自然语言处理-自学笔记-04 卷积神经网络






对于大小为 n ∗ n n*n nn的输入和 m ∗ m m*m mm的卷积核,其中 m ≤ n m\le n mn。输入用 X X X表示,权重用 W W W表示,输出用 H H H表示。在每个位置 i , j i,j i,j,输出计算过程为:
h i , j = ∑ k = 1 m ∑ l = 1 m w k , l x i + k − 1 , j + l − 1 w h e r e ≤ i , j ≤ n − m + 1 {{h}_{i,j}}=\sum\limits_{k=1}^{m}{\sum\limits_{l=1}^{m}{_{{{w}_{k}}_{,l}{{x}_{i+k-1,j+l-1}}}where\le i,j\le n-m+1}} hi,j=k=1ml=1mwk,lxi+k1,j+l1wherei,jnm+1


h i , j = m a x ( x i , j , x i , j + 1 , . . . , x i , j + m − 1 , x i + 1 , j , . . . , x i + 1 , j + m − 1 , . . . , x i + m − 1 , j , . . . , x i + m − 1 , j + m − 1 ) w h e r e 1 ≤ i , j ≤ n − m + 1 h_{i,j}=max({x_{i,j},x_{i,j+1},...,x_{i,j+m-1},x_{i+1,j},...,x_{i+1,j+m-1},...,x_{i+m-1,j},...,x_{i+m-1,j+m-1}})where1\le i,j\le n-m+1 hi,j=max(xi,j,xi,j+1,...,xi,j+m1,xi+1,j,...,xi+1,j+m1,...,xi+m1,j,...,xi+m1,j+m1)where1i,jnm+1





import tensorflow as tf
from matplotlib import pylab
from tensorflow.examples.tutorials.mnist import input_data
import numpy as np

# Required for Data downaload and preparation
import struct
import gzip
import os
from six.moves.urllib.request import urlretrieve

batch_size = 100 # This is the typical batch size we've been using
image_size = 28 # This is the width/height of a single image

# Number of color channels in an image. These are black and white images
n_channels = 1

# Number of different digits we have images for (i.e. classes)
n_classes = 10

n_train = 55000 # Train dataset size
n_valid = 5000 # Validation dataset size
n_test = 10000 # Test dataset size

# Layers in the CNN in the order from input to output
cnn_layer_ids = ['conv1','pool1','conv2','pool2','fulcon1','softmax']

# Hyperparameters of each layer (e.g. filter size of each convolution layer)
layer_hyperparameters = {'conv1':{'weight_shape':[3,3,n_channels,16],'stride':[1,1,1,1],'padding':'SAME'},

# Inputs (Images) and Outputs (Labels) Placeholders
tf_inputs = tf.placeholder(shape=[batch_size, image_size, image_size, n_channels],dtype=tf.float32,name='tf_mnist_images')
tf_labels = tf.placeholder(shape=[batch_size, n_classes],dtype=tf.float32,name='tf_mnist_labels')

# Global step for decaying the learning rate
global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False)

# Initializing the variables
layer_weights = {}
layer_biases = {}

for layer_id in cnn_layer_ids:
    if 'pool' not in layer_id:
        layer_weights[layer_id] = tf.Variable(
                                           stddev=0.02, dtype=tf.float32), name=layer_id + '_weights')
        layer_biases[layer_id] = tf.Variable(
                                           stddev=0.01, dtype=tf.float32), name=layer_id + '_bias')

print('Variables initialized')

# Calculating Logits

h = tf_inputs
for layer_id in cnn_layer_ids:
    if 'conv' in layer_id:
        # For each convolution layer, compute the output by using conv2d function
        # This operation results in a [batch_size, output_height, output_width, out_channels]
        # sized 4 dimensional tensor
        h = tf.nn.conv2d(h,layer_weights[layer_id],layer_hyperparameters[layer_id]['stride'],
                         layer_hyperparameters[layer_id]['padding']) + layer_biases[layer_id]
        h = tf.nn.relu(h)

    elif 'pool' in layer_id:
        # For each pooling layer, compute the output by max pooling
        # This operation results in a [batch_size, output_height, output_width, out_channels]
        # sized 4 dimensional tensor
        h = tf.nn.max_pool(h, layer_hyperparameters[layer_id]['kernel_shape'],layer_hyperparameters[layer_id]['stride'],

    elif layer_id == 'fulcon1':
        # At the first fulcon layer we need to reshape the 4 dimensional output to a
        # 2 dimensional output to be processed by fully connected layers
        # Note this should only done once, before
        # computing the output of the first fulcon layer
        h = tf.reshape(h,[batch_size,-1])
        h = tf.matmul(h,layer_weights[layer_id]) + layer_biases[layer_id]
        h = tf.nn.relu(h)

    elif layer_id == 'softmax':
        # Note that here we do not perform the same reshaping we did for fulcon1
        # We only perform the matrix multiplication on previous output
        h = tf.matmul(h,layer_weights[layer_id]) + layer_biases[layer_id]

print('Calculated logits')
tf_logits = h

# Calculating the softmax cross entropy loss with the computed logits and true labels (one hot encoded)
tf_loss = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_v2(logits=tf_logits,labels=tf_labels)
print('Loss defined')

# Optimization

# Here we define the function to decay the learning rate exponentially.
# Everytime the global step increases the learning rate decreases
tf_learning_rate = tf.train.exponential_decay(learning_rate=0.001,global_step=global_step,decay_rate=0.5,decay_steps=1,staircase=True)
tf_loss_minimize = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(learning_rate=tf_learning_rate, momentum=0.9).minimize(tf_loss)
print('Loss minimization defined')

tf_predictions = tf.nn.softmax(tf_logits)
print('Prediction defined')

tf_tic_toc = tf.assign(global_step, global_step + 1)

def accuracy(predictions, labels):
    Accuracy of a given set of predictions of size (N x n_classes) and
    labels of size (N x n_classes)

    return np.sum(np.argmax(predictions, axis=1) == np.argmax(labels, axis=1)) * 100.0 / labels.shape[0]

def maybe_download(url, filename, expected_bytes, force=False):
    """Download a file if not present, and make sure it's the right size."""
    if force or not os.path.exists(filename):
        print('Attempting to download:', filename)
        filename, _ = urlretrieve(url + filename, filename)
        print('\nDownload Complete!')
    statinfo = os.stat(filename)
    if statinfo.st_size == expected_bytes:
        print('Found and verified', filename)
        raise Exception(
            'Failed to verify ' + filename + '. Can you get to it with a browser?')
    return filename

def read_mnist(fname_img, fname_lbl, one_hot=False):
    print('\nReading files %s and %s' % (fname_img, fname_lbl))

    # Processing images
    with gzip.open(fname_img) as fimg:
        magic, num, rows, cols = struct.unpack(">IIII", fimg.read(16))
        print(num, rows, cols)
        img = (np.frombuffer(fimg.read(num * rows * cols), dtype=np.uint8).reshape(num, rows, cols, 1)).astype(
        print('(Images) Returned a tensor of shape ', img.shape)

        # img = (img - np.mean(img)) /np.std(img)
        img *= 1.0 / 255.0

    # Processing labels
    with gzip.open(fname_lbl) as flbl:
        # flbl.read(8) reads upto 8 bytes
        magic, num = struct.unpack(">II", flbl.read(8))
        lbl = np.frombuffer(flbl.read(num), dtype=np.int8)
        if one_hot:
            one_hot_lbl = np.zeros(shape=(num, 10), dtype=np.float32)
            one_hot_lbl[np.arange(num), lbl] = 1.0
        print('(Labels) Returned a tensor of shape: %s' % lbl.shape)
        print('Sample labels: ', lbl[:10])

    if not one_hot:
        return img, lbl
        return img, one_hot_lbl

# Download data if needed
url = 'http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/'
# training data
maybe_download(url, 'train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz', 9912422)
maybe_download(url, 'train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz', 28881)
# testing data
maybe_download(url, 't10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz', 1648877)
maybe_download(url, 't10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz', 4542)

# Read the training and testing data
train_inputs, train_labels = read_mnist('train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz', 'train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz', True)
test_inputs, test_labels = read_mnist('t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz', 't10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz', True)

valid_inputs, valid_labels = train_inputs[-n_valid:, :, :, :], train_labels[-n_valid:, :]
train_inputs, train_labels = train_inputs[:-n_valid, :, :, :], train_labels[:-n_valid, :]

print('\nTrain size: ', train_inputs.shape[0])
print('\nValid size: ', valid_inputs.shape[0])
print('\nTest size: ', test_inputs.shape[0])

train_index, valid_index, test_index = 0,0,0

def get_train_batch(images, labels, batch_size):
    global train_index
    batch = images[train_index:train_index+batch_size,:,:,:], labels[train_index:train_index+batch_size,:]
    train_index = (train_index + batch_size)%(images.shape[0] - batch_size)
    return batch

def get_valid_batch(images, labels, batch_size):
    global valid_index
    batch = images[valid_index:valid_index+batch_size,:,:,:], labels[valid_index:valid_index+batch_size,:]
    valid_index = (valid_index + batch_size)%(images.shape[0] - batch_size)
    return batch

def get_test_batch(images, labels, batch_size):
    global test_index
    batch = images[test_index:test_index+batch_size,:,:,:], labels[test_index:test_index+batch_size,:]
    test_index = (test_index + batch_size)%(images.shape[0] - batch_size)
    return batch

# Makes sure we only collect 10 samples for each
correct_fill_index, incorrect_fill_index = 0, 0

# Visualization purposes
correctly_predicted = np.empty(shape=(10, 28, 28, 1), dtype=np.float32)
correct_predictions = np.empty(shape=(10, n_classes), dtype=np.float32)
incorrectly_predicted = np.empty(shape=(10, 28, 28, 1), dtype=np.float32)
incorrect_predictions = np.empty(shape=(10, n_classes), dtype=np.float32)

def collect_samples(test_batch_predictions, test_images, test_labels):
    global correctly_predicted, correct_predictions
    global incorrectly_predicted, incorrect_predictions
    global correct_fill_index, incorrect_fill_index

    correct_indices = np.where(np.argmax(test_batch_predictions, axis=1) == np.argmax(test_labels, axis=1))[0]
    incorrect_indices = np.where(np.argmax(test_batch_predictions, axis=1) != np.argmax(test_labels, axis=1))[0]

    if correct_indices.size > 0 and correct_fill_index < 10:
        print('\nCollecting Correctly Predicted Samples')
        chosen_index = np.random.choice(correct_indices)
        correctly_predicted[correct_fill_index, :, :, :] = test_images[chosen_index, :].reshape(1, image_size,
                                                                                                image_size, n_channels)
        correct_predictions[correct_fill_index, :] = test_batch_predictions[chosen_index, :]
        correct_fill_index += 1

    if incorrect_indices.size > 0 and incorrect_fill_index < 10:
        print('Collecting InCorrectly Predicted Samples')
        chosen_index = np.random.choice(incorrect_indices)
        incorrectly_predicted[incorrect_fill_index, :, :, :] = test_images[chosen_index, :].reshape(1, image_size,
        incorrect_predictions[incorrect_fill_index, :] = test_batch_predictions[chosen_index, :]
        incorrect_fill_index += 1

# Parameters related to learning rate decay
# counts how many times the validation accuracy has not increased consecutively for
v_acc_not_increased_for = 0
# if the above count is above this value, decrease the learning rate
v_acc_threshold = 3
# currently recorded best validation accuracy
max_v_acc = 0.0

config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True)
# Good practice to use this to avoid any surprising errors thrown by TensorFlow
config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = 0.9  # Making sure Tensorflow doesn't overflow the GPU

n_epochs = 25  # Number of epochs the training runs for

session = tf.InteractiveSession(config=config)
# Initialize all variables

# Run training loop

for epoch in range(n_epochs):
    loss_per_epoch = []

    # Training phase. We train with all training data
    # processing one batch at a time
    for i in range(n_train // batch_size):
        # Get the next batch of MNIST dataset
        batch = get_train_batch(train_inputs, train_labels, batch_size)
        # Run TensorFlow opeartions
        l, _ = session.run([tf_loss, tf_loss_minimize],
                           feed_dict={tf_inputs: batch[0].reshape(batch_size, image_size, image_size, n_channels),
                                      tf_labels: batch[1]})
        # Add the loss value to a list
    print('Average loss in epoch %d: %.5f' % (epoch, np.mean(loss_per_epoch)))

    # Validation phase. We compute validation accuracy
    # processing one batch at a time
    valid_accuracy_per_epoch = []
    for i in range(n_valid // batch_size):
        # Get the next validation data batch
        vbatch_images, vbatch_labels = get_valid_batch(valid_inputs, valid_labels, batch_size)
        # Compute validation predictions
        valid_batch_predictions = session.run(
            tf_predictions, feed_dict={tf_inputs: vbatch_images}
        # Compute and add the validation accuracy to a python list
        valid_accuracy_per_epoch.append(accuracy(valid_batch_predictions, vbatch_labels))

    # Compute and print average validation accuracy
    mean_v_acc = np.mean(valid_accuracy_per_epoch)
    print('\tAverage Valid Accuracy in epoch %d: %.5f' % (epoch, np.mean(valid_accuracy_per_epoch)))

    # Learning rate decay logic
    if mean_v_acc > max_v_acc:
        max_v_acc = mean_v_acc
        v_acc_not_increased_for += 1

    # Time to decrease learning rate
    if v_acc_not_increased_for >= v_acc_threshold:
        print('\nDecreasing Learning rate\n')
        session.run(tf_tic_toc)  # Increase global_step
        v_acc_not_increased_for = 0

    # Testing phase. We compute test accuracy
    # processing one batch at a time
    accuracy_per_epoch = []
    for i in range(n_test // batch_size):
        btest_images, btest_labels = get_test_batch(test_inputs, test_labels, batch_size)
        test_batch_predictions = session.run(tf_predictions, feed_dict={tf_inputs: btest_images})
        accuracy_per_epoch.append(accuracy(test_batch_predictions, btest_labels))

        # Collect samples for visualization only in the last epoch
        if epoch == n_epochs - 1:
            collect_samples(test_batch_predictions, btest_images, btest_labels)

    print('\tAverage Test Accuracy in epoch %d: %.5f\n' % (epoch, np.mean(accuracy_per_epoch)))

# Defining the plot related settings
pylab.figure(figsize=(25, 20))  # in inches
width = 0.5  # Width of a bar in the barchart
padding = 0.05  # Padding between two bars
labels = list(range(0, 10))  # Class labels

# Defining X axis
x_axis = np.arange(0, 10)

# We create 4 rows and 7 column set of subplots

# We choose these to put the titles in
# First row middle
pylab.subplot(4, 7, 4)
pylab.title('Correctly Classified Samples', fontsize=24)

# Second row middle
pylab.subplot(4, 7, 11)
pylab.title('Softmax Predictions for Correctly Classified Samples', fontsize=24)

# For 7 steps
for sub_i in range(7):
    # Draw the top row (digit images)
    pylab.subplot(4, 7, sub_i + 1)
    pylab.imshow(np.squeeze(correctly_predicted[sub_i]), cmap='gray')

    # Draw the second row (prediction bar chart)
    pylab.subplot(4, 7, 7 + sub_i + 1)
    pylab.bar(x_axis + padding, correct_predictions[sub_i], width)
    pylab.ylim([0.0, 1.0])
    pylab.xticks(x_axis, labels)

# Set titles for the third and fourth rows
pylab.subplot(4, 7, 18)
pylab.title('Incorrectly Classified Samples', fontsize=26)
pylab.subplot(4, 7, 25)
pylab.title('Softmax Predictions for Incorrectly Classified Samples', fontsize=24)

# For 7 steps
for sub_i in range(7):
    # Draw the third row (incorrectly classified digit images)
    pylab.subplot(4, 7, 14 + sub_i + 1)
    pylab.imshow(np.squeeze(incorrectly_predicted[sub_i]), cmap='gray')

    # Draw the fourth row (incorrect predictions bar chart)
    pylab.subplot(4, 7, 21 + sub_i + 1)
    pylab.bar(x_axis + padding, incorrect_predictions[sub_i], width)
    pylab.ylim([0.0, 1.0])
    pylab.xticks(x_axis, labels)

# Save the figure


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