong, and G. Wang 
    in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, pp. 441-448, 2013 (ICCV)
    PDF Poster Project Page
  • Person Re-Identification by Manifold Ranking 
    C. C. Loy, C. Liu, and S. Gong 
    in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, pp. 3567-3571, 2013 (ICIP)
    PDF Poster Project Page | Codes
  • Person Re-Identification: What Features are Important? 
    C. Liu, S. Gong, C. C. Loy, and X. Lin 
    in Proceedings of European Conference on Computer Vision, International Workshop on Re-Identification, pp. 391-401, 2012 (Re-Id @ ECCV)
    PDF Project Page

Crowd Behaviour Understanding and Profiling
  • Scene-Independent Group Profiling in Crowd 
    J. Shao, C. C. Loy, X. Wang 
    in Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 2227-2234, 2014 (CVPR, Oral)
    PDF Demo Project Page | Codes
  • Stream-based Joint Exploration-Exploitation Active Learning 
    C. C. Loy, T. M. Hospedales, T. Xiang, and S. Gong 
    in Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 1560-1567, 2012 (CVPR, Oral)
    PDF Project Page | Codes
  • Crowd Saliency Detection via Global Similarity Structure 
    M. K. Lim, V. J. Kok, C. C. Loy, and C. S. Chan 
    in Proceedings of International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2014 (ICPR, Oral)
  • Salient Motion Detection in Crowded Scenes 
    C. C. Loy, T. Xiang, and S. Gong 
    in Proceedings of International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal Processing, pp. 1-4, 2012
  • Detecting and Discriminating Behavioural Anomalies 
    C. C. Loy, T. Xiang, and S. Gong 
    Pattern Recognition, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 117-132, 2011 (PR) 
  • Stream-based Active Unusual Event Detection 
    C. C. Loy, T. Xiang, and S. Gong 
    in Proceedings of Asian Conference on Computer Vision, pp. 161-175, 2010 (ACCV, Oral) 
  • Modelling Multi-object Activity by Gaussian Processes 
    C. C. Loy, T. Xiang, and S. Gong 
    in Proceedings of British Machine Vision Conference, 2009 (BMVC) 
    PDF Extended Abstract Poster
  • Surveillance Video Behaviour Profiling and Anomaly Detection 
    C. C. Loy, T. Xiang, and S. Gong 
    in Proceedings of Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers Conference Series, 2009 
  • From Local Temporal Correlation to Global Anomaly Detection
    C. C. Loy, T. Xiang, and S. Gong
    in Proceedings of European Conference on Computer Vision, International Workshop on Machine Learning for Vision-based Motion Analysis, 2008 (MLVMA @ ECCV)

Crowd Density Estimation / Crowd Counting
  • From Semi-Supervised to Transfer Counting of Crowds 
    C. C. Loy, S. Gong, and T. Xiang 
    in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, pp. 2256-2263, 2013 (ICCV)
    PDF Poster Project Page
  • Cumulative Attribute Space for Age and Crowd Density Estimation 
    K. Chen, S. Gong, T. Xiang, and C. C. Loy 
    in Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 2467-2474, 2013 (CVPR, Oral)
    PDF Poster Project Page
  • Crowd Counting and Profiling: Methodology and Evaluation 
    C. C. Loy, K. Chen, S. Gong, T. Xiang 
    in S. Ali, K. Nishino, D. Manocha, and M. Shah (Eds.), Modeling, Simulation and Visual Analysis of Crowds, Springer, vol. 11, pp. 347-382, 2013 
  • Feature Mining for Localised Crowd Counting 
    K. Chen, C. C. Loy, S. Gong, and T. Xiang 
    in Proceedings of British Machine Vision Conference, 2012 (BMVC)
    PDF Extended Abstract Poster Project Page

Video Summarisation
  • Constructing Robust Affinity Graphs for Spectral Clustering 
    X. Zhu, C. C. Loy, S. Gong 
    in Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 1450-1457, 2014 (CVPR)
    PDF Poster Project Page | Codes
  • Video Synopsis by Heterogeneous Multi-Source Correlation 
    X. Zhu, C. C. Loy, and S. Gong 
    in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, pp. 81-88, 2013 (ICCV)
    PDF Poster Project Page
  • Constrained Clustering: Effective Constraint Propagation with Imperfect Oracles 
    X. Zhu, C. C. Loy, and S. Gong 
    in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, pp. 1307-1312, 2013 (ICDM)
    PDF Project Page

  • Security and Surveillance 
    S. Gong, C. C. Loy, and T. Xiang 
    in T. Moeslund, A. Hilton, V. Krueger, L. Sigal (Eds.), Visual Analysis of Humans: Looking at People, Springer, pp. 455-472, 2011 
  • Activity Understanding and Unusual Event Detection in Surveillance Videos 
    C. C. Loy 
    PhD Thesis, Queen Mary University of London, 2010





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