
第八篇 宏观经济学概论 单元测验1:第八篇(宏观经济学概论)

1、 Macroeconomists study

解析: economy-wide phenomena.

2、 Which of the following is not a question that macroeconomists address?

解析: Why does the price of oil rise when war erupts in the Middle East?

3、 Which of the following statistic is usually regarded as the best single measure of a society’s economic well-being?

解析: gross domestic product

4、 Gross domestic product measures two things at once: (  )

解析: the total income of everyone in the economy and the total expenditure on the economy’s output of goods and services.

5、 Which of the following items is included in U.S. GDP?

解析: All the answers are correct.

6、 Tyler and Camille both live in Oklahoma.  A new-car dealer in Oklahoma bought a new car from the manufacturer for $18,000 and sold it to Tyler for $22,000.  Later that year, Tyler sold the car to Camille for $17,000.  By how much did these transactions contribute to U.S. GDP for the year? (  )

解析: $22,000

7、 Which of the following examples of household spending is categorized as investment rather than consumption?

解析: expenditures on new housing.

8、 Suppose an economy produces only cheese and fish.  In 2008, 20 units of cheese are sold at $5 each and 8 units of fish are sold at $50 each.  In 2007, the base year, the price of cheese was $10 per unit and the price of fish was $75 per unit.  For 2008, (  )

解析: nominal GDP is $500, real GDP is $800, and the GDP deflator is 62.5.

9、 In the economy of Wrexington in 2008, real GDP was $25 billion and the GDP deflator was 68.  What was Wrexington’s nominal GDP in 2008?

解析: $17 billion

10、 Government purchases include spending on goods and services by

解析: federal, state, and local governments.

11、 When markets fail, which of the following is true?

解析: Government intervention can potentially improve outcomes.

12、 Which of the following is included in U.S. GDP?

解析: The value of production by a Singaporean working in the U.S.

13、 George lived in a home that was newly constructed in 2005 for which he paid $200,000.  In 2008 he sold the house for $225,000.  Which of the following statements is correct regarding the sale of the house?

解析: The 2008 sale affected neither 2008 GDP nor 2005 GDP.

14、 Which of the following domestically produced items is not included in GDP?

解析: All the items are included in GDP.

15、 Tim mows the yard for his neighbors. He spends $1 on gas and charges them $20 for each lawn he mows.  What’s the total contribution to GDP each time Tim mows a yard?

解析: $20

16、 Gasoline is considered a final good if it is sold by a

解析: gasoline station to a motorist in Los Angeles.

17、 Macroeconomics is the study of the economy as a whole.

解析: 正确

18、 Macroeconomic statistics tell us about a particular household, firm, or market.

解析: 错误

19、 The goal of macroeconomics is to explain the economic changes that affect many households, firms, and markets simultaneously.

解析: 正确

20、 The basic tools of supply and demand are as central to macroeconomic analysis as they are to microeconomic analysis.

解析: 正确

21、 GDP can measure either the total income of everyone in the economy or the total expenditure on the economy’s output of goods and services, but GDP cannot measure both at the same time.

解析: 错误

22、 GDP is the market value of all final goods and services produced by a country’s citizens in a given period of time.

解析: 错误

23、 GDP includes only the value of final goods because the value of intermediate goods is already included in the prices of the final goods.

解析: 正确

24、 The government purchases component of GDP includes salaries paid to soldiers but not Social Security benefits paid to the elderly.

解析: 正确

25、 If the value of an economy’s imports exceeds the value of that economy’s exports, then net exports is a negative number.

解析: 正确

26、 If nominal GDP is $12,000 and the GDP deflator is 80, then real GDP is $15,000.

解析: 正确

27、 Macroeconomic statistics include GDP, the inflation rate, the unemployment rate, retail sales, and the trade deficit.

解析: 正确

28、 Macroeconomic statistics tell us about a particular household, firm, or market

解析: 错误

29、 Macroeconomics is the study of the economy as a whole

解析: 正确

30、 The basic tools of supply and demand are central to microeconomic analysis but are of little use to macroeconomics

解析: 错误

31、 GDP is the most closely watched economic statistic because it is thought to be the best single measure of a society’s economic well-being.

解析: 正确

32、 GDP can measure either the total income of everyone in the economy or the total expenditure on the economy’s output of goods and services, but GDP cannot measure both at the same time.

解析: 错误

33、 For an economy as a whole, income must exceed expenditure.

解析: 错误

34、 GDP is the market value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given period of time

解析: 正确

35、 At a rummage sale, you buy two old books and an old rocking chair; your spending on these items is not included in current GDP

解析: 正确

36、 The government computes measures of income other than GDP because these other measures usually tell different stories about overall economic conditions

解析: 错误

第九篇 国民收入的来源与分配 单元测验10:第九篇(国民收入的来源与分配)

1、 If there are constant returns to scale, the production function can be written as(  )

解析: Y/L = A F( 1, K/L, H/L, N/L).

2、 An economy’s production function has the constant-returns-to-scale property. If the economy’s labor force doubled and all other inputs stayed the same, then real GDP would(  )

解析: increase, but not necessarily by either 50 percent or 100 percent.

3、 Given that a country’s real output has increased, in which of the following cases can we be sure that its productivity also has increased?

解析: It is unable to judge. 

4、 The inputs used to produce goods and services are also called()

解析: factors of production.

5、 The Peapod Restaurant uses all of the following to produce vegetarian meals. Which of them is an example of physical capital?

解析: the tables and chairs in the restaurant

6、 Net exports must equal zero for any economy

解析: All the answers are correct.

7、 According to the definitions of private and public saving, if Y, C, and G remained the same, an increase in taxes would (  )

解析: lower private saving and raise public saving.

8、 A larger budget surplus

解析: reduces the interest rate and raises investment.

9、 Dilbert’s Incorporated produced 5,000,000 units of accounting software in 2004. At the start of 2005 the pointy-haired boss reduced total annual hours of employment from 10,000 to 8,000 and production was 4,800,000. These numbers indicate that productivity

解析: rose by 20%.

10、 In a closed economy, what does (Y – T – C) represent?

解析: private saving

11、 The most important factors of production are capital and labor.

解析: 正确

12、 Like physical capital, human capital is a produced factor of production.

解析: 正确

13、 As capital per worker rises, output per worker rises. However, the increase in output per worker from an addition to capital is smaller, the larger is the existing amount of capital per worker.

解析: 正确

14、 Consumption depends positively on disposable income—the amount of income after all taxes have been paid. The higher disposable income is, the greater consumption is.

解析: 正确

15、 The quantity of investment goods demanded depends negatively on the real interest rate.

解析: 正确

16、 Government purchases are a measure of the dollar value of goods and services purchased indirectly by the government.

解析: 错误

17、 The financial system coordinates investment and saving, which are important determinants of long-run real GDP

解析: 正确

18、 National saving is equal to Y – T – C.

解析: 错误

19、 Public saving is equal to national saving minus private saving.

解析: 正确

20、 If, for an imaginary closed economy, investment amounts to $10,000 and the government is running a $2,500 deficit, then private saving must amount to $12,500.

解析: 正确





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