- I want to share with you what I think the major trends in AI. Because I guess the title of this talk was AI is the New Electricity.
- I want to discuss with you some of the impact of AI on business.
- And then talk a little bit about the process of working with AI.
- And then finally, Q & A
1)Supervised learning
A(input)→ B(output)
- email → spam?(0/1)
- image → object(1,2,……,1000)
- audio → text(speech recognition)
- English → French
- text → audio
- ad users → click?(0/1)
2) Rule of thumb
Anything typical human can do with ≤ 1 sec of thought, we can probably now and soon automate with AI.
- feasible
- data
- insight(借鉴人是怎么做的)
3) Why is AI only now talking off?
4) AI
- ML
- HPC(High Performance Computing-高性能计算机群)
5)Virtuous circle of AI
6) AI Product Management
- PM(plan manage)- users love,wire frame(线框图)
- Engineering - what’s feasible
Speech Recognition
- Noisy
- car
- cafe
- Low bandwidth audio(低频声音)
- Accents speech(口音)
One of the good way for a PM to communicate with engineer is through the data.
10000 of audio clips → PM
有些场景 wire frame 会很简单,比如 聊天机器人,这个时候需要 PM 与 engineer 面对面交谈, feasible or not?
7) Take off
- speech recognition
- computer vision
- face recognition
- healthcare
8) 观看地址